Part 65

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Unedited - Unbelievably long & boring update! Please don't fall asleep while reading thid part! Lol!

Part - 65


"Only one life, that soon is past. Only what's done with love will last."


"Achooo! Achooo!" Inayat sneezed continously as she curled small on the bed, clutching the towel wrapped around her body tightly. She was trembling from head to toe, an after effect of drenching in rain.

"Inayat, you still haven't got dressed?" Veer asked as he walked out of the bathroom towel drying his wet hair wearing only his track pants and no shirt on.

He had run her a bath and sent her out of the bathroom to get dressed and in the mean time he took his shower.

He gently placed his hand on her bare shoulders and felt her shiver. "Veer, your hand is cold." She moaned.

"Sorry" he took it off before placing it back on her forehead. "Inayaa, you are burning. You are having fever."

"I feel so cold, Veer."

"Inayaa, get up." Veer sat on the edge of the bed and gently pulled her into his arms. "I am sorry" he whispered and kissed her head.

"Why?" She asked confused as she nestled against his bare chest. His body heat was warming her up.

"That... I..." He closed his eyes as he thought about their passionate making out session in the beach. "Sorry, Inayat, I lost control and got carried away when you didn't show any protest." He stopped only when he realized they were soaked to the skin "And then I got you ice cream just because you asked for it without thinking it would affect your health. I should have predicted the weather and hired a car but I opted for bike... God! So many stupid mistakes I have done today. It's unforgivable on my part. I am sorry."

"Veer, I am fine. Just caught some cold... Achoo!"

"And you have high fever. You get dressed. Let's go see a doctor."

"No! I don't want to go anywhere."


"Please Veer"

Sighing, he placed his cheek on her head as he rubbed her shoulders and arms to warm them up.

"Veer, can you get my night dress, please?"

"Sure" he laid her back on the bed and went to find her night dress from her bag.

"Here" he passed her a dark green satin maxi kaftan. She quickly slipped into her kaftan and removed her towel off her body. Meanehile he took his phone and texted his brother. After that he made a call to the room service.

"I have ordered chicken soup for you from the restaurant down here"

"I don't want anything, Veer."

He just gave her a look and that was enough to silence her. He was done listening to her. Now she would listen to him.

His phone buzzed and he checked it. Then he started pacing around the room anxiously and she silently watched him. Oh my poor husband!

Ten minutes later, they heard the door bell. Veer rushed to the door and opened it. He collected the food from the service boy and gave him a small paper and some cash as he asked for a favour.

"Inayat, sit up." he helped her up and placed a pillow on her lap and on top of that placed the soup container. He opened it and put a spoon in it.

He waited for a couple of seconds hoping his wife would help herself but when she kept staring at the soup, he decided to feed her. He took the spoon, stirred the soup before scooping some and taking it to her mouth. "Here, open your mouth." He kinda force fed her when she hesitated.

"Ah... Allah" she covered her mouth and her eyes welled up. It was so hot and it burnt her tongue.

"God! I am sorry" he put the spoon down and cupped her cheeks with his hands. "I am sorry, Inayat. I am completely out of my mind." He placed a beseeching kiss on her lips.

She hissed and pulled away from him. There was a cut in her lip, it was all his doing and it pained her when he pressed his lips on it.

"What have I done to you?" He groaned as he placed his forehead against hers.

"I am fine, Veer" she reassured him as she couldn't see her husband like this, worried and upset. She decided to cooperate with him and put him at ease. She held the bowl and took the spoon in her hand. She blew twice before slipping the spoon in her mouth.

"Is it good?" Veer asked. She nodded her head weakly smiling. "You didn't order food for you, Veer?"

"I am not hungry. I had too much of fried momos, right?" While she had ice cream, he had fried momos from a street food center. They really had a good time today but then they could have ended it better only if she hadn't fallen sick. They could have finished what business they had left unfinished at the beach. *sigh*


"Your hair is damp." He said and taking the towel she had discarded on the bed before, he started vigorously drying her hair. "Why did you stop?" He asked when she set the spoon down.

