Part 6

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Part - 6 (Veer - Inayat)


"A million words wouldn't bring you back, I know because I tried, neither would a million tears, I know because I cried."


Veer parked his jeep at a distance and walked to the burial ground. He had been to this place quite a few times and every time he visited his heart would clench tightly with pain and guilt.

He shouldn't have died! Not this soon.

He took one look at his wife and his pain and guilt got so intense and almost ached him physcially.

His wife, his beautiful wife looked miserable, kneeling in front of her brother's gravystone, her frozen eyes leaking tears but no emotions.

How many times had I wished I was there to protect them from that evil man?

How did I even miss to notice that evil man's evil intention?

He was lusting after my lover and I was blind to it? Fuck!

Inayat had always painted a fine picture of him. She saw him as her own father and respected it. But I shouldn't have trusted him.

That man was never happy about Inayat seeing me, never happy about the bond I shared with Izzaan. That surely should have given me doubts, right? I thought he was showing fatherly concern but now I know what it was.

That 60 year old asshole wanted my young and innocent Inayat who was like a daughter to him. 

He made his move when I was away. Did he plan it all?

He attacked her like an animal that he was. How could some men like him be this monstrous?


I so want to bring him back alive and kill him with my own hands. He deserve a brutal death for trying to rape my woman and causing Izzaan's death. And I sure as hell can give him that.

He looked at the gravestone with heavy heart. Izzaan was like a child to him and he had laid him to rest here. How painful is that?

Oh God! Why this poor kid had to fight against a monster to save his sister's virtue? Why he had to lose his life? He had asked that question to himself a thousand times and wished to go back in time and set everything right.

Oh Izzaan, my boy! Forgive me for not protecting you. But I promise, I will protect your sister with my life. I love her.

He slowly sank beside Inayat and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

She neither reacted to his presence nor to his touch.

"Inayaa..." He gently called her.

A sob escaped from her mouth but she didn't turn toward him.

"Oh Inayaa," he drew her closer and hugged her. He placed a kiss on top of her head and let her softly weep in his arms.

A while later, when all her tears drained, when she calmed down a bit, he gently tipped her chin up and looked into the depth of her eyes saying nothing as he didn't know how to console her.

What could one possibly say to a grieving heart?

"I told you to wait till I come and get you here. Why didn't you wait for me?"

Inayat pulled her face away from his hold and turned her gaze back to the stone.

"How long have you been here?"

She took the red roses from the basket she brought and placed them one by one on the stone.

Izzaan loves red roses.

"Did you eat today?"

She looks deadly pale and tired and weak and broken!

"Inayaa, talk to me, please?"

He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair in frustration and fear.

Is she closing up on me again?

Is she going to her depression mode again?

Oh no! Oh please no! It took months for me to break the hard wall she had built around her, blocking everyone effectively and breathe life into her dead soul. 

"I hate your silence, Inayat."

More silence from her side.

"Are you mad at me for coming late?" He asked and finally he got some reaction from her. She frowned at him.

She wouldn't have known that if he hadn't told her as she didn't wait for him at all.

She went to her childhood home straight from the Airport, dropped her overnight bag, picked a basket full of red roses from the garden and came here.

"Come, I am taking you home." He grabbed her hand and it was too cold. "Boy! You are freezing." He held her hand, palm up and rubbed it with his palm. Then he did the same process to her other hand.

She watched him impressively.

"Still you cold?" He asked as he took his jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders.

He stood up and collected the basket and her purse in one hand and held out his other hand for her to take.

"Let's go." He insisted. "You look ready to faint. I need to feed you"


I want to spend some more time with my brother. Her throat was constricted and she couldn't utter a word.


Stop it, Veer, please.

She placed her forehead on the stone and murmured some prayers.

Veer patiently watched her.

She lifted her head up a little and kissed the stone. 

I love you, Izzaan. I miss you. Come back to me, please.

Then her head rolled to her side and placing her cheek on the cold stone, she closed her eyes, tired. 

