Part 57

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Part - 57


"There is no charm equal to tenderness of heart" - Jane Austen


"Whoa! We leaving already?" Arjun asked no one particular when everyone stood up to leave after settling the bill.

"Yes" Madhu replied. 

"But it's too early"

"It's already 10 pm, Arjun"

"But mom, we won't find time to gather like this again."

"We will be busy only till Naira's wedding. After that we will have enough time to gather like this."

"But Veer bro won't be here with us as he will be leaving to Kashmir right after Naira di's wedding. Even Naira di and Yash jijz will be honeymooning for how many months I don't know."

"Alright, Arjun. You kids stay longer and have fun but your dad and I are leaving. Your dadi is alone at home."

"Even I am leaving. I have lots of work to do." Swetha said little excitedly. After all it was her only son's engagement tomorrow.

"But Swetz, you are my date. You can't leave me." Arjun threw his arm possessively on Yash's mother and side hugged her, refusing to let her go.

"Aww... I love this boy" she hugged him back. "We will have a proper date, another day. I promise."

"I will be looking forward for that day"

"Mom, do you want me to drop you?" He asked holding up his car key.

"No, thank you, darling. I will go with the Kundra's. They can drop me at our home, I suppose."

"Sure" Rishab and Madhu agreed at once.

"Cool. You guys have fun."


"So what's the plan?" Yash asked after their families left.

"Plan? We are just going to chillax." Arjun said and walked ahead of the other two couples.

Once they got into the elevation, Arjun pressed the button to the rooftop. "I don't know why we dined in a private room as if we were going to discuss some business secrets. You know they have an amazing skyloft restaurant here and that's where I am taking you guys now."

"But why are we going to that restaurant now? We just had our dinner, right?" Naira questioned her little bro.

"They just don't serve food there. They have a dance floor with rocking music and a bar. It's simply a party place for youngsters. Oh and the 'Queen's necklace' Mumbai view from the top is breathtaking. Bhabhi you will love it." He specifically mentioned it to her as she had never seen that beautiful view before though she was not so new to Mumbai now.

Inayat smiled showing little interest but Veer was least interested in all this. He wished he could take his wife home and spend a quiet night with her in their room. Especially after last night he could think about nothing but making love to her, all night, slow and passionate love.

"You have been here already?" Inayat asked.

"Yeah, with Kathy. We simply rock the dance floor you know. Wish she was here now..."  Suddenly his voice dipped as he started missing his girlfriend.

"What happened, baby?" Naira asked in concern.

"I don't like feeling like this..."

"Like what?" Naira asked.

"Incomplete" he muttered as he unconsciously leaned his head on Inayat's shoulder. Veer brought up his hand behind her and pushed his brother's head off of his wife's shoulder and placed his hand on it possessively.

"You are over possessive, big bro" Arjun said rolling his eyes.

"You are over emotional, baby bro" Veer mimicked him.

"Cheer up, man. You will get to see your girlfriend tomorrow in our engagement" Yash said giving Arjun a friendly slap on his back.

"I don't know whether she will come or not" he said.

The elevator doors opened when it reached the rooftop and they all stepped out. Instantly they were hit by cool breeze and loud music.

Arjun quickly scanned the place and spotted few empty couches at the lounge area. Tables at the restaurant were full. Anyways they were not going to dine there so he thought those cuddle couches with tea tables would do.

"Why? You didn't invite her?" Naira asked doubtfully. Even if her brother hadn't invited his girlfriend, her dad would have invited his close friend. Naira thought grudgingly.

"I did but she has babysitting job to do..."

Arjun's sat on a couch and felt it looked rather big because he didn't have his girl beside him like the other two men had.


"Even that kid from Home Alone movie can stay alone at home but not this ugly pig it seems!" He grumbled.

"What are you talking, Arjun?"

He rubbed his face and calmed himself down. He didn't bring the other two couples here to hear his sob story. He wanted them to have their moments.

"Naira di, why don't you hit the dance floor and throw some shapes?"

"I am wearing saree."

"So what?"

"You know to dance?" Yash asked surprised because she had never mentioned about it.

"Know to dance ah? She aces in 6 different dance forms." Arjun said proudly.

"Wow" he was amazed.

"Yeah, my sister is multi-talented, Jijz. She can sing. She can dance. She can kickbox. If she sucks in anything then it's cooking but she is learning that too. Even today she made mushroom pulav and we found out it was your favorite food and I must say it came out really well much to my surprise. So I am sure she will ace in cooking too." He hyped his sister.