"If you keep shaking my head how will I have my soup?" She asked matter of fact.

"God! I have seriously gone mad!" Veer shook his head as he raked his fingers through his hair. He was supposed to be a smart guy. Then what had happened to him today? Acting so stupid? "Please don't fall sick ever again, Inayaa. My mind is not functioning at all."

"Veer, I am not seriously ill. It's just a fever. I will be fine in a day or two so stop making it big." She told him calmly and rubbed her palm over his chest soothing him.

"I am taking you home tomorrow morning." He declared and took his phone from the night stand.

"No! No! Please no!" She snatched the phone from his hand stopping him from booking their flight tickets. "We will go home monday morning as planned, Veer, please. I have to do a lot of shopping and I am planning to do that tomorrow."

"Hell no! If you don't want us to go home tomorrow, then you are not stepping out of this room! You are going to take rest the whole day."

"Veer, we will get bored having nothing to do. If I was well... at least then we could have..." She stopped.

"Hmm made love" he finished the sentence for her.

"Yeah so you are taking me out tomorrow for shopping."

"As far as I remember you are not fond of shopping, right?"

"Yeah but this time I want to shop for our family." It had been over five months since she joined the Kundras and till date she hadn't gotten anything for them. "Ammi has been gifting me a lot and I haven't gifted her anything yet. Oh and I have to shop for Naira. We have to give her a lot gifts for her wedding, right? We have to get cashews for Arjun and dadi. I will buy some crop tops for Kathryn. She often wears them so I think she loves to wear them. What will I buy for abu?" She wondered as she didn't know what her father in law liked apart from her mother in law.

Seeing her excitement he decided to give in to her demand. "Alright! I will take you out for shopping on one condition!"

"What is it?"

They heard the door bell again.

"Who is it?" Inayat asked. Without replying, Veer went to answer the door.

He returned to her side holding a cover in his hand. He turned the cover upside down and let the things fall on to the bed. Inayat's eyes widen seeing tablet strips.

"Quickly finish your soup and take these meds."

"Veer, no!" Inayat shook her head. "I hate tablets. I hate the smell of it."

"Only if you take your meds without throwing any tantrum, I will take you out for shopping tomorrow."


"Then we are going home tomorrow." He threatened.


"Inayat!" He took the spoon from her hand and started feeding her the soup. This time he needn't worry about burning her tongue as the soup had turned lukewarm.

Once he had emptied the soup container, he placed it aside and took the water bottle.

He checked the manufacting and expiry dates of the medicines before taking them out of the strips.

"Four tablets?" Inayat looked ready to faint.

"Open your mouth wide. I will put these tablets at once and you gulp them down with water."

"Four tablets at once?" She panicked. "Veer, please..."

"Yeah otherwise you will take an hour to swallow one tablet."


"Stop 'Veer' me, Inayat" he said sternly. "And open your mouth."

"I will throw up" she stopped him when he brought his hand to toss the tablets in to her mouth.

"Even if you throw up on my face, I don't care! So stop irritating me and just take these medicine, Inayat!" He raised his voice.

Inayat gaped at him in shock. He was never this loud to her.

What is wrong with him? Is he frustrated because he couldn't have sex with me tonight? No! Veer is not like that! How stupid of me to think like that? It must be his worry. Once I get well, he will be back to his sweet self. She reassured herself.

Blinking her eyes to hold back her tears, she took the meds from his hand. She would have it on her own. She didn't need his help.

Oh this is torture!

She closed her eyes shut and holding her breath, she popped one tablet and washed her mouth with water and then repeated the process.

She gaged but covering her mouth with her hand, she pushed everything back down her throat.

"Well done" Veer said with a smile as he sighed in relief. She took her meds. She will be fine.

Inayat glared at him.

"Now sleep" he ordered.

"Stop ordering me!" She yelled. "And no, I am not going to sleep! I am going to... Read! Yeah, I haven't read anything for almost 2 days and that's because of you! You kept me busy."


