Part 8

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Part - 8 (Arjun - Kathryn)


"Never give up on the person who makes you smile"


Arjun was getting restless, sitting in the car, waiting, and just checking his wrist watch every now and then.

Two more hours to go.

Cake. Balloons. Gift. Ring. Everything was ready. He just had to get out and go up to her apartment and surprise her.

Oh and propose her.

Should I do it?

Am I taking a big risk here?

Will I fuck up everything that we have now?

Will she freak out?

Will she simply kick me out?

Will she breakup with me again?

Ahhh... I am clueless.

Damn you, Naira di for confusing me!

He banged his fist on the steering in frustration.

Should I drop this plan?


I really want her to wear my ring.

I want her to know that she is mine. I want the whole fucking world to know that.

I want her to know I am serious about our relationship.

I want to marry her one day.

I want to have a family with her.

I want to do so much with her.

God! I love Kathryn Annie Fernandez so much!

Arjun took his phone out from his pocket and dialed a number.

He sure as hell knew this person would send him some positive vibe.

After 4 rings the call got connected.

"Hello, bhabhi jaan" Arjun spoke excitedly.

"It's me" Veer's gruff voice came from the other end.

"Oh no! The other twin is here to confuse my already confused mind!" He talked out loud.


"Bro, why are you answering bhabhi's phone?"

"She is sleeping" 

"Already? It's just 10"

"What do you want, Arjun?"

"I wanna talk to bhabhi."


"Um... its... about... Actually, you wake her up and pass on the phone to her. I will directly talk to her. It's important."

"I am not waking her up. Either you talk to me or simply hang up."

"Alright.." He huffed. "Did bhabhi tell you about my proposal plan?"

"Yes, she did."


"And what?"

"What do you think about it?"

"I don't know!"

"Great!" He said sarcastically. "And this is why I wanted to talk to bhabhi. She wouldn't give me blunt answers."

"What could she possibly say to you, Arjun? Maybe a good luck? Well I can..."

"No, save it."


"You know you never proposed bhabhi so you wouldn't know what it feels like or how I feel at the moment... You couldn't give me any wise advise like bhabhi does so I better hang up."

"Hey!" Veer got offended.

"Tell me?"

"Your bhabhi had never proposed me either so she wouldn't know too..."

"But she is romantic unlike you."

"What? Romantic? Who? My Inayat?" 

"Yes of course"

"And why would you say that?" 

"She reads books. British classics and American chick flicks. All the time. Always in the clouds. So she would know lot more about love and romance than either of us." He said confidently. "And don't roll your eyes. I'm right here." he added guessing what would be his brother's reaction to his assessment. 

"Call her spiritual, I'll agree without any argument but romantic? No!" 

"Can't spiritual person be romantic?"

"Well, yeah but..."


"I am her husband and I know her better than anyone else. End of."

"Okay, cool, bro" Arjun didn't want an argument now. "And help me with my proposal?"

"What nonsense?"

"I am gonna rehease with you so don't hang up. That's the biggest help you could possibly do to me."

"Rehease with me? No! I am sleepy."

"Then wake up bhabhi..."

"You will propose to my wife? No!" He asked outraged.

"Why are you shouting 'No! No!' for every-damn-thing? And no! I am not going to propose to your wife. It's just practicing. I have already done it twice with her. I want to do it one last time and get her approval."

"Twice? You have proposed my wife twice?"

"On bended knee" Arjun added.

"What the heck!"

"And you have to see the blush on her cheeks. My God! She was the prettiest at that moment." Arjun added this part exclusively to rile his brother up.

"Asshole!" Veer growled before hanging up. Arjun burst out laughing. That was fun.


Arjun couldn't wait anymore so 15 minutes before midnight he went to Kathy's apartment. He unlocked her main door by entering the safe code and sneaked in. Her apartment was filled with silence.

"Is she asleep?" He placed the cake on the coffee table and walked to her bedroom holding the baloons.

