Part 56

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Part - 56


"When souls find comfort in one another, separation is not possible - N. R. Hart" 


"Daddy is this much salt enough?" Naira asked showing Rishab a spoon full of salt before adding it to the kadai paneer she was cooking.

"Little less, baby"


"Naira, I wanna ask you something?"

"What's it, daddy?"

"Do you feel it's too soon?"

"No, actually it's too late. I should have started learning to cook much earlier."

"I am not taking about cooking" Rishab said with a chuckle. "It's about your marriage." He clarified.

"Oh. Well, I am 26 and my twin brother is already happily married. So I think it's the right time for me to get married as well."

Rishab closed his eyes instead of rudely rolling them. "Naira do you want more time to get to know about Yash?" He spelled it out for her.

"No, daddy. I know him enough to trust him and marry him."

"You sure? It's just been a month since you guys started dating"

"Within how many months mom and you tied the knot?"

"Two months from the day we met for the first time"

"Was that time enough for you two to know each other?"

"No. We came to know and understand each other only after marriage."

"Then Yash and I will also understand each other after marriage."

Rishab smiled satisfied with her answer. "So you like him?"

"More than like, daddy." She admitted.

Rishab had a proud smile on his face because his girl was always open and honest with him and never felt shy to admit her feelings.

"He is an amazing guy, daddy." She couldn't help but praise the man she was going to marry soon. "He knows how to treat a woman and make her feel comfortable."

Naira's words eased his worried soul. He would be damned if his daughter had to marry a man who was totally undeserving of her affection.

"Honestly daddy, he is so like you. He is smart, mature, caring and protective. Oh but he has a funny side which you don't have." She teased.

"Ahaan?" He smirked.

"I am happy, daddy"

"Oh my baby" he drew his daughter into a hug and kissed her temple. "You are so beautiful like your mommy and I am sure you will make your man happy as much as your mommy is making me."

"Aww... Husband, I love you... So much" Madhu cried hugging him from behind.

"Oh my mushy, mushy family is making me weepy weepy" Arjun fake cried.

"Where you guys eavesdropping our convo?" Naira asked with raised eyebrows.

"Of course, Naira di" he said with a casual shrug as if it wasn't something new they were doing. "And honestly, mom and I were expecting dad to say 'Naira baby, you are beautiful like your mom but please don't behave like her. She is crazy. She never lets me sleep..." Ahhh!' Arjun yelped in pain when his mom kicked his calf. 

"Good job, Madhu" Rishab patted his wife's shoulder though his son said the truth.

"Kitchen banter? I was expecting to see you guys waiting for me in the living room." Veer's voice brought smile to everyone's face and Madhu was the first one to rush to him.

"Aaha aaha aaha
Kabhi khushi kabhie gham
Na judaa honge hum
Kabhi khushi kabhie gham (K3G)" Arjun crooned.

Every time when Veer had come home and Madhu had run to him, that song automatically played in his head but this time he sang it out loud.

Naira playfully slapped him for teasing the adorable mom and son. 

"Surely Veer bro and mom remind me of Shahrukh khan and Jaya Bachchan from K3G movie."

Naira frowned.

Rishab softly chuckled hearing that which meant he agreed with his son.

"Only the helicopter and aarti thali are missing here." He said grinning.

"Idiot" Naira muttered, smiling and leaned against her daddy who wrapped his arm around her shoulders making her feel secure.

"Oh Veer" Madhu literally threw herself into his arms. Veer had to release his hold on Inayat in order to catch his mom. "I missed you, maa. I missed you." He whispered in her ear as he hugged her tightly.

"Oh bhabhi" Arjun imitated his mom's dramatic action and hugged his bhabhi in such a force that she almost lost her balance and was about to fall but thank goodness, Veer reflexively caught her waist with one hand and with other he held his mother.

"Hey, why are you hugging her?" Veer asked irately.

"No one is there to hug her or me so we are hugging each other." Arjun said and hugged Inayat again. "Oh wait! What's this changeover?" None of them had seen Inayat in saree except Veer so she looked different to them. A good different.

"Doesn't suit me?" Inayat asked

"Oh bhabhi, you look divine in saree. A true goddess you are." He gushed as he held her at arm's length and thoroughly looked at her from head to toe. "Damn bro! You are so lucky." Arjun punched his bro's arm, playfully.

"That I am" he tugged his wife's hand pulling her away from his brother and tucking her under his arm.

"Veer" Rishab greeted his son with a salute bringing a soft smile on Inayat's face as now she knew the back story of that salute.

"Dad" he nodded his head and hugged him. They never said much to each other but their affection was ever-present.

"What are you doing in the kitchen?" He asked his sister utterly surprised.

Naira glared at her twinnie. "Can't you see I am cooking?"

"Well, yeah but this is not your territory!" He stated the obvious.

