Part 10

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Part - 10


"She loved him and he loved her but it wasn't that simple." 


"I am going to marry her as soon as possible... as she is pregnant... with my child" 

"She is what...?" Madhu asked horrified as the spoon slipped out of her hold and fell on the plate making a harsh clunk sound. 

"Pregnant" Inayat whispered. Wow! Veer and Arjun... Both the brothers are gonna become fathers at the same time. Well, that's unexpected.

Madhu stood up almost knocking down her chair off and reached across the table to grab her son by his shirt and started hitting him. "How many fucking times have I told you not to do anything stupid and here you have come doing the exact fucking stupid thing!" Madhu slapped Arjun on both his cheeks. "How could you do this, Arjun? How could you be so stupid?"

"Ammi, Ammi, please..." Inayat tried to hold her back but Madhu kept hitting him and he stood rooted to his place with his head bowed. 

God! Why this happened to me? Why did Kathy forget to take her pills? 

If she had stopped her pills she could have told me, right? I would have used condoms but fuck, she didn't! 

Ugh! Just one time we went careless and she somehow managed to get pregnant! Fuck! How unlucky are we? 

"I kept telling you to stay in your limits! I even warned you explicitly 'Do not fuck her' and you even promised me! Didn't you?" she shook him by grabbing his shirt in her fists. 

"Mom, this happened before..." 

"Shut up! Don't give me any excuses now! You knocked her up, you manner-less asshole! Is this how we raised you?" Madhu shouted and in her heightened anger, she picked an orange from the fruit basket and threw at him but he dodged it. Inayat gaped at Madhu in utter shock. She had never seen her mom-in-law use swear words before, at least not these many. "Ahh! Now what are we going to do? What will tell her parents? Her grand-father... That old man trusted you with her... he believed you would take good care of her but you... Fuck!" Madhu held her head as it started spinning. "Oh God! That poor girl! She is pregnant at 20? She is too young to be a mother... How will she raise a baby..."

"Mom, she is not alone in this. I'm with her. We are with her, right?" Arjun asked hopefully as he looked at his family members. Dadi, Naira and Inayat nodded their heads assuring him. Madhu glared at him, murderously. Rishab sat there, speechless. He didn't know whether to get mad at his son for being so careless or pity him for his misfortune. 

"Now why are you sitting like a statue, Rishab? Don't you have anything to say?" Madhu had redirected her wrath on her husband now. "Come on! Try and defend your son's shameful act!"

"Madhu, first cool down." Rishab calmly said. 

"Don't tell me to cool down! It's all because of you!" Madhu accused him. 

"What did I do?" he asked, offended. 

"You didn't listen to me when I told you that girl was bad news! You only encouraged their relationship and ruined my son's life!" Madhu said in her anger but immediately wished to take those words back as she couldn't see the pain in her husband's eyes. 

"Mom, please..."

"You shut up and get lost! I don't want to see your face!" Madhu ordered her son. 

"Mom..." Arjun pleaded to forgive him. 

"I trusted you so much, Arjun..." Madhu cried shaking her head in disappointment. 

"Madhu..." Rishab stood up and held his wife in his arms. He hoped she would resist him but surprisingly she succumbed to him. She was tired of shouting and crying and now she needed her husband's comfort. She also felt sorry for the accusations she had just hurled at him. "I know this shouldn't have happened but it has happened and we can't do anything about it now, baby." He softly spoke to her. He was hurt by her words but he knew it wasn't her intention to hurt him. "All we can do now is be supportive to our kids and help them in taking care of the baby so that they can concentrate on their studies." 

"Hmm..." Madhu sniffed. 

"Forgive him, Madhu. After all he is your baby." Rishab teased trying to lighten the mood.

"Baby, my foot!" Madhu scoffed.

"Sorry, mom" 

"Just get lost!" Madhu said without looking at him. 

"Go, get her home." Rishab ordered his son. 

"Will you convince her for the marriage?" 

"Your mom?" Rishab asked wondering why would Madhu have a problem with their marriage. In fact she would only insist on it. 

"No! Kathy. She didn't want to marry me." Arjun said with a tired sigh. 

"Why?" Rishab asked frowning. 

"Is the baby yours, Arjun?"