"You know what? You are a lucky man to have my sister as your wife."

"That I am" Yash agreed with a smile.

"Well, do you dance?" Arjun asked.

"" Yash said rubbing his neck.

"Veer bro and you are hardwoods then." Arjun teased. "Naira di and I can dance all day, covering every available space in the house."

Naira smiled remembering how she bonded with her baby bro through dance.

"Naira di, why don't we dance now?" Arjun stood up and held his hand out for his sister to take.

"Naira, why don't you teach me to dance now?" Yash stood up and held his hand out as well.

Naira looked at her brother and he winked at her and tilted his head at Yash indicating her to take his hand.

"With pleasure" Naira took Yash's hand and led him to the dance floor.

"Uff..." Arjun slumped on the couch, huffing. " much I have to talk before tricking them to dance?"

"You did this on purpose?" Inayat asked.

"Arjun never does anything without a purpose, my dear bhabhi" he said twitching her nose. "You know to dance?"

"I am also a hardwood" Inayat said making Veer and Arjun laugh.

"But you look like a fragile flower that sways with the wind to me." Arjun commented making Inayat blush.

"You know what, bhabhi? I am so glad your husband and my sister's soon to be husband can't dance"


"Because someone said - Never trust a man who can dance."

"E L James" Inayat said.


"She only said that line if I am not wrong."

"Oh, so you have read Fifty Shades of Grey?" Arjun asked teasingly.

"Um... I... uh... No..." Inayat struggled to lie.

"Have you ever fancied being spanked by bro?" Arjun asked in a mere whisper but still Veer heard it.

"Arjun!" Veer gave him a kick at his calf.

"Ow! Sorry"

"I pity Kathryn." Inayat changed the topic. "She can't trust you because you can dance."

"Even if I can't dance she will not trust me. She never does."

"And you don't trust her either" Veer retorted.

"True" Arjun agreed. Trust was the major issue in their relationship.

Veer didn't have anything to say further so he stood up and headed to the bar area.

"What the? How can he leave his wife alone and go to the bar?" Arjun roared as he moved to the place where Veer was sitting a moment ago.

"I am not alone. He's left me with his brother." Inayat looped her arm around Arjun's and smiled at him.

"Still... He shouldn't leave you like this." He sounded pissed. "You guys are supposed to spend some quality time together."

"He will be with me for the next 2 weeks and we will get to..."

Arjun ignored her and continued his rant "Doesn't he know he's not supposed to drink when he's come out with his lady? If he does, then what freaking business he has there? God! You can't tolerate the smell of alcohol." He ran both his hands in frustration as he worried for Inayat. "What's wrong with my brother? How can he be so insensitive? I better go there and drag him back to you..." He raised up from his seat but Inayat pulled him back.

"Arjun, he won't drink" she said confidently. "At least not when I am with him."

"Whoa! Look over there. He is talking to some chick. Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! That bloody chick is hugging your husband. Btw who is she?" He couldn't see her face as his brother's well built body covered her figure but he could say she was clinging to him with the way her arms wrapped around his neck.

"Must be his friend" Inayat muttered hardly glancing at that way.

"Oh bhabhi!" He cupped her face and looked straight at her eyes. "Don't be so trusting. Then you will be fooled one day."

"Veer will never do anything that will cause pain to me so, yeah, I will blindly trust him."

"Oh sweet lord! Why is she so sweet?" He asked loudly looking up at the dark sky as he pulled her into his arms and held her head closer to his chest.

"Aww... Such adorable couple" an elderly lady gushed.


Veer spotted a familiar face at the bar so he left his beloved under his brother's care for a minute and went there to meet this girl sitting alone and drinking.

"Hey" Veer placed his hand on this girl's shoulder and gently shook it, bringing her out of her drunken stupor.

"Try your luck on someone else Mister. I have a boyfriend." That girl slurred without even looking at Veer and pushed his hand off her shoulder. Then she took a swig of her drink.

"And I am his brother"

"Whose brother?" She asked as placed her cheek on the cold granite bar counter top and closed her eyes feeling sleepy.

"Your boyfriend's"

My boyfriend's brother?



Veer jiju!

"Jiju" Kathryn jumped out the bar stool and threw herself at Veer in excitement.

Veer grabbed her waist to hold her steady as she was swaying.

"You are drunk, Kathryn!"


"Yes, you are" he snapped getting mad at her for drinking senseless when she had no one to guard her. "Are you alone..."

