Part 8

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(Warning - Matured contents!!!)

PART - 8

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"I Don't Need Drugs, I Want To Be High On Life With An Overdose Of You"

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"You guys are late!" Mukkund, Roshan's dad accused when Rishab and his family arrived at the wedding venue.

Shreya, Roshan's mom stepped forward and gave a welcoming hug to Madhu.

"I am sorry" Madhu whispered, hugging her back

"It's okay. Roshan explained everything to us. We are just happy Naira at least told this before marriage. We wouldn't want them to have a divorce later, would we?" Shreya said holding Madhu's hand. Madhu shook her head in no. "But I am angry with your daughter for rejecting my son" Shreya pouted. "Roshan is already 31 and I don't know when he will agree to marry again"

"You don't worry. We will find a better girl for our Roshan boy..."

"And you have to convince him to marriage. He will surely listen to his favorite aunt."

"Alright! I will accomplish the job assigned to me really soon" Madhu winked.

"Is she the one our Veer boy is going to marry?" Shreya asked pointing to Inayat. Madhu nodded her head with a proud smile. "She is pretty" Shreya gave Inayat a smile which she returned.

"Seems like you have already found your choti bahu as well" Shreya said sizing Kathryn with her eyes. "Is she a model?"

"She is neither my choti bahu nor a model. She is Arjun's classmate" Madhu growled.

"Doctor-Doctor!" Shreya's gaze shifted from Kathryn to Arjun and back to Kathryn. "My gut instinct say, she will become your choti bahu oneday!" Shreya winked.

Madhu audibly groaned. "Please, no"

"Why? She seems smart and sexy to me then why you say no?"

"I don't know what exactly I don't like about her but I can feel she is not the one for my Arjun." Madhu didn't like the girl's closeness with her son. As far as she assessed that girl, she can tell her son was her mere obsession and she was using him for her pleasure. "Arjun is very distracted lately and I believe she is the reason. She is such a bad influence on him, Shreya. His dad and I have high hopes and dreams on him. We want him to become one of India's finest doctors. I hope he doesn't shatter our dreams by messing with that girl and spoiling his future"

"Ohho Madhu, stop worrying, will you?" Shreya squeezed Madhu's hand comforting her. Madhu gave her a weak smile.

"I don't know why my 3 idiots are not as smart as your two boys and find themselves their sweethearts." Shreya said with a pout. Madhu laughed.

"I am glad Naira bailed out at the end moment. No one can put up with my workaholic son" Mukkund joked and laughed for his own joke. Rishab rolled his eyes.

"You seriously aren't mad or sad with what my daughter did?"

"Sad, obviously but definitely not mad. We can't force someone to love, right?"

"Right. That's why I supported Naira."

"I understand. Shreya will be little cross with Naira but don't mind her."

"Hmm" Rishab nodded and turned to his wife. She was busily gushing with Shreya. He was glad their friendship with Mukkund and Shreya didn't break because of their daughter's foolishness.

"Madhu, shall we get in and announce everyone..."

"Your mom already made the announcement so guests are aware it's going to be Veer's wedding. Few of my relatives got disappointed and left already but it's fine."

"I am sorry about that"

"Naira take Inayat to the room upstairs and do her makeup but don't over do it. Keep it light and natural. Once it's time for the ring ceremony, I will let you know and then you can bring her to the stage, okay?"

"Okay, mommy" Naira agreed and took Naira to the room in the first floor.

Kathryn slipped out of Arjun's hold when he was greeting one of his relatives and she made a beeline to the food zone to taste different hors d'oeuvres.

"Dadi" Veer hugged his grandma Radha and pecked on her cheek.

"Veer, sweetheart, I am so happpy for you" Radha hugged him back. "Where is your girl? I am dying to see her?"

"Mom has sent her with Naira to do the makeup"

"Oh okay. I will wait but I already know you would have found a rare gem" Radha beamed caressing Veer's cheek. Veer just nodded his head with a smile.

"Bro, did you see my Kathy?" Arjun asked as his eyes roamed everywhere in the huge and crowded hall.


"Kathryn, the girl you saw with me"

"Oh yeah, I saw her near the buffet"

"Thanks, bro..." He said hurriedly and was about to rush to her but Radha grabbed his shirt collar and made him turn to her side. "Where are you running without greeting me?"

"Dadi, dadi... Just give me a minute. I will come and meet you along with my girl"

"You have a girlfriend and you didn't tell me?"

"Dadi, it's complicated..."


"She is my girlfriend but I am not her boyfriend or at least she doesn't consider me so...and that's why I am hesitating to introduce her as my girlfriend"

"Oh! Bring her to me. I will twist her ears and ask her why can't she take my handsome grandson as her beau" Radha encouraged him.

"I love you, dadi" Arjun quickly hugged Radha and ran to find his girl.

He searched everywhere in the food zone but he couldn't find her.

He went out and looked for her in the lawn area but she wasn't there as well.

Getting frustrated he called her phone and she picked it on the third ring.


"Where are you, Kathy?"

"In the parking area"

"What the fuck are you doing there?"

