Part 64

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Part - 64


"Why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss or dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt by the heart"


After having their breakfast in the restaurant at the resort they were staying, Veer took Inayat out for sight-seeing in a hired RE bike. He wanted to hire a car but Inayat insisted on going in a bike and it was a 'dream come true' moment for Veer as he always wished to take his wife on a bike ride but due to her fear of being touched or being in close proximity with opposite sex, he had put that wish on hold so far.

They didn't need a tourist guide as Veer was familiar with the routes to all the famous places in Goa as he had been there so many times while he was in college.

They visited Aguada fort, Cathedral church, State Museum of Goa, and Buddhist caves before taking a break for lunch.

After that, he took her to a dolphin spotting cruise trip which she enjoyed the most.

And now they were on the road again heading to a beach.

"That's the club I drank alcohol for the first with my friends and... got arrested." Veer said feeling embarrassed as he rode by that club.

"You got arrested? What for? Drinking?" Inayat asked wide-eyed gripping his shoulders extra tight.

"No! I hit a guy who bothered a girl in the dance floor but later it transpired that he was her boyfriend. And she loved to be abused I think because she called the police and got me arrested for hitting that asshole who treated her like shit. That bitch seriously ruined my 21st birthday you know." Veer cussed still not getting over with that incident.

"Veer!" Inayat slapped his shoulders surprising him. She had never behaved with him like that and he wasn't complaining at all. "Too much of filth is coming out of your mouth." She scolded as if he was a teenage boy.

"Er... Sorry"

"What happened then?"

"I told them my dad was a police commissioner. They verified my background and found out I was telling the truth. They called my dad and told him everything before letting me go scot free." He grinned as he glanced at her.

"You would have disappointed your parents."

"I did." He agreed. "Maa was mad at me for drinking and getting myself into trouble. Naira was like 'serves you right for thinking about celebrating our birthdays without me.' Dadi and Arjun were upset for not getting any goodies for them from Goa." He shook his head thinking how crazy his family was. "Apparently they love Goa's famous salt and spicy cashew nuts. We have to get it for them this time."

"What about abu?"

"Dad was kinda shocked at first. He didn't expect that from me but he didn't judge me either. He believed in me that I could do no wrong."


"Yeah. He didn't like me using his name and power but he understood why I did that too. He just asked me not to make drinking a habit, just to keep it occasionally but maa scolded him and strictly ordered me not to drink ever again."

"But you still drink!" She stated getting upset. If there was anything she didn't like about her husband then it would be his drinking habit though he had never drank having her around.

"Yes, I do and maa knows that. Initially I gave up drinking for her but once I joined the army I started again. Dad made her understand that certain amount of alcohol is necessary to keep myself warm in that cold climate and it's also a polite social norm there. Hope you will understand too." He said glancing behind at her. She nodded her head. "But maa asked me not to drink when I am home and I agreed to it."

Inayat smiled satisfied with her mom-in-law's condition and planted a kiss on his back and he abruptly halted the bike as if he was stung by her.

"What happened?" Inayat asked with a confused frown.

"Did you just kiss me?" He asked, turning back so that he could see her expression. She shyly hung her head down without replying. With two fingers he tipped her chin up and saw her blush.

"You're blushing. So you did kiss me! Wow!" His face split in to a wide smile.

"Why are you so happy about that silly kiss?"

"There is nothing silly about it." He said with an adorable pout and that made Inayat chuckle. "Riding your favorite bike... That too having your lover on the back... And getting a kiss from her... God! That feel... You won't understand, Inayat... It's a guy thing."

Laughing, Inayat placed her hands on either side of his hips and placed her cheek on his shoulders to make him more happy. "Does this give you any special feel?" She asked softly.

"It surely does." He tightened her hold around his stomach and pressed a quick kiss on her head before starting the bike again.


"You can take that off if you want Inayaa as no one is here other than us." He said pointing to her head scarf and bending down he rolled up his jeans pants so that they won't get wet while playing in water.

"This beach is serene and secluded. I like it, Veer" Inayat said admiring the place as she removed her scarf and tied it to the sling of her bag before dropping it on the sand.

"I know right" Veer brought her to that isolated beach for a reason.

His wife had been in crowded placed since morning and he couldn't see anymore of her getting conscious and cowering in fear when strange men pass by her. 

She needed space. 

Hell, they needed privacy.

He walked around her and standing behind her, he untangled her braided hair. "I like it more when you let your hair loose." Saying that, he gave her a gentle push on her shoulders silently asking her to walk ahead so that he could watch her hair sway.

She slowly walked toward the sea and felt calm and at peace when cool water touched her feet.

