Part 66

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Part - 66


"No love is greater than mom's love. No care is greater than dad's care."


Rishab was restless. He couldn't sleep. He turned to his side and saw his wife sleeping peacefully. He didn't have the heart to wake her up and tell her about his unreasonable worry.

"I better go check on my baby. Only then I will get some peace and sleep." He got out of the bed and headed to Naira room.

He knocked the door twice but there was no reply. "Maybe she is asleep" he decided to go back and see her in the morning but then something stopped him. He turned the door knob and it clicked open.

He slowly walked in and found his baby girl lying on the bed facing away from him.

He sat at the edge and leaning down he placed a gentle kiss before caressing her hair. "My sweet darling, I will miss you so much once you get married and go to your new home." he whispered with a smile.

Naira brought her legs up to her chest and hugged them with her hands as she buried her face deeper in to the fluffy pillow.

"Honeybee?" Rishab whispered. He could sense something was not right. "You awake!" He didn't ask, just stated because he knew his daughter wouldn't curl up small like a ball and sleep. He quickly turned on the lights.


"Baby, why are you crying?" He turned her to his side and she moved her head to his lap and started crying loudly.

"Naira, baby, what happened?" He asked as he ruffled her hair. "Is you leg paining? You want daddy to press your legs?" Even since the car accident she was getting frequent leg pain and he would give her an oil massage to ease her pain.

"No, daddy"

"Did Yash say something to you?" He asked doubtfully. She had gone out with him for dinner and only after that she was like this - upset.

"No... Yes" he did say something and that had triggered her emotions.

"What is it?"

"I don't want this marriage, daddy"

"WHAT?!" It was Madhu who shouted. She suddenly woke up feeling her husband missing and came in search of him and heard that. "What did you say, Naira?" Madhu walked to her daughter holding her chest. She would get an attack if Naira confirmed her statement.

"I don't want this marriage, momma" she cried unconsolably hugging her dad.

"Why baby? Did Yash misbehave with you?" Madhu asked angrily as she sat on the bed and cupped her daughter's face.

"No, momma. He would never do that. He is a gem." Naira said.

"As I thought" Madhu sighed. "Then stop crying and tell us clearly what is your problem?"

"I don't want to leave our home after marriage." When she had gone out with Yash he had casually asked whether she had started packing her things and that was when it dawned to her that she would be leaving her home soon. "I can't stay away from you, daddy." Naira said looking at Rishab with so much love. "I want to be with you and mommy"

"Oh baby!" Rishab hugged her tightly and looked at his wife "Madhu..."

"Don't! Don't say anything!" She warned him. "You..." She pointed her finger to her husband and then to her daughter "and you, stop this drama and go, sleep" she stood up and looked at her husband expecting him to follow her but he didn't leave his daughter's side.

Sighing, she sat back on the bed and decided to make her daughter understand things though it was something new to her. She didn't have any emotional breakdown or wedding jitters at her time as she was so eager to get married to the man she loved and leave her parents' home and start a new life with him.

"Naira, it's so natural to have these thoughts and worries but trust me once you get married you will completely forget us. Your days will start and end with Yash." She said bluntly.  Rishab closed his eyes. His wife never knew to handle things patiently.

"I won't forget you!" Naira protested.

"Yes, you won't, darling. You won't." Rishab patted her arm to calm her down.

"Can't Yash and his mom stay with us here in our home?"

"Don't be silly, Naira!" Madhu scolded her.

"Daddy, you tell?"

"Rishab, be honest!" Madhu warned him. She didn't want her husband to give any false hope to their daughter.

"Naira... I don't think Yash would like that..."

"Can you talk to him and convince him for me, please?"

"No, darling. That's not right." Rishab hesitated.


"Naira ask your daddy whether he would have agreed to this condition if he was in Yash's place?" Madhu asked sweetly, smirking.

Rishab glared at his wife for pulling him into this issue.


"No, Naira, I wouldn't." He said honestly. Hell! He didn't even stay at his parents' place after his marriage with Madhu then how he would have stayed at her parents' place? As far as he remembered, he had stayed at his in laws place only once, that too for a night, when Arjun was newly born. "If still your mom had insisted on that condition then I would have called off the wedding with her."

Madhu gasped in shock. "You would have done that?"


"So you think even Yash would call off the wedding if I ask him to move in with me to my home after our marriage?" Naira asked as worry gripped in her. She couldn't think of a life without Yash.

"Maybe" Rishab shrugged.

"Momma, don't you think this is so unfair? Why only we women should leave everything behind and go, live with a man we hardly know for the rest of our lives?" Naira asked moving to closer to her mother.

