Part 51

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Part - 51


"No matter how long it takes, love is worth the wait."


One month later, 

Arjun was waiting for his brother Veer at the arrival gate of Mumbai Airport. 

Yes, Veer was coming home today.

Arjun kept checking his wrist watch as he paced around, impatiently. 

His phone buzzed. He took it out from his pants' pocket and checked the message. 

"Ping me before you start from the Airport"  

"Okay, Naira di" He replied and looked up from his phone to find his brother walking towards him. "Bro is here. We are starting now."  he quickly replied and put his phone back in his pocket. 

"Hey" Veer greeted him. 

"Bro" Arjun gave him a hug. "I missed you" he whispered.

"I know. I am here." 

"For how long?" 

"Couple of weeks or so" 

"Okay. Come. I will take you home."

"Please. I can't wait to see our family."

You have to wait till tomorrow to see the whole of your family. Arjun thought, smirking. 

"How is everyone at home, Arjun?" Veer asked once he got settled in the passenger seat and Arjun started the car engine. 

"All good, bro" 

"Hmm" he sighed and rested his head back. "Arjun, I am so tired."

Tired? Already? Oh no, bro!

Arjun glanced at his brother and yeah, he looked dead with fatigue.

"I will take a little nap. Wake me up when we reach our home."

"We are not going to our home, to the big house." Shit! I am not supposed to tell him this.

"What? Why?" Veer turned his head and looked at his brother for answer. "Where are you taking me then?"

"I am taking you to our old apartment -13B" he said.

"Why?" Hey, take me to our home now! I am dying to see my sweet wife.

"That's where you could find your wife..." 


"Yeah..." He drawled.

"Arjun! What is Inayat doing in the apartment? Is she staying there alone?" Veer asked his brother to explain things clearly to him. 

"No, Naira di is with her" After I pick her up from the apartment, you will be there with your wife, bro! And you will be spending some quality time with her. 

"Oh good." He sighed in relief. "By the way, what are the girls doing in the apartment?" 

"Having beer party" Arjun joked. 

Veer rolled his eyes not even interested to laugh at his stupid joke. "Try again and tell me something believable." 

"Inayat bhabhi has planned something special for you..." Arjun, you are not supposed to tell this too! It's a surprise and you are spoiling it, dammit!

"What special?" Veer asked curiously. Special? Has she cooked something special for me and arranged a candle light dinner? Hmm... that would be romantic. 

"It's a surprise so I can't tell you"

"Oh, well, you do know what surprise it is then, don't you?" Veer asked tactically.  

"Of course, I do. So does Naira di. We both helped Inayat bhabhi in..." 

Please don't ask me anything, bro!  

I already told you it's a surprise!

Naira di will kill me if I let you know the surprise!

"Helped her in what, Arjun?" He asked, nicely.

"In decorating..." Shit! I swear I blurted out!

"Decorating what?" What this surprise is all about? It's not even my birthday. Hmm... What are you up to Inayaa? 

"Decorating the bedroom with flowers and scented candles" There! I said it! I fucking can't keep secrets!

"For what?" Veer asked, puzzled. 

Are you dumb, bro? Arjun turned and looked at his brother in horror. 

"For what do you think?" Arjun asked sarcastically. 

"I have no idea" Veer genuinely looked clueless. 

Can't he seriously understand what does that all mean?

Hasn't he seen all these fucking romantic craps in movies? 

Fuck! I have seen them all when I was still wearing diapers! 

"For your freaking suhaag raat! (First night)" Arjun spelled it out if his dumb brother still hadn't understood what this all meant. He was so fucking pissed at his brother for acting so innocent.

Would Inayat take my siblings' help to decorate the room for our first night? No! Never!

"Stop joking, Arjun" Veer thought it was one of his brother's stupid pranks. 

"Yes, I'm joking! The girls are practicing dandiya for Naira di's sangeet function" he lied in frustration. Hell, Naira di is not even engaged yet!

"Oh nice" Veer believed this lie. 

What the fuck? He believed my lie? 


