Part 7

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16 + (This part contains mature contents so read at your own risk)

Part - 7 (Yash - Naira)


"I think you are suffering from lack of Vitamin ME"


Yash didn't bother to ring the bell as the main door was left slightly ajar as if expecting his arrival.

He pushed the door open and stepped in to find his mother sitting in the living room and watching TV.

He quickly scanned the room to catch a sight of his wife but she was found nowhere. Must be in the bedroom then.

"Yash, you are home." His mother beamed at him as she quickly switched off the TV and rushed to welcome him with a hug.

"How are you, maa?" He asked hugging her.

"I am good. How are you? I was worried about you."

Yash pulled away from his mother's warm embrace and looked at her with a confused frown. Worried? Why?

"Oh... You know... Well, forget it." She didn't want to bring his father's name and make him angry as soon as he got home. "I can see you're fine." She rubbed her hands on his shoulders before patting them twice. "Go, see your wife. She has been waiting for you."

He nodded and made his way to his bedroom. He slowly stepped in and found his wife at the balcony facing away from him. She was on a call so he decided not to disturb her.

Taking his backpack off his shoulders and placing them against the wall next to the door, he slowly locked the door and leaned his back against it.

He crossed his arms over his chest and smirked. He let her be oblivious to his presence for while and took the chance to admire his wife. 

Hmm... My wife in saree. I like it. I fucking love it. 

Just turn around, baby, I wanna see your beautiful moon like face. 

"Boy! Listen to me! Don't do this. It's too soon." Naira was loud enough for him to hear her and it didn't take him much time to figure out with whom she was talking so animatedly.

Arjun, obviously!

"What's his problem now? Whatever! Just cut the damn phone! I am desperate to talk and take my wife." Yash groaned inwardly.

"I don't get why this hurry? Why are you doing this now?... Of course! It's her birthday and you wanna surprise her but this... What if it turns out to be a big shock for her? She just recently confessed her feelings, right?... You don't wanna spoil that? Or do you?"

What is he up to now? Yash wondered with a frown. 

"Hey, I am not being negative here. I am just being practical. What's the purpose of this proposal now?... Are you planning to marry her soon?... As I thought... After your studies... Good... I appreciate that. Mom has high hopes on you so you better not disappoint her... Then why do this now? You can propose her for marriage when you guys are actually ready for it, right? Look, your proposal will get so old then and who knows she might even forget it... I am not joking, Arjun... Tell me one thing, are you doing this out of insecurity? Aren't you sure about your love? Scared that she might breakup with you? Is that why you are doing this in such a haste? Make her promise to be committed to you for years? Binding her to you by putting a ring in her finger? If that's the case, then I am not supporting this. You have to trust her. And one more thing, practically a small ring can't save a relationship. It needs lot more than that. Then?... Whatever reasons you give me, Arjun, it still looks like you are pre-booking something you might cancel later!"

That part cracked Yash up making aware of his presence to her.

Naira swirled around in surprise and her face lit up when she saw her husband in their room, standing tall and handsome in a denim jeans, white V cut shirt and denim jacket.

"Uh... Arjun, just give it a thought and if you still feel it right then go for it. Good luck. See you guys tomorrow at her birthday party. Bye." She didn't wait for him to say his goodbye as she ended the call and threw her phone on the bed as she ran and jumped right into her husband's arms. Yash was thankful for the door behind him to keep him upright otherwise with the speed she came and launced at him, he was sure she would have knocked them down.

"You are home" she couldn't remember smiling this big ever before. She must be showing all her teeth. Well, she was that much happy to see her husband after almost a month. Even he was grinning like a fool.

"Yes, I am. To you." Yash pressed a tight kiss on her forehead right below her partition where she had kept a thick streak of sindoor. Then he placed a soft gentle kiss on the gap between her eyebrows where she had placed a medium size round red bindi. He moved further down and kissed the tip of her nose. He didn't forget to cover either of her blush cheeks with his sweet drugging kisses.

"Yash..." She moaned wanting for more.

He tightened his arms around her petite waist silently asking her to keep quiet and hoisted her up a little so that he could claim her plump lips painted in pretty red lipstick.

Once their lips met, something explode within and they lost themselves in their delicious sweetness.

Naira's fingers found their way to the back of his head and started twisting his hair before pulling it hard. It was little painful yet more pleasurable for Yash as they consumed each other in the kiss.