"Yes, baby, this is so unfair." She embraced her daughter. "But what to do? These men are pigs."

"Pigs?" Rishab asked in disbelief.

"Buffalos! Donkeys! Monkeys!" Madhu yelled.

"Baby, you don't listen to your mom. You come to me. I will explain things clearly to you." He opened his arms for his daughter and she went in. She placed her head on her daddy chest and wrapped an arm around his torso.

"When you and Veer were born I said something to your mom, don't know whether she remembers it now..." He paused and looked at his wife and she gave him a curious look.

First tell me what is it, husband, then I will tell you whether I remember it or not!

"What?" Madhu asked.

"What did you say, dad?"

"I said 'Veer is just a baby but Naira is an Angel'"

Oh that! I remember it very well, husband. You said it in the hospital, to your mother actually, when you brought Naira to me from the neonatal ward.

Oh that day! I will never forget in my life. I held my daughter in my arms for the first time. Aww... she looked so sweet and tiny. My baby!

"Oh" Naira mused and smiled at her mother when she surprisingly planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Yes, Naira, you are truly an Angel." Madhu whispered to her.

Nodding his head in agreement, Rishab continued "God has sent you to us to make our lives happy and we will never let you go. We are only sharing you with a nice man so that you could make his life happy as well." He told her gently and she listened to him. "And you are not going to leave anything behind. In fact you are going to take everything with you. Yes, you are going to take with you the love and affection we gave you, the moral values we taught you and that cute dimple smile you inherited from us." All three smiled at that and they had identical dimples. "Oh and you are not going to live with a man you hardly know but with the man you heartily love."

Naira smiled. Yes, I am going to live with the man I love for the rest of my life.

"Trust me when I say life will be more beautiful to you after your marriage than it is to you now, baby, but then you will be having added responsibilities as you're going to play three more additional roles - a wife, a daughter in law and a mother."

"Oh this whole marriage thing scares me, daddy" Naira groaned.

"Don't be scared of anything, darling." He kissed her head. "You know you are one powerful yet gentle woman. You will handle every situation with grace. I have full confidence and trust in you." 

"I love you, daddy." She hugged him tight. "I love you, mommy."

"We love you, baby" Madhu said with tears in her eyes.

"I will miss you"

"We will miss you too, sweetheart" Rishab's eyes too started welling up but he managed not to shed a drop.

"You both will be fine without me, right?" Naira asked in concern.

"It's going to be difficult but we will be fine. We have Arjun, Inayat..." Madhu paused before adding "and Kathryn."

"And you too darling. You are not going to live in any foreign country but here in this city, just 15 minutes drive away from here. You can come and see us any day and we will also do the same. We won't let you miss us. I promise."

"Thank you" Naira smiled now feeling better.

"And you don't have to worry about packing your things. Daddy will make arrangements for that. You just relax, okay?" Rishab said.


"Now sleep" Madhu said

"Will you both sleep with me tonight?" She asked hopefully.

"Sure" Madhu agreed with a smile and moved to the other side of the bed.



"Once I told your mother that apart from gun firing sound there is no other sound I like in this world but I never told her that there is your laughter I like to hear the most. Every time I hear your laugh or giggle, my heart swells with tremendous joy. So keep laughing, be happy and never cry." Rishab pressed a kiss on his daughter's forehead. She smiled in reply.

Madhu slightly envied her daughter for having such a wonderful father.

"Good night, baby" Rishab caressed Naira's hair lulling her to sleep.


Next day morning,

Arjun walked down the stairs rubbing his sleepy eyes and yawning. He headed straight to the living room checking his phone. He tripped over something but managed to not fall.

"What the?" He looked down to find his girlfriend lying on the floor and watching NetFlix along with his dadi.

God! This girl got my dadi addicted to American series!

"Morning, morning what are you doing here?" Arjun asked.

"Can't you see?" Kathy asked. Dadi chuckled.

"Not going to college today?" He asked.

"You coming?"

"No, I am on leave for a week. I will come only after my sister's wedding."

"Then I am also on leave till then."


"Why what? It's Naira di's wedding. Don't we have lots of partying to do?" 

Arjun gaped at his girl in shock.

Five months ago, at his sister's... Um no, brother's wedding, this very same girl behaved like a complete stranger. She was so bored and left the mandap with a plate of food. When he had gone to get her back she said the place was too noisey and crowded. She wanted to have car sex with him.


But now she was willing to be a part of his family function. In fact she was damn excited about it and all set for naach gaana! 