"You're not coming, Veer?" She turned and asked when her husband stood rooted to his place without joining her side. He was frozen seeing her mesmerizing beauty. She looked like an Angel descended from heaven.

"Coming, darling" he said recovering from his dazed state. He walked to her and gently slipped his arms around her petite waist and pulled her closer to his chest. "Did I tell you that you look beautiful in this dress?" He asked huskily and nibbled her earlobe.

"I was hoping you would tell me that before I take this dress off and you didn't disappoint me, Veer" Inayat said smiling. She was waiting for him to compliment her but he didn't say a word since the moment she came out of the dressing room wearing the dress he had gifted her. He just gave an approving look and a smile before dragging her out.

"But darling, you will look more beautiful wearing anything at all"


"Wish I could make love to you now in this beach..."

"Veer, you seriously have a one-track mind."

"True, Inayat, so true. When you are with me, my mind is limited to only one line of thought and that is - us making love, over and over."

She blushed profusely, her cheeks are the deepest hue of pink which matched with the setting sun.

Before he could give in to his temptation and roll her on to the ground to make love, he found a distraction technique.

"Shall we play 'catch me if you can' game, Inayat?" Veer asked mischievously. Inayat frowned.

"You want me to catch you?" She asked wondering whether she could catch her sprinter husband.

"No, Inayat. Neither of us is going to be the catcher..."


"The waves will be the catcher."

"The waves?"

"Yes. We have to touch the wave with our hand and run before it catches us..."

"What happens if the wave catches us? Will we be out of the game?"

"Whoever gets out will kiss the other and start the game again." Veer said grinning mentally patting his shoulders for his brilliant idea.

"Shouldn't the loser be kissing the sand?" She asked with raised eyebrows.

"You would prefer kissing the sand over me?" He asked with his hands on his hips.

She shook her head side ways, blushing.

"Good. So you ready to play this game?"

"On one condition"

"What's it?"

"You shouldn't purposely get out so that you could kiss me."

"Oh baby, I am a genuine guy. I wouldn't cheat you, ever. Besides, I love to win, always."

"Okay fine."

They waited for the huge wave to approach them. When it came closer, Veer touched it and sprinted to the dry surface but Inayat wasn't quick enough. She just touched the water and turned around before the waves hit her feet.

"You out!" Veer approached her to claim his winning kiss.

He cupped her cheeks and bent his head down to kiss her, he was just a mere inch away from sealing her lips when she placed her fingers in between and pushed his face away. 

"Inayaaaaa" he groaned in disappointment.

"Veer that was a trial game."

"C'mon Inayaa! Play fair!"

"Veer..." She made a cute face.

"Alright, my adorable wife!" He tweaked her nose making her giggle.

"Run!" He shouted and Inayat ran without touching the waves. 

"You are not playing the game rightly, Inayat."

"You only shouted 'run' so I ran..."

"I just alerted you."

"You don't have to do that. You will only panic me."

"Okay fine. Let's start again."

And this time also Inayat got out. "You have too long legs and you run too fast, Veer."

"Not my fault"

"It's hard to run wearing this long dress, Veer"

"Stop giving me lame excuses, Inayat.  Just accept your defeat and kiss me."

Pouting, she quickly pecked on his lips.

"That's not a kiss!"

"For me that is!"

"Alright" Veer knew how to get a proper kiss from her.

Inayat got out for the next couple of times as well.

"Seems like you're the one who is getting out on purpose so that you get to kiss me." Veer teased her.

"Ugh... I will win and prove to you that I am not desperate to kiss you." She said, frustrated of losing in a row.

"Try, baby, try. You can win." Veer patted her shoulder, encouragingly.

She shrugged his hand off and stomped towards the sea ready to touch the upcoming wave and run.

Inayat touched the wave and turned around to run but tripped on her dress and fell down and the wave crashed over, wetting her completely.

"Oh oh no!" Veer ran to help his wife up. "Inayaa..."

Inayat spluttered the sea water and made a crying face.

"Inayaa, baby, get up."

"Ahhh... My hair" she sobbed as she swept her wet hair to her front. "There is full of sand in it."

"It's okay, I will wash it again for you." He reassured her and holding her shoulders, he lifted her up. "Come,  let's go to our room and clean you." He loved this new found job of runing bath to his baby like soft skinned wife. "And then let's get dirty together." He winked and pulled her closer to him by holding her shoulders.

She glared at him. "I am wet and it's all because of you..."

"You are wet already? But I didn't do anything yet..." He said with eyes full of mischief. "Damn, I never knew my simple words could turn you on." He said huskily and she cheeks turned red.

