Part 50

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Part - 50


"I don't need the whole world to love me, just you"


Madhu and Inayat served the meal for everyone before taking their respective seats and digging into their food.

"Where's your girlfriend? Isn't she joining us for dinner, today?" Radha asked her grandson casually.

"We had a fight..." Arjun muttered. So she won't come here. I miss her.

"Oh" Radha gave him an apathetic response and continued eating her food.

What the?

Is that all you could say, dadi?

What's happened to the others?

Why no reaction from them?

Have they gone deaf?

He looked around the table - except Inayat no one was even sparing him a look. They were busy relishing the food.

Inayat gave him a sympathetic look and a reassuring smile that said everything will be fine.

At the moment, you are the only person I like in this whole wide world, bhabhi!

"I think we broke up" he added hoping that piece of info would gain everyone's attention.

We are not over! He said that to Kathryn but what was her reply?

Pushing you out and shutting the door on your face was her reply, Arjun!

Inayat gasped.

Ah! At least she cares for me! I love you, bhabhi.

What's happened? She mouthed at him.

I screwed up! He mouthed back.

She shook her head. Not again, Arjun!

He looked contrite.

"Very good" Madhu commented mid-chew.

Rishab chuckled. He was expecting that from his wife and she didn't disappoint him.

Arjun glared at his dad but he wasn't looking at him but his wife.

"This is no news to us" Naira said with her eyes on her phone and her hands rapidly typing away some message to someone who had become special to her since that afternoon.

"Yeah, every month you guys break up for some silly reasons and two days later, you guys patch up by some miracle! It has become a routine" Radha said and laughed.

"I can't believe you are laughing at my misery, dadi!"

"I won't laugh. I won't laugh." Radha promised him but couldn't keep up with it.

"Put your phone down and eat your food, honeybee" Rishab gently admonished his daughter for using phone at dinner table.

"In a moment, dad"

"Husband, try this capsicum curry" Madhu fed him a piece of roti and capsicum.

"It's good..." He slowly chewed judging what was lacking in the dish. "...but you could have made it little spicy. Nevertheless, I like it."

Yes, he likes it! Madhu beamed at him.

Arjun looked at his family in disbelief.

One is laughing at me!

One is busy on phone!

One is feeding fucking food!

And one is playing master-chef India judge!

Whoa! What a great family I have!

Nobody is interested to know what went wrong with me and my girl!

Nobody wants to help me!

Nobody cares! He pouted.

"Mom..." Naira called finally placing her phone down on the table.

What's your problem now, Naira di?

"Yeah, what?"

"Yash... I am chatting with him only..."


"Um... He wants to see me again huh..."


"Can I see him, tomorrow?" She asked, nicely.

"You're asking my permission?" Madhu asked, shocked. Naira had never done that before.

"Yes. I want to know whether am I allowed to meet him again or not."

Can I meet him before engagement?

Hmm... What are the do's and don't's in arranged marriage?

Madhu gaped at her in disbelief.

Is this girl sitting beside me is really my daughter?

"Look mom, this time I am going to do things your way so you have tell me what I should do and what I shouldn't do" Naira explained seeing her mom's bewildered look.

Madhu and Rishab shared a look silently asking each other - what's wrong with her?

Why is she being un-fucking-believably nice, today?

"Um... Yes, yes, you are allowed to see him..."

"As I thought" Naira smiled.

At least you date him and get to know him better before marriage, unlike me! Madhu thought grudgingly as she got to see Rishab only once before their marriage.

A silly coffee date! She smiled thinking about her twisted confession. I am marrying the man I love and I hope you love the woman you are marrying!

We took our first ever photo together on that day.

And that photo is still set as wallpaper on my husband's phone.

Oh my! It's been over 27 years and he has changed so many phones but never changed the wallpaper image.

He hasn't changed it!

He hasn't changed at all!

He still loves me the way he loved me 27 years ago!

She turned and looked at her husband, lovingly.

My beautiful man!

She so wanted to kiss him, right at this moment and shout "Husband, I love you" to him but she controlled herself.

Kids are here, Madhu, so no PDA in front of them!