What has happened to this girl? Arjun wondered.

"Hey!" Veer announced his arrival brining Arjun out of his reverie.

"Bhabhi" Arjun rushed to Inayat and hugged her, completely ignoring his brother. "I missed you." He said and took a step back to look at her. "How are you? How is your fever now?" He asked as he placed the back of his hand on her forehead. Then he held her wrist to check her pulse.

"What are you doing?" Inayat asked.

"Checking whether you are pregnant." Arjun said cheekily. Inayat snatched her hand from him and walked to dadi to greet her.

"You look tired, Inu di." Kathryn said in concern. Inayat smiled at her softly.

"Oh my dear Kat, they are back from their honeymoon so obviously she will look tired." Dadi said teasingly.

Inayat turned completely pink. Veer chuckled. His family is seriously crazy!

"Where are mom, dad and Naira?" Veer asked Arjun.

"Don't ask about them!" Arjun said pissed.

"Why? What happened?"

"What happened? Did you know what dad told last night?"


"He told Naira di is an Angel." He had eavesdropped their talk. "But you and I are pigs! Buffalos! Donkeys! Monkeys!"

Veer rolled his eyes at his brother knowing he was lying. His dad wouldn't say all that. He is very proud of his children.

"And you know what? Mom and dad slept with Naira di in her room, last night." He said outraged. "Have they ever slept with us in our room? I don't remember."

"Oh stop bitching! You are disturbing us." Kathryn yelled at him and turned her attention back to Inayat.

"You tell, Apple, how was Goa?" Dadi asked cheekily.

"Hot or too hot?" Kathryn asked winking.

Finding their conversation more interesting, Arjun too joined the ladies.

You see he belongs to one gossip aunty club!

"No, it was raining there..."

Dadi rolled her eyes. She doesn't want to know about the damn weather!

"Veer! You guys are back?" Madhu rushed to her son. She just woke up and came down to the living room.

"How are you? How was your trip?" Madhu asked as she hugged her son. She didn't expect him to answer her questions because she could see it for herself that her son looked fine, mighty fine. 

"Glad at least you are giving me a hug, maa" Veer said not at all joking. He was kinda disappointed when no one said a hi to him but everyone surrounded Inayat like a bee but at the same time it also felt nice to know that she was important to them.

Madhu looked up at her son and smiled. "Now shall I go greet my daughter in law?" She asked as he was still holding her in his arms.

"Of course yes!" He reluctantly let her go.

"Ammi, please save me from these three. They are asking me questions which I can't answer." Inayat stood up and held Madhu's hand. She looked outright embarrassed.

"Oh dear, you are seeking help from the wrong person." Dadi said with a dramatic sigh.

"Mom! I am not going to embarrass my poor child!" She said caressing Inayat's cheek. "I just have one question to ask." She looked curious.

"What is it?" Inayat asked worriedly.

It better not be 'How was sex?'

"What's there in that huge trolley bag?" She asked as she remembered them carrying only 2 bags while they left for the trip then from where did this huge 3rd bag come from?

"Yesterday, we did some shopping..."

"So you wasted a day of your trip in shopping?" Madhu almost accused her.


"Now I understood why my husband took me to a jungle for our honeymood because there was no place to shop. There was only a wooden tree house. There was only a waterfalls. And there was only us." Then turning to her son she asked "Why are you not as romantic as my husband?"

"Oh c'mon! You guys only sent us to Goa. If I had had the choice I would have taken my wife to some isolated island." Veer argued.

"Oh you don't have brain for all that boy! If we hadn't sent you to Goa then you would have stayed here, making arrangements for your sister's wedding."

Veer frowned. She is right, Veer!

"Did my wife really say that I was romantic?" Rishab made his entry after overhearing their silly conversation. He subtly greeted his son with a salute and he nodded his head back.

"Oh mind you, you were romantic only on that occasion."

"Oh really? Then what about our second honeymooning in Mauritius?"

"Oh well that too!" Madhu clasped her hands as she gave a dreamy look. "Mauritius! The place where we made this little fella" Madhu ruffled Arjun hair.

"Mom!" He protested and set his hair properly.

"Now I understand why you like her, Arjun." Madhu said pointing to Kathryn.

"Why?" Arjun and Kathryn both looked curious.

"We made you in a foreign land... You are a foreign baby and that's why you are drawn to this foreign chick." Madhu said as of she had cracked a tough math problem.

"Your logic sucks, Madhu" Rishab commented shaking his head.

"Maybe you're right, mom" Arjun looked thoughtful.

Kathryn wished to bang her head on the wall. These two, mom & son, are mad!