"Allah! Allah!" She gasped in shock as she angrily pushed his hands off her shoulders. "I wasn't talking about... Um... you know... I mean... Um... I am wet..." She crushed the hem of her dress and showed him about what wetness she was talking about. "...and it's all because of your stupid game."

"Stupid game?" He scoffed. "This the best game one could ever play in beach. Naira and I loved to play it when we were kids but yeah, we don't kiss when we lose. I just added that rule now for your sake."

"My sake?" She asked glaring at him.

"Okay, for my sake." He raised his hands, surrendering to her. "Now stop glaring at me. I might go blind."

"What about Arjun?" Inayat asked looking away, softly smiling.

"Hun?" He didn't understand her question.

"Doesn't he like to play this game?"

"Arjun stands fifty meters away from the water." Veer chuckled. "My baby brother was scared of waves, he still is, I think."


"He thinks the waves would swallow him up so he used to play in sand with mom while dad, Naira and I swim in the water." Veer chuckled.

"Hmm... So her doctor too has some sort of fear? Maybe I could help him overcome it just like he helped me overcome mine." She thought with a smile.

"What do you do when you come to beach?" Veer asked her. "Wait, have you been to a beach before this day?" He didn't think she would have gone anywhere outside Kashmir before their marriage.

"Before marrying you and settling in Mumbai, I have been to beach only twice. Once when I was 5, I came with my parents but I don't remember much..." She only had a vague memory of standing in water, tightly holding her parents' hands and giggling in glee every time when the wave touched her little feet and then remembered building a sand castle with her father's help. "After that I came with Izzaan about two years ago."

"You came to Mumbai?"

She nodded her head pressing her lips to hide her smile. 

"You never told me?" He frowned.

She shrugged.

"But why?"

"You were home then..."

"You guys came to see me?" Veer's eyes widen in shock. "Oh wait a minute! Isn't that the time I confessed about the feelings I have for you to your brother and asked your hand in marriage?"

"Yes. Izzaan wanted to meet your family before he gave his word to you."

"Then what happened? Why didn't you guys come and meet my family?"

"I didn't let him..." She said hesitantly.

"What!? Then why did you come all the way to Mumbai if you had no plan of meeting my family?"

"I didn't know about his secret plan till I came here." She said twisting her fingers nervously.


"I got my first month salary by working as a teacher and I asked Izzaan what he wanted out of that money I earned and for that he said he wanted to see Mumbai beach. Only after coming here, he told me about your proposal... I was shocked and confused because you never expressed much to me about your feelings..."

"I was shy" Veer said embarrassed.

"Aww... You are so cute." She puckered her lips and gave him an air kiss.

"Then what happened?" Veer was curious to know what made them change their minds and go back to Kashmir without meeting his family.

"Well, Izzaan told me that he liked you so much and he wanted me to marry you but before that he wanted some reassurance from your family that they would also treat me nice." She fondly smiled thinking how mature and caring her fifteen years old brother was.

Izzaan, my baby, if you are watching me now then you will know how happy I am with Veer and how wonderful his family memebers are. They treat me like their own and shower me with unconditional love. I love them so much.

"He even got your house address from your army friend Rajeev..."

"Hmm... My smart little boy had planned everything quite well but failed to involve me in his master plan."

"... But I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to appear at your door steps all of a sudden and sprung this news to your parents as I didn't know whether you have ever talked to your parents about me."

"Honestly I haven't. You know that." Only on the day of their wedding his parents came to know about his love for Inayat. "But... I would have taken that chance to reveal my love matter to them. And I might have married you then and there."

"Veer, if I had met your family that day as Izzaan planned, if your family had accepted our love, if we had gotten married then as you wished, if I had moved to Mumbai with Izzaan after that..." She paused as her eyes stung with unshed tears.

"Inayaa, please." Veer knew what she was struggling to say.

"Nothing would have happened to my baby, right? He would have been alive today, right? I... I... Killed him, didn't I?" She cried as guilt filled her chest.

"Inayat!" Veer snapped as he pulled her into his arms "You're not responsible for his death."

She shook her head refusing to agree.

"Inayat, listen to me." He pushed her little away from him but still held her arms tightly, forcing her to look at him. "Even if we had gotten married then, you wouldn't have moved to Mumbai to live with my parents. You would have stayed in Kashmir itself as I would have preferred to keep you closer to me and that horrible incident would have still happened to you and Izzaan. We could not change the fate, Inayat, how much ever we wish to. Certain things are meant to happen."