He slowly pushed the door open and found her bed empty. He looked straight at the balcony but the door was closed. He walked further into the room and noticed a broken wine bottle on the floor and few drops of blood.

Fuck! What happened to my Kathy?"  Arjun panicked.

"Kathy! Kathy!" Arjun yelled her name and let go of the helium balloons and they went and stuck to the ceiling.

"Kathy!" He rushed to the bathroom hearing flushing sound from there. "Open the door?" He banged on the door.

Few seconds later, Kathy opened the door but didn't step out of the bathroom. She had her head bowed and her hair was almost covering her face.

"Kathy, baby..." He pushed her hair aside and gently cupped her face to feel wetness. Was she crying?  But why?

He lifted her face and his doubt was proved. Her eyes were blood red with tears streaming down.

He couldn't take in the sight anymore so he pulled her into his arms and hugged her tightly.

What could have possibly happened to bring her to this state?

"What's wrong, darling? Why are you like this? Why did you avoid me for 3 days? What did I do? Tell me, please. Tell me whether I brought this to you? This tears? This pain? Am I the reason?" He pleaded for answer. She shook her head in no. Arjun breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't do anything but he wanted to get to the bottom of her problem and help her. "Then what happened? Had a fight with your parents?"

"Arjun, why are you here?" She tried to push him but hissed in pain.

Arjun quickly released her from his tight embrace and looked down at her hand. It was bloody.

"Did you break the bottle with your hand? Why are you harming yourself like this?" He held her uninjured hand and dragged her to her bed and made her sit. He quickly searched for the first aid kit and found it in one of the drawers.

He knelt in front of her and slowly he tended her wounds after making sure there was no glass piece stuck in her skin.

"Have you been drinking?" He asked as he had seen her getting violent at time when she was drunk. He wondered whether that was the case.

Kathryn didn't reply.

"Answer me!" He insisted.

"I took a sip of wine but spit it out immediately and then broke the bottle in anger."

"Why?" He asked confused.

Kathy frowned.

"Tell me who upset you? Your mom or dad?" Or that asshole Alex?


"He hurt you?"

"Don't mention him as my dad." Kathy told him sternly.


After wrapping her hand with a bandage he kissed it. "This is not how I wished to see you on your birthday."

Kathy ran her fingers through his hair and shed him a small smile.

"May I wish you?"

"Of course"

"Happy birthday, my love" he reached up and tenderly kissed her lips. "I love you so much and it hurts to see you like this, Kathy. You know you can trust me and tell me whatever it is. We will face it together."

"I love you, Arjun" she whispered and kissed him long and deep as if that was their last kiss.

"I bought a cake for you. Would you like to cut it?" He decided to give her sometime realizing she wasn't ready to share her worries with him.

Kathy nodded her head.

"Wait here. I'll be right back." He ran out of the room to bring her birthday cake, and her gift.

"Here, change into this dress and come."

"Arjun, I am not in the mood to..."

"Please, for me." He made a cute face.

"Alright. Anyways my shirt is stained with wine." Saying that she grabbed the bag from his hand and made her way to the dressing room while he set up the cake and candles.

Couple of minutes later, she came out wearing a stunning half white wrap dress. It hugged to her perfect figure.

She had also brushed her hair straight and looked sweet.

"You look like an Angel." Arjun kissed her lips again but this time it was swift and sweet. "My beautiful Angel"

She couldn't help but blush.

"Here," he passed the knife to her. She smiled looking at the heart shaped chocolate truffle cake. Her favorite.

"Make a wish" he told before she blew the candles.

"I don't have a wish. You make one for me."

"Alright" Arjun put his arm around her petite waist and pulled her closer to him before closing his eyes and making the wish 'Dear God, I wish to marry Kathryn. Please make her say 'Yes' to my proposal.'

"Done?" Kathtyn asked once he opened his eyes and smiled at her. Then she blew the 2&1 number candles and cut the cake while he crooned 'Happy birthday to you'

They fed each other and hugged.

"I have got something for you"

"There is more?" Kathryn thought the dress was her birthday gift.