"Stop 'Inayaa' me!" She threw his words back at him and got off the bed to grab her book from her bag. Veer watched her with a smile. Hmm... My wife can get mad at me!

She laid on her side, facing away from him and stared at the open book which she was holding in her out stretched hand. She had no mood to read now but just to go against her husband's wish she was adamantly trying to read.

"What are you reading?" Veer asked lovingly moving closer to her and hugging her. He rubbed his stubble cheek on her soft cheek. "You are hot" he whispered nibbling her ear. She sharply elbowed him. "Whoa!" He clutched his stomach in pain. "What was that for?" He pulled her shoulder and made her lie on her back. "I meant your body temperature, not your attractiveness."

So I am not attractive? She frowned.

"Well, you are extremely attractive and exceptionally beautiful. And I am madly in love with you. No doubt about all that. But in this instance I meant your body heat as hot. Okay?" He answered to her unasked question.

"Move away and sleep at the other end of the bed, Veer" she shoved him away.


"I don't want you to get fever as well."

"I am not doing that" he pulled her closer to him and locked her hips with his arms.

"Veer..." She tried to push herself away from him but failed.

"Let's read together. That's something we have never done before." He suggested to divert her mind.

"Veer, please..."

"Shush" he placed his finger on her lips and his lips on her forehead. "I am your husband, your partner. I am ready to share anything and everything with you. This fever is just nothing." He kissed her forehead once again.

Sighing, Inayat rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arm around his torso while he held the book for them with one hand and with other she caressed her back.

"Is there any interesting chapter that I should read first? Like something hot and erotic?"

Blushing, Inayat slapped his arm.

"No? Then reading this book is utter waste of time." He was about to toss away the book but she held his hand and stopped him.

"Chapter 8, 11, 18, 21 and 24" she hurriedly said.

"Those chapters have mature contents?" He asked excitedly, his eyes shining brightly. She shyly nodded her head.

"You have already read this book?" He asked smirking.

She nodded her head again without looking at him.

"And you brought this book to re-read on our honeymoon for a reason?"

"This book is my recent favorite."

"Oh why?"

"In this book, the male protagonist is an army officer and I imagine you as him. When he makes love to his lover, I feel like..." She couldn't say further. Her cheeks felt hotter.

"Wow! I have made love to you in your imagination before I made love to you in real."

"So many times" she softly added. He chuckled.

"Is there any other book in which you have imagined me as the hero?"

"Yes. Almost all." She told him. "I never had celebrity crushes to imagine them while reading books as I rarely watch movies, you know that. And I never liked any man intimately other than you. So I don't have any option but only you to imagine. You are my real and imaginary hero, Veer." She whispered.

"I am so pleased, Inayat" he pecked her cheek.

"But before running my imagination, I first read the epilogue of every book to know whether it has happy ending or not. If it has then I imagine us as the leads otherwise I won't because not even in book I can see us apart. We are meant to be together, forever, Veer. I love you." She kissed his cheek soundly.

"Oh Inayaa" he groaned hugging her tightly making it difficult for her to breath. He felt so much love and pain at the same time hearing all that. "I love you too so much and I am sorry I couldn't be by your side, always. I am sorry you have to live your life in imagination." His voice strained and it hurt her.

"Veer, please..." She leaned up and looked at him with tear filled eyes.

"If you had married some other man then he would have been with you all the time, right?"

"Yeah, maybe, but there is no guarantee that he would have kept me happy all the time." She said and holding his cheeks with her hands, meeting his eyes, she continued "But you do, Veer. A mere thought of you makes me so happy and brings a smile on my face."


"Trust me when I say I am happy with you, Veer, even when you are thousands of miles away from me."

He smiled and kissed her lips with so much love and tenderness and in that moment, he decided to give her a small human being, a baby, who will be with her all the time and make her life happier.

"Veer..." She broke the kiss and looked at him "...I feel sleepy" her medicines were making her drowsy.

"Sleep, darling" he leaned up and kissed her forehead.

"But promise me, you will read this book with me, one day."

"I promise." He smiled as he put the book on the bedside stand and switched off the lamp.