"Inayaa?" Veer slumped to the ground and gently shook her shoulders, worrying whether she fainted. "Inayat are you alright?" He asked in concern stroking her cheek with his fingers. "You're worrying me. Open your eyes."

Hearing the anguish in his voice, she forced herself to lift her eyelids.

"Veer..." Finally she spoke. Her voice low and hoarse.

"Oh thank God!" He gently scooped her up and placing her in his lap, he cradled her head against his chest. "What's happened to you, Inayaa?  You scared me by fainting"

"I didn't faint... I just had my eyes closed for a minute or two. I was tired." She whispered weakly.

"You still are. I can see it."

"Do you have water?"

"Yes. In the jeep. I will take you..." He stood up, effortlessly, carrying her in his arms.

"No! Put me down."

"Inayaa, you don't look like you have the strength to stand on your own."


Sighing, he set her down but didn't let her go.

"Water, please."

"Sit. I will go get it." He ordered. She obliged.

A minute later, he came back with a bottle of water and passed it to her.

She took few sips and breathed deeply.

"Shall we leave?"

"Some more time, please."

"Sure" he gave her a small smile. He found some more roses in the basket and he picked them and placed them on the gravestone.


"What for?"

"For not waiting for you and for not responding to you earlier. I was kinda lost. Oh and for worrying you."

"I understand, baby. You don't have to explain." He moved closer to her and held her face with both his hands.

"What have you done to yourself?" He asked. She frowned not getting him.

"You have dark circles. You have lost color in your cheeks. You have lost weight. Haven't you been sleeping or eating properly?"

"No, I am fine."

"No, you are not." He shook his head.

Inayat lower her eyes and whispered "I am sorry."

"Do you want me to ask my parents to feed you and put you to bed on time, daily?"

She chuckled and shook her head. "I am not a child, Veer."

"Yes. You are. To me. A precious child.  And I want to look after you by myself but I am not in a fortunate position to do so. I am sorry about that. But you do know that I love you and worry about you all the time, don't you?"

"Stop worrying." She caressed his cheek, reassuringly.

"Then promise me you will take good care of yourself."

She nodded and smiled at him. Her first smile since she touched down Kashmir.

Reassured with her smile, he sat down and placing his hands on his propped up knees, he watched her, quietly, for minutes or hours, he didn't know how long exactly. She wasn't crying anymore but looked a bit nervous. Why?


She looked at him.

"What is it?"

Taking a deep breathe, she took her purse and dug her hand in it searching for something.

There! She found it and held it tightly in her closed fingers.

Veer impatiently waited for her to talk but she didn't, instead she placed something on the stone.

He knelt up to take a closer look at that small stick like thing and his eyes widen in shock.

Oh my!

"Inayaa... It says... You are... We are..."

"Pregnant" seeing him struggle to get the word out, she said it for him.

"No" he shook his head in disbelief but he couldn't contain his joy.

"Yes" she cried and smiled at once. It was a bittersweet moment for her. Then remembering her brother, she turned to his grave.

Oh baby, this is not the place where I ever dreamed of breaking this good news to you. 

"Izzaan,..." She placed a hand on the gravestone and with other, she grabbed Veer's hand "...Veer, listen to me... we are going to have a baby... soon..." she whispered looking from her husband's eyes to her brother gravestone as her vision blurred with tears again.

"Oh sweet lord!" Veer ran his fingers through his hair as he looked up and thanked God for this blessing. Then he pulled his wife in his arms and kissed all over her face. "I love you. I love you. I love you so much, Inayat." He hugged her tightly, almost crushing her. "You always bring joy to my life."

He loosened his grip around her only when he realized her shoulder shaking from crying.

It was a heartwreching cry. 

"Inayaa, please..." He begged her to stop crying as he rubbed her back, soothing her. "...hush, now"

"Inayaa, at least tell me why you're crying? Aren't you about the baby?"

She slapped his arm surprising him but didn't stop crying.

My sweet wife never hits but lately she is getting bold! I like it!

"I am... I am happy about the baby. It's our baby so why wouldn't I be happy, Veer?"


"Then why are you crying?"

"I am frightened. Terrified, even. I wasn't expecting to get pregnant this soon."