"What?" Rishab asked shooting his brow up. She shook her head and smiled shyly at him. He gave her a what's with this shyness now? look.

"Naira ask him to pick you up from our home so that I get to see him and access how he behaves with you." Rishab told her. He couldn't blindly trust a man and send his daughter with him. 

"Sure, dad"  

"Where has he planned to take you, baby?" Madhu asked curiously.

"He asked me whether I could go with him to the cinemas to watch a movie and later, dine in at some restaurant. I haven't replied to him yet. I thought I would ask you first..."

"Movie date? I approve but don't let him kiss you once the lights were off!" Madhu warned her daughter without thinking. Naira scrunched her eyes, mortified.

This is why I never seek your permission, mom!

Inayat choked out her food. She couldn't believe her mom-in-law just gave that warning in front of all.

Radha patted Inayat's back and passed her a glass of water. "Your mom-in-law's mouth to brain filter got damaged year's ago and she never bothered to repair it... so don't mind her, Apple." She whispered and winked.

Inayat smiled a little and proceeded eating her food in silence.

"I am not your darling baby boy to kiss in public" Naira growled at her mother.

"When did you see me kissing my girl in public?" Arjun asked taking offense. "I don't do such acts so you don't hurl false accusations on me, Naira di!" 

Rishab smirked at his son. "Boy, I have caught you and Kathryn making out at the backseat of a car, in a parking lot, on your brother's wedding so you don't act innocent!" 

"Why are you jumping to conclusion that you are the 'darling baby boy'? It could be Veer, right? After all mom has two sons."

Inayat dropped her spoon with a clink on the plate as she swiftly lifted her head up to see Naira.

"What? Veer kissed in public? When? Who? How many girls? How come I not know about this?"

"Wow, she speaks!" Arjun commented, amused.

"Of course, I speak" Inayat snapped. It's not the time to joke, Arjun! 

"Wow, she gets angry"

"Stop teasing me!"

"Wow, she warns..."


"Arjun, stop!" Rishab took pity on his daughter in law. "Inayat, listen, my twins are shy like me. My Arjun is not shy just like his mother. So you decide for yourself who would such act in public." From under the table his wife gave him a swift kick.

Inayat processed his words for a moment before nodding her head. 

My Veer wouldn't kiss anyone but me!  

And my Veer would never kiss me in public because neither of us will like it! 

"Husband, I am not shy to display my affection and I don't give a damn about what people think about me! If I want to express my love then I will without caring about the world!" 

"Well said, mom" Arjun was ecstatic to get his mom's support. 

"Hey, you are still not supposed to kiss in public! It's indecent" she warned him. 

"You're a hypocrite, mom" 

No, I am an anxious mother.

"As a woman, I don't care about what people say about me but as a mother, I do care about what people say about my babies and I want to hear only good things about them."

"Well said, Madhu" Rishab patted his wife's shoulder, proudly. She smiled at him. 

"Mark my words, mom, one day you will hear from people that Dr. Arjun saved their lives."

"I will give my life to hear that, baby" Madhu said blinking back her tears. She desperately wanted to see him as a fine doctor.

"Oh please, don't get emotional, mom"

"You didn't tell us yet whether you like him or not, Naira" Rishab changed the topic before his wife got all emotional and started sobbing.  At the same time he wanted to know his daughter's opinion about this boy Yash before she could go on a date with him.

"Naira di has already agreed to marry him so it's obvious she likes him" Arjun dropped the bomb in a seemingly innocent way. "Oh wait, did you get mommy's permission before saying 'yes' to him, Naira di? 

Naira gave him a steely glare. 

"You didn't?" he gasped as if shocked. "I thought you wanted to do things her way this time?" 

"Mom, you want me to marry Yash or not?" Naira asked. 

Madhu looked at her husband and he nodded his head in yes. 

"Yes, we do" she replied. She won't take decisions without consulting her husband. How nice of her?

"Good! Talk to his mother and fix our engagement." Naira commanded. 

"I think you are the one giving commands to mommy and not the other way round, Naira di." 

"You shut up!" 

