Part 7

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PART - 7

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"Some Hearts Understand Each Other Even In Silence"

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"Veer! Veer! What is this, Veer? You can't go weak now. You have to strong for your love" Rishab helped his son up from the floor and made him sit on the bed beside his mother.

"Madhu, you too stop crying now!" He ordered her.

"Oh my baby, why you didn't think of us? You could have shared everything with us and brought Inayat to us much earlier, right?" Madhu asked caressing Veer's head.

"I don't know what to do then, maa." Veer cried hugging his mother.

"It's okay but don't do this mistake again. Always remember you have a supportive family"

"I know, maa. I am sorry"

"Now, go freshen up and get ready for your wedding, Veer. I want my son to look dashing and handsome" Madhu wiped the tears off her son's cheeks and gave him a gentle push on his back urging him to get ready.

"You agreeing to this marriage?" Veer asked in shock.

"Of course! Why are you giving me that shocked look? You thought I would say 'no' even after listening to what happened to Inayat and how much you love her? Oh Veer, you hurt my feelings..."

"Honestly Madhu, even I thought you will say a big NO" Rishab said in surprise.

He thought he would have to put a fight with her and make her agree for Veer- Inayat's marriage but never expected her to easily accept Inayat.

"Gah! I am not going to talk with you two till the wedding gets over for thinking so bad about me" Madhu pouted and walked towards the door to go check on her daughters (including Inayat) but stopped suddenly remembering something.

"Rishab..." she rushed to his side picking up her lehenge with both her hands little up so that she can walk freely. Rishab smirked at his wife who just said she won't talk to him but already she was running to him. "...keep an eye on our little rascal, Arjun." she cautioned him. "That skinny girl is planning to whisk off our boy to her home after the wedding."

"For what?"

"He said to teach her Human Anatomy but I don't believe him. He is... they are... I think they are in a relationship"

"Oh. I noticed. He is pretty smitten for her. I will talk to him. You don't worry."

"Talk some senses into him but don't you dare boast his love and later convince me saying 'Madhu, kids know what they want'. He doesn't know anything. If he did then he wouldn't be fucking around."

"Mind your language, Madhu" he growled at her.

"Sorry" she stuck her tongue out and grinned a goofy grin.

"Veer, what are you still doing in this room? I told you to get ready, didn't I?" Madhu shouted. Veer ran out of the room without any argument.

"You look good, today" Rishab commented finally taking a look at his ever beautiful wife.

"Today?" She rose her brow up.

"Everyday" he amended.

"And I look just 'good'?" She asked placing her left hand on her hips and with her right hand fingers she brushed off his hair which had fallen over his forehead. "That girl who came with Arjun thought I was the bride and you say I look good, today"

"Don't call her 'skinny girl' or 'that girl'. Her name is Kathryn. Respect her, Madhu. And I think Kathryn must be having poor eye sight" Rishab teased and that earned him a punch in his gut.

"Ouch! Mommy" he rubbed his tummy where she punched him pretty hard.

"Oh no! Mom! I forgot about her. She must be wondering why we haven't arrived the wedding hall yet" Madhu hit her forehead.

Radha, Rishab's mom was a sweetheart. She loved her daughter in law a little more than her own son.

She was in her late seventies but still a strong and healthy woman. She was the only surviving grandparent of Veer, Naira and Arjun and she loved to spoil them with her over pampering. Madhu's parents and Rishab's father passed away few years ago due to old age health problems.

"I will call her and inform her that we will be there shortly. Now you go get Inayat ready"

"Okay" Madhu kissed his cheek before walking out of the room.


"I am sure my twinnie bro will convince my parents for your marriage so you don't worry" Naira said to Inayat.

"Naira, get out of the room. I will get Inayat ready for the wedding." Madhu startled the duo by barging into the room unannounced and ordering them.

"I will help Inayat get dressed and I will also do her hair" Naira offered but she wasn't sure whether Inayat will take off her hijab.

"No, thanks. First you go and get yourself presentable. Don't you want to look good in your brother's wedding?"

"Of course, I do"


"Okay, I will leave..."

"Naira, wait"

"Yes, mommy"

"Give a nice dress or saree of yours to that girl Kathryn, your brother's friend" 

"Why? What's wrong with her clothes?"

"Don't ask me questions!"

"Alright! I can tell you are mad at me, mommy."

"Of course, I am mad at you for the stunt you pulled today but that's all." Madhu can never stay mad at her kids for long.