Neither breaking the kiss nor settling her down on her feet, he walked to the bed. There he gently placed her on the bed and unwillingly broke the kiss.

"Hey" Naira protested grabbing his denim jacket and forcing him to kiss her again.

"Breath, baby" Yash stroked her cheek gently with the back of his hand before climbing up on the bed and straddling her.

"Kiss me" she rasped.

"I said breath."

"I am breathing. Just fucking kiss me." She swore at her husband.

Yash gaped at her for a second in surprise before bursting into laughter.

My wife is feisty! And that's one hell of a turn on!

"God dammit!" She lost it when he laughed at her. This is not the time to laugh! She harshly pulled him down by holding his jacket and bit his lower lip in her anger. 

"Fuck!" He pulled away and sucked in his lower lip as he put pressure to stop the bleeding.

"Aww, baby, did I cut your lip?" She asked too innocently.

"You are not as innocent as you seem to be." Yash shook his head.

"I had never claimed I was innocent."She giggled and winked at him, cutely.

"But your cute face kinda fooled me."

"Are you complaining?"

He shook his head in negation.

"Come, I will kiss you better." She stretched her hands out, inviting him.

When he bent down, she enveloped him in her arms and feather softly kissed the corner of his lips.

"Honestly, Naira, you aroused me by biting my lip and I wanna lose all manners and gentleness and fuck you hard." He murmured agaisnt her lips.

Hell, who am I kidding? I wanna fuck her hard the moment I saw her in this alluring red saree.

"Then fuck me!" She kissed him hard.

I like your dirty mouth, baby.

"But I thought I would take it slow as this is our first night. I am confused now."

"We are already one month slow, Yash!" She banged his chest with her fist hand as she pouted. "In this one month surely a million people would have gotten married and done it in a million ways but look at us? Not even covered first base yet."

"I don't want to be too rough and put you off of sex, baby."

"Yash, slow or fast, gentle or rough, I don't care. Just take me. I am yours." What more could she say? What more could she do to have him inside her? She didn't know.

"Alright! Here, we go." He shrugged off his jacket and threw it on the floor followed by his shirt. Meanwhile Naira struggled with his belt before pulling it out of the loops. She gently rubbed her palm over his hard erection and he took a sharp breath.

"Can I hold it?" Naira looked up at him and asked sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

So bold!

"Be my guest" Yash smirked.

Naira with her trembling fingers unbuttoned and then unzipped his jeans. She looked up at her husband once more for confirmation. He gave her a curt nod and she yanked his pants and boxer briefs at once letting his thing spring out.

Good job, girl! He held his breath anticipating her next move but to his dismay she covered her eyes with both her hands.

Uh-huh? Do I look bad?

"You didn't like what you saw?"

"No! Um... I don't know. I have no comparison. I have never seen a man's... P... Private part before..." Naira shuttered with still her eyes covered.

"I am too pleased to hear that." He grinned. "Look at me, Naira" he removed her hands away and forced her to look at his eyes but her eyes kept drifting to his lower abdomen. She gulped and looked scared thinking whether it would fit in her.

"Don't worry. It won't hurt. Well, maybe a little but nothing unbearable."

"Hmm..." She didn't sound confident.

"You want me to pull my pants up?"

She shook her head.

"You want me to turn off the lights?"


"You want me to get you undressed?" Yash asked patiently. "Tell me what you want me to do, baby? What will make you feel at ease?"

"I don't know. Maybe undressing will help. Maybe you should play with my possessions and I with yours."

"That's a good idea." He leaned forward and kissed her lips.

I wanna kiss your boobs now!

She sucked in her breath when his erection pressed against her belly. Her hands itched to grab it and feel it but she didn't dare.

"Pins" Naira reminded him when one of his hands went to her shoulder and other to her waist to tuck out her saree. Sighing, he fumbled with the safety pins she had put to secure the pleats.

"Iss" Yash winced when the pin pierced his skin. "I don't like you in saree..."

"Oh but I thought you liked me more in saree."

"I do but not at this moment. It surely is not an 'easy to fuck' dress."

"Oh" Smiling, she helped him remove her saree and then laid back on the bed wearing only her red satin blouse and in-skirt showing off her flawless skin.