"Of course, mom" 

"Is she planning to abort?"

"What! Hell no, mom! How could you even think so low about my Kathy? We are doctors and we are meant to save lives, not to kill them! She wouldn't even dream of aborting our baby." Arjun roared. 

"Then why the fuck can't she marry you?" 

"I don't know! I am hoping dad could convince her." He said looking at his dad. 

"Okay, we will talk and try to understand her reasons. Just get her home, Arjun."

"Okay, dad" After he left, Rishab took Madhu to their room so Naira didn't get a chance to talk to them about her issue with Yash and Inayat couldn't break her big news.  


Arjun literally ran to Kathy's apartment to drag her back to his home as he couldn't wait for his dad to talk some sense into her and get them married. 

He rang the bell but no one answered. "Arjun yaar! You have the code so just unlock the door and get in." 

"Kathy?" he called out as he walked into her bedroom. Her bed was messy but there was no sign of her. 


The bathroom door was slightly ajar so he didn't step in to see whether she was in there or not. 

"Where did she go? Did she leave me?"  Arjun panicked and went into her walk-in closet. Her wardrobe was full of dresses. He breathed a sigh of relief presuming that she hadn't flee off to America. 

He picked his phone and dialed her number. "Pick up! Pick up dammit!" Since morning he had been trying to talk with her but she wasn't answering him. Dejected he was about to cut the call when it got connected. "Hello, Kathy, where are you? I'm at..." 

"Sir, this is Gauri. Madam's maid." 

"Gauri, please pass on the phone to madam." Arjun said impatiently as he wondered what was Gauri doing with Kathryn's phone. 



"Woh... Madam..."

"What's wrong?" 

"Madam is admitted in City hospital."

"What? What's happened to her?" he almost lost his grip on the phone. 

"Sir, I don't know. I brought her here in the ambulance an hour ago. I didn't have your number otherwise I would have called you. I knew either you or your father would contact her so I brought her phone with me and thank God, you called as I hoped." She said with a hint of relief in her voice. He made a mental note to appreciate her for her smartness later. 

"Gauri, she was fine last night. What the hell has happened to her suddenly?" Arjun felt hard to breathe as he worried for his love. He didn't know what could have possibly happen to her. 

"I don't know, sir. This morning, I found her in her bed, soaked in blood..."

"Blood?" With shaky hands, he pulled the messy duvet off the bed to find huge patch of blood stains confirming what she was saying was true. 


"Was she... was she..." 

Guessing what he was trying to ask her, Gauri answered, "She was cold and unconscious."

Oh God no! Oh God no!



"Sir, sir... you there? Sir!" 

"Yes... Yes... I'm here..."

"Doctors are looking at her but I'm worried, sir. You please come here soon." 

"I'm coming. Please stay with her till I reach there. Please." Arjun begged as he dashed out of her apartment. 


By the time Arjun reached the hospital, Kathryn was shifted to the private ward. A nurse had asked him to meet the doctor in her cabin to know about her health condition but Arjun insisted on seeing his girlfriend first for a minute before meeting the doctor as he wanted to make sure she was living and breathing. 

He slowly walked into her room and stood by her bed. He brought his hand up and caressed her pale face. "Kathy?" He softly whispered. "I'm sorry. I left you when you needed me." He regretted leaving her last night. He should have stayed with her and protected her. "If I was with you, this wouldn't have happened, right? You wouldn't be in pain, right?" His vision blurred with his tears but he blinked his eyes and scanned her body. There wasn't any visible physical wounds. He knew what that meant! The blood stain on her bedsheet... She was bleeding from the vagina. He closed his eyes in pain before dropping down to his knees. "Are you still there, baby?" He asked in a whisper as he gently stroked her flat tummy.  

He took couple of deep breathes before taking hold of her wrist to check her pulse. He hoped against hope that by some miracle their baby was alive. NoHe shook his head as sheer pain lanced through his chest. "We lost you. We lost you. We are so sorry, baby." he placed his head on her belly and hugging her thighs, he cried for their baby. 

She was okay, last night, then how this happened?

What caused her miscarriage? 


Did I put pressure on her to marry me and caused her stress? 

Or did she have a slip and hurt herself badly? 

