Part 9

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Part - 9


"I don't mind being hated but I hate being misunderstood!"


Naira woke up early that morning, surprisingly feeling fresh and energetic. She turned to her side and saw her husband sleeping on his front, his arms pillowing his head. She frowned noticing him in his shirt and jeans. "Why didn't he change his clothes? At what he came home?" She wondered. "Where did he go last night? Who is this friend?" She had so many questions but had answer for none. Sighing, she got off the bed to go and take her bath as she decided to probe him later.

Thirty minutes later, she came back to her husband's side taking her shower and changing into a simple blue color saree. She tucked her wet hair behind her ears before bending down and placing a loving kiss on his cheek. "Wake up" she whispered near his ear.

"Hmm... No..." he groaned and turned his face away from her.

Giggling, she was about to leave him to sleep for a little longer when his phone started ringing.

"Yash, your phone" Naira grabbed his phone from the side table and tossed it on the bed for him without checking the caller ID. Then she went back to the dressing room to blow dry her wet hair.

His phone kept ringing but he didn't answer it in his sleep. Getting irritated with the non stop ringing of the phone, Naira stopped blow drying her hair and came back to the bed to answer the call for him. She grabbed the phone and checked the caller ID. It showed 'K calling...' with a little girl's pic on the screen. 

"Who is this little girl?" Naira wondered and before she could answer the call it got disconnected. 

"Yash..." She tapped his shoulder trying to wake him up as she needed answers. She was curious to know who this 'K' was. Why can't he save the person's full name? Why this secrecy? "Yash, wake up. You got a call from someone..."

"Kaira..." he mumbled the name in his sleep. 

Kaira? Did he say Kaira or Naira? 

"Yash, what did you say?" Naira moved closer to him to hear him properly.  

"Kaira... I'm sorry..." Yash mumbled again in his sleep as he pulled Naira in his arms and hugged her to his chest. "I'm sorry..." he repeated his apology and went silent. Naira slowly lifted her head off his chest and looked at him. This time she heard it clearly. No mistaking. "K for Kaira? Is that the name of the little girl? But who is she?" she got herself free by pushing his hands away and stood up. "What are you hiding from me, Yash? Whatever it is I'll find it out!" She took his phone again to call back this person but she didn't know the pattern to unlock his screen. Damn! Angrily she threw his phone on the bed and went to his book shelf to do some snooping but found nothing there. She ransacked his cupboard throwing all his clothes out and piling them up on the floor. She dragged her gaze up at the now empty cupboard and finally something caught her eyes at the top most shelf. It was a college bag. She climbed up by placing her feet on the lower shelf and yanked the bag out. 

She unzipped the bag and found nothing but a diary. She took out the diary in her hand and opened it. On the first place, in pink glitter pen, 'YK' was artistically designed in a heart. 

YK? Yash and Kaira? So Kaira was his ex? Not the little girl's name then. 

She flipped through the pages and in every page she found a photo of her husband and his Ex and below the photos, poems were written. As far as she knew her husband didn't know to write poems. So the girl had written it and presented to him. 

So it was a memorable gift from her and he was still keeping it safe. 

In the first few pages, the photos were of their school days so they were decent and cute but the later half photos were quite intimate. Her hands shook and her eyes welled up on seeing them. 

The girl...

How could you, Yash? How could you do this to me? 

She quickly shut the diary when she found a photo of them kissing. She angrily threw the diary on the pile of his clothes and glared at her husband with full of hatred and disgust. She didn't know what angered her more - whether the kissing photo or the fact that the girl, her husband's Ex, looked so much like her. 

Am I a replacement of her, Yash? 

I trusted you and gave myself to you but you? You broke my heart, Yash! 


Yash woke up smelling something burning and sat up on the bed, alarmed. 

"Naira..." His first thought was to see his wife was safe. 

"What the fuck is happening?" he rushed to their walk in closet seeing his clothes burning and his wife standing too close to the fire, glaring at something. Only when he got close, he saw the diary. His diary! Shit no! 

"Naira, move away" he held her hand to push her aside but she angrily swatted him. 

"What have you done, Naira?" He didn't question her whether she set the fire because he knew for the fact that she did set the fire in her anger on seeing his personal diary. 