"So beautiful" Yash traced his index finger over her mangalsutr which was resting on her cleavage. Grabbing her neck possessively with both his hands and lifting her face up, he kissed her lips soundly. "You are mine." He whispered near her ear and nuzzled the side of her neck. 

"And you are mine" she kissed him back on his chest and bit him there, marking him.

"Yes, yours. Always." He promised. "Now lay down" He wanted to cover more areas of her fine body. When she did as bid, he moved down to her belly region and smooched there making her moan in pleasure. "So smooth." He pressed a kiss on her naval button. "Naira, I love this little belly fat you have here. It's so soft and bouncy." He kept kissing her there.

"Here, I am trying to melt my belly fat but you are saying you love it."

"But it's so cute and natural, Naira" he palmed her belly and squeezed it gently.

"Don't love my bad fat belly, Yash. I am gonna lose it. You can love my good fat belly when the time comes."

"Good fat belly?"

"I mean my pregnant belly." She said blushing.

"I think I would love that belly more." He said rubbing his cheek against her left mound and it slightly bounced. "This satin blouse is soft but I am sure your skin will be softer so may I?" He kissed her right mound not wanting it to feel left out.

"Yes, you may removed it." she arched her back guiding him to undo her knot. With one tug, he undid it and took off her blouse revealing her beauty.

"Oh my! These are so round and full and squeeze worthy." He cupped her boobs and they fit perfectly in his hands. "I love your tits." Saying that, he licked and sucked and kissed and fucked them.

"Ah Yash" she pushed her head back in her pillow and moaned. She propped up her legs and hooked them against his hips trying to get some control. "Yash... Yash... Take me. Please." She panted.

He lifted his face up from the mid of her chest and looked at her flushed face and ruffled her fanned on the pillow. "Oh Naira, you look perfectly messed."

"Please make me look thoroughly fucked, Yash. I love you." Naira said with eye full of love and lust for him.

"What am I going to do to your sinful mouth?" He kissed her lips brusingly.

"Yash, please..."

"Alright" he kissed her lips once more and got off the bed.

"Hey, where are you going?" She panicked. Winking at her, he removed his pants and briefs fully and kicked them aside and strolled toward the door in his naked glory.


"Relax and remove your in-skirt, baby" he said and grabbed his backpack from where he had dropped it earlier. He took out a rectangular shaped gift wrapped box from inside the backpack.

"What's that?" Naira asked curiously, now sitting on the bed only in her panties, a red one, and gazing at him unashamedly.

"Now gone all the shyness?" He teased her noticing her checking out his naked body. She blushed but didn't shut her eyes this time. Maybe she had overcome the initial hesitance.

Yes! My little floor show worked! She likes my body as much as I do hers.

He placed a gift wrapped rectangular shaped box on the bedside table. "This is for later."

She smiled at her husband knowing it was a gift for her. Just wondered what was in it. Well, now is not the time to think about it.

"Now it's time to have some fun." He said as if reading her mind and rolled on the bed, taking her in his arms.

"You on top or me? You decide?" Yash left it to her choice.

"What difference will it make?"

"If you want to get pregnant quickly then me on top. If you want to wait a bit then you on top."

"Oh" she frowned still not getting his theory.

"What goes up comes down, baby. Gravity. Science." He said hoping she would understand. "If you are on top then my..."

"I got it. I got it." She shut his mouth with her palm and giggled. "I like your sly innuendo."

"You're wasting time here, Naira. Quickly decide."

"You! You take in charge for tonight because I have no clue whatsoever." She admitted shyly.

"You know you are so honest and pure. I love you." He kissed her lips and rolling her down, he got on top of her. 

"Naira, I am going to make love to you now..." Feeling her wetness, he knew she was ready.

"Yes, please..." She anticipated for the moment he would break in her.

"I am sorry, it's going to be little painful..." He positioned himself between her thighs.

"I can handle the pain, Yash..." She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. "Just love me."

"Oh, baby, I love you." He said and entered in her slick velvety soft cave.

"Ugh! Fuck!" She cried.

"Easy, easy." He kissed her lips as he paused for few good seconds letting her to get adjusted to the alien sensation before starting to move in sync.


"Are you hungry?" Yash asked his wife who was dozing off, partially lying on him. Their naked bodies were covered with a thin sheet.

"Hmm" she was too tired to even answer him properly.

"Shall we shower and then have our dinner?" He asked caressing her shoulder

"Hmm" she hummed sleepily.

