Part 63

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Part - 63


"You are the most beautiful thing I keep inside my heart"


Inayat took her shower and came out of the bathroom dressed in her Pjs.

She was about to do her night prayer when she noticed her husband packing his clothes in a backpack.

"Veer, why are you packing your things now?" She asked frowning.

Without replying, he walked into the bathroon to collect his toiletries.

"Veer are you going somewhere?"

"Yes" he said keeping a serious face.


"I got a call from Major. He wants me back..."

"You are leaving?" Inayat panicked. "Then what about Naira's wedding?"

"I will try to come home a day before her wedding."

"Veer..." She didn't know what to say as her lower lip started trembling. She wanted to plead him not to go but she worried he would get mad at her for stopping him from doing his duty. "Veer..." She tightly wrapped her hands around his waist and placed her cheek on his chest.

"Hey! Don't cry?" Veer said in a rushed tone when he heard her sniff. "Hey, look at me"

She shook her head and refused to look up at him. He forcefully lifted her chin up and met her teary eyes. "Inayaa, I am so sorry..." He was filled with guily seeing her tears.

"I thought you would be with me for another 10 days... But now... I will miss you, Veer..." She cried.

"Oh no no... I am so sorry..."

"I understand. You don't have to say sorry." She stood on her tip-toe and placed a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth.

"No, I lied to you." He whispered against her lips. She furrowed her brows. "I am not going anywhere... Well, um... I am going but not without you."

"You lied?" Inayat asked in disbelief.

"Well, I played with you..."

"How could you be so cruel?" She pushed his hands away and stepped back from him.

"Inayaa, listen, dad suggested me to take you..."

"Suggested you what? Make me cry?" She asked him angrily. "Wait, I will go tell abu you made me cry. He will scold you nicely." She said childishly.

"Threatening hun?" Veer cocked his brow up as he smirked. He knew his wife would do no such thing.

"No! I am serious." She said keeping a straight face.

"You are a shy little thing. You wouldn't dare to complain about me to my dad." He pulled her lower lip and squeezed it. She looked too cute when she was angry.

"Ah!" She slapped his hand surprising him. "I am not a shy little thing. I will prove you that now." She turned around and headed to the door.

"They will be sleeping. Don't disturb them." Veer said but she ignored him and walked out of their room.

When his wife hadn't return to their room after two minutes, he decided to go and check on her. His parents' room door was slightly ajar so he knocked it twice before pushing it wider and walking in.

"Dad, Inayat?" Veer asked to Rishab who was working on his laptop.

"There" he just pointed to the balcony. Inayat was animatedly conversing with her mom in law. Veer and Rishab couldn't hear anything as they were behind the closed glass door.

"Did she tell you anything?" Veer asked tenderly.

Rishab looked up and frowned. "No"

Veer exhaled and smirked at Inayat when her gaze fell on him. 

"What's it?" Rishab asked when he noticed his daughter in law glaring at his son. "Did you piss her off?" He probed.

"Yeah, kind of" Veer said rubbing his forehead. "I was packing my things and when she asked where was I going, I told her I was leaving back to Kashmir. I didn't plan and prank her. It just came instantly and I thought she would just get shocked... Well, she did get shocked but at the same time she started crying."

"Expected" Rishab muttered.

"When I told her I just lied she got mad at me and came here to complain about me to you"

Rishab laughed. "Oh boy! I see myself and Madhu in you two. I used to play like this with your mom and make her mad but she wouldn't go to my parents..."

"What would she do?" Veer asked curiously.

"That" he pointed to his wife. Madhu was teaching her daughter in law how to punch in the gut.

"She would punch you?" Veer asked wide eyed.

"Bloody painfully. She shows no mercy on me." Rishab said seriously.

"Do you think Inayat will also punch me?"

Rishab shrugged. "I don't think so. Your wife is a soft kitten unlike my wildcat wife."

Veer chuckled and went to the ladies.

He hugged his mom from behind and softly asked her "Are you spoiling my innocent wife, maa?"

"Spoiling? Nah! Just training her how to punish her husband when he messes with her."

"Ahaan?" Smiling, he kissed his mom's head. "I missed this mom, this warmth and love I get from you" he placed his chin on her shoulder and closed his eyes in contentment. Madhu took her hand back and patted the side of his head.

