Part 11

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Part - 11


"So it's true when all is said and done, grief is the price we pay for love."


Inayat turned the stove off and transferred the potato fry which she made now for lunch from the hot pan to a ceramic dish and brought it to the dining table. She decided it was time to call everyone for lunch and made her way to the stairs when Arjun stomped in looking all furious.

"Arjun, where's Kathryn?" Inayat asked.

"Don't even say the druggie's name, bhabhi! It will only taint you." shouting that to her, he made a mad dash to his room.

Whoa! That's harsh! Inayat looked stunned for a moment. She neither appreciated his tone nor his choice of words.

"What happened? Did they fight again?" Inayat wondered out loud. "Maybe she refused to marry him and he got angry over that." She sighed shaking her head. Ya Allah! "He should have let abu to deal with her as she will only listen to him." Thinking that, she climbed upstairs and knocked at her in laws' bedroom door.

Rishab opened the door and smiled at her warmly. "What's it, dear?"

"Abu... um... lunch is ready..."

He turned around and asked his wife "Madhu, lunch?"

"I don't want anything." she said lying on the bed facing away from them.

"Ammi, please?"

"Please, Inayat, don't force me. I don't feel like eating anything now. You go have. Take your dadi and Naira along." Suddenly remembering her husband, she added "Even you can go and eat, Rishab." He had been by her side since morning and consoling her but nothing could ease her worry.

"No. Even I don't want." Rishab said and looked at Inayat apologetically.

Inayat smiled understanding their state of mind and left their room.

"Inayat, wait..." Rishab called her as she was making her way to Naira's room. He closed his bedroom door behind him as he didn't want Madhu to hear them.

"Haan, abu?"

"That boy... did he come back home?"

"Yes, abu. He just came back but alone."

"Oh!" Rishab sighed as he knew Kathryn was a tough nut to crack.

"And he looked mad."

"I see" He rubbed his stubble cheek not knowing how to handle this issue.

"Abu, you talk to her. Make her understand and get them married." She said worrying for Arjun. He will go insane otherwise. She saw how furious he was and figured that he didn't handle things well with Kathryn so now she wanted Rishab to step in and resolve things for them before everything goes haywire.

"Yeah, I'll talk...."


"But I can't compel her, Inayat. It's purely her choice whether to marry him or not..."

"I understand, abu"

"Um... even whether to have the baby or not, it's up to her."

"Why wouldn't she want the baby, abu?" she asked, confused and offended.

Morning her mom in law asked whether Kathryn was planning to abort the baby and now her father in law was telling it was her choice to keep the baby or not. There is no choice at all! Kathryn will have the baby and be an amazing mother to him or her. Inayat felt the need to defend Kathryn as she was like a sister to her.

"And why do you have such little faith in her?" she asked, surprised, as he was the one who always stood by her side and supported her. "She is such a sweet girl. She will harm herself but will never harm another soul and definitely not her own baby." Now that she has her own baby in her womb, she could understand Kathryn's state of mind better and say with confidence that she loves her baby already.

"I know, Inayat. I'm sorry. I didn't loose faith in her, trust me, I didn't. It's just... I don't want to put any pressure on her. I want her to think and decide what she wants in her life. Whatever she decides, I will support her."

"Okay, abu"

"Inayat, I didn't get to ask about your visit to Kashmir..."

"Veer is fine, abu." Inayat said smiling a little thinking he was going to ask about Veer.

"No, how are you?" Rishab asked her. She had gone there for her brother's first death anniversary, right? So he wanted to know how well she was coping with her grief.

"Me? I'm good." She forced a smile.

"I know you are not and I also know you will feel better in time." Rishab said as he could see a hint of sorrow in her eyes. "Just remember... We are with you."

"Yes. Thanks, abu" She hugged him taking him by surprise. At that moment, she felt an overwhelming emotion forcing her to break her good news to him.

Smiling she took a step away from him and looked at him. "Abu..."