I told him the truth but he didn't believe it so now Naira di has no right to kill me! 

"Your girlfriend is not practicing dandiya?" 

"Kathy and I broke up, bro" he said sulking.

"Oh. Yeah, Inayat told me you guys broke up like a month ago... but I thought you would have patched up by now..."

"No, we didn't. She is acting crazy lately and she is not letting me come anywhere near her."

Daily, I just get a glimpse of her in college and that time too she won't spare a glance at my way.

This time she is taking the break-up shit pretty serious it seems. 

"What's her problem?" 

"I don't know, bro. I think she ditched me for daddy." 

She started going to kickboxing classes daily evening after college but not only on the weekends like we planned initially. 

Often she misses college but never misses kickboxing class. 

Why? She can't go a day without seeing my dad, can she?

 And after kickboxing class, my old man and my girl go for a stroll on the beach. 

They eat street foods. 

They talk and laugh and enjoy their time together. 

They have become best of best buddies. 

How do I know all this? 

Well, I stalk them. 

"What nonsense?"   

"I didn't mean it unkindly, bro... All I meant to say was..." he paused not knowing how to articulate it in a proper way. "She wants daddy more than me." Though that sounds ridiculous that was the truth. 

She has installed a safety lock to her apartment front door which I suspect to be my dad's idea and she has given the secret code to unlock the door to my dad but not to me!

I can't even sneak into her apartment with the spare key I have, like before. She blocked me, dammit!

"She wants my family, bro..." he complained petulantly.

"That's not a bad thing to want for, Arjun" Veer didn't get why his brother was cribbing when all his girlfriend wanted was acceptance from his family.

"No, it is bad as shit because she wants my family but not me!"

"Don't be stupid, Arjun"

"I am not stupid but she is. She has to understand that she gets a relationship, a family only through me. Without me in her life, she gets nothing, absolutely nothing." 

"I am sure she is aware of that fact. She wants you but right now, she is mad at you."

"How do you know that she is mad at me?"

"You guys would have sorted out your issue much earlier if it wasn't something serious and upsetting. What did you do this time to hurt and anger her, Arjun?" He had seen his brother behave like an utter jerk and hurt that girl on his birthday when they were in Kashmir so he suspected this time also he did something like that.

"She yelled at me 'I don't want to have sex with you anymore' and I yelled back at her 'Then with whom you want to have?' I think that pissed her off so much." Arjun said feeling remorseful.

Veer cringed and shook his head at his brother. "You are hopeless, Arjun!"

"Bro, I panicked and said that awful thing which I didn't mean at all."

"Why would you panic unnecessarily? If she didn't want to have an intimate relationship anymore then you should have respected her decision... Or at least you should have patiently talked her through this issue. You shouldn't have verbally abused her." Veer scolded him. If Arjun wasn't his brother then he wouldn't even bothered to talk to a man like him, a man who disgraces a woman. "Look Arjun, sex is not life. There is lot more in life than that, for one - love."

"I know sex is not life but Kathryn is. She is my fucking life" Arjun snapped. "And mind you, I didn't lose my shit because she said no to sex. I lost my shit because she said she was no good for me. How dare she think like that?"

"Arjun, stop the car" Veer ordered. "And relax." 

Arjun did as he was told and put his head on the steering wheel to calm down. 

"Arjun, I'm in a hurry to go to the apartment and see my wife so I'll..."

"I'm sorry, bro. I shouldn't have brought this shit up. I will drop you..." 

"No, wait. I wanna talk to you first..." Veer stopped Arjun from starting the car. "... but I will keep this short" because I'm in a hurry to see my wife and know what surprise she has planned for me.


"First, let me clear few things to you and I want you to listen to me patiently and intently. Oh and absolutely no interruption." 

Arjun nodded his head and turned on his seat facing his brother. 

"Kathryn loves you as much as you love her" Veer declared. 

"No!" Arjun protested. 

"Shut up!" Veer growled. "She loves you but neither of you have realized it yet."

"I see" Arjun bit his lower lip as he considered that possibility. 

