Part 52

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Part - 52


"You are that once in a lifetime dream come true"


"Inayaa..." Veer whispered her name burying his nose in her hair and inhaled her sweet intoxicating smell "...turn and look at me"

She shook her head as she gribbed the metal railing tightly.

"What is all this?" He asked making no move to touch her. He could feel her tensing up already so he kept his distance.

"I bet your brother would have already hinted you"

"Hinted?" He chuckled. "That big mouth blurted out everything to me" From behind he got a glimpse of her blushing cheek.

"He said he and Naira only helped you in decorating this room"

"Yes. Naira picked this dress for me..."

"Will you turn around and show me your dress?"

"No. I am shy"

"So all night am I going to see your back?" He asked teasingly. 

"Arjun, got us a chocolate truffle cake..."

What am I asking and what is she saying?

" cut and celebrate" she said to divert his interest on something else, something yummy than her. Meanwhile, she could relax her raging nerves.

"Celebrate? What? Our union?" He smirked.

"Yes... Um... No... " she stammered. "He did the decoration on bed too." Please look somewhere, anywhere, Veer but not at me. You are making me more and more nervous.

Veer turned around and looked at the bed. When he got into the room he didn't notice it as his gaze was transfixed on his gorgeous wife.

With roses Arjun had designed a huge heart shape on the bed and inside it he had neatly arranged the rose petals to spell out the word 'Love' and then he had artistically scattered the remaining rose petals on the bed.

On the bedside table Veer noticed the aforesaid cake and a champagne bottle with two flutes. Each flute had a stemmed rose in it.

"This boy is a born romantic" Veer chuckled.

"Yes" Inayat agreed with a smile. She was still in surprise at how beautifully he had transformed the room.

"But I can't believe you asked him to help you... um... in this... er... for our... you know..." He scratched his forehead as he started sweating. He was as nervous as she was.

"I didn't seek his help or Naira's for that matter." She said offended. "I just asked ammi's permission to let me spend the night here with you..."

You approached the wrong person, sweetheart. You should have simply asked my dad to drop you here and he would have dropped you without a question.

"And she rightly guessed why..." She hung her head down and face palmed.

Rest you don't have to tell, baby. I can guess that for myself.

My mom would have ordered Arjun and Naira to create this romantic set-up for us.

Hell, this is so embarrassing.

"Oh but why here, Inayat?" He wanted to know that.

"You told me once that this apartment was where your parents made their lives together. This was where they had you and Naira..."

"And Arjun too. Shortly after his birth only we moved into the big house."

" I figured this childhood home of yours must be pretty special for you... so I... I thought... We could..."

"You are right. This place is damn special for me... and even I wished to consummate our marriage here." He whispered near her ear as he fought the temptation to suck her earlobe.

"Really?" She asked, smiling.

"Hmm... Just like my parents I want us to start our life in this lucky place and grow our family bigger."

"Bigger?" She gasped. "You want us to have 3 kids just like ammi and abu?" He could hear the horror in her voice and that made him laugh. "No, 2 kids will be fine."

"Okay" Two kids? I can manage.

"Inayaa? I am going to touch you now" He made his intention clear as he couldn't fight his urge anymore.

"Hmm" she slightly leaned back so that her back made contact with his hard front. He gently slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her even closer to him. "Inayaa..." He kissed her earlobe making her squirm. "...I like your surprise" he said huskily and brushed his lips over her blush cheek from behind.

"Inayaa..." She could hear only love in his voice every time he took her name. He turned her around and finally faced her. She looked ethereal. Her beautiful big brown eyes were gleaming. She brought her hands up and gently placed them over his chest. "You sure you want this?"

She nodded her head in yes.

"You know I can wait..."

She shook her head in no.

"Are you doing this for me?"

"Yes, I am doing this for you because I want to do this for you. I want to make you happy, Veer." She took her hand to caress his clean shaven cheek.

"I am happy, Inayaa. I am happy ever since I laid my eyes on you..." He inclined to her soft touch.

"Veer, thank you..." She kissed the corner of his mouth to show her gratitude. He frowned. "Thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you for giving me time to recover from the shock and fear. And finally a very big thank you for giving me your family."

"I love you, Inayaa" he cupped her face and looked at her eyes seeking permission from her to kiss her.

She smiled and claimed his lips standing on her tip-toe.