"C'mon, get up then." He petted her hair.

"Yash, I am tired and aching. I better sleep. You go shower and eat." She rolled off him and turned away from him. She curled herself small and pulled the sheet closer to her chest before closing her eyes. 

Yash got off the bed and walked straight to the bathroom to turn on the heater switched. On his way out, he grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist. Then he opened Naira's closet and took out a night gown.

He placed the gown on the bed and picked up their discarded clothes from the floor and dumped them in the laundry basket.

He went back into the bathroom and a moment later he came out with a warm wet towel in his hand.

He sat on the bed and gently lifted the sheet covering his wife's body.

"Hmm..." Naira protested in her sleep.

"Hush. I am just cleaning you up." He brushed his lips against her temple and then cleaned the cum between her thighs.

"It feels nice..."

"Yeah, I know. This warm cloth rubbing your sore spot will surely give you a soothing feel."

"Yes. It does. But I meant to say it felt nice to be loved and to be taken care of." She said softly, gazing at him with so much love in her eyes. Yash just smiled.

Once he was done cleaning her, he helped her dress in her night gown.

"You have rightly picked my most comfy and favorite black night gown."

"You look so young in it." he kissed her cheek. 

"Yash, thank you." She cupped his face and kissed his lips.

"Lie down and rest but don't go to sleep. I will take a quick shower and then go, get food for us to bed. You have to eat. No argument on that matter." He told her clearly.

"Yash..." She stopped him by holding his hand.


"I have read this somewhere..."

"What?" He sat back and looked at her with full interest.

"It goes something like this - 'Before sex you help each other get naked. After sex you only dress yourself. Moral of the story: In life no one helps you once you are fucked.'..."

"And your point is?"

"You helped me dress after we did it. You didn't leave me cold and naked and messy."

"It's not a big deal, Naira." He tried to brush it off.

"No, it is. Your simple gesture shows how much you care for me."

"That I do. You are my wife and I want to cherish you."

"I know. I also know you will help me even when I am damned in life. I can totally rely on you."

"Baby..." He placed a finger on her lips "... I love you more than life itself. Just keep that in mind. That's enough." He took his finger off her lips and replaced it with his lips and kissed her. "Now time for me to shower. I need to get cleaned too."


After taking a quick shower and getting dressed in track pants and T-shirt, he went to Naira.

She was now sitting on the bed and looking at the bedside table.

"Is this for me?" She asked expectantly.

"Of course" he smiled a little. He took her hand and caressed it with his thumb. "I missed to be here with you to celebrate our first monthsary... I felt bad... I said I would make it up to you... But I didn't know how... So I thought to buy something for you... But then again I didn't know what to get for you... I searched a lot and ended up getting this gift for you. Hope you will lile it."

And you did make it up for me by making sweet love to me, husband.

"So it's a 'Please Forgive Me' gift?" She asked smiling. He nodded.

"What is in it?"

"Open it up"

She quickly unwrapped the gift paper and found a velvet jewel box. Inside it she found a pair of thin gold ankle chains.

"Wow. These are so cute."

"You like it?" He asked hopefully.

"I love it. Especially these heart shaped charms." Only 5 tiny hearts at an inch gap were there in each chain. Not too many. Perfect. "It's so neat and pretty."

"I thought to keep it simple as I figured you wouldn't like to wear anklets with jingles as it would make sound. You can't have that in a silent court hall, right?"

"Right!" Naira agreed. She loved him more for his thoughtfulness.

"Here, let me put them for you."

She passed the anklets to him and placed her legs on his lap. He caressed both her ankles before putting the anklets around them one after the other.

After that, he went to the kitchen to reheat the food and plate them. He found his mother's water bottle on the dining table. She must have forgotten to take it to her room. Yash thought and took it to her room. His mother never locked her room door so he slowly pushed it wide and tiptoed into her room. He placed the water bottle on her side table and turned around when his mother called him.

"Maa, you didn't sleep yet?" He asked as he sat next to her on the bed.

"I couldn't sleep."

Why? Were we so loud? Oh God!

"Did you eat?"

"Yes, I did. I kept two plates of food..."

"Yeah, I saw. I have kept them in the oven and set the timer." 


"Did you take your medicines?"

"Yes, Yash."

"Okay. I will go then. You sleep." He stood up.