"Inayat, can you do me a favor?"

"Sure, abu?"

"It's Naira... She seems upset. I tried talking with her... But I think she is not ready to open up to me..."

"Oh... I am going to her room only. I will check on her, abu. You don't worry."

"Thank you."

She smiled and headed to Naira's room but she didn't get to know much as Naira had dismissed her quickly saying she had headache and wanted to sleep.


"So tell me how did they react to the good news? Are they happy or ARE THEY SUPER HAPPY?" Veer started off without any pleasantries, in an excited tone as he couldn't contain his happiness. He wished he was there with wife when she broke the good news to his family.

"I didn't tell them yet." Inayat said softly.

"What? Why?"

"Um... Actually..."

"What's wrong, Inayat? Is everyone fine there?" He asked worriedly.


"Thank God" he sighed in relief. "Then why didn't you..."

"Before I could tell everyone about my pregnancy, Arjun told..."

"How did he know about it?"

"No, he didn't know about my pregnancy..."

"Then how did he tell everyone that you're pregnant..."

"Will you let me talk?" Inayat asked, irated.


"He told about Kathryn's pregnancy."

"What? Kathryn is pregnant?"


"I can't believe it." Veer didn't know what to feel about it. "They shouldn't have let this happen. They should have been more careful, right?"


"This news surely would have been a shocker to you all."

"Yes. Ammi went ballistic on him."

"I can imagine."

"Arjun wants to marry Kathryn..."

"Oh. What did my parents say to his decision?"

"Abu said if that's what Kathryn also wants then they will get them married."

"Yeah, she should have a choice. It's her life."


"So my baby bro and I are gonna become daddy-s at the same time?"

"Yes" Inayat smiled.

"Think that would be nice too."

"I think so too."

"Okay, Inayaa, I gotta go now..."


"Give them the good news soon. Don't take too long, okay?"

"Okay" she was just waiting for things to settled down a bit without realizing that the worst shit was yet to happen.

"Take care of yourself and the little one. Love you."

"Love you. Be safe."


Everyone, except Arjun and Naira, was in the living room having their evening tea and snack when Yash walked in through the main door.

"Yash, how are you, son?" Madhu asked with a smile.

"Um... Mom... I am good. Thank you."

"Sit with us and have some tea." Rishab offered.

"Sure but I would like to see Naira before that." He said as he scanned the room. "Is she in her room?" He asked impatiently.

"Yes" Rishab nodded. "Go, see her. She seemed upset since morning. Hope everything is fine between you two." He said as he gauged Yash's reaction.

"Dad... We had a fight but now that I am here... I am sure we will resolve it." Yash didn't want to hide anything from the man who could easily figure out things on his own. Rishab nodded, appreciating his honesty and also felt reassured with his words.

"What fight? What happened? Did Naira say something to hurt you?" Madhu panicked.

"No, mom. Naira didn't hurt me." I hurt her.


"She misunderstood me. I just wanna clear some things to her first."

"Okay." Madhu moved aside letting him go and ran upstairs to her room.

"Naira..." Yash slowly pushed her bedroom door open and stepped in. "Naira..." He called again but she was in deep sleep so didn't respond. He walked to her bed and sat on the edge of it.

"Baby, I am sorry... I didn't tell about Kaira... But trust me there is nothing going on between us." He took his hand and gently caressed her left side cheek. "She is someone I truly care about but not in the way you think... I don't love her, at least not anymore... It's you I love... It's you I will die for... So please come back to me." He leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. She stirred but didn't wake up. He sat there and looked at her face for couple of minutes before leaving her room.

"Didn't you guys talk?" Madhu asked when Yash came back too soon.

"Naira is sleeping." He sounded low and disappointed.

"So? Just wake her up and talk!"

"No, mom. Let her sleep. I will come again later tonight or tomorrow."


"Madhu..." Rishab shook his head silently asking her not to force him. "Yash, if Naira is really mad at you then I would suggest you to give her some time... time to cool down and think things through." He advised.