"Command received, madame" He raised his arms up "I'm done with dinner. I'll go to my room. Good night, everybody." he stood up and walked around the table to his mother. "Love you, mom" he whispered and kissed the top of her head before heading to his room.


"Welcome home, Mr. Arora" Rishab politely welcomed Yash the next day when he had come to pick up Naira for their date.

"Please call me Yash, uncle and thank you for inviting me." He said with a smile and followed Rishab into the living room. Rishab sat on the sofa and gestured Yash to sit next to him and he obliged.

Yash looked cool and composed on the outside but slightly nervous on the inside though he didn't know why he was nervous.

"Madhu, he is here." Rishab called his wife.

"Coming" she shouted from the kitchen and a moment later she appeared in view carrying a tray in her hands.

"Hello, I am Naira's mom. Here, have some juice and snacks"

"Hello aunty" he stood up and took the glass of juice from her hand. "Thank you"

"Naira came from court just ten minutes ago and now she is getting ready in her room, upstairs. She will be down in five minutes." Madhu said as she placed down the snack tray on the coffee table.

"No problem. I will wait for her." He smiled and took a sip of fresh orange juice. "Nice place you have here, uncle" he commented looking around the house. "Very artistically built"

"Thank you. My father built this beautiful home for us. He was big in construction business"

"Oh I see"

"Neither me nor my kids got interest in construction business much to my dad's disappointment." Rishab said slightly regretting his decision to fold his father's business. "If he was alive now, he would have felt ecstatic to have you, an architect in our family. Maybe, you would have become his successor in business, son." 

Yash smiled a little feeling humble and happy for getting immediate acceptance from Naira's family.

"Naira has two brothers?" Yash asked as he looked at a photo frames hung on the wall.

"Yes. This is Veer..." Madhu said pointing to Veer's photo. " elder son. Naira's twin brother."

"Oh" Twin? it was news to him.

"He is a captain in Indian army." Madhu said, proudly.

"Wow" he was impressed.

"He recently got married..."

"Yeah, I know..." He glanced at Rishab. He had mentioned about his elder son getting married on the same day his daughter had called off her wedding.

"Inayat, our daughter in law... she works in a publishing house. Right now, she is in Naira's room helping her get ready."


"And this is my baby boy Arjun." She moved to next photo. "He is studying medicine." She said excitedly.

Control your excitement, Madhu!

You don't want to scare this poor kid, do you? Rishab tried to make eye contact with his wife and convey this to her but she wasn't even paying him a glance.

"Is he not at home?" Yash asked just to make some conversation.

"He is. Wait, I will call him." Madhu dialed his phone number from the landline phone. "His room is in the 2nd floor. I am too lazy to climb up all the way to drag him down." She said and smiled sheepishly. "Arjun, come down now to see your jiju" saying that she hung up.

Jiju? (Brother in law)

"He is sulking in his room and hasn't come down all day." Madhu said with a dramatic sigh.

He didn't ask you all that details, Madhu!  Rishab rolled his eyes heavenward. 

"Oh" Why? 

"He broke up with his girlfriend, yesterday..." She answered his unspoken question.

"That's sad"

"Nah! I am sure he will patch up with her soon." Madhu waved her hand as if she wasn't concerned about her son's breakup. "Btw, his girlfriend Kathryn is living just two blocks away from our place. She is also a medical student and Arjun's classmate."

Stop blabbering, Madhu!

"I see"

"Why are you not eating anything?"

"Today, I had my lunch little late, aunty... and now I don't have room for these snacks in my stomach... I'm so sorry..."

"Oh, it's okay but at least finish your drink."


"My mother in law was taking a nap when I checked on her about 30 mins ago. She must be up by now. I will go get her."

He smiled with a head nod.

"Do you want to look around the house?" Rishab offered.

"No, um, maybe another time, uncle." He politely denied.

"Why are you nervous?" Rishab asked.

"You have a very big family. It's kinda overwhelming." he said honestly. 

"Hmm... You are an only child nah so you will feel like this only but once you have a wife and kids in your life, you will get use to it just like I got." He said out of his personal experience.

"That's quite reassuring." He smiled, nervously. 

"Is there anything else you want to ask or tell me?" Rishab asked sensing he was holding something back. 