"Thank you, Veer" she mumbled, hugging him.

"Good night, Inayaa" he whispered and quickly she had fallen asleep.

Hours later, Veer woke up feeling hot, suffocated and sweating profusely, why, because the AC was turned off.

He tried to lean up and reach for the AC remote but he was weighed down.

Only then he realized his wife was partially lying on his chest, sleeping and he had turned off the AC like an hour ago for her as she was shivering.

He placed the back of his hand on her forehead to check her temperature. She still had high fever.

He gently eased her off his chest without disturbing her sleep and got off the bed and walked to the balcony, grabbing his phone on the way.

"What useless medicine did you prescribe, Arjun?" He barked as soon as his brother answered the call on the final ring. "It has no effect at all. Inayat is still having high fever, dammit!"

"Stop yelling at me at this hour and talk calmly, bro" Arjun said softly as he slowly came awake. Though he understood his brother's concern for his wife, he didn't want to be yelled at 4 in the morning.

Sighing, Veer counted down from 10 to calm his nerves.

"Bro? You there?"


"How is bhabhi?"

"Inayat is not doing well. It's worrying me. Should I call a doctor?"

"Well, you have already called one and talking to him at the moment."

Veer rolled his eyes. "I meant should I call a doctor here to check her up"

"I don't think that would be required."

"Then what should I do?"

"At what time she took the medicines?"

"Around 10"

"Hmm. It's more than 6 hours. Okay. You give her another dosage of medicines and keep wiping her body with a soft, clean and wet piece of cloth. That will help in cooling her body."


"Yep! She will be fine soon. Don't worry." He assured his brother. "If she didn't then take her to the hospital." He added.


"Take care of my bhabhi jaan"

"I will"

"Call me if you need me, okay?"

"Sure. Bye." He hung up. He walked back to his wife and sat next to her and took her hand in his as he wondered how to wake her up and give her the medicines.

He got the tablets and water ready before gently shaking his wife trying to wake her up.

"Hmm" she moaned in her sleep.

"Inayaa, sit up for a moment, please" he said and gently lifted her up and supported her upper body with his. "Open your mouth" he softly instructed and she did as she was told, still sleeping. He placed a small pill in her mouth and made her sip some water and then he repeated the process till he gave her all the 4 pills. "Good girl" he pressed a kiss on her temple and held her in that position for a while as he didn't want her to lie flat right after consuming tablets.

After sometime, he settled her comfortably on the bed and went to get a wet cloth to wipe her body.

He wiped her face with a wet cloth, she grimaced but didn't wake up so he moved further to her neck and then down to her shoulders. He gently pulled her night dress off her shoulders to get free access to her chest but instinctively she pushed his hand away and clutched her dress as she started whimpering "Veer... Veer... Don't touch... Veer..."

"I am here. I am here."

"Veer..." She cried in her sleep as she fought him when he tried to envelope her in his arms.

"It's me. Your Veer. So stop fighting me, baby. Please." He said softly and she relaxed in his arms when her subconscious mind registered his voice. 

"Veer" she mumbled his name in her sleep and a lone tear escaped from her eyes. He angrily threw the wet cloth on the floor and cupped her face.

"Inayaa, I am sorry" he said painfully and placed a tight kiss on her forehead. He hugged her securely in his arms and he had a sleepless night.


"Veer, will you let my hand go?"

"No, why? Don't you like me holding you?"

"It's not that. It's just... I know to use an escalator. You need not tell me to watch my footing in every floor I take an escalator and keep holding my hand as if I will trip and fall."

"If you are quite done with your shopping then we will go back to our hotel room. You look dead tired. You need rest." He said indirectly telling her why he was holding her hand securely.

"I am fine. I don't even have fever now."

"But you have cold. Your nose is as red as hot pepper." He said as he pressed her nose tip.

"Veer forget about my health and give me some ideas. I have to get gifts for everyone..."

"You already got dresses for all and you took almost the whole day of that."

"Whole day? We have been here only for 4 hours, Veer." She said, offended.

"I am giving you 2 more hours, Inayaa. Purchase whatever you want in that time..."