"She wants to become a part of our family..."

"She can easily become a part of my family only if she marries me"

"Now, you are really being stupid. You guys are so young to think about marriage..."

"No, not now but in future, I want her to marry me. And for now, she can give me her word, a promise. If she gives me that then I will give her a ring... We will get engaged right away" 

"Seems like you already have this plan in your pocket. Did you even get a ring for her?"

"No, not yet but maybe, soon I will get one." And maybe, I will propose her on her 21st birthday. "Oh but I want you and Naira di to fund me to buy a beautiful diamond ring. I will repay you guys when I get a job..." 


"So what else, bro?" he asked as he slowed his car before stopping at the traffic signal.  

"Maa worries a lot for you, Arjun..."

"I know the reason behind her worry. She doesn't like me fucking Kathy." 

Gross! Veer closed his eyes and whooshed out his breathe. "If you know she doesn't like it then why do you do it?" 

"I have no other way to hold Kathy to myself. Sex is all she wants from me. If I didn't give her that I worry she would leave me and find another dick!" he said focusing on the road ahead. 

"Stop thinking so low about the girl you love, Arjun!" Veer snapped. 

You sound like dad, bro!

"I'm just being brutally honest, bro"

"No, you are under some serious misconception and you are insecure. You need to take a hike and clear your muddled up brain." 


"If what you say is the truth then why would she say no to do it with you?" 

"That's what I don't understand. She says our mom doesn't like it so let's not do it but I find that excuse - bullshit! When did she start caring about other's feelings?" She is a selfish girl, isn't she?  

"I think she cares more for our mother's feelings than you do, Arjun" Veer mumbled as he found one more reason to like his brother's girlfriend. 

Arjun frowned, feeling affronted.

"See, this yet again proves she cares for our family. She cares about what our family would think about her. She wants to be perfect for us and loved by us but she didn't realize we already love her with the way she is now. But I really appreciate her effort."

"Hmm" It pleased him to know his family loved his girlfriend. "Honestly bro, whatever you said so far pleased me. Your words gave me hope but I have one question."


"Why does she keep saying she is no good for me? Why she things so low about her and so high about me when we both are equal in every way, be it look-wise or education-wise or status-wise?"

"Arjun, don't get offended but I think she feels she is no good for you not because you are too perfect for her but because you have a perfect family. To fit in our family she is trying so hard to be perfect. So you better help her" Just like I helped Inayat. "And make her believe our family will give her everything she deserves and more" Just like they gave Inayat the much needed affection and protection.

"Sure, bro and thank you for making everything crystal clear to me."

Kathy got dad's approval and now she wants mom's approval too so she is ready to give up what she likes the most - sex.

Why didn't I understand this simple thing?

Because you thought she was giving up on you, you fool.

Veer smiled and said "Go, see your girl after dropping me and give her a peace offering."

"Sure, bro" he grinned, finally finding a way to solve the shit.

"Now that's settled, take me home like real quick."

"Can't wait to see bhabhi huh?" He teased.

"No, the sooner you drop me at the apartment the sooner you can go see your girl."

"You are so sweet, bro. Now, sweetly answer my one last question."

"What question?"

"Are you a virgin?"

Veer turned his head toward his brother and glared at him. "It's none of your business, Arjun"

"Okay, cool." He shrugged. "I thought to give you some expert advice as it's going to be your first time if you're a virgin boy." He muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?" Veer snarled.

"How many girls you have had sex with, bro?" He asked curiously. His brother was never in a commited relationship before he married Inayat. So Arjun assumed his brother was in a 'Fuck and Forget - No strings attached' relationship.

"Shut up"

"Does bhabhi know you have slept with other women?"

"Who the fuck told you I have slept with other women?" Veer roared at him. "Inayat will be my only woman I will ever sleep with, dammit!" he vowed. "Why am I even telling you all this?"

"So you are a virgin boy?" Arjun smiled smugly. Hmm... Then this night is going to be really special for you, bro!

"I will wring your neck if you don't stop now!" Veer said gritting his teeth.