"Will you make love to me, Veer?" She asked shyly looking at his chest once they broke up from kissing.

He stood silent and smiling. She slowly looked up at him wondering why wasn't he answering.

"Look at my eyes and ask me the same, please"

"No" she blushed as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She couldn't bring back the courage and ask him to make love to her, looking into his eyes. "You need a shower" she distracted him.

"I need you" he couldn't help but keep kissing her soft cheeks again and again.

"Shower" she insisted as she tried to ignore his penetrating gaze.

"Join me?"

"Not today" she had already taken her shower and dried her hair. She wasn't going to wet her long hair again and waste an hour drying it. She had better things to do, for one - love her husband to her heart's content. 

"So there is possibility of that happening one day?"

Whatever you wish you will get, Veer.

"Maybe tomorrow morning" she mumbled.

"We are staying the night here?" He asked, surprised.

"Yes, it's just you and me for tonight."

"You, me and bed" he added cheekily.

"Go, shower... But come quickly" she barely uttered the second half but still he heard it.

"Won't make you wait, my love" he promised and pressed his lips on her forehead before dragging his feet to the bathroom.


"Hi beautiful" Yash greeted Naira once he had opened the car door for her and helped her step out. 

"Hi" she blushed. "Arjun is here" she said hoping that would make him let her hand go. Well, he did let her hand go but only to drape his hand around her waist and pull her closer to him.

"Hi jijz" Arjun got out of the car but didn't come around to their side. He was in a hurry to see his girl.

"Hi Arjun. We are going to stroll on the beach for a while before I take Naira for dinner. You can join us if you want." He offered, politely.

"Not today, jijz. I am going to my girlfriend's house now. Maybe tomorrow I will come to your place to watch India vs New Zealand cricket match and you can cook me that chilli garlic chicken fried rice. I loved it when I had it last time." Yash and Arjun had become good friends in such a short time.

"Sure. Hope you guys patch up at least today"

"Hope so"

"Good luck, bud"

"Thanks jijz"

Once Arjun drove off, Yash and Naira took their shoes off and walked on the beach sand hand in hand.

"Why are you smiling?" Yash asked noticing the constant smile on her face.

"I am smiling because I am happy and I happy because I am with you."

He took her hand and subtly kissed her knuckles. "Oh, I am pleased"

"Shall we sit?" She asked wanting to rest her feet.

"Sure" he sat down and propped his knees up and wrapped his arms around them. Naira follow suits.

"How was your day?" He asked conversationally.


"I missed you at lunch time." They started having lunch together almost everyday.

"Today, Inayat, Arjun and I went to our old apartment to arrange some things..."


She smiled shyly and looked away from him.

"What's with this secret smile?" 

"Veer is back home"

"Oh, so finally I get to meet your twin bro in person."

"Yes, at tomorrow's pre-engagement dinner."

"Why tomorrow? I can meet him tonight when I drop you at your home, right?"

"He is not at our home. He is with Inayat at our old apartment. They are having a special romantic night"

"Ah okay. I get it."

"Yash, where are we going for our honeymoon?" she asked suddenly after few minutes of silence.

"To be honest, I haven't given a thought about it at all. I am sorry but I am willing to take you anywhere you want to go in this world."

"Hmm... How about Kullu and Manali?"

"Why don't we go to some foreign country?" he suggested. He had visited couple of foreign countries on business but never on vacation so now he wanted to take up a foreign trip along with his wife and enjoy. 

"Can we afford?"

"Of course, baby. We can afford a luxury trip. Trust me." he quickly pecked a kiss on her head.

"Then we will go to Indonesia?"

"Fancy to see volcanoes?" He asked teasingly. "How about we go to Paris, the city of love?" He brushed her loose hair aside and tucked it behind her ear.

"I would love that" she said Indonesia because it wouldn't cost as much as it would cost to go Europe or USA or Singapore.  

"But Naira, we can go on a honeymoon trip only after a couple of months from our marriage..."


"My project at Dubai is in crucial stage so I will be flying back and forth."

"I see"

"I am sorry but work..."

"I understand" she gave him a reassuring smile.

"Thank you" he kissed her hand.

"I think it's time for dinner" he said checking his wrist watch. "Where would ma'am like to eat?"

"Wherever sir could take me fast. I am starving."