"Just 2 hours? But this mall will be open till 10pm, right?"

"2 hours!"

"Veer, please..." She cutely pleaded him for time extention.

"It's 4 now. At sharp 6 you will wrap up your shopping. Then we will have an early dinner and get settled in our room by 8.30" he said using his strict army officer tone.

"Don't talk to me in that tone, Veer! And I am not leaving this mall before 8."

"Oh darling, either you walk out nicely at 6 or I will drag you out by your hair. After all you do have firm and long hair."

"You wouldn't dare touch my hair." Inayat said resisting herself from rolling her eyes as it was impolite. "And I know you are a perfect gentleman. You wouldn't manhandle me so keep your empty threat with yourself and hold these bags as well" she dumped couple more shopping bags to him as a punishment and also she wanted to keep both his hands occupied otherwise he would hold her and walk her as if she was a toddler.  

Yeah darling, I love your beautiful hair so much and I wouldn't mess with it. He sighed in defeat. "At least have something, Inayaa. We had our lunch at 12. Don't you feel hungry?"

"No" she shook her head but then quickly changed her mind. "Veer, we will have Tandoori chai from there?" She pointed to a shop named 'NovelTea'. She was a tea lover but never tasted Tandoori tea and she was dying to try it now.

"Have some fresh juice, Inayat!" He suggested as he thought juice was a better choice than tea.

"Make up your mind and call me either Inayat or Inayaa."

"I love both. Now come." He took her hand and lead her to a juice bar.

"Two apple juice. One without ice." Veer ordered for them without consulting her.

"And one without sugar" Inayat interjected.

"Seems like someone is pissed at her husband." Veer muttered hiding his smile as they took their seats, opposite to each other.

"Yes, I am pissed at you. You treated me like a baby in the escalator. You didn't let me sip a cup of tea. You didn't ask me what I wanted to drink. And on top of that no ice in my juice." She pouted.

"Forgive me for holding my wife's hand who is sick but pretending to be fine. Forgive me for ordering her favorite apple juice but without ice as she has cold. And forgive me for not letting her sip a cup of tea now but I will later, before leaving this mall, I promise, okay?" 

"Oh you are cute." She placed her hand on top of his hand which was placed on the table and squeezed it. "And forgive me for saying no sugar for your apple juice, Veer."

He smiled. "You are just like my mother, Inayaa. One minute you show your anger and the very next minute you show your love to me."

Inayat smiled. "And you are just like abu. So loving and caring."

"You are addressing my dad as 'abu' to me but why are you not calling him that?" He asked suddenly.


"Are you scared of him?" He asked. He felt disgusted at himself to even ask that question because his father was no Rafiq, the man his wife saw in a fatherly figure but tried to rape her and became the reason for her brother's death.

"No, Veer. I am not scared of him. I love him so much. He is the best father I have ever seen in my life."

"Then what's stopping you from calling him 'abu'?"

"After calling him 'uncle' for all these months... I am little hesitant to call him 'abu'. Don't know how he would react to it."

"He would be on cloud nine."

"Okay then I will call him 'abu' but not immediately. I want it to happen naturally..."



Inayat walked around the huge shop in the mall named 'Art&Antique' looking for suitable gifts for her family and Veer trailed behind her.

"This one or this one?" Inayat asked showing two figurines of Lord Ganesh. One - a hand craved porchelin standing statue. Two - a metal hand craved Ganesha on a leaf along with a small diya.

"That leaf one." Veer pointed.

"Okay. Even I like this one more." Inayat smiled. She was buying that gift for her mom in law.

"So you know my mom's favorite God... Hmm, not bad."

"Yeah, daily morning I see ammi doing pooja to this God and she even gives me sweet. Laddoo." Inayat said smiling. Veer smiled. His family respected her religious beliefs as much as she did theirs.

"I am getting this for Kathryn." She said as she picked a beautiful chain.

"Perfect. Get one for Arjun too." Veer teased.