"Oh, baby, I love you." she caressed his left cheek and kissed his right cheek. "Now go, pack your things and get some sleep." Madhu relieved herself from his hold.

"Good night, maa" Veer pressed a tight kiss on his mother's forehead.

"Good night, baby" Madhu said cupping his face finding it hard to let him go. Her eyes brimmed as she wished he was that small boy whom she puts to sleep on her lap.

"I too miss sleeping on your lap, maa" Veer said surprising his mother.

"Oh Veer!" Madhu burst into tears as she hugged him. Only Veer among her three children had this uncanny knack to read her mind so well.

Inayat moved closer to them and rubbed Madhu's back, consoling her. She could clearly see how much a mother had missed her son.

"Madhu, let them go." Rishab who had been a silent speculator for this long finally spoke. He took her hand and pulled her to his side.

"Come" Veer held his hand out for Inayat and she took it, smiling. She was so moved by the 'mom-son' love, forgetting she was mad at her husband.

"If you want you can stay with ammi tonight. I won't mind." She softly said.

Veer looked down at Inayat as he contemplated whether he should take up her offer.

"No, no, darling, he is yours so take him with you." Madhu said before Veer could say anything.

"He is yours first, ammi"

"I know..." Madhu smiled "...and I will be more happy if he is with you than he is with me. Oh and don't forget to punch him" she reminded her daughter in law and winked.

Inayat shyly smiled and Veer laughed.

Rishab shook his head. My poor son!

"Allah Hafiz (May Allah be your protector)" Inayat said that before leaving their room with her husband.

Rishab closed the door and turned to his wife. She moved to him and hugged him. "You are my protector, husband"


"This day can't get any better, Rishab. All my kids are blessed with loving partners and they are all so happy. My heart is full today, Rishab."

"I know."

"May their happiness last forever" she prayed.

"I wish the same." Saying that he led his wife to their bed so that they could sleep.


"Aren't you going to punch me?" Veer asked hugging Inayat from behind. She was looking at her closet deciding what all clothes to take for this trip.

"Help me choose?"

"Punch me first" he felt he deserved it.

"No, I can't" she picked a saree and placed it on the bed.

"Oh c'mon you can. You can prove me that you are not a soft kitten just like you proved me you weren't a shy little thing." He teased.

"I complained to ammi." She said defensively

"But you said you would complain to your abu."

"He was working." She gave that as an excuse.

"Ahaan?" He didn't buy that excuse but decided to let it go. "Okay, now punch me."

Sighing, Inayat gave him a gentle punch.

"I barely felt your punch." He laughed. Inayat pouted. "I have hurt you with my little lie so you can go little strong on me. I can handle the pain, Inayat."

"But I can never give you pain, Veer. I love you." She hopped, grabbing his neck and captured his lips for a kiss.

After that, Veer helped her pick a couple of jeans, kurtas, one more saree, night wears and her head scarfs.

"You going to take these novels with you as well?" Veer asked when she grabbed couple of books from her shelf. He wondered whether she would get time to read in their honeymoon.

She nodded affirmatively. She couldn't go anywhere without books.

"Alright, bookworm!"

She took her backpack to stuff in her things but Veer pulled a trolley bag instead and asked her to pack in that.

"Why?" She asked though she knew why. "I can carry my own luggage, Veer."

"Just do as I say, Inayat." He didn't want her to carry her travel bag and it would be little difficult for him to carry two backpacks at once so he insisted her to take a trolley bag.

Sighing, Inayat started to pack in the trolley bag but he stopped her again. "What now?"

"I will do the packing for you. You go do your prayer. It's already late."

"Thank you" she said smiling and went to pray.

By the time she completed her night prayer he was done with the packing.

"Shall we sleep now?" He asked her.

She gazed at him shyly, thinking 'Aren't we going to make love, tonight?'

"No. Tomorrow" he promised her with a wink.

"What no? What tomorrow?" She wondered whether she said that out loud.

"We have an early morning flight to catch so we will sleep now. And tomorrow, in our suite at Goa, I will make love to you. I promise." He said dead seriously.

"Veer!" Slapping his arm, she hid her face in his chest to hide her blush cheeks. Laughing, he carried her in his arms and took her to the bed.