"Yes" he took out a tiny velvet box from his denim jacket pocket and held it nervously. 

He had reheased so many times but still he forgot everything. He didn't know how to start or what to say. He felt tongue tied.


What's wrong with you Arjun? Just get down on your knee and propose her! A voice encouraged from the back of his head but he stood paralysed.

Which knee should I bend? Left or right?

Or both the knees should touch the floor? Nah! That's a punishment pose, not a proposing pose.

Maybe I should just skip this old fashioned proposal thing and just put the ring and kiss her. She would understand, wouldn't she?

Well, if she didn't?

What if she thinks the ring is just a birthday present?

Hmm... Maybe then I will spell it out loud and clear to her that I want to share the rest of my life with her. I want to marry her.

If needed I will beg on my knees and ask her to marry me.

"What's in it?"

"Um..." Arjun came out of his confusing thought and looked straight at Kathy's eyes as he schooled himself to say just two words - 'Marry me!'.

"Show me!" she said and literally snatched the box from his hand in her excitement and opened it. "Wow. A ring. It's cool. I love it, Arjun" she took the ring from the box and slipped it on her finger and showed it to him.

There goes my proposal!

"I was supposed to put it for you..." Arjun sounded very disappointed. Nothing had gone as per plan so far.

"Oh! Sorry. I will remove it?" She tried to take it off but he stopped her.

"No, it's fine. Never ever remove it."

"Oh" Kathy didn't know whether she could wear it all the time so she didn't promise him.

"Kathy, I..."

Kathryn sealed his lips with hers nad kissed him, stopping him from saying anything further.

Arjun kissed her with equal fervour and losing his control he pushed her to the bed and got on top of her as his hands roamed all over her body. He slipped his hand under her dress and was about to check her pulse when she moaned and brought him out of his passionate haze.

He looked straight at her eyes and realized what they were about to do.

"Oh fuck!" He leaned up but still didn't get off her. "I promised my mother..." He cursed himself for forgetting his promise and for making that promise in the first place. "I shouldn't do this, right?" He asked but his mind and body weren't in snyc.

"Yeah, we shouldn't." Kathy agreed.

No! I shouldn't have brought this topic now! I should have just let passion guide us. Arjun regretted for stopping.

"But I miss this... Miss us being one..." He felt like they were losing connection. They badly needed to reconnect by making love.

"Me too" Kathy sighed.

"Maybe we should let ourselves go with the flow on special days like today." He thought of bringing some amendments. "It's your birthday and it's Christmas. Oh by the way, Merry Christmas!" He pecked her lips.

"Merry Christmas, Arjun!" She smiled.

"So special occasion calls for celebration, right?" He hoped she would give in and make him feel less guilty.

"No! We shouldn't" Kathy said stubbornly. She feared Arjun's mother.

"Why?" Look, I will tell my mother... She will understand..." He didn't plan to hide and act as if nothing happened tonight. He would tell honestly if his mother got suspicious and asked anything to him. He would even take any punishment from her for disappointing her.

"Tell your mother what? We broke the promise and fucked? Don't you have any shame, Arjun?" Kathy asked disgusted.

"I know it's wrong... But it's not like we have done everything right! We are sinners so let's sin, baby." He cajoled. He was so turned on and he wanted to fuck her right now. Besides, he wanted reassurance from her side that she still loved him. She was acting wierd for the past few days. Is she planning to dump me? He worried. Fuck! He would break his promise to his mother rather than breaking up with her. "Kathy... Just for today let's forget everything..."

"No..." She tried to push him off her but he pressed his thing against her belly to prove her how badly he needs to bury in her. "You are not going to fuck me! Get off me!" She pushed him with force and he fell of the bed and landed on his butt.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you acting so weird?"

"Arjun, leave."

"Kathy, listen... I don't want us to fight. And I don't want to leave. I am here to spend the night with you."

Did you go to India for studying or for whoring? Her mother's cruel words rung in her hears and she screamed "I am not a bloody whore you come and spend the night with!"