"This is girl's chain. He can't wear it." She looked for something similar. After going round and round the shop for half hour, she finally found a silver stethoscope keychain with an A alphabet charm. "How about this?"

"Its cute. He will love it but not more than the Apple Airpods you got him. You see, he is a music lover."

"I know right." Inayat smiled proudly.

"Now what are you looking for? Tell me exactly." Veer asked as they wander through the aisles.

"I don't know. I am just looking for something nice to buy for Dadi, Abu, Naira, Yash & his mom"

"No gift for me?" Veer asked in shock. His wife left his name in that list.

Inayat turned around and looked at him, frowning. "You want a gift?"

Veer gasped. "You didn't plan to give me one?"

"Actually no. I thought we will give gifts to our family and not to each other."


"But if you want one I can get you one." She said to appease him.

"It's okay. Leave it." He said and walked past her, pissed. 

You are the biggest and best gift of my life and you think I will not buy a special gift for you, Veer? Inayat thought chuckling softly.

She let him be on his own for a while and went to the handbag section and got a navy blue leather handbag. It was simple and elegant. She decided to gift that to Yash's mom Swetha. She could use it as her office bag. She thought.

She stood in front of a rolling display stand and looked for latest brand men's watch.

Hmm... Fossil!

"Is this nice?" She had asked her husband who had come by her side after a short while.

"Wow! It's too cool. For whom? Dad or Yash?" He asked as his wife already told him no gift for him and she had already got one for Arjun so those were the two options left.

"For Naira" Inayat said.

Veer laughed. "You knew it?"

"Of course, I do know about her craze for men's watch." Inayat grinned.

"Yeah, she steals mine, dad's and Arjun's watches all the time" Veer said pouting. Inayat grinned and patted his cheek as if he was a child. 

"Get couple more pieces of that watch and gift Yash and dad, one each." He suggested so that they could quickly wrap up their shopping session.

"No! We won't buy same gifts."

"Why? What's wrong in that?"

"If we buy same gifts then won't they think that we didn't put any thought before buying it for them?" She asked. He just shrugged. "We should always buy something that should mean special to them. Our gifts should show that we know them closely and we care for their liking."

"Understood!" He raised his hands up, surrendering.

"Omg! Is that a Chess board?" Inayat asked to a salesman.

"Yes, madam. It's a Skyline Chess board." He replied as he took it out from the box and displayed it.

"Wow! This is so unique. I never seen one like this before." She said to the salesman and then turning to her husband, she said "Veer, we will buy this for..."

"Yash, obviously." Veer rolled his eyes. "I think you are running out of ideas and buying gifts based on their professions." He teased his wife. "Are you going to get a gun for dad or some gym equipments?"

Inayat giggled. Veer badly wanted to pull her into his arms and kiss her soundly.

"I really don't know what to buy for abu." She said walking aimlessly and stopped at earrings section.

"Are you going to buy studs for my dad?" He asked making a face.

"No!" Inayat laughed. "Show me that Ruby stud." She asked a salesgirl.

"It's so pretty." She took it in her hand and adored it.

"Get it for you then, Inayaa." If his wife liked it then she wanted to have it. Simple.

"No, this is for dadi."

"You have great choice you know"

"Thank you" she blushed.

"Just one more gift, right?" Veer asked.

"Yes. What should I give abu? Any idea?"

"How about a crime novel?"

"I don't think he is fond of books. Maybe I should get a romance novel for ammi."


"Is that a ring?" She asked to a salesman in the electronic section.

"Yes, madam"

"What's special about it?"

"If you tap on the ring images will display." He showed her how it works. He tapped and a beautiful scenery came on the small screen.

"Oh. How will I send an image to this device?"

"Through bluetooth, madam."

"Oh" she nodded. "Wish I could get this for you, Veer. This way you could have all our family members' pics with you all the time, right? One tap and you will be able to see us." She sighed as he wasn't allowed to carry such devices in army. That was the reason why he was using a basic mobile phone but not a smart phone.

"It's as unique and cool as my dad so you better gift it to him, Inayaa."

"Brilliant idea." She quickly asked the saleman to pack it and bill it.