"Okay, dad." He took his advise and left the place.


Next day, Rishab decided to pay a visit to Kathryn's place and see how she was doing.

His son was in a shitty state but he wasn't telling him what exactly happened at Kathryn's place.

Maybe she rejected his marriage proposal! Rishab couldn't think any other possible reason for his son's extreme anger.

Should I try and convince Kathryn for this marriage for my son's sake?

Hmm... First let me find out why she doesn't want to marry him.

They love each other... Then what's stopping her? Her parents? If that's the issue then I will assure her to handle them. She need not worry about them. With that resolve, he rang the bell but she didn't answer.

Maybe it's too early. She must be sleeping. He thought to leave but something, maybe a gut feel, made him to put the passcode and unlock the door so that he could check on her.

He knocked her bedroom door twice before walking in. He found her sprawled on the floor with empty beer bottles surrounding her.

"Kathryn..." He ran and knelt down beside her. "Kathryn..." He patted her cheek to bring her back to conscious state. She briefly opened her eyes but closed them again.

"Kathryn..." He lifted her up in his arms and took her to her bed. She was stinking of alcohol and vomit.

What's wrong with this girl? Why is she so neglectful?

God! She needs a bath.

He took his phone out of his pants pocket and dialed a number.

"Hello, Inaya ma... I need your help... Can you please come to Kathryn's apartment?"

"I am coming now, abu" she replied shortly understanding his urgency.

"Thank you." After hanging up the call, he made his way to the bathroom and turned on the heater switch and setup a stool under the shower so that Kathryn could sit on it as she wasn't in the state to stand. Then he picked up all the beer bottles and dumped them in the dustbin.

Five minutes later, Inayat arrived and she was shocked to see Kathryn sick state.

Rishab carried Kathryn in his arms and took her to the bathroom. She gently placed her on the stool and made her upper body lean on the wall so that she wouldn't fall.

"Inayat, can you please run her a bath?"

"Sure, abu."

"Okay then I will you to it." Saying that he walked out of the bathroom. He set a fresh towel and some casual clothes on the dressing table and left the bedroom to make some lemonade for Kathryn in order to ease her hangover.

Inayat slowly removed her clothes starting off with her shirt and then moved down to her pants. It was bit tricky to remove her pencil fit jeans mainly when she was seated on a stool but somehow Inayat had managed. She left the bra and panties on as she didn't want to embarrass Kathryn.

Inayat turned on the shower making Kathryn jerk up and gasp in shock.

"It's me! It's me, Inayat." Inayat cupped her cheeks and reassured her. "I'm just going to clean you up, okay?"

"No... Please..." Kathryn faintly protested.

"It's okay. I'm like you sister." Inayat moved her wet hair aside and kissed her forehead.

Kathryn didn't have the strength to fight her so she simply let her help her. She leaned her back against the fall and looked up at Inayat with her lifeless eyes.

"Why did you drink like this? You know you are not supposed to consume alcohol when you are pregnant, right?" Inayat gently asked as she shampooed her hair and washed the lather up. "It's okay. Don't worry. We will go see a doctor and make sure everything is fine." Inayat kept talking but Kathryn remained silent. Inayat squeezed some body wash on the wash-cloth and started cleaning her. She knelt down on the floor to wash her legs and that was when she noticed the water turning to red in color. Is she bleeding? Inayat's hands started shaking as she slowly lifted her head up to face Kathryn.

"Kathryn..." Inayat voice choked up in her throat.

Kathryn stared at Inayat without a word though she couldn't control the slight lip twitching and welling up of her eyes.


Kathryn slowly shook her head sideways. Gone. She mouthed.

"Ya Allah! I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry" Inayat cried hugging her.

After calming down, Inayat washed her up fully and changed her into new clothes. Then she guided her back to her room and settled her comfortably on the bed. She brought a towel and started drying her wet hair so that she wouldn't fall sick as she already looked too weak. This wasn't how Inayat remember seeing her the last time. Oh baby, what's happened to do? Why do you have to suffer like this?