Inayat nodded her head understanding his point. "Veer, do you still prefer to have me closer to you? Should I move back to Kashmir?" She asked as she could feel how much he had missed her.

Yes, darling! Please come with me!

"No, darling." Though it was killing him to stay away from his wife, he wanted her to live in a safe and comfortable place.

My brave boy Izzaan is also not with you to protect you now!

"Stay here. Stay safe."

I lost Izzaan. I can't lose you as well. You're my life line.

"But Veer..."

"Please" he pleaded.

I am a helpless husband. I can't even protect my wife. I need to rely on my family to keep her happy and safe. God! This hurts me more than anything!

"Don't make it hard on me, Inayaa" he looked pained.

"I am sorry, Veer" she hugged him unable to see him upset. 

"You still haven't told me what you would like to do when you come to beach?"

"Play in water, obvious but I love to collect seashells more."

"Then let's collect seashells." He said wanting to lighten her mood.

"Really?" She asked with twinkling eyes. He pulled her back in his arms and soundly kissed her cheek and gently bit it.

Pushing him, she ran to the place where she saw a huge chunk of seashells washed up in that beach.

"Veer, look at this" she found a conch shell and showed it to him. She pulled him down and placed the conch near his ear. "Did you hear the sound of sea? I love it."

Veer nodded, smiling as he held her wrist and kissed her fist. 

"Keep it safe." She said and put it in his pocket.

"What are you going to do with these shells?" Veer asked as he picked few unique shells.

"I will write all our family members name in these shells with a waterproof pen and put them in ammi's fish tank." She said excitedly.

"Then write our names in this heart shaped cockle shell." He said as he uncurled his fingers and showed a beautiful pale pink shell. The color of that shell reminded him of his wife's blush pink cheeks. 

"Wow. It's cool." She was looking for something like that only but she couldn't find it. Gladly her husband got it.

"And..." He took a blue and a pink cockle shells. "Write our son and daughter's name in these two."

"Hey, these shells are smooth." She felt the smoothness by rubbing it with her thumb. "How are you finding all the good one's?"

"My eyes have this special power of finding only the best one's, my dear." He said with a wink. He meant her. She was the best thing his eyes had ever found.

She giggled.

"Veer, from morning I have been trying to tell you something..." She slowly started once they got tired of picking shells.

"What is it? Tell me now, sweetheart?" He sat down and stretched his legs wanting the waves to caress his feet.

Inayat crawled closer to him and sat beside him, placing her hand on his chest. "When you carried me on your shoulders in the pool, I felt like I was with my abu, happy and carefree. When you washed my hair, I felt like I was with my ammi. I felt her love and tenderness in you. And now when helped me collect seashells, I felt closer to Izzaan."

He didn't want to break the spell so he didn't say a word. He just intently listened to her.

"I thought I had lost them once and for all and I wouldn't get them back ever but I was wrong." She took her hand from his chest and placed it on his cheek and gently scratched his stubble. "I got them back through you. You are my abu. You are my ammi. You are my..."

"Please stop." He placed his finger on her lips. "I don't want to be your brother."

"Oh you are such an idiot, Veer." Inayat laughed throwing her head back and a rain drop fell on her forehead.

"Don't laugh, Inayat." He pouted as he felt the drizzles on his skin too.

"I was going to tell - you're my baby. I always saw Izzaan as my baby, Veer." She reassured him.

"Oh thank God. I got scared you would start seeing your brother in me and start showing sisterly affection to me." He lifted her up and placed her on his lap and nuzzled her neck.

"All I want to say is..." She tightly wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed his face against her chest. "I feel closer to my family when I am closer to you so always be with me, never ever leave me. I love you."

"Oh, darling, I love you" he cried, fighting the strong urge to make love to her then and there.

She took his face between her hands and softly nibbled his lips failing to understand his need. 

"God! Inayaa! You will kill me with your softness. Be wild for once." He said and kissed her hardly and tasted her blood. He licked and sucked, healing her cut lips.

It wasn't drizzling anymore but pouring down but they didn't mind.

They were busy making out passionately but a thunderbolt ruined their intimate moment.

"Damn you, Inayat!" He said gritting his teeth when she jumped up in fright and moved away from him.

"Sorry" she muttered, shivering.

"When thunder crashes you are supposed to hug me tight, baby, not to scramble away from me." He told her in a gentle tone. "Now closer to me" he opened his arms. Once she got in, he locked her with his arms. "Now kiss me" he ordered.

"Ask me nicely, Veer!"

"Darling, your husband is starving so please feed him with your sweet kisses."

"That's better" she patted his chest before kissing him.

... To be continued!


Thanks in advance!

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