"As always"

"Oh no no baby, you have us. Come, I will take you to your Arjun."

"Is he here? My love?" Kathryn face lit up with joy.

My love? Wow! Arjun should have been here to hear this. Veer thought.

"Yes" Veer placed a palm on her cheek and smiled seeing her childish glee.


"Hold my waist" Naira instructed.

"You sure?" Yash hesitated as he looked around the crazy crowd on the dance floor.

Naira narrowed her eyes. "You can't do 'couple dancing' without holding your partner. Well, you can try but it won't look romantic."


"Hold me and move along with me."

"Okay" he placed his firm hands on her waist and drew her closer to him making her bust press against his chest.

Naira gasped in shock but she didn't push him away because she knew he didn't do that with any ill intention.

"Sorry" he moved a little leaving some space between them. Naira smiled.

He was a completed novice in dancing. She understood that much from the way he was gripping her sides. If he held her little harder he would bruise her.

"Gently" she whispered as she slowly traced her palms up his torso and locked her fingers behind his neck. Her soft touch showed him how to hold her.

Quickly, he eased his grip on her waist and held her with feather softness

"That's better" she looked up at him with twinkling eyes.

God! Her beautiful eyes. Are they shining with love? For me? Definitely yes! I can see it. I can feel it.

Then why don't you say it out loud, baby? Waiting for the right moment? Just like me? Fine! I will wait.

"Follow my lead, Yash" Naira started moving to the soft tune. "Dance" she said when he stood still.

"Sorry. Your eyes are so mesmerizing and I got lost in it." 

"Alright. I won't look into your eyes. You dance." She cast her eyes down to his chest and swayed but he stopped her.

"Oh no no! Please look at me. Only then I can dance."

"My eyes are not going to dance. My legs are. So you better watch my steps." She said without looking at him.

"I may not know dancing but this much I know that maintaining eye contact with your partner while dancing is important so you better look into my eyes."

He was right.

Naira smiled and tilted her head up.

Their eyes met and they danced with humor and love.

Slowly their feet started moving in sync as they kept their eyes locked.

"Naira, what do you want from me for our wedding?"

"I don't want anything..."

"Oh please. Ask me and I will get it for you, be whatever it is. I just want to make you the happiest on our special day."

"If you want to give me something then give me your undying love."

"Oh c'mon, love, trust and companionship are vows I am willing to make any day but they are not gifts."

"I will be gifted if you vow me to give them, Yash."

"Alright. You will get your 'Vow-Wow' gift on our wedding."

"I will be waiting for it" she said and they continued dancing wanting to be in each other's arms little longer. This closeness gave them comfort and proprietorship.

"You sure can dance you know?" Naira said impressed because he didn't step on her foot at all. He was very careful. 

"Why, thank you!" He said smiling and she returned his smile. "We should do this often."

"Yeah, we should" she agreed as she loved dancing with her tall man, hardwood or not.


"Aww... Such adorable couple." An elderly lady gushed seeing the way Arjun was holding Inayat in his protective cocoon.

"Adorable, they are but not couple. She is my wife." Veer said to the lady in a polite tone though he was furious hearing her remark.

It should have been Him and His wife, not his brother and his wife to be seen as adorable couple by the world. He couldn't tolerate that.

"Brother..." He stressed that word so that that stupid lady won't assume things further. ", I have fetched your girlfriend for you." He gave a gentle push to Kathryn and she landed on Arjun's lap, giggling. Then Veer pulled his wife up to stand by his side.

"Oh I am so sorry. It's my bad." That lady apologized and walked away with a man, presumably her husband.

Veer shook his head and looked at Inayat.

"Um... Veer..."

"Come with me" he took her hand in his and walked little away to give privacy to Arjun and Kathryn.

"Veer, I am so sorry..."

"Why are you saying sorry for that lady's wrong assumption?" Veer asked.

"I gave her that impression, right? I shouldn't have got too comfortable with Arjun. I should have known my limits. I am sorry." Inayat whispered her words without looking at him.

"Inayaa..." He tipped her chin up and made her look at him. "...It's Arjun who gave that wrong impression to that lady because I know you won't go and hug him... but then I am not going to blame him for that. He behaves exactly the same way with Naira. I have seen him giving her hugs and kisses to show his genuine affection and I have felt it right and cute."

"Do you feel Arjun's affection towards me also right?"

"Of course. Right and cute." He always adored Arjun and Inayat's bond. "He is really warm and tender with you. I love that."