"Abu can put all of Naira's pics in it and see it whenever he feels like as he will be missing her badly after her marriage."

"Hmm..." Veer rubbed his face getting worried for his parents. First he left home and now Naira. He hoped at least Arjun would stay with them and take care of them. "Inayaa, take care of my parents for me, please." His dadi was too old and his brother was too young so he had to solely depend on his wife to take care of his beloved parents.

"I will take care of everyone. You don't have to worry, Veer." She reassured him with a smile. He smiled back.

"See, Veer, I am done shopping before the dead line."

He checked his wrist watch and it was only 5.50 pm. "I am surprised, Inayat." He really thought she would shop till 8pm but she was done before 6pm.

"Thanks for helping me choose the right one's"

"My pleasure" he said and walked her out carrying all the gift bags.

"Wait. Wait. Wait." Veer held her gand and stopped her.


"Come with me" he dragged her into a 'Just Born' shop.

"Please show me some new born baby clothes." Veer asked a salesgirl.

"For whose baby?" Inayat asked curiously and at the same time the salesgirl asked "Boy or girl baby, sir?"

"Show me for both boy and girl."

She showed him cute onesies in different colors and prints.

"So cute. Pack them all."

"Veer..." Inayat held his arm to gain his attention. "...are you buying these clothes for any of your friend's babies?"

"No! For our babies, Inayat."

"Our babies?"

"Yeah. I don't have much time. We should really work on it and get you pregnant soon." He expressed his wish to her.


"I don't know whether I will be with you when you give birth to our baby... so I am getting the clothes in advance..." He said as he passed his card to the person at the billing counter.

Inayat left the shop with tears streaming down her cheeks.


"God! You are here! I was searching for you everywhere in the mall. Why did you leave without telling me?" Veer yelled at Inayat when he finally found her at the parking lot leaning against their hired car.

As soon as he unlocked the doors, she got in and sat on the passenger seat.

"I am asking you something, Inayat, answer me?" He sat next to her on the driver seat but didn't start the car.

"Why did you say that?" Inayat asked in hoarse voice.

"Hey" he turned her face and made her look at him. "Why are you crying? And what did I say?" He asked confused as he wiped off her tears with his thumb.

"That you don't have much time. That you won't be with me when I give birth to our baby."

"Yeah, what's wrong in that?"

"What's wrong? You know I can't live without you but you keep talking about leaving me. Do you have any idea how much you have hurt me by saying that, Veer?" Inayat burst into loud sobs.

"Oh God!" He pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back trying and failing to calm her down.

"Inayaa, please stop crying."

She lifted her face off his chest and covered it with her palms as she tried to stop her tears.

Veer groaned in pain seeing her puffy eyes and tear stained face.


"Don't talk to me, Veer."

"Please listen to me, Inayaa. When I said 'I don't have much time' I meant to say that I will be leaving back to Kashmir in a week, right after Naira's wedding so we have to speed up and try getting you pregnant. If we miss this chance then I will come home for a long holiday only next year. I know you will come and meet me in between but that's just for a day or two and conceiving a baby then may or may not work out. You get me, right?"

She just stared at her lap, sniffing.

"And I said 'I don't know whether I will be with you when you give birth to our baby' because I seriously don't know where I will be posted then. If I am posted in a peace zone then I can try and get permission and come here to see you giving birth to our first child but if I am posted in field location, I can't come." He explained.

"Inayaa, baby, please look at me." He placed his gentle hand on her cheek and turned her to his side. "I love you too much to die soon." He kissed her lips.

"The moment you die, I will die, Veer!" She vowed to him.

"No!" He kissed her lips again long and hard.

...To be continued!

Omg! 6000+ words! Longest part of this book! How is it guys?

Did you like the gifts? I took so many hours to find them. 

And Rishab's ring is just an ordinary ring, nothing special about it in real! Lol

I wanted to give Rishab a Bonsai plant but then changed my mind Lol!

Please consider my effort and leave a decent comment but not just a single word 'nice'!

Oh and don't forget to VOTE!


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