"Even today, are we going to stay in this hotel room or are we going out for sightseeing?" Inayat asked her husband. They reached Goa yesterday morning and checked in at the beach resort Rishab had booked for them. They still hadn't taken time to look around the place and appreciate it's beauty as they were busy making love. Even for lunch and dinner they didn't go out. They ordered food and had it in bed.

"Whatever you wish, Inayaa" he said cuddling her and kissing her.

"I wish we go sight-seeing today." She said squirming.

"I knew it" he said chuckling. Inayat pinched his nipple when she felt his hand rub the apex of her thigh, her sore spot. 

"Don't do that, Inayat!" Veer said that bit harshly.

"Sorry" she squeaked and quickly took her hand off his chest.

Realizing he had scared her, he took her hand and place it back on his chest and said in a soft tone "That turns me on, Inayaa. I want to take again, right at this moment but I know you are sore down there."


"So tell me, shower first or breakfast?" He asked changing the topic.

"Shower, please." She felt sticky, unclean and achy. Some warm water gushing down her body would help in easing her body pain.

"Okay. You going first or me?"

"Us! Let us shower together." She said shyly drawing random patterns on his chest. 

"Are you sure?" He asked in surprise.

"I did promise you that one day I would let you shower with me, didn't I?" She asked leaning up and looking at him.

"Yes, you did but never thought I would get lucky this soon."

"Don't give me time to rethink and change my mind."

"Oh no!" He jumped out of the bed making her laugh at his excitement.

"Come" he held her hand and yanked her out of bed and literally dragged her to the bathroom.


"Whoa! Wait a minute, Veer. I need to use the toilet first."

"Okay?" He gave her a confused look.

"Wait here, Idiot!" Pushing him aside, she stepped into the bathroom and slammed the door on his face.

"Idiot huh?" Veer stood there looking at the closed door, astonished. Well, I like it, baby! He grinned as that word kept ringing in his head.

Fifteen minutes later, Inayat came out of the bathroom to call her husband and found their dark bedroom bright with sunlight. She turned to her side and saw the curtains open which they hadn't bothered to open before.

"Wow" She said in awe as she pushed the french door open and walked past through it to see the spectacularly designed rectangula shaped infinity pool.

"Inayaa! Come here" Veer shouted from the disappearing edge of the pool.

He got bored waiting for his wife so he came out of the room and saw the swimming pool and after that he didn't take a moment to dive into it.

He did a couple of laps in the long stretch of water before settling to admire the view by standing in the pool with his folded arms placed on the tiled edge.

"No" she shook her head and sitting down, she put her legs into the water.

"Inayaa, the view from here is just staggering. You have to see it."

"I can see the horizon from here itself, Veer"

"Inayaa..." He stretched his hand out for her and made a cute face. He wanted her to see the unimpeded view of the sea and the sky. And he also wanted to kiss her from here.

"I don't want to wet my hair, Veer" she said apologetically.

"We are going to take a shower after this so don't bother about your hair."

"This chlorinated water will damage my hair." She cared so much for her precious long hair.

Sighing, Veer got under the water and swam to her side.

"Veer, I will get mad at you if you drag me into the pool" she warned him when she felt his hands caressing her legs under the water.

Quickly, Veer rose up and raked his fingers through his hair. 

Inayat's stopped breathing for a moment seeing her husband's bare chest, wet hair and dark eyes.

"You look like a hot model, Veer" those words escaped out of Inayat's mouth unconsciously.

Veer gave her a knowing smirk. She kept gazing at him as she fought the urge to get into the pool and make love.

"Throw your hair in a bun" he ordered bringing her out of her daze.


"Put a top bun, now!"

She pouted at him for using the strict army officer tone on her but obliged to his words.

"Now sit on my shoulders" he said as he turned around so that she could throw her legs over his shoulders.

"No! No! No! I am not going to ride on your shoulders." She decided to walk by the side of the pool and lifted her legs up but Veer placed his palms on her thighs and pushed them down, back into the water.  

"Either you sit on my shoulders or I will yank you into the pool and dunk your head into the water." He gave her an empty threat. He loved her hair more than she did so he wouldn't do anything to damage it.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Not a right choice of word, Inayaa." He shook his head as he rubbed his hands up and down her calves.