"Haan, maa?"

"Your father..."

"Don't talk about that man, maa" he said irately.

"I want to know..."

"What do you want to know?"

"How was he with you?"

"He was in his usual asshole behaviour."

"Yash! Don't talk like that!" Shwetha admonished him.

"Then what do you call a man who eyes his own son's wife?"

"What?" Shwetha asked in shock. "Did he misbehave with Naira?"

Yash closed his eyes to contain his anger and remained silent.


"That nasty pig was looking at my wife with lust." Even now Yash felt the urge to tear his face off. "Then he rubbished about you. For that Naira gave him back nicely. He couldn't take that insult so he told she was no good for me." That bastard!

"Naira didn't tell me all this. She just told she didn't like him. He was arrogant, rude and an ass."

Yash chuckled at his wife's actuate description about his so called father.

"I am with Naira on this. She's sized him so well."

"Yes. Smart girl she is." Shwetha agreed. "So he didn't trouble you much or did he?"

"He didn't."

"Hmm... I got so worried when you kept extending your trip. I wanted you back home soon, far away from him."

"What is it, maa?" Yash could sense his mother anxiety.

"No...thing" she looked away from her son.

"Tell me, maa?" He insisted.

"I was worried he would either behave extremely bad to you and hurt you or he would act nice... And show you fatherly love for which you were longing for years... and try take you away from me." Yash snorted at that.  "I could neither see you hurt nor lose you. You are all I have, Yash." Shwetha cried hugging her son.

"Maa, please don't cry." Yash held her in his arms and patted her head. "Listen to me, maa, that man... He can never hurt me because I don't care about him at all. He can never do nice. Even if he tried, I won't be fooled. I loathe him with every fibre of my being, maa. I will never accept him as my father. All I have with him now is a professional relationship. That will also end soon. So stop this baseless worry of yours. No one is going to take me away from you. I love you." He kissed his mom's head.

"I love you, Yash. And I am sorry, I worried unnecessarily."

"It's okay. I understand you."

"You do?"

"You see all of a sudden he came into the picture, tried to do business with me, made me stay there with him longer than required, made me attend his birthday party..."

"You attended his birthday party?"

"Not by choice. He tricked me. I went to his party thinking it was a business meeting as he told so but it wasn't."


"All his activities were very strange and suspicious. That's why I sent Naira back to India a day early. I didn't find it safe to keep her there. Even when she offered to pay me a visit again, I refused. I didn't want her anywhere near that man."

"You did the good thing, Yash."

"You didn't know what his ulterior motive was, neither did I. So I understand your worry, maa."

"Thank you, Yash."

"Now sleep peacefully. He is not going to kidnap me and cage me in his penthouse."

"I had that worry when you were a kid but not anymore. Now you are a strong man." Shwetha said.

"That's right. Good night, maa"

"Good night, Yash."


Yash walked back into his room and found Naira waiting for him with two plates of food on the bed.

"Shall we eat?"

"Sorry, I took my time. I was talking with maa."

"Yeah, I saw."

"You should have come in. We were just talking about that man."

"Mom didn't interrupt a beautiful 'husband and wife' moment so I showed the same courtesy to her and didn't interrupt an emotional 'mother and son' moment." She said with a shrug.

Smiling, he joined her on the bed and they ate in silence for a while before Naira broke it. "How is she now?"


"More than me, she was desperate to have you back home. She must be happy and relieved now."

"I know. She told me. She worried that man would put some black magic on me and take me away from her" he joked.

"Aww... Your poor mom. She shouldn't worry like this. It's not good for her health."

"Yeah, I know."

Once they were done with their dinner, Naira collected their plates and took it to the kitchen.

Yash washed his hands in the bathroom and was getting ready for bed when his phone rang.

"Hello?" He answered the call as he walked to the balcony. 

Naira came to their room after doing the dishes and noticed her husband getting ready to go out. "Going somewhere?" At this time? She wondered. Where?

"Yes, Naira. A friend of mine needs my help. I have to go. I won't be long. Lock the door and sleep. I will let myself in with the spare key."

"Any problem?"


"You want me to come with you?"

"No, baby. I'll manage."

"Okay. Come home soon."

"I will. Good night."

"Love you, Yash"

"Love you, too" he kissed her forehead and walked out of his apartment. Naira watched him till the elevator doors shut.

... To be continued!

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