"Chill, bro. We are here." He parked the car at the stilt car parking space.

"Get my backpack" Veer ordered and jumped out of the car and made a beeline to the elevator.


"Where is Inayat?" That was the first question he asked as soon as Naira opened the apartment door.

"I am good. Thank you. How are you?" Naira mocked and blocked his way by hugging him.

Veer hugged her back as he let his eyes roam around the room but he couldn't catch a glimpse of his wife.

She must be in the bedroom or kitchen.

"Inayaa?" He called, letting her know his arrival. "Where are you?"

"Won't you ask how am I, twinnie?" She asked with a pout as she tightened her grip around his waist.

"I can see you are fine so what is there to ask? Please, let me go."

"Such impatience?" Naira teased. He rolled his eyes. Yes, I am! Now leave me!

"Arjun is waiting for you in the parking lot. Run!" He had no other way to get some privacy but lie.

"No, I am here" Arjun walked into the house and dropped Veer's backpack on the floor, nosily.

Veer closed his eyes and sighed. Why do I have crazy irritating siblings?

"Come and sit with me, Veer. I have a lot to share with you. Don't you want to know about my Yash?" Naira asked.

"I do... But... I will see him tomorrow at the pre-engagement dinner and get to know him then."

"You are too bad, Veer. You didn't even congratulate me yet for getting married soon." She faked sadness and shoved his chest.

"I am sorry" he felt guilty and pulled his sister back in his arms. "I am so happy for you, Naira. Congrats." He kissed her head. "Yash is a lucky man to have you as his wife."

"Oh Veer" she gripped his shirt with her fists and buried her head in his chest, feeling emotional. "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" he kissed her head again. "Will you now let me see my wife?"

Naira and Arjun shared a look before saying "Yes" in unison and leaving way for him to go to the bedroom.

Veer knocked the door twice for courtesy sake before pushing it open only to pull it back quickly

"What happened?" Naira asked when her brother ran back to the living room.

"There is a girl in there..." He said glancing behind him as if he had seen a ghost there.

"That girl is your wife!"

"No! She is wearing a short dress and she has long hair." He didn't see her face yet. She was standing at the balcony facing away from him.

Her chocolate brown hair is longer than her white satin dress.

Chocolate brown? That's Inayat's hair color. He had seen few tendrils when they had escaped out of her hijab.

But my Inayat wouldn't wear short dresses, would she?

"I will show you my hair only on our first night, Veer" he remembered what Inayat had told him long back when he had asked her to show her hair to him.

"It's a surprise"

"Decorating the bedroom with flowers and scented candles"

"For your freaking suhaag raat (first night)"

Fuck! Arjun wasn't joking then!

"Oh wow... Let me see bhabhi's hair." Arjun eagerly stood up but Veer pushed him back on the couch. "Sit! You are going nowhere." He ordered before turning to Naira. "You sure the girl in there is my Inayat?" He asked for confirmation.

"100% sure. I only dolled her up for this special night." Naira said proudly.

"You saw her hair?" He asked frowning.

"Nope" she pouted. "She wanted you to see first. Is it really a big treasure?"

"You have no idea" he shook his head. "She is the most beautiful hair I have ever seen in this world"

"Can we take a quick peek?" Naira asked with her eyes glinting. Arjun too gave a puppy look.

"No!" He strictly refused. "You guys leave now! My wife is waiting for me"

"Alright. Arjun, please, drop me at beach. Yash is waiting me there. He will drop me at home later."

"Did you inform, mom?"

"Yes, I have" she said rolling her eyes.

"Cool. I am going to Kathy's place after dropping you at beach. I will come home late tonight."

"Oh! You guys patched up?"

"No but..."

"Carry on your chit-chat outside that door!" Veer showed them the exit.

"Okay!" They agreed.


"Be gentle with her" Naira whispered to him.

"Have fun, bro" Arjun punched his arm.

"Go!" Veer lost his patience and literally pushed them out of the apartment and locked the door behind him.


... To be continued!





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