"Love you, mommy" Naira soundly kissed Madhu's cheek before leaving the guest room.

Madhu with a smile walked towards the bed and displayed all the lehengas she brought on the bed for Inayat to take a look and pick up one to wear now.

"Inayat, which one do you like?"

"Um...I... I... Did Veer tell you everything to you?" Inayat asked nervously.

Madhu turned to her side and offered her a loving smile. "Of course, he did"

"But still you want him to marry me?" Inayat asked.

"Yeah, why? What's wrong with you? You look flawless to me"

"No, I am tainted" Inayat said and bit her lips to hold back her tears.

Madhu laughed surprising her. "Don't think I am mocking you by laughing. It's just... I couldn't help...sorry... You are too innocent, dear and that made me laugh, nothing else." Madhu apologized "Well, I would like you to clarify me, what do you mean by the word 'tainted', Inayat?"

"I don't feel pure." She admitted honestly.

"Oh please, stop feeling this way. Izzaan gave his life and saved you..." With the mention of her brother's name, her eyes turned sorrowful and her heart grieved for him " you should feel blessed, Inayat. Oh and remember this 'sexually purity isn't worth it even if you have lost it'. Purity is this..." Madhu jabbed her finger at Inayat chest, right where her heart was beating. "Your heart, its pure. If it wasn't, you wouldn't be insisting Veer to tell us the truth."

"Don't you really feel disgusted of me?" Inayat asked with tears in her eyes

"When I was seven years old I was kidnapped and abused for three days. At that time, a creep did things to me which I don't even know what it was then. One day, after marriage, I told everything to my husband and asked him don't you feel disgusted of me, Rishab, because I felt disgusted of myself just like you feel now? And for that he said 'No' without thinking for a beat. He said he could only feel sorrow and sympathy for me. He could only feel my pain. And that's exactly what I feel for you, Inayat" Madhu said cupping Inayat's face gently and adoring her. "You have pretty eyes. I bet my son fell for those eyes."

"You are right" Inayat smiled softly. "So you are really happy with our marriage?" She asked for confirmation.

"Why are you very keen to know whether I am happy or not?"

"Because, Veer loves you so much. He always talks about you for hours whenever we meet. I like that so much about him and now I want to know his beloved mother approves of me"

Aww... my baby boy! Madhu's heart swelled with happiness hearing what Inayat said.

Veer was always special to her because he was her first born and he was the first one to call her 'mama'.

She had dreamed of choosing the world's best bride for him like how her mother in law chose her for her husband but he made her job easy and found his beautiful bride on his own.

"Inayat, I am sorry I opposed for your wedding initially but my Veer explained everything to me. I understand things now and I do know how much you both love and care for each other so I am happy with this wedding" Madhu said sincerely. Inayat getting overwhelmed with her words, she hugged Madhu.

"Veer, told me about your fear of being touched by men, in particular. Don't worry, no one will dare to touch you without your consent in this house, not even my son Veer. You will be safe here. And I also assure you that you will soon overcome your fear with your Veer and his family's help and support."

"You think so?"

"I believe so. I had fear of darkness, fear of heights, fear of being in a confined space...but I overcame all those fears and I am perfectly alright now and I give the entire credit to my husband. Oh and not to forget my psychiatrist Dr. Sameer"

"Naira mentioned earlier right? She loves his son nah?"

"Yeah!" Madhu sighed heavily with worry edging her eyes.

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine" Inayat pressed Madhu's hand giving comfort to her.

Madhu smiled and nodded her head. "Now tell me which lehenga you wanna wear for your wedding?"

"Ammi..." Inayat blurted out the word and pressed her lips tightly to prevent herself from spilling further words.

"Ammi?" Madhu was surprised and felt joyous when Inayat called her "mother"

"Sorry... it's been 16 years since I called anyone 'Ammi' and I don't know why suddenly I felt like calling you ammi. I am sorry..."

"Why sorry? You are another Naira to me so you can call me 'ammi'. I would love that."

"Thank you"

"Now what were you about to say?"

"Izzaan got me a wedding dress... If you don't mind can I wear it?" Inayat asked.

"Sure" Madhu smiled. "Now, show me the dress?"

Inayat nodded her and went to get the dress out of her bag.

She took out a beautiful long sleeved red Muslim wedding dress with embroidery, sequin and beading works done to perfection. She matched it with a matching satin hijab. 