Others had a hard time in controlling their laughter.

"May I come in?"

Everyone turned towards the doorway from where the source of sound came.

"Yash!" Rishab exclaimed

"Son, it's your home so you need not ask. Just come in, please" Madhu welcomed him. Smiling, Yash walked in and politely waved a hi to all.

Dadi asked him to take a seat beside her.

"What will you have? Coffee? Tea? Or you better have breakfast with us." Madhu decided for him and turned to rush to the kitchen but stopped when he said "Aunty before all that I would like to see Naira."

Everyone wondered why.

"Where is she?" He asked when he couldn't find her in the living room. "Already left for work?" He thought he had made it on time.

Did she leave early today?

Oh what will I do now?

Disturb her at her work hour or wait till evening for her to get free?

"Woh... Woh..." Madhu stammered. "She had a late night last night... So... Um... She is still sleeping." Madhu looked embarrassed. 

Yash softly chuckled feeling relieved.

"She has no case listed today?" He asked.

"She has but afternoon session only." Rishab replied. He knew his daughter's schedule thoroughly.

"Oh I see" he looked nervous.

"So what's the purpose of your impromptu visit?" Rishab asked catching his nervousness.

"Rishab!" Madhu admonished her husband for using his infamous interrogation tone on their soon to be son in law.

"As I said already, I am here to see Naira, uncle."

"May I ask why?"

"Of course you may!" Yash shrugged

"So?" Rishab stood tall in front of him, with his arms crossed over his chest as he tried to intimidate Yash but he wasn't intimidated at all.

He calmly answered "She was upset last night..."

"You made her upset?" Rishab asked in a fake serious tone as he knew the reason already.

"I don't think so." He shook his head. "But I don't know for sure." He scratched his temple, he looked tired due to lack of proper sleep. He was worried for Naira. "I am here to ask her the reason. If I was the reason then I would like to apologize to her."

"Why didn't you ask her the reason yesterday when you came to drop her here?"

"I don't think it's wise to probe someone when they are upset, uncle."

"First floor, second room to your right is Naira's room. Go see her there." Rishab gave him permission alomg with an affectionate slap on his back.

"You sure?"


Yash grinned and headed to the stairs but didn't miss to hear his mom in law's anxious voice "What was all that, Rishab?"

"Chill, Madhu. Was just having some fun with my son in law."

Yash chuckled and rushed upstairs to Naira's room.


Yash slowly turned the door knob, pushed the door wide enough for him to enter in and closing the door behind him, he tiptoed to her bedside.

He sat on the bed and leaning closer, he gently caressed her hair.

Naira turned around and laid her head on his chest and wrapped an arm around his stomach.

"Wake up, Sunshine" he whispered near her ear as he pushed aside a strand of hair from her face. 

"Daddy, five more minutes, please."

"Not daddy! Your hubby!"

Naira's eyes sprung open as she lifted herself off his chest and looked straight at his eyes. "What are you doing here?"

"Good morning, beautiful" he planted a feather soft kiss on her nose tip.

"Good morning, Yash." Naira grinned as she threw her arms around his neck. "You didn't answer my question yet. What are you doing in my bedroom?" She asked sweetly.

"Just came here to see you."

"Oh, well, now that you have seen me, I think you may leave. I need to take a shower."

"You can shower later." He pulled her closer to him and made her sit on his lap.

"Yash, what are you doing? If my dad barge in and see us like this..."

"Shush! He won't come." He winked.


"Why were you upset last night? What made you upset? Did I say or do anything wrong, darling?" He asked holding her chin.

"No, Yash. You didn't say or do anything wrong. You just asked me whether I started packing my things and only then did I realize that I would be leaving my home soon. I kinda panicked."

"That's all?" He asked. "I thought it was something big." He heaved a sogh of relief.

"That's a big thing for me!"

"No... I mean...yeah, I understand." He hugged her.

"Did my big girl cry?" He suddenly asked and her body stiffened.

How did he know?

He held her head between his palms and looked at her eyes, concerned. She lowered her eyes, embarrassed. "Not your big girl but my daddy's little girl cried a little but she is fine now. Her parents consoled her. Don't worry." She patted his cheek, reassuringly.

"Naira, I would like to console you and give comfort to you any time you need me."

"You want me to cry now so that you could console me?"

"No! I mean to say - share your worries with me."

"And happiness too. I will share. Thank you."


"Shall we go down now?"

"Sure. Your brother and bhabhi are back from their trip." He informed.

"Oh wow!" She jumped off his lap and ran downstairs to greet them.

... To be continued!



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