"I'll go get something for you to eat." Saying that Inayat made her way to the kitchen.

"Abu..." She found her father in law there making lemonade but he looked lost.

"Haan..?" he came out of his thought and looked at Inayat. "How is Kathryn?"

"Um... she is not well. She didn't utter a word to me yet. She is not even crying. She is so numb."


"Abu... woh... Kathryn... She... Um... the baby..."

"You don't have to struggle, Inayat. I know." Rishab said and pushed a medical file to the other side of the kitchen counter so that she could take a look at it. When he was mopping the bedroom floor as it spattered vomit, he found this report at the foot of the bed.

He took the glass of lemonade and walked back to the bedroom. Inayat followed him with the report.

Kathryn was sitting and staring at the space. Rishab sat on the bed and gave her the glass but she refused to take it. "You are dehydrated. You need to drink this."

"Please drink, Kathryn." Inayat cajoled her as she took the glass from his hand and brought it close to her mouth. "Please"

Kathryn took a small sip for her and then shook her head in negation.

"Kathryn..." Rishab held her chin and made her face him straight at the eyes. "I saw your medical report... I know about the miscarriage..." he cleared his throat buying himself a second before asking her "Did you cause it deliberately by taking drugs?"

His question pierced her heart but still she managed to give him a sad smile. No one believes me!

"Answer me. Did you take drugs, Kathryn?" his voice was low but stern.

"Abu, please... stop this... she is already pain... let's not add more to it by questioning her now." Inayat pleaded as she couldn't witness this. Kathryn looked totally broken.

Rishab ignored her and kept looking at Kathryn for some response and finally he got it. A lone tear drop rolled down her cheek. He understood. She was innocent. He quickly wiped it off with his thumb and pulled her to his chest. "I'm so sorry, darling. I had to question you. I had to know for sure that you didn't do anything wrong... because I'm going to stand up for you, support you, and fight against my own son for you." He had already guessed his son had mistook Kathryn and accused her for the miscarriage otherwise he wouldn't be this mad at her and left her side when she needed him the most. "He is wrong. I'll make him realize it and beg you for your forgiveness." He vowed to himself that he would find out how this mess up happened. How drugs got into her system without her knowledge? Who was behind it? His first suspicious was her so called friend Alex! Was it him? Or was it her parents?

"Inayat, we are taking her home..." He felt it wasn't safe to leave alone in the apartment. She needed protection.

"I thought of suggesting you the same, abu. She can stay with me in my room instead of the guest room so that I can look after her."

"Thanks, dear. You are the kindest soul I have ever known." He didn't know yet she was offering to look after her when she herself needed to be taken care at this time.

Kathryn shook her head in negation refusing to go with them.

"No arguments! You are coming with us. Inayat, can you please pack some clothes for her?"

"Sure, abu." she went to her wardrobe to grab some clothes and dump them in a case.


"Uncle..." Kathryn stopped outside their house. "Arjun will get mad seeing me here..."

"I will handle him." Rishab reassured her and was about to take them in when he got a phone call.

"You guys go in. I will come in a minute" he instructed and answered the phone call.

Inayat held Kathryn's hand, supporting her and they slowly walked into the house. Arjun was sitting in the living room with his dadi and the moment he spotted Kathryn in his house, he got violently mad at her.

"Hey! What are you doing here?" He roared as he angrily marched towards her. Dadi looked stunned seeing his sudden outburst. "Get the hell out of here!" He harshly held her neck and pushed her. Kathryn was already too weak and feeling faintish so her legs gave away easily and she fell on her butt. A sharp pain shot up her abdomen making her scream. "Kathryn..." Inayat knelt down beside her and supported her upper body.

"There is no place for killer like you in my house! GET OUT!" he leaned down and gripped her arm tightly trying to lift her up and through her out.