He had long forgotten about the diary. It was just a memory from his past but he knew Naira wouldn't have taken it easily. No wife would take it easy. But still, Naira's this reaction was extreme and scary. He thought with a head shake. 

He tried to put down the fire but Naira angrily kicked the diary with her foot before he could save whatever was left in it. 

"Naira, stop this madness, please." 

That riled her up more and she stamped her foot on the burning diary. She wanted the diary to reduce to ashes under her foot. 

"Naira, Naira!" Yash lifted her off her feet and she struggled in his arms. 

"Leave me" Naira hit him but he didn't let her go. He carried her till they reach their bed and set her down there. 

"Sit here" he pushed her to sit down and knelt in front of her to inspect her foot. "Oh God! You are gonna get blisters." 

"I don't care and stop touching me." 

"Calm down, baby, please."

"How could you do this to me, Yash?" 

"What did I do?"

"I saw everything... those photos..."

"Naira, please don't cry. Those photos, they mean nothing to me now..."

"Who are you trying to fool? They mean nothing to you? Your girl-friend means nothing to you?"

"Ex-girlfriend" he corrected her. 

"Oh really? Is she really your Ex? I thought you were with her last night"

Yash gaped at her wondering how she found it out. 

"Naira, you are mistaking everything. Let me explain please..."

"Last night she called you so late and you went running to her without bothering to tell me who this friend was. And today morning again she called you. Why? Was she missing her lover that much? Can't even stay apart for few hours?" she asked acidly. 

"Naira, stop it!" he warned her. "We are not lovers anymore, just friends." He didn't like to be called him as Kaira's lover. He was Naira's husband. 

"Oh just friends? Then why were you dreaming about your friend?" 

He frowned. "Dreaming?"

"Oh yes, you were having a pleasant dream about her and that's why you wouldn't know about mumbling her name in your sleep."

"I didn't" he shook his head. 

"Yes, you did. You said 'Kaira, I'm sorry'. I heard it. And why did you say sorry? For not fighting for her? For not waiting for her? For getting married to me?" 

"Naira, you are overthinking. Calm down and let me explain. I will tell everything honestly to you." Except for the dream because he couldn't remember anything. He didn't know why he took her name in his sleep. 

"I don't need your explanation. I saw it, Yash. I saw what she looks like. I know what her name is. And I do know now why you married me. You couldn't forget her, your first love, your first pain and you wanted a replacement for her and you got me! You had me."

"Naira, please, I love you." he cupped her face and brushed her tears away. 

"Don't say that to me ever again, Yash." she pushed his hand away. His touch burned her skin. 

"Baby, I love you" Yash repeated taking hold of her hand and looking earnest. 

Naira slapped him in her anger. "Where you thinking about her when you made love to me last night?" she asked with eyes brimming with tears. "Did you see her in me?"  

"God no! Please baby, believe me. I made love to you, to my wife."

She looked away as she couldn't accept his words. She was deeply wounded and felt betrayed. 

"Naira, just hear me out please." 

"I have no time for that. I'm leaving." She made her decision. She couldn't stay with him any longer. If she did she would hate him completely.

"Leaving? Where?" He hoped she would say to office but she didn't. 

"To my home." 

"Naira, don't do this. I won't let us separate. I will answer to whatever doubts you have and clear things." Right then his phone started ringing and she glanced at it. "It's from her. She kept calling you but you wouldn't wake up from your dream." Naira picked the phone from the bed and threw it at him. 

He cut the call and put his phone back in his pocket. "Naira, she is back in town and she has no one to seek help. She couldn't go to her parents' place for some reason which I will tell in detail some other time. For now, all she has is me..." his phone rang again. Yash closed his eyes irately and was about to cut the call again. 

"Attend it!" Naira said through gritted teeth. The continuous ringing was pissing her off. 

He stood up and attended the call. Naira took the chance to grab her office bag, her case bundles, her phone, wallet and car key. 

"What? What's happened to her? I'm coming. You don't worry, Nai...Kaira!" Yash cursed mentally for confusing with names. He dared to glance at his wife and she was murderously glaring at him. 