You guys are pretty wealthy! 

"Um... No... Nothing..." He shuttered.

Rishab sighed. "Naira said she wants to get married to you..."

"Yes, even I want to get married to her but..."


Taking a deep breath, Yash decided to tell Rishab what was bugging him. "Uncle, do you think I'm the right one for your daughter?" 

Rishab shot his brow up in surprise. "If I didn't think so, I'm sure, you wouldn't be sitting here now, Yash" he said bluntly. "Besides, that should be my question to you and you should be giving me the reassurance that you are the right one for my daughter and also prove your statement to me in every possible instance."

"Fair point." He chuckled. "I hope to live up to your expectations, uncle"

"And I hope you exceed my expectations"

"I will see what I can do" he smiled fondly.

"But then I want to know what made you to self-doubt?" He quizzed him. 

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Not for me. I see a very confident young man sitting next to me and I see no reason for him to doubt his own ability."

"Uncle, can I talk with you honestly?"

"I would appreciate that, son"

"Well..." he breathe. "You people seem to be rich..." He came to know about their wealth only after seeing their huge mansion and expensive cars in the garage. "But I am not..."  Well, at least not as rich as you! Yash rubbed his face, a nervous gesture of him. "All I have in my name is my 3BHK apartment..." 

"My wife and I had started our lives in a 2BHK apartment and we were so happy there."

"I miss my apartment! Maybe, Madhu and I should spend this weekend there."

"... oh and my company, and some bank balance. That's all, uncle." 

Oh my Skoda Superb car and few other materialistic stuff but they don't count. 

"Your point is?" Rishab asked impatiently. 

Boy, I don't want to know the bottom line of your balance sheet because I knew it already! You have a pretty decent earnings and savings!

So yeah, I'm not getting my daughter married to a pauper!

"I can provide a decent living to your daughter but nothing over the top" 

"She doesn't want or need over the top luxury! Even if she wants she won't demand it from you. She can provide for herself with her hard earned money." 

C'mon yaar! She is a well educated and working woman so she won't depend on you for monetary support, but only moral support. 

"I know... I just don't want Naira to regret marrying me at any point of time... and I'm expecting a life time of commitment from her" 

Ah! The very same I had expected from my wife at the time of my marriage! 

I like you, boy!

"She won't regret marrying you as long as you love her and stay loyal to her, Yash"

"Love and loyalty? I can give that to her" he vowed. 

"That's convincing" 

 "Uncle, I have one more important thing to discuss with you" 

"Okay, what is it about?"

"Well, it's about my family... my father... He won't be a part of my wedding or any other affairs relating to me. My mother and I have cut all ties with him years ago."

"Would you mind if I ask what went wrong with your parents that caused them to separate?" 

"No, I wouldn't. Well, that man... I'm sorry... My father Vinay Arora abandoned my mother and me when I was 6 years old..."

"For what reason?"

"He found another woman, a rich woman to be specific." 

Hmm... Richness intimidates him! Now Rishab understood why Yash was so concerned about their wealth. 

"Tsk tsk tsk" Rishab shook his head in disapproval. "That's such a cheap thing to do" he tone dripped with disgust because he hated men who deceive women for money or sex. 

"Quite!" Yash agreed. 

"Okay, we won't insist on your father's presence in the wedding." 

"Thank you" 

"Anything else you want to add, son?" 

"No, uncle"

"Good! Then tell me, when do you want to have the engagement and wedding... Sooner or later?"

"You have to ask all that to my mother." But I prefer sooner!

"Okay. My wife and I will talk to your mother soon about this" 

"Sure" he smiled feeling thrilled. 

"Is he here? Is he here? OMG! OMG!" they heard a lady shrieking and the lady was none other than Radha. 

"That would be my mother" Rishab said scratching his temple. "My mother and my wife are quite vibrant" he said feeling slightly embarrassed. 

"Oh, so is my mom" he smiled as if that wasn't a problem to him and stood up to greet the elderly lady. 

"Oh my my! He is freakin' handsome" Radha gushed in a fake American accent. She was learning that from Kathryn. 