"Arjun, please, stop, stop... she is in pain... she is in pain... Please, stop hurting her!" Inayat cried.

Arjun let her arm go and she curled up like a ball on the floor, clutching her stomach, settling her head on Inayat's lap. Arjun couldn't help but worry for her and hate himself for hurting her. God! She had an abortion. I shouldn't have pushed her.

"What's happening here?" Madhu and Naira came down hearing the commotion. They looked clueless. Naira quickly went into the kitchen and brought a glass of water for Kathryn. She made her take few sips and calmed her down.

"Arjun, help her up!" Dadi scolded him.

Arjun was about to help her up when he was forcefully pushed away from her by someone, well, not someone but by his father. He just walked in and by seeing Kathryn on the floor he guessed it was his son's doing.

"Did you hit her?" Rishab grabbed him by the collar and fist his right hand ready to through a punch on his face. Arjun looked away. "How dare you hit a woman..." he raised his hand up and was about to land a hand punch when his wife jumped in between them. "Rishab, Rishab, please... please... don't hit him. Please. I'm begging you. Please." Madhu patted him on his chest forcing him to listen to him and tried to push him but he stood there like a rock, murderously glaring at his son.

"Arjun, you, go. You go to your room." She hoped at least her son would listen to her and move away from that place but he didn't as well.

The father and son kept staring at each other both looked red hot mad.

"Rishab, please..." she begged. She didn't want the father and son fighting like this. It will ruin their relationship once and for all.

After what felt like eternity, he looked down at his wife and told in a warning tone "What he did is wrong and you shouldn't stand up for him, Madhu!"

"What I did is wrong? Then what about what she did? She killed my baby! Did you know that?"

Madhu gasped in shock as she looked at Kathryn in disbelief.

"She didn't kill her baby! She had a miscarriage!"

Madhu frowned wondering who was telling the truth. Her husband or her son?

"That bitch took drugs!"

"She didn't!"

"Yes, she did, dad!"

"Go to your room, Arjun!" Rishab warned him to get out of his sight before he did something to him.

"Ask her to leave our home, dad!"

"She is staying with us!"


"I have made the decision!"

"No! I hate to see her face. Ask her to leave! Get the hell out, bitch!" He shouted at Kathryn.

"This is my house! You can either stay here or leave. I don't care, Arjun!" Rishab gave him the ultimatum.

"Rishab! What are you talking? He is our son! You can't kick him out for her..."

"He will abuse her and you expect me to tolerate his asshole behavior?" he asked his wife angrily.

"Mom, daddy is right. He can't behave like an animal with his girlfriend just because she had a miscarriage. He should be caring for her instead of accusing her so you stop supporting him, mom" Naira scolded her mom.

"Why are you all making me a villain here and supporting her when she is at fault? She didn't want to marry me so she got rid off what she felt as an inconvenience."

"Arjun, stop, please" Madhu couldn't take it anymore. He was only making the situation worse and making his dad ten folds mad.

"I will leave, uncle" Kathryn said wanting to put an end to their fight and slowly stood up with Inayat's support but her head spun and she was about to fall flat on her face. "Hey, hey, hey..." Screaming, Inayat tried to steady her but she couldn't hold her entire weight.

"Fuck!" Arjun yelled and swiftly slipped a hand under her, preventing her fall. Then he flipped her to his other hand and scooped her up, carefully, surprising his whole family. She rolled her head against his chest before passing out.

Arjun was carrying her up to the guest room when Inayat stopped him and pointed to her bedroom. Without a word, he took her there and settled her on the bed. He checked her eyes and then held her wrist and counted the pulse. Everything seemed fine. She might have fainted because of fatigue or stress or abdominal pain. He made a mental note to send a pain killer later to ease her pain. How much ever he hated her, a small part of him still cared for her.

"How is she?" Inayat asked worriedly.

"She isn't dead yet" Saying that he walked out banging the door behind him and ran upstairs to his room.

...To be continued!




and thanks!

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