He hung up the phone and hesitantly started "Naira, I have to go now, it's an emergency but I'll be back home soon. Please wait for me.." 

"No! I'm leaving before you leave this room and don't expect me here. I'm not coming back." she said and started walking but he held her hand, stopping her.  

"Naira, please."

"It's over, Yash. You got your lover back. You be happy with her and let me be on my own."

"God! I don't want her. I want you. You are my wife damn it!" 

"Who is that little girl?" Naira asked suddenly remembering about her. 

"She is her daughter. Yashika."

"Yash-ika! Wow, she named her child after you. You sure that child is not yours?" Naira asked smirking. 

"What? Fuck! No!" He wondered from where she got this thought. 

"Maybe you should get a DNA test done, Yash!" she suggested.

"You don't believe me?" he asked feeling hurt. 

"No, I don't!" Saying that she left him without sparing him a glance. 

He gaped at her in disbelief. How could she doubt him? Fuck! Last night was the first time he had ever had sex in his life. Then how could he be Yashika's father? God! Why did she has to name her daughter after me? To create more suspicion in Naira's mind? 


"Give our family the good news as soon as you reach home, okay?" Veer told her as he held her by her waist. He was just prolonging their time by repeating the things he had already told her a hundred times.

"I'll." Inayat smiled at her husband. 

"Don't forget to see a Gyn there. Take mom with you whenever you go for check up."


"Eat healthy. Take you meds on time. Sleep well." 

"Okay, Veer. I will take care of myself and the baby." 

"I wish I could be with you." 

"I wish so too but we know it's not possible." she placed her hand on his cheek and gently stroked her fingers there. 

"I think I will be coming home only after you give birth." he leaned and rested his forehead on hers. 

"I know" Inayat sighed already feeling sad. She wished she could have her husband by her side when she was in labor. "I will be coming in between to see you, to show our baby's scan pics to you." she said to cheer him up.

"But please don't travel alone." he strictly told her. Inayat smiled.

"I'm serious Inayat. This time I'm forgiving you because you gave me the best news of my life but next time I'll seriously get mad at you if you travelled alone. Always bring someone with you. It's for your safety." he didn't request but ordered. 

"Okay, Veer. I won't travel alone. I promise." 

"Good. Even at home have someone around you all the time."

"Anything else?"

"Hmm..." He hugged her tightly thinking what else to say before its time for her boarding.

"Wish Kathryn 'happy birthday' on my behalf." 


"Don't exert too much in the party and get yourself tired. You are carrying my sweet little heart here..." he placed a gentle hand on her belly " be careful, okay?" 

"Veer, stop worrying, please. You are making me nervous." 

"Alright. I know you will be fine." he kissed her forehead. "Just don't forget your poor husband..." he reminded her. 

"Why do you say that?" she asked frowning. 

"Now that you have someone to show your love... you might tend to..."

"Are you insecure, Veer?" Inayat couldn't help but find it cute. Her husband was feeling insecure of their own baby. Aww!

"Just a little bit." He accepted it.

"I love you, Veer" 

"I love you, Inayaa."

"Be safe." Inayat patted his chest where he had kept the coin she had gifted him. 


Arjun woke up with a throbbing headache as a result of sleeping late. He was awake till 4.30 in the morning as he kept thinking about the shocking news Kathryn had given him.

Oh God! I am going to be a father, that too at 21! He freaked at that thought.

I am too young to father a child. I still haven't finished my studies. Then how will I take care of my baby? Take care of my wife?

Of course his family would support him both financially and physically. They would help him and Kathy in raising the baby. He knew that but still the thought of growing up overnight and taking responsibility of a child was shit scary. What was scarier was telling his mother about the baby and his plan to marry Kathryn like real quick.

Oh no! Kathy said no to our wedding.

Why is she being stubborn in this matter? Can't she see this simple logic that we have to do this together? It's our joint responsiblity? Baby needs both her parents, right?

So Kathy has to move in with me but before that Mom will surely insist us to get married.

Hell, that's what I want too. Marry Kathy and have her by my side, always. Look after her and love her till my last breathe. Oh and have more babies with her.

But how will I convince her in the first place?

Maybe I should ask dad to help me in this matter. She would listen to him.