"Veer, please..."

"Trust me and sit on my shoulders. I won't put you down."

"I know you will never put me down" saying that she got on top of his shoulders and gently grabbed his neck to keep herself upright.

"Am I heavy?" She asked worriedly as he slowly started walking in the pool.

Though she was lean and delicate, she was tall and had bone weight but it didn't matter to Veer as he had a well built body with broad shoulders and strong arms. He also enjoyed this new work out.

"No, baby" his words brought back memories to her.

"Am I heavy, abu?"
"No, baby?"
"Okay then I will stand up on your shoulders and pluck the apple. I can't reach it by sitting. You don't move or else I will fall, abu."
"Okay, baby"
"Inayat, no, you will fall down"
"I won't, ammi...!"

"Ahhh..." Screaming, Inayat toppled off his shoulders and splashing the water, she went deep into the pool. Veer had no time to react and prevent her fall.

"Shit!" Veer quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her up.

She coughed and gasped for air. "Abu blood... blood..." She cried as she frantically rubbed her jaw.

"Inayaa, Inayaa, look at me." Veer patted her cheeks forcing her to open her eyes. "There is no blood. You are not hurt." He said as he slightly tipped her chin up and inspected her jaw line just for confirmation. He only found a scar there. "You just relived a horrible incident. Nothing happened to you. I am here okay?" He hugged her and patted her head, lovingly.

"Inayaa, I am sorry, I dropped you..." He said as he undid her twisted hair bun.

"You didn't drop me, Veer" she released herself from his embrace and moved to the edge and silently gazed at the offing area of the sea.

"So you fell down from your father's shoulder just like you fell down from mine now?" Veer asked tentatively.

Inayat nodded her head. "Yeah while plucking apples by standing on my father's shoulders, I lost my balance and fell down..."

"And hurt your jaw?" He asked feeling her scar with his index finger.


"How old were you then?"


"Hmm" Seeing her go completely silent, he decided to divert her mind.

"Even I have a matching scar, Inayaa." He tilted his chin up and showed her his scar.

"I know how you got it." She said with a small smile.

"You do?" He asked surprised.

"Naira left it while you guys were practicing kick-boxing, right?" Inayat tip-toed and kissed right at his scar.

"Right. Those days were so fun." he laughed.

Inayat smiled sadly as she thought about her childhood days. Those weren't fun at all. She had to deal with her parents sudden demise. She had to deal with her new born baby brother. She had to work hard to give a decent living to him. She struggled a lot but everything went in vain...

"Shall we go shower now?" Inayat asked hurriedly not wanting to cry over her lose and spoil Veer's mood. 

"Sure! I will wash your hair."

"Thank you. Oh and thank you for showing me this breathtaking view. I could see the waves, the boats, the surfers... all the minute beauties from here which I couldn't see from there."

"Oh and that reminds me..."


He slammed his lips against hers and kissed her passionately.

"I love to kiss wet lips. They are soft." Veer whispered.

"You meant to say you love to kiss my wet lips, right?"

"I wouldn't dream of kissing anyone else's lips so obviously I meant yours only, silly" he said and playfully pinched her cheek. Inayat shyly smiled.


"What are you searching for?" Inayat asked.

"For a bathroom stool. Ah, here it is." He pulled it from under the sink and put it under the shower head.

When Inayat looked confused he explained "You will sit on it and I will wash your super long hair."

"Ah okay. My mother used to do that whenever she gave me head bath as it would take time to wash my long hair." Inayat said ruefully.

"I figured that out and that's why I made this arrangement."

"Smart" she said with small smile on her face. Then she stood silently, hesitating to take her wet cloths off.

Only when they made love she had taken her cloths off completely but then too had the lights off so that he wouldn't get to see her assets and soon after their love making she would put on her cloths.

Veer's anticipating eyes were making her nervous. She didn't want to disappoint him and at the time she didn't want to feel awkward in front of him. 

"You want me to do that for you?" Veer offered because she was taking a lot of time to do that.

Inayat shook her head negatively and turning around, she gently slipped her night dress off her shoulders and let it pool down at her feet. 

She stood there showing her back to him wearing only her brassiere and panties.