She hugged the dress closer to her chest and wished her brother was with her now to see her wearing the dress he got for her and happily get married to the man she loves with all her heart and soul.

"Beautiful dress, Inayat. You will look gorgeous in this dress" Madhu gushed excitedly. "Izzaan's choice is brilliant"

Inayat faintly smiled at her but her eyes went glossy with unshed tears.

"Don't do this, Inayat." Madhu lifted Inayat's face up by holding her chin. "Don't try to hold your pain within you." she shook her head when Inayat tried her best not to cry. "If you want to cry then cry but not in front of my husband. He hate tears." Madhu let out a soft chuckle. "Whatever it is you can share it with me or with your Veer...Talk to us about your sorrows and happiness. Talk to us about Izzaan that will give you the feel he is somewhere around you and watching you with a happy smile."

Inayat couldn't contain herself anymore so she burst into tears and Madhu wrapped her in her arms.

"He was my baby, ammi. He was my first baby. I fed him. I bathed him. I played with him. I taught him Islamic lessons. I helped him do his homework. I did everything for him, ammi. He was my only family...but I lost him now." She cried a soul crushing cry.

"Shush! Shush! I know. I know. I can understand. I am a mother and I can't even think about losing my children so I can feel your pain." Madhu patted Inayat's back, hoping she would calm down.

"You didn't lose him. You will get back him, one day. If you and Veer have a baby boy then name him Izzaan and think your brother is back in your arms in the form of your baby"

Inayat withdrew herself from her soon to be mom in law's embrace and looked at her thoughtfully.

"I... I panic even Veer comes closer to me" Inayat admitted her fear. "It hurts me to see him hurt everytime I flinch back from him. Help me, ammi... Help me forget everything, please"

"Oh darling" Madhu hugged Inayat again. "You will be fine. You will be fine. You are just scared...scared of men but once you start trusting good men, you won't have this fear. Till then Veer will wait for you."

"Do you expect babies from us like real soon?"

"Honestly?" Madhu asked. Inayat nodded.

"No" Madhu shook her head grinning. "You saw that girl with my youngest son Arjun?" Madhu asked. Inayat nodded again. "She thought I was the bride" Madhu said proudly with a tinge of blush in her cheeks. "I love being young mom so I can wait for another 3-5 years to become grandmom and bounce my grandbabies" Madhu winked at Inayat making her laugh for the first in months.

"But Veer is already 26" she said. "His army friends are already having couple of kids..."

"He is just 26. His dad was 32 when we had Veer and Naira and he was 38 when we had our little monkey Arjun."

Inayat smiled. "So no pressure?"

"Absolutely! You and your husband decide what you want and what you don't want in your lives. We won't interfere in your personal affairs." Madhu promised.

"You people are so different and amazing" Inayat said with a heartwarming smile.

"We are amazing because we love our family and you are one among our family now." Madhu smiled. "Now go change. I will make a call to my husband and check whether Veer is ready" Madhu said and shoved her into the changing room.

"Hello, Rishab, is my baby ready?" Madhu asked once Rishab attended her call.

"He is getting married today but you still call him 'baby'..." Rishab teased her while rolling his eyes.

"So what?" She sounded pissed. "Just answer me?"

"Yes" he replied.

"What is he wearing?"

"Sherwani. Why?"

"Ask him to change into Black Tux with red tie"


"Inayat is wearing a red floor length gown"

"Oh, okay." Rishab understood why his wife wanted their son to change. Sherwani and gown won't go good. "Veer, your mommy wants you to change into black tux" he shouted without muting the speaker.

"Don't forget the red satin tie" Madhu reminded him. He repeated her words to his son and Veer changed without a question.

"Madhu, Veer doesn't wants to do any Hindu rituals huh" Rishab gently broached that topic.

"Okay! I understand. We will have them exchange rings, sign the marriage contract and followed by their wedding reception"

"You okay with this? You don't mind them not taking the Saath pheras (7 circles around the pious fire)"

"Hmm... yeah, it's fine...but neither of them will convert religion. I won't let that happen" Madhu made her only demand clear.

"You are being so rational, today" Rishab said in awe.

"I have never been irrational, Rishab" she scolded him.

"Yeah, right, but today you are so understanding and ready to compromise..."

"And that's because I like Inayat" Madhu said and hung up the phone. When she looked up Inayat was looking at her with a shy smile.

"You look mesmerizingly beautiful. I hope my son doesn't faint seeing you." Madhu teased. Inayat blushed.

... To be continued!




Thanks all!

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