"Yes, he is"

"And he has helped you a lot."

"Yes, he has" she agreed with a smile.

My wonderful doctor has helped me to overcome my fears.

He is my healer!

And my wonderful husband has showed faith and patience in me.

He is my protector!

I love these two so much. They are my saviors!

"I asked my dad to book a private room for our dinner tonight so that we could avoid the crowd."

"You did that for me?" Inayat asked curiously.

"Yes" he nodded. "I thought too much of people, men in particular, would make you feel uncomfortable."

Inayat smiled fondly. "There was a time I used to feel so scared to even let my husband hold my little finger and go out with him but now, see, I am happily letting him side hug me, that too in public. Doesn't it explain a lot?"

"Yeah, it does but when Arjun suggested this plan of spending time here, I got worried."

"You worry too much for me, Veer"

"People worry a lot for the one they love."

Inayat smiled as she remembered saying something similar to him.

"So yeah, I looked at you and you were okay with his plan so I went along but still I thought I would take you home the moment you feel suffocated here..."

"I actually like this place." She said looking at him to show her sincerity. "I have never been to places like this before."

"I will take you to more beautiful places, Inayaa."

"Is that the Queen's necklace view Arjun mentioned about earlier?" Inayat asked pointing at the picturesque beach view. 


"This view is staggering. Will you take me there, Veer?"


"Not now. We are with family. We will go tomorrow night. Just the two of us."


"So what do you think about Yash? Do you like him?" She asked, now that her husband had finally met him in person, he would have some opinion about him, right?

"I didn't get to interact much with him today at the dinner but as far as I have observed him, he is a fine piece of man for my sister so yeah I like him." Veer keenly observed Yash since the moment they shook hands and from then to till now, not even a single behaviour of Yash's had displeased him.

He was very respectful towards his family.

He cared so much for his mother and she was all praises about him. Typical mother's behavior but still there was honesty in her words.

He was gentle and loving towards his sister.

All good things about him.

So Veer approved him as well.

"Doesn't our Naira look happier with him, Veer."

"She does and it's a joy to see my sister this happy." Veer said looking at Naira and Yash blissfully dancing, forgetting the world.  


"Arjun, my baby" Kathryn wrapped her arms around his neck. "I missed you." She leaned in to kiss his lips but he turned his face. She kissed his neck and rested her head on his shoulders.

"What were you doing here alone, Kathy?" He moved her back to the couch and she curled up under his arm.

"I came with my asshole friend but he ditched me for a bitch he found at the bar. They drank together, did some dirty dance together and then left together to God knows where"

"You sound upset?"


"Why?" He worried that she was upset because that asshole hooked up with some other girl.

Couldn't she see him with another girl?

Was she jealous?

"I missed your family dinner because of him."

Oh so it's not because of him leaving you alone and going with another girl?

"Oh baby. You could have pinged me your location the moment he left you. I would have come for you. We were just downstair having our dinner you know. You could have joined us. We even left a chair empty for you."

"I felt so terrible, Arjun"

"So you started drinking as always? How many times I have told you not to drink, mainly when you're hurt and upset?"

"I just drank a little, Arjun."

"Yeah, yeah I can see." He grimaced his face. She smelled of alcohol. And she looked sick.

"At least did you eat before drinking?"

"Don't scold me. I didn't."

"Excuse me" Next moment, he called the waiter. "I need a glass of sparking immediately and then please get me a plate of egg fried rice, half grilled chicken with Kuboos and a cup of mayo." 

"And a glass of white wine. Dry and crisp." Kathryn ordered.

"No! No more drinking. You are going to eat and then I am taking you home."

"I love the idea of going to home with you." She kissed his chest as she wrapped an arm around his stomach.

"Kathy, tomorrow my sister's engagement..." He started slowly hoping to convince her to attend the function without bringing her so calles friend.

"I know"

"Will you come?" He asked again.

"Of course I will"


"Yes, alone. Alex ditched me today so I am going to ditch him tomorrow."

"Promise" Arjun asked happily.

"Baby, you won't believe me?"

"I believe you" he gave her cheek a quick peck. Right then the waiter arrived with a glass of sparkling water and placed it on the table.

"Here, drink this first." Arjun helped her sip the chilled sparklings so that she won't get dehydrated with excess alcohol consumption. 

After a short while, the ordered foods arrived and Arjun started feeding her.
He loved to take care of her.

... To be continued!

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