God, somebody give me answers. 

As if on cue, a nurse walked into the room, and informed him "Sir, Doctor would like to see now."  

"Coming" He wiped off his tears and stood up. "I'll be back in a minute, darling. And I promise I won't leave your side ever." He whispered near her ear and planted a tight kiss on her forehead. 


"Arjun, what are you doing here?" Dr. Geetha, his college professor asked him in surprise when he walked into her cabin. 

"I'm here for Kathryn." he answered.

"Oh" she gestured him to take a seat and he robotically sat down. "What about her parents?"

"Her parents are in abroad."

"I see." she pressed her lips before asking him "So you are her boyfriend." She confirmed with him before disclosing her medical condition. 


"Do you guys know" she paused wondering how to bring this topic. 

"Yes, she told me about the baby, yesterday." and it's no more today. 

"So she knew..." Dr. Geetha shook her head looking disappointed. "She knew about the baby but still she was careless. I'm ashamed to tell she is my student."

"What happened, Doc?" 

"Here..." she passed him the report. "Study her report for yourself."

Arjun quickly went through the report and his blood started boiling. 


Arjun walked back into her room with the report in his hand. He looked at the person lying on the bed with eyes full of hatred. A moment ago she was most precious person of his life but not anymore. He hated her. He hated to even see her face now. 

Just yesterday, he thought she was an angel but no, she was monster that killed his baby ruthlessly.  

"Her blood report shows she was high on cocaine..."

"I didn't know she was under the influence of such lethal drug, Arjun..." 

"Being a medical student, she should be aware of the fact that how harmful these illicit drugs are for pregnant women and for the fetus..." 

"Her blood pressure shot up but now it's stable..."

"She must have had a severe pelvis cramp and started hemorrhaging..."

"She was brought here unconscious... I just had to clean her up..."

"I guess this was an unplanned pregnancy..."

"You guys are young... so maybe she thought this wasn't the time to have a baby..."

"Maybe she brought this to herself on purpose..."


"No, I can't marry you" 

"We are going to marry and have the baby."

"You don't get to decide that, Arjun!"

"Yes, I do. I won't let you abort my baby. I won't let anyone call my baby a bastard." 

"What the fuck!" 


"Is the baby yours, Arjun?"

"Is she planning to abort?"

"Then why fuck can't she marry you?"


"I'm no more addicted to drugs. I'm addicted to you, Arjun. I love you."


Oh God! She lied to me! She lied that she had stopped taking drugs. She lied that she loved me! 

Such a big liars she is! And such a big looser I am! 

He saw her slowly regaining her consciousness and struggling to open her eyes. 

"Arjun..." Her voice was barely audible but still he read her lips and he felt this uncontrollable urge to slap her for even uttering his name. 

The Evil Bitch! 

"Arjun..." she mumbled his name again before opening her eyes fully. She saw him standing by the door way. She frowned wondering why he looked outrageously mad and why wasn't he helping her. She stretched her hand out for him but he didn't come closer to take it. He needed the space otherwise he would pounce on her and strangle her neck. 

She struggled a bit before managing to sit up. "What's wrong?" she asked softly as she winced in pain. She placed her hand on her abdominal region where it was paining her like hell. "Ahh.." she pressed the side of her hip and bit her lower lip as she fought with her unshed tears.

His heart went out on seeing her in pain. He wanted to take her in his arms and say soothing words to her. He wanted to bring comfort to her but he couldn't do anything to her. All he wanted to do was punish her for killing his precious little baby.

"Arjun... Arjun... the baby... is the baby..." she breathed hard. 

"Congratulations! You have successfully killed my baby, sweetheart." He said those words gritting his teeth. 

"Arjun..." she started shaking and crying hearing the news. "No... No..." she shook her head frantically as she hoped that it was a lie. 

"Stop acting, you bitch!" he angrily threw her medical file at her face. 

Kathryn looked at him shocked. She had never seen him like this, this mad and violent. 


"Don't you dare say my name ever again in your life, you filth. If you do, I swear I will kill you."

He turned around and opened the door to walk out but stopped remembering to leave his parting words "Listen Kathryn Fernandez, we are over, once and for all!"  

...To be continued!




and thanks! 

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