Oh! But I was expecting, hoping, why, even praying.

"When you have unprotected sex, it's meant to happen." He said shrugging and she glared at him.

What's wrong with my husband, today? Why is he like this? So insensitive?

"And you know it's not too soon." He tried to explain her better. "Biologically speaking, we are at the right age to be parents, don't you think so, Inayat?"

"It's not about our age..." She looked down at her hands placed on her lap.


"It's about us. What kind of parents are we going to be?"

"What do you mean?"

They both are caring and loving humans.

They are in a fortunate position to give a safe, protected and comfortable life to the baby.

What more a child could want from them? He wondered.

"Don't get offended but you are dedicated to your duty so you won't be around the child most of the time..."

"We will be too old to have a baby if we wait till I get retired from service, Inayat."

She gave him a look. She didn't mean to wait that long. Even she knew that was the age to become grandparents and not parents.

"Okay, then, it's about me."

"You? What about you?" He asked puzzled.

"I am no good mother."

Oh no! You gotta be joking me here, Inayat!

"I have already lost one child..." She meant her brother here "and I... I don't want to lose another... If anything happens... to our child.... It would kill me."

He knew she always felt guilty of not protecting her brother.

"Oh Inayat! For God's sake stop blaming yourself for Izzaan's death. Please." He gently shook her.

"No! Not until you stop blaming yourself for whatever happened to me, to Izzaan, on that dreadful day."

She knew! She knew I live in guilt too!

He cast his gaze down. "I am trying but I couldn't help feel guilty." He confessed.

"Even I am trying, Veer"

"Good and as far as I know you had never been a sister to Izzaan but a mother of a wonderful kind. So you'll just do fine with this baby. I totally trust you." He cupped her face and kissed her forehead. He loved kissing her. "And please stop with this tears, Inayaa. You know I can't see you like this, don't you?"


"Say you love me instead of sorry or thank you, darling."

She sweetly blushed at that comment.

"Are we done here?"

"I guess so."

Turning toward the gravestone, Veer said "Izzaan, buddy, next year when we come here, you will be in our arms."

His words almost brought tears to her eyes again but she managed to suck them back.

"You think it's gonna be a boy?" She asked softly, hugging him sideways.

"I fervently wish so"


Once they were in the jeep heading back to Inayat's place, he started a conversation as he couldn't take her silence. "So you told our family about the baby? How did they react? Surely my mom would have gone crazy as she loves babies."

"No, I haven't told them yet. I wanted you to know first." That made him smile. "But yes, ammi will be on cloud nine when she hears this good news." She could so imagine Madhu's childish glee.

"So I presume you haven't checked with a doctor yet?"

"Yes, I haven't. I just took home pregnancy test." Not just one but so many to be 100% sure!

"Is it reliable? Are you sure you are pregnant?" He asked incredulously.

She unzipped her handbag which was sitting on her lap and opened it wide for him to see the contents in it.

It contained at least a dozen of pregnancy test sticks. He took a quick peek at it before glancing at her and then focusing on the road ahead.

"All tests showed positive result." She said.

"Guess you spent a day peeing on these sticks" he joked.

"Not funny"

"Still I think we have to see a doctor, Inayaa."

"I will go home and fix an appointment with a Gyn. Surely ammi or Arjun will help me in choosing the best Ob/Gyn."

"Alright but still I am taking you to a doctor friend of mine who can confirm your pregnancy."

She rolled her eyes but agreed. So he took her to the army hospital where his friend was on duty.


"Your friend is a woman?" Inayat hissed.

Veer just introduced Inayat to his good doctor friend Zumana. She was polite with her but seemed over-friendly with her husband, hugging him and all. She didn't like it. She felt a tinge of jealousy at that moment. She had never felt like that before. Why now? I have to ask, Veer! She thought as she watched the doctor disappear into her room.

"You didn't think I would let a male doctor check you up?"

"No" she knew he was a jealous man. Besides she knew he knew how uncomfortable she would feel if it was a man to check her up. She hates men, except her family men!

"Why her?"