"Let's go to some fast food center then"



"I love having our house to ourselves, Madhu." Rishab said, sighing in bliss as he relaxed on the bed with his wife after having an early dinner.  

"It's really calm and peaceful when the kids are not around us" Madhu's statement kinda shocked and surprised him. If he had said that she would have put a fight with him.

"Especially when Arjun is not at home, I'm at peace" 

Madhu laughed at that comment.

Rishab's phone rang and Madhu leaned over him and grabbed it from the side table for him.

"Who is it?" He asked

"Your peace spoiler"

"Arjun? Then cut the call"

"No, talk" she swiped his phone before placing it over his ear.

"What?" He grunted. 

"Dad, I am at Kathy's place. I want the safe code to unlock her front door."

"Knock the door. She will open."

"She won't. She sees its me knocking at the door through the peephole and not opening it."

"Oh... But I can't tell you the safe code. I can't break someone's trust."

"Dad, please, help me"

"All I can say is it's a 4 digit code." He said that taking pity on him "If you are smart enough then surely you will crack it." Saying that he quit the call and looked up at his wife. She was calmly looking at him.

"What?" She asked smiling.

"I am expecting you to froth at the mouth"

"Why should I get angry?" She asked, offended.

"Because your son has gone to see Kathryn and you don't like that, right?"

"I don't like to see him upset too." She didn't miss to notice how pathetic her son was, lately. "He better patch things up and be happy with her... Well, not too happy. I want them to know their limits in both pain and pleasure."

"Fair enough"


1234 - Error
1111 - Error
0000 - Error

"Fuck! What's the correct 4 digit code?"

He tried her birth date and month but it still showed error.

Her birth year - Error!

Dad's birth date and month? - Error!

"Okay! My last try - Kathy's birth date and mine. 25-09"


Aww... We are together, at least, in this code.

"Fuck! I couldn't figure out this simple thing for this long!" He felt foolish at the moment and he twisted the knob and opened the door.

"Kathy? Baby? Where are you?" He hoped to see her in the living room, curled on the love-sac with a book but she wasn't there. So he slowly dragged his feet to her bedroom.

Her bedroom was a mess. Books and beer bottles were scattered everywhere.

Arjun sighed shaking his hair. Will she ever stop drinking?

He walked further and found her sleeping on the floor, placing her face on top of an opened book.

She must have fell asleep while studying.

He squated down and took a closer look at her.

Why do you look so beautiful when you are asleep, sweetheart?

He gently pulled her lower lip with his fingers and pecked on it.

Even the tip of your lip tastes of beer.

How much have you been drinking?

She smiled in her sleep and murmured his name. Arjun.

Even in your sleep, you do know it's me, don't you, darling?

He sat comfortably on the floor and cupping his cheeks with his palms, he kept staring at her like a creep.

What have you done to us, baby?

What have you done to me?

I couldn't sleep peaceful like you do.

I couldn't concentrate on my studies.

All I could do was think about you... But you?

He took one book in his hand and glanced through it. She had completed studying it. How did he know that? She had marked the important passage with highlighter pen till the last chapter and he even found her hand written notes she had taken for for each and every subject on the bed as proof.

Oh my my... She has almost covered the syllabus for this semester, that too in a month?

Did she deliberately breakup with me so that she could focus on her studies?

Is she clever or conniving? He couldn't decide.

She is such a bad influence on you, Arjun. His mother's word rang in his ears. You are right, mom.

Focus, Arjun. Focus!

He swiftly stood up and decided to leave the place. Go home and bury your face in books, Arjun! He took a couple of steps towards the door but stopped when he heard her mumble "Arjun... Arjun... Don't leave me..."

Her heart felt plea tugged his heart.

He turned around and looked at her.

She was still sleeping but looked restless.

Oh baby!

He walked back to her and gently picked her up in his arms and placed her on her bed. He bent down and planted a loving kiss on her forehead. "I am not leaving you, now and ever. I love you so much, Kathy."

Hearing his confession, she opened her drowsy eyes and looked at him, passionately.


"Kiss me"


"Kiss me, Arjun"

"But you said no for sex"

"We are just going to kiss"

"I missed you so badly and I can't just stop with a kiss. I want more. I want to fuck you."

"Then fuck me"

"What?" She is granting me permission to take her now? Wow!

"I missed you too" she said and pulled him down to her and claimed his lips for a scrotching kiss.

... To be continued!





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