"I am learning how to cook from dad"

"Oh really? I thought dad was actually cooking and you were just gushing praises about your would be husband?" Arjun teased.

Ignoring him, she turned to Inayat "Hey, look at what I made for lunch?"

Smiling, Inayat walked closer to see what she was cooking.

"Oh my my!" Arjun shrieked when he saw Inayat's backside. "What the hell is this?"

"Ahh" Inayat cried in pain when he yanked her braided hair.

"Oh my God! It's real, not extention." Arjun said in awe.

"Hey, wow, your hair is super long" Naira commented slightly envying Inayat for having such long and beautiful brown hair.

"Show me what you have cooked." Inayat asked turning the attention from her to Naira.

"Ta da... Mushroom pulav and kadai paneer." She opened the lids off to show the dishes.

"Wow, they look good."

"Wanna taste?" Naira offered.

"No, bhabhi! That's suicidal." Arjun cried before Inayat could try. "I will order food from a fine restaurant and we all will have that. We can just bury this pulav and paneer 6 ft under the ground so no stray animals eat it and die."

"How mean" Naira scoffed. Inayat took a spoon and scooped a paneer and put it in her mouth.

"Mmm... Awesome. Paneer is so soft and the gravy is spicy. Perfect." Inayat gave her honest comment.

"Just like you and Veer bro. Soft and spicy." Arjun winked.

"Shut up" Inayat said, blushing and went to put the cake which Arjun got for them last night into the fridge.

"You brought the leftovers for us? How sweet of you?" Arjun got excited to taste the chocolate cake.

"No, not the leftovers but the whole cake. We forgot to cut it last night. Sorry nah"

"I understand. You guys must have been rather busy and wouldn't have got time to cut this cake." Arjun said cheekily. Inayat turned crimson. "I'll go check on dadi" saying that she made her way out of the kitchen, saving herself from further embarrassment.

"Why is he so annoying, maa?" Veer asked his mother, helplessly.

"He believes 'annoying' people is his birthright and he has enforce it all the time." Madhu said with a sigh. Veer chuckled.

"You tell me, Veer, how are you?" Madhu asked placing a hand on his cheek.

"I am good, maa. Just missed home but now that I am here... Everything seems fine." He kissed his mom's forehead.

"You look fine." Madhu adored her son with happy tears brimming her eyes.

"After last night, I surely do feel fine.  Thanks for arranging things for us, maa."

"You and Inayat are happy, right?" Madhu asked though she didn't need that confirmation. Their happiness was so evident on their faces as they were glowing.

Veer nodded his head with a smile.

"Oh good. Now, time to worry about my daughter and her wedding. Hope everything goes fine this time."

"Oh stop worrying maa"

"Yeah, Madhu. Your son is here and he will take care of everything so you can ease a bit, okay?" Rishab said as he patted Veer's chest as if passing over his responsibilities to his responsible son.

"I will try, husband" 


"Hey, Kathy, I told our decision to mom and she is so relieved."


"She said you can come home anytime and spend time with me, with us."


"Oh and baby, please don't make any plans for tonight. You are joining us to the pre-engagement dinner Yash jiju's mom is hosting."

"No, Arjun, I can't come tonight."


"My friend has come home..."

"Friend? Who?" Arjun asked.

"Um... Alex" she hesitantly said because she knew Arjun would go ape-shit crazy at the mention of his name.

"What the fuck? What is he doing there?" Arjun shouted over the phone.


"When did he come? I was there till 4.30 this morning."

"He came an hour ago and surprised me. Now, he is sleeping."

"Why is he here?"

"He came to see me..." Kathryn couldn't tell Arjun that Alex had come to apologize to her for misbehaving with her when she stayed at his place during her recent US trip.


"What why? He is my friend and he came to see his friend. It's as simple as that."

"I don't like him, Kathryn."


"Who is important to you? Me or him?" He had asked this question to her so many times but not even once did she give him a clear answer.

"Arjun!" She snapped for making things difficult for him.

"Is that your answer?"

"Oh Arjun"

"Oh stop it!" He snapped and sighed. "Just yesterday we sorted out our shit and now, this Asshole is here to create rift between us."

"You are overreacting. He will do no such thing. He understands I... I..."

"You what?"

"I like you and I am with you."

"You told him I am your boyfriend?"

"Yes, he knows"

"Then ditch him tonight and come to the dinner with me."

"No, I can't leave my guest to stay alone and go out with you. He has come all the way to see me so please understand my situation, Arjun."

"Doesn't he have anyother friends to visit and crash at their place?"

"He has only me in India."

"So you are not coming?"

"If I have to come I will have to bring him along..."

"Fuck no! The moment I see that shit face I will lose my shit!"

"Jeez! Calm down, Arjun."