He took his phone and called Kathryn to check on her but she didn't answer it.

He frowned and tried again. "Answer the phone, baby"

"Is she still sleeping?" He wondered. "Maybe yes. She would have had a late night as well." He threw his phone on the bed and went to get ready for the day as he decided to go see her in person once he had informed his family about the big news. He would take his dad along.

After a quick shower and changing into casuals, he went to the dining area where his dad, mom and dadi were already presented.

"Good timing." Madhu smiled at her son as they were about to start their breakfast. "Come. Sit." she placed a plate and served food for him.

"Thanks, mom" Arjun smiled nervously.

God, she is going to kill me.

"Bhabhi hasn't come yet?" Arjun asked.

"She must be arriving any minute." Rishab said checking the time.

Right on cue, Inayat walked in carrying her overnight bag with a huge smile on her face.

"We were just talking about you and here you are" Rishab said with a hige smile. He was happy his daughter in law was back home safe. Last night, he got an earful from his son. Veer worried for his wife's safety and he understood his son's concern. He promised he wouldn't send Inayat alone again and calmed him down.

"Join us, dear." Madhu guided Inayat to sit beside her.

"Ammi, I am not hungry. I will just have tea."

"Not hungry? Why? You had your breakfast? "


"At what time?"

"Around 5" Inayat said as she remembered how sweetly her husband had fed her bread toast and some fruit. He even made her drink a huge glass of milk before dropping her off at the Airport.

"That's some 5 hours ago. You are going to eat some with us now." Madhu ordered and served her some kitchdi.

Inayat agreed and slowly started eating. She looked up at Arjun who was sitting on the opposite side and frowned. He seemed tensed. Feeling her gaze on him, Arjun looked at her too.

"Are you okay?" Inayat mouthed at him. He nervously smiled and nodded his head reassuring her as he mentally schooled himself to break the big news.

Arjun was about to start the topic when Naira angrily made her way to the dining room and took a seat next to him.

"Naira? You here?" Madhu asked surprised.

"Why? Can't I come to my home anymore?" Naira asked in an irated tone. Madhu wondered why her daughter was barking at her for her simple question.

One look at his daughter, Rishab knew something was wrong but he decided to give her sometime to settle down and tell about it on her own pace. "Of course, darling, you can come here any time." He stood up and walked to her side to serve food for her. "Eat, honeybee" he insisted when she kept staring the plate.

"Thanks, daddy" she managed to pull her lips up and smile at him. Rishab placed his hand on her shoulder and gave her a gentle squeeze there reassuring her that her daddy was there to take care of her.

"Yash didn't come with you, Naira?"

"No" Naira answered without looking at her mom as she picked at her food.

"You don't have court work, today?"


Madhu looked at her husband and silently asked him 'What's wrong with her?'

He shrugged.

"Ask her!" She mouthed at him.

"Later" he mouthed back.

"So how is Veer?" Radha turned to Inayat and asked as she couldn't take the tensed silence.

"He is fine, dadi." Inayat said with a fond smile.

"Did you tell him I miss him?"

"Yes, I did. He misses you too. He misses everyone."

"That's my sweet boy." Radha smiled widely.

Everyone is here so I guess this is the right time to tell them...

...about the pregnancy. Inayat thought.

...about the baby and my decision to marry Kathy. Arjun thought.

...about my fight with Yash. Naira thought.

At once, they three set their spoons down on their plates and turned their gaze towards their parents.

"Um... I am preg..."

"I left Ya..."

"I am going to marry Kathryn." Arjun beat the race and made his announcement first.

"We know that already." Madhu said frowning at her son as she wondered why her son was bringing this topic now.

What? They knew about it already? How? Did Kathy call them and tell them about the baby and agreed to marry me? Wow!

"And we agreed to get you two married after you become a surgeon, right?"

No! Not right! That's old news, mom!

"Mom, I am going to marry her as soon as possible..." He declared. Everyone gazed at him confused. Why the hurry?

"What nonsense!" Madhu scolded.

Rishab gaped at his son in dread. Oh no no no! Don't tell me you fucked up, boy!

" she is pregnant... with my child" he dropped the bomb and waited for the blast to happen. be continued!




And thanks!

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