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

"She is a not a gynecologist."

"I know but surely she can perform a pregnancy test for you."

"How do you know her?"

"I will tell you later. Now, come." He took her into the doctor's cabin.

After conducting urine test and blood test for Inayat, Dr. Zumana confirmed the pregnancy and congratulated the couple

See, I told you. Inayat gave him a look. He grinned.

"How far along is the baby, Doc?"

"4 or 5 weeks based on her LMP." Zumana replied. "You are very newly pregnant, Mrs. Kundra, so you should be very careful. Avoid traveling." She suggested. Inayat nodded.

"Is her health okay?" Veer asked in concern.

"She seems fine. Maybe a little weak but there is nothing to worry as long as she eats well and gets ample amount of rest." She reassured him. Turning towards Inayat she said "You should start with folic acid and vitamins" she said as she prescribed the meds in her notepad. "Take it on time. Oh and do fix an appointment with a Gyn as soon as possible and get a sonogram done."

"Sure, doctor." Inayat smiled. The more the doctor talked the more she liked her.

"Happy?" Inayat asked as they walked out of the hospital hand in hand, after collecting the medicines from the pharmacy. 

"Very" Veer beamed as he took her hand and pecked it.

He helped her to climb up the jeep and settle down om her seat before walking around to his side and starting it.

"As soon as we reach home, we are going to call my mom and give her, give everyone this good news." Veer said excitedly.

"Veer... Can we...not tell them about this today?"


"I... I personally want to do this as I would love to see their happiness. I will call you from there tomorrow and you can share this news with them if that's fine with you." She said hesitantly as she didn't want to upset him by asking him to hold this news tight for a day.

He has the right to share his joy with his family so I shouldn't stop him.

Before she could change her mind and ring Madhu so Veer could talk to her now itself, Veer spoke "You are right, Inayaa. You have to do this."

"No, actually..."

"Anyways I won't be able to see their reaction. I can only imagine how happy they will be." He gripped the steering wheel tightly. At moments like this, he missed his family the most. "So yeah, at least you should get the chance to see their absolute joy and thrill but be prepared to be hugged by my overwhelming family."

She smiled.

"Oh I forgot to tell you something. It's Kathryn's birthday tomorrow and we are having a party at our home."

"Oh nice. You can break this good news to everyone at the party then."

"You know, Arjun is so excited for tomorrow."

"I am sure he is."

"He is planning to propose her."

"What?" Veer asked shocked. "Don't you think it's too soon?"

Inayat shrugged. It was Arjun's decision.

"Is he planning to propose her at the party? Oh God! My mom would freak out."

"I don't think so. He probably planned to propose her tonight. He is going to her place with a surprise cake and... A ring."

"Whoa wow! That kiddo seriously bought a ring?"

"Yes. Day before yesterday Arjun and I went shopping to buy her Christmas and birthday presents and later he treated me at 'La Pearl' restaurant."

It was real fun to shop with Arjun. Oh and he knows the best place to dine in. I loved the food there. She thought with a smile.

She also remembered how worried he got when she told him she wanted to drop by a pharmacy to buy something. He thought she was sick and hiding it from him. He wanted to know what she wanted to buy, what medicine. She couldn't tell him she wanted to buy pregnancy test kits. Then he would know, right? It wasn't her intention to keep it from him but she just wanted her husband to know about it first if she was really pregnant.

Well, to stop him from walking along with her into the pharmacy, she had to lie to him. She felt bad about it and embarrassed too because she lied that she wanted to buy sanitary napkins.

"Oh periods!" He threw his back and laughed, well it was out of relief as he got to know that there was nothing serious to worry about. His bhabhi was fine and healthy. "So this is why you are dull for the past few days! Stupid me didn't think about it at all." He assumed wrongly.

No! I had other things going in my head, Arjun. Other horrible things which happened a year ago.

I was also worried about the possibilty of me being pregnant. She was too scared to even take the tests right away.

"Do you have cramps, bhabhi? Is it bearable?" It was sweet of him to worry about her. Inayat thought. "My Kathy goes through the worst periods pain, bhabhi and I feel so helpless at the time. I just hold her tightly in my arms and put her to sleep making her forget her pain."