He remained silent for few good seconds before asking "You sure you will be safe with him?"

"Of course. He is not harmful. Trust me."

"Sorry, I can't trust you in this matter."

"You have never trusted me on anything, Arjun." She growled.

"Do you want us to fight over this as well?"


"Well, then agree with me. He is bad news."

"No! He is not! He has been with me all my life and seen all my ups and downs. He has supported me, always..."

"Supported you?" He laughed mockingly. "He spoiled your life by introducing you to drugs, dammit!"

"No! I chose to take drugs. He didn't force me."

"You are foolish to think like that."

"Arjun, he is my only friend and I don't want to lose him. Try to get along with him then you will realize he is as nice as you are."

"Fuck! Don't compare me with that bastard."

"Arjun! Enough!"

"He seriously gives me negative vibes, Kathy." He said helplessly. He didn't like Kathryn's so called friendship with Alex at all. "And I am worried he will do something bad to you. I don't want you to get hurt, baby. You being hurt fills me with dread."

"Oh Arjun!" She groaned. "I know you care for me but you are also insecure. And that's why you demonize Alex. But for once, try and trust me, neither Alex is going to misbehave with me nor I am going to sleep with him."

"Alright. Knee him in the groin if he tries to breath on you."

"Is this your way of saying you trust me but not him?"


"Alright. I will be careful."

"Love you, Kathy. And I will miss you, tonight."

"Me too" saying that she ended the call.


"Hello, Shwetha. How are you?" Madhu greeted Yash's mother with a hug while Rishab shook hands with Yash and then offered a polite smile to Swetha.

Shwetha was younger to Madhu by 5 years but she got married and had Yash early.

"I am good, Madhu." She hugged her back. They had become good friends in such a short time. "And it feels good to see you all tonight before we get super busy with our kids' wedding preparation."

"True" Madhu agreed.

"Hello, aunty" Naira smiled.

"Hello, dear. You look pretty." She cupped her chin affectionately.

Naira had worn a light spring green handoven lenin saree with silver border and matched with silver earrings and neck set.

Yash grinned and winked at her. He only told her to wear lenin saree as it was his mother's favorite.

Naira moved to Yash and looked up at him, silently asking him "How do I look?"

"Beautiful" he mouthed as he looked at her without blinking his eyes. Naira blushed.

"Hi Jijz." Yash blinked and turned towards Arjun. They shared a smile. "Hi aunty." Arjun hugged her.

"I was expecting you, yesterday. I missed watching cricket match with you." Swetha complained.

"Sorry, aunty. Yesterday, I had gone to pick up Veer bro from the Airport and then went to meet my girlfriend."

"Oh well, where is your son and daughter in law?"

"They will be here in two minutes. Gone to park the car."

"I see. Where is your date?"

"She couldn't come so you are going to be my date for the night. Hope you don't mind my company." Arjun winked at Swetha.

"Not at all, darling." Swetha looped her arm around his and lead him towards the round table.

By the time, Veer and Inayat walked to the table where their family was presented everyone had taken their seats. Only three seats were left empty.

"Oh the Pride of Kundra's is here." Swetha announced seeing Inayat holding a man's hand and guessing he must be Veer, the eldest son of Kundra's.

Swetha stood up to welcome them. "I am Yash's mother Swetha and I am so please to meet you, Veer."

"Likewise aunty" Veer smiled instantly liking Naira's soon to be mother in law.

"You both look lovely together."

"Thank you" Veer and Inayat said at once and smiled looking at each other.

"Hello" Yash and Veer shook hands.

Hmm... Solid grip. Veer thought. Looking at Yash's face, he could tell he was one genuine person. 

"Finally, we met." Veer smiled. He approved the man his parents had chosen for his sister.

"Please, come and take your seats." Swetha guided them towards their seats. 

"You know you are an amazing hostess, Swetz" Arjun commented when she finally settled down next to him and he took her hand and kissed the back of it.


"I can't call my date 'aunty' so for tonight you are 'Swetz', okay?"

"Okay, I like it" she beamed. "You make me feel so young, Arjun."

"That's because you are sweetheart."

Yash cleared his throat feeling kinda jealous.

"Jealous jijz?" Arjun teased.

"If I am jealous then so is Madhu aunty. You are showing affection to my mother and not to yours."

"Nah! Your Madhu aunty forgets the world when her 'first born' is around her." Arjun said jokingly but it was the truth.

"Oh come on, my baby comes home only once in a year so I tend to pay more attention on him." Madhu defended as she protectively place her hand on Veer's shoulder.

"Just joking, love" Arjun blew a kiss to her.

Soon their orders were served and they started eating. Rishab, Madhu and Swetha discussed about the wedding plans while the young couples whispered and shared foods with their partners making Arjun miss his girlfriend.

... To be continued!




Thanks all in advance.

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