"What nonsense are you talking? You are my girlfriend, Kathryn. Don't forget that!" And I want you to be more than that. I want you to be my wife one day. I want to love you all my life. "What we do in bed is a pure outcome of our love so don't you dare insult yourself or our love by using such demeaning word. I won't tolerate it." He said in a menacing tone.

Hearing his words, she burst out into tears. "She called me a whore, Arjun" she covered her eyes with her palm and cried.


"Who? Your mother?" He made a guess and he was right.


Arjun crawled closer to her and hugged her. "But you are not, baby. You are the love of my life."

"She told me... Abort that bastard's child and get back to States before you ruin your life completely and irreparably." she repeated her mother's exact words.

Bastard? Who? Me? How dare she call me a bastard?

Fuck! Wait!

Bastard's Child? I mean my child? Abort my child? What the fuck?

Is Kathy pregnant?

"Kathy..." He pulled himself away from her so that he could look at her face "you are not...?"

"Yes, I am." She nodded as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Seriously? Or is she playing a sick prank on me?

No! I know my Kathy! She would never joke about something so sensitive.

"It's yours." She placed a hand on her tummy.

"Of course, I know it's mine." Why would I think otherwise? "But how?" He asked

"What do you mean 'how'?" She glared at him.

"No! It's not that how. I mean... I know we fucked... But... You were on pills, right? So how this happened?"

"I stopped..." She felt so foolish for being careless.

"How could you stop your contraceptives?" He asked in shock.

"When we broke up two and half months ago I stopped the pills... But then a month later you came and we did it..."

He remembered that night. Fuck! On my brother's suhaag raat, I got my girlfriend pregnant.

Oh how I wish it was my brother who became a father now and not me! Bro and bhabhi are at right age to become parents! Whereas Kathy and I are so young. We are still studying! But still it's our baby. We have to take care of it.

"...I forgot to take the pill after that night. I never thought... We would create a baby... I am sorry..." She cried again.

Fuck! We conceived the baby on the same night we had decided to abstain from all sexual activities till we finished our studies. What a fucking twisted fate!

God! Mom is going to kill me! He shivered thinking about his mother's reaction.

"Hey. It's okay. I don't blame you." He pressed her head against his chest and kissed her hair.

"Only three days ago I felt the symptoms and found it out." She informed and now he understood why she avoided him. She was taking her time to break the big news.

"Let's get married, Kathryn" he said finally deciding what to do next. He never thought he would be proposing her like this.

"What?" She lifted her head up and looked at him in shock. "No!" She pushed him and moved back on the bed. "No!" She said again shaking her head.

Don't trap him with marriage! Her mother had warned her.

"What no? We are getting married tomorrow. No arguments. I will go home and inform my parents. They will get mad at us at first but eventually they will support us."

"No! I can't marry you!"

"We are going to marry and have this baby." He said with finality.

"You don't get to decide that, Arjun!" She shouted.

"Yes, I do. I won't let you abort my baby. I won't let anyone call my baby a bastard." He said in a chilling tone.

"What the fuck!" She growled

Why would I want to abort my own baby? Is he mad to say that?

"Why don't you want to marry me?" He asked for a reason. "You love me, don't you, Kathy?"

"I do"


"But I can't marry you."

"That's what I am asking you why? We love each other and one day or the other we are going to get married then why not tomorrow?"


"That ring... It's not a birthday present." Sighing, he said pointing to her finger. "I came here with an intention to propose you for marriage but you didn't give me the chance." Suddenly something occured to him. "Did you do it on purpose?"

Kathy looked down at her lap and remained silent. Yes, she didn't want him to propose her. If he had she would have said no and hurt him. To avoid that, the moment she saw the ring, she took it out and slipped it on her finger and kissed him when he tried to say something.

"Well, now consider that as your engagement ring. Tomorrow I will put the wedding ring on the same finger. Now get some sleep. I will see you tomorrow. Good night." Saying that he left her apartment.

... To be continued!





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