Why is this boy so nice? She wondered.

"Well, tell me the brand you use, I will get it for you." He offered.

"NO!" Inayat shrieked.

"Why? I used to get it for my mom and sister." He said casually.

"No, please." She looked embarrassed.

"What's wrong in this, bhabhi? If a man can proudly and loudly ask for condom packets or cigarette packets, then he shouldn't feel ashamed to buy pads for his ladies."

Aww... Ammi, Abu, you guys have raised this boy so well. In fact all of your kids are prefect gems!

"You are so right, Arjun, but still I want to go and get it myself. Please."

Knowing how shy his bhabhi was, he finally agreed to let her go and get it on her own. He stayed in the car itself.

Inayat quickly grabbed a dozen of pregnancy kits of different brands and a packet of pad just to make her story more believable. She paid for them and put all the kits in her handbag so that Arjun wouldn't see them and just carried the pad in the paper cover given at the pharmacy.

"So what brand do you use?" He asked

"Why do you want to know?" Inayat asked blushing.

"Next time if you need it urgently I can go buy it for you. So tell me?" 

"Whisper" she whipsered.

"What did you just whisper?"

"That only!" She closed her eyes mortified.

"Oh! Whisper choise wingyyyyy! Naira di also use the same." He laughed.

What's so funny about that?

"Oh" Veer wished it was him who took his wife out for shopping and dinner but not his little brother.

"He bought an exquisite diamond ring for her."

"Did you choose it for him?" He guessed that would be the case otherwise why would he take his wife along?

"Not exactly. I just showed him some best pieces and he did the final selection."

"I see"

"Oh by the way, his saving wasn't sufficient to pay for the purchase and I didn't want him to buy something less expensive that he didn't really like and choose for his girl so I gave your credit card which you gave me to pay for the ring."

"You did the good thing, Inayaa"

"He said he will repay you later when he starts earning."

"There is no need for that..."

"I told the same but he insisted it was a loan. He wanted to buy this special gift for his girl with his money."

"Fair enough. I just hope his proposal plan goes well."

"Insha Allah"

"If she rejects him, he will be left heartbroken." Veer got anxious for his brother now. He knew Kathryn had feelings for his brother but he wasn't sure how deep her feeling were.

She could either make him happy or break him completely. He didn't know which way things would swing between them.


Inayat woke up with a jerk and looked around her surrounding. It was dark everywhere.

"Hey" she turned to a soft voice. It was her husband.

Veer reached for the bedside lamp and switched it on.

"Veer..." She gasped. She could feel her chest rising and falling as she breathed hard.

"I am here, Inayaa. I am here. You are safe." He hugged her.

"Oh Veer!" She hugged him back tightly.

"What was this bad dream about?"

"The usual. That night." She mumbled pressing her lips agaisnt his throat.

"Oh..." He lifted her face up and looked into her fearful eyes. "It's all over, baby, so don't think about it." He kissed her forehead and then wiped the sweat off herface with his palm.

She pulled her face from his hold and placed her head on his chest and got comfortable there. He gently stroke her head and her back with his hands.

"You didn't tell me how you knew Dr. Zumana?" She asked wanting to divert her mind but at the same time she wanted to know.

"She is an army doctor. We go to her to get our cuts and wounds treated. I also trained her in self defense. That's how we became friends. She is a nice woman."

"I see."

"What is it?" He asked knowing there was more to her probing.

"Do you have a thing for Muslim women, Veer?" She courageously asked this question to him, leaning up and looking at him.

"Are you jealous, Inayat?" He asked instead of answer.

Wow! It's a novelty! My wife is jealous! I am so happy.

"Yes. A little. Now answer me?"

"I have a thing only for this woman!" He tightened his arms around her waist and drew her up so that he could kiss her lips. "My woman. My wife. I love you, my beautiful hijabi."

Blushing, she kissed his chest and rubbed her cheek on it loving the feel of his chest hair pricking her cheek.

... To be continued!





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