"Waiting to fuck you here. Come. Now" she said and ended the call.

Groaning in frustration, he ran to the parking area. He spoted her sitting on the bonnet of her car and eatting something from the plate she was holding in her hand.

"Kathy, why you came here? The wedding is about to begin..."

"It's not my wedding, Arjun. My presence is not required there..."

"Kathryn, it's my brother's wedding and my presence is required there..."

"Then go. No one is stopping you."

"Kathy, please come with me. It's not safe for you to stay here alone..."

"This place is noise free. I like it here."

"Kathy, please..."

"Then fuck me quickly in the car, I will come with you" she demanded as she emptied her plate.

"You can't be serious." He shook his head and looked around. Though the place was deserted he feared either his family members or his relatives would catch him. Shit! It's pure madness to think of having car sex.

"Yes, I am. If you don't want then fine. I am going home" she slide down the bonnet and took her car key from her clutch.

"Kathryn..." Arjun swiftly pulled her and slammed his lips hard against hers and started kissing her violently but she was unfazed by his harshness and reciprocated his kiss with equal ferocity.

She opened the rear side door of the car and pushed him inside and climbed on top of him. She tore his shirt and started licking his sternum.

"Arjun!" A voice roared and followed by a loud thump on the trunk lid, startling them. "Get the fuck out of the car, Arjun"

"Shit! Dad" Arjun pushed Kathryn off him and got out.

"You are disgusting, Arjun" Rishab said through gritted teeth and fist his hands tightly till his knuckles turned white.

Kathy a second later after adjusting her appearance stepped out of the car.

"You..." Rishab pointed his finger at Kathryn. "I don't want to see you anywhere near my son" he warned her.

Kathy shrugged not at all concerned by his warning and turned around to get into her car and drive away from that spot but Arjun held her hand and stopped her.

"Dad, please, let me explain?"

"You want to explain me about what fucking business you were doing, Arjun?"

"Dad, we just... In the heat of the moment... I wasn't... We werent..."

"Shut up! Shut up, Arjun!" His anger raised to it's peak when he thought what his son was about to do with her in a public car park.

"Let her go, Arjun" he said after taking a calm breath.


"If you want you can go with her but I don't want to see her" Rishab said with finality.

"Neither do I want to be here" Kathy retorted and got into her car.

"Kathy, please promise me you won't do anything stupid." Arjun held his hand out for her to promise but she swatted his hand and rolled up the windon and drove off.

Rishab frowned.

Arjun stood frozen to his place as panic set in his heart. He knew he was going to lose her!

"Arjun" Rishab called but Arjun kept staring at the way her car zoomed out. "Arjun, look at me" he shook his son bringing him back to earth.

Arjun turned to his side but didn't look up at him. He hung his head down and a drop of tear fell from his eyes which Rishab didn't fail to notice.

"She takes drugs, doesn't she?" Rishab asked. Arjun's head snapped up and he looked at his dad, horrified.

" do you know that, dad?"

"Her appearance is a dead giveaway. She seems pretty rich... Her clothing, her car, everything about her screams richness but her body? She ia too pale and skinny. She looks malnourished. You could argue with me saying she was sick but it didn't look like that to me...not after noticing her red blotches on her arms and her cracked lips..."

"Dad, she is recovering. She needs my help." Arjun admitted and bit his index finger to prevent his sob. Rishab pulled his finger from being clamped between his teeth and warned his son not to do that again.

"Is that a withdrawal symptom?" Rishab asked.

Arjun nodded. "Yes, she needs me. She desires to have sex with me."

Rishab knew 'Crack' can intensify sexual desire and remove inhibition. Kathryn's unashamed move to have sex with his son in the car was a proof.

"Dad, If I don't give her what she needs... I fear she will take 'Crack' again or she will... She will..." He cried. He can't even think of her having sex with someother man.

"You love her" Rishab didn't ask but stated.

"Yes, dad. I love her so much." Arjun hugged his dad and cried. "I can't see her like this... It hurts me, dad... I want to help her... I want her to be normal... Dad, she is such a bright girl... she is the class topper... but she has this shitty addiction to drugs and it is fucking her life..." he rambled as he cried like a small child

"Shush, stop crying, Arjun!" Rishab straightened his son and held his shoulders with both his arms.

"Go! Get her back here"

"Dad?" Arjun looked shocked.

"30 minutes for you to return here with her..." His words trailed off


"But promise me you won't get into drugs."

"I won't, dad! I promise you. I just want to cure her."

Rishab smiled proudly.

"I trust you, Arjun. And I want to have a proper talk with your girl... bring her to me whenever she is free."

"I will bring her to you soon"

"Good. Now, go. Quick." Rishab gave an encouraging slap on Arjun's back and handed him his car key.

Rishab's car was parked next to the place where Kathy's car was parked. Rishab came to get his phone which he had forgotten in his car seat and that's when he caught Arjun and Kathryn messing with each other.

"Dad, I love you" Arjun hugged his dad from behind when Rishab turned to walk back to the hall.

"Go!" Rishab literally pushed him into the car and Arjun sped off to get Kathy back.

... To be continued!





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