"Hello, grandma. I'm Yash." he held his hand out for a shake.

"Pleased to meet you, hottie boy" she held his hand with both her hands and pulled him closer and gave him a tight hug, taking him by surprise.  

"Hey, bro" Someone clapped their hand on Yash's back. 

He turned around and saw a tall and charming boy or man, he wasn't sure.

He must be Naira's baby brother.

What was his name?

Haan... Arjun!

"Hello, baby boy Arjun" Yash addressed him the way Madhu had, just to tease him.

"Oh please, cut that baby boy. It's just Arjun."

"Nice to meet you, Dr. Arjun"

"That sounds better. Nice to meet you too." Arjun beamed, already liking his brother in law. "Oh and I have to admit, you are taller than any of us. What's your height?"

"6 ft 4 inches"

"Ohhh... My Naira di is just 5 ft 6 inches"

"Oh... But I feel tall guy and short girl make deadly pair." He wasn't going to give a chance for himself or anyone to doubt whether they would match or not.

He had fixed in his mind that she was his wife.

"That's true" Rishab backed him.

My short sweet wife fits perfectly in my arms.

It's easy to carry her.

It's easy to subdue her in bed.

It's easy to smack her head.

So many perks!

"Hi" came a sweet voice but it wasn't the voice of the one Yash desperately wanted to see.

It was Inayat's.

How many more Hi-s and Hello-s do I have to say before I get to see my girl? He thought with an inward sigh before turned his gaze towards the owner of the sweet voice.

Is she a Muslim? He wondered as he tentatively greeted her in Arabic. "As-salamu-Alaikum"

"Wa-alaikum-salam" Inayat registered her surprise before greeting him back. "Do you speak Arabic?"

"No, I don't. I just know to greet in Arabic. Learnt it from my Dubai clients." He grinned.

"Oh nice and I hope you do know the meaning of it"

"Peace be upon you?"

"Peace be upon you too" Inayat smiled.

"Thank you"

"Hey, sorry, I am late" Naira ran to him and gave him a swift side hug without minding her family was there.

Rishab and Madhu shared a look and it clearly said "They seem comfortable with each other, right?"

"Finally, you are here" Yash didn't hide his pleasure of seeing her.

"You took so long just to throw these leggings and Kurti on, Naira di?" Arjun asked in disbelief.

Yeah, Naira, you took forever to get ready. Yash thought.

"Oh and why are you not wearing your shawl?" Arjun questioned. 

"Your girlfriend doesn't even wear pants! Go ask her first and then come to me!" Naira's reply shut him up.

"Naira!" Rishab growled at her. 

"Bro, I am telling you already, if you are going to marry my sister then you have to learn the art of waiting for her." 

"I am..." going to marry her no matter what! "...and I will" wait for her, forever! Yash gave short reply and checked the time on his wrist watch.

"We hardly have half an hour for the movie to start. Shall we leave now?" Yash asked looking down at her.

"Sure" she smiled and they took their leave.


"You look lovely in this peach color kurti, Naira" Yash complimented her once they were in his car.

"Thank you. My mom got this kurti for me from Kashmir." She was wearing it for the first time on her first date with her future husband.

"Oh I see"

"My brother Veer's duty is posted in Kashmir. Inayat belongs from there. They fell in love 4 years ago and they got married 4 months ago."

"Your bhabhi is not living with your brother in her home town?"

"No, she isn't." She didn't elaborate further. It was a story for another day.


"So what do you think about my family? Crazy or CRAZY?"

He laughed. "I like them"

"Oh" she thought he was being nice.

"Yeah, I really like them. Your dad is sensible and protective. Your mom is lively and kind. Your dadi is young and energetic though she is the oldest of all. Your baby brother is damn cool and I believe his girlfriend is cool too because she doesn't wear pants..." He joked and earned a playful slap on his arm from her. "Your bhabhi is soft and sweet. And I am sure your elder brother Veer is bold and brave just as his name means"

He is in army, man, so obviously he must be brave!

"Well, what do you say about me?"

"Only one word for you, Naira - Beautiful"

Naira blushed profusely and said "You are charming."

... To be continued!





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