"You need not take those two pieces off." he answered before she could ask. Even he didn't take his boxer brief off and get naked completely as he didn't want an awkward moment between them but a moment they would cherish for a long time.

"Thank you" she said visibly relaxing. He led her to the cubicles and made her sit on the stool.

He turned on the shower and got her wet before applying shampoo to her hair. "You would need a bottle of shampoo everytime you wash your hair nah, Inayaa?"

"Hmm" she hummed without listening to his question properly as her mind was elsewhere.

"Then will I go bankrupt buying you shampoo bottles, Inayaa?" He asked jokingly.


"Hmm huh?" He yanked her hair to tilt her head up.

She opened her eyes and looked at him in confusion. Realizing she had zoned out, he didn't bother to tell her what he was joking about. He just placed a kiss on her forehead making her smile and then continued washing her hair. 

Once he had applied shampoo and created foam, he slowly started scraping her scalp with his fingernails.

"Ah this feels so good, Veer" she groaned. "It's been 17 years since someone had done this for me, Veer." The sadness in her voice ached his chest as he realized she was mentioning about her mother. She died when Inayat was only 6 years old.

He gave gentle squeezes to her shoulders showing his support to her.

Then he took the hand shower and started rinsing her hair.

"Now time to apply conditioner, madam" he said in a professional tone making her giggle. "Your hair is uneven at the end, Inayaa. It needs trimming."


"I can give it a trim if you are okay with it." 

"I never knew you worked in a salon and spa." Inayat teased.

He chuckled and squeezed a generous amount of conditioner on one palm, rubbed it with the other before applying it on her hair, layer by layer. After that, he rinsed her hair once again.

"Done with your hair." He grabbed all her hair and twisted it to a bun. "Now it's time to wash your body. Please stand up. We don't need this stool anymore." He said and she obliged. He placed the stool out of the cubicle and came back to her side. He took the bath soap and rubbed it on her arms, neck, shoulders, tummy, and kneeling down he rubbed the soap on her legs.

"Is this what you really wanted to do with me here? Wash my hair and body?" Inayat asked looking down at him.

He paused his action and looked up at her. "Yes and I also want you to wash mine. Even I like to be clean you know."

"Oh I thought you would say... Forget it..."

"What you thought I would say, sweetheart?"

"I said forget it." She said blushing and took the soap from his hand and gestured him to stand up so that she could clean him up. He stood up and took her lips in his. "I love wet lips" he said breaking apart from kissing and then they continued showering kisses under the shower.


"That was a long, hot and nice shower" Veer said looking at his wife through the mirror as he dried her hair with a towel.

"Wonder why you are pampering me so much"

"Because you pleased me so much in bed last night." He joked. She swirled around and swiftly punched him on his gut for saying that.

"Ah finally you learned to punch me." He soundly kissed her lips as a token of appreciation.

They heard a knock at the door. "Did you order food?" Inayat asked. They had decided to go out and eat, right?

"Nope" Veer shook his head and went to answer the door.

He came back after a couple of seconds carrying a parcel in his hand.

"What's that?"

"Here, this is for you." Veer passed the parcel to her.

She opened the parcel and found a beautiful dress in it.

"Yesterday, I ordered it for you online. Hope it fits you."

She took out the dress and held it closer to her chest. It was of perfect height and size. "I think it will fit."

"Then wear it"

"What? You want me to wear this dress now and go out with you?"

"Exactly. It's a floor length dress with half sleeves and not too deep neck so I think you could wear it and go out with me. You will look great in it." He did a lot of online searching and found this light yellow dress with multi-color floral prints. He knew she would look like a sunshine in it.

"Can I wear my hijab then?" She asked. He wouldn't expect her to wear a dress and let her hair loose, right?

"Of course you can"

"Thank you for this dress. It's beautiful." She said with sincere smile.

"I know."

Smiling, she walked into the changing room to get ready.

... To be continued!

I kept writing and writing and writing and when I looked at the word count it showed me 8000+ words. I thought the update was too long so spilt it into two. Will post the 2nd part of this update as soon as this 1st part gets 200+ likes and reasonable no. of comments.

Next part will also be about Veerat's honeymoon trip and then I will move on to Naira's wedding.

Hope you all liked this update.

Please do leave your valuable feedback. Oh and don't forget to VOTE guys.

Thanks in advance.

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