Part 5

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Part - 5


"You are the sun in my day, you are the wind in my sky, you are the waves in my ocean and you are the beat in my heart."


"Hey, you are back home a day early?" Shwetha was surprised to see Naira at their home when she came back from bank. Naira was supposed to come home from Dubai, tomorrow.

"Mom" Naira greeted her with a smile.

"Are you bored of my son already? Is that why you left him there and came here..."

"Nah" Naira laughed. "He has work, mom. I didn't want to disturb him."

"Ah right! You will be one pleasant distraction..."

Naira laughed again.

"...and his work will get delayed because of you. We don't want that, do we?"

"No and that's why I let him work. The sooner he completes his work, the sooner he will be back home." Naira winked.

"Back to you" Shwetha winked back. "Gonna make some coffee. You want?"

"Sure, mom, but I will make coffee for us. Meanwhile you go fresh up."

Shwetha and Naira were having a relaxing chat over coffee but the atmosphere changed when Naira mentioned about the encounter she had with Yash's father.

"So how was he?" Shwetha asked.

"He was... Okay." Naira said nonchalantly. Shwetha cocked her head as she expected her honest opinion about that man. "No, actually he was not okay." Naira rephrased. "He was arrogant. He was rude. He an ass!"

"Quite!" Shwetha agreed.

"I can't believe he is Yash's father."

"Unfortunately he is, my dear."

"Mom, I am sorry."

Shwetha shrugged and asked "Did Yash go crazy after seeing him?"

"Not after seeing him but after realizing that this man was one of the partners of his client. He got so mad and decided to quit working on this project and come back home with me..."

"Oh my God!"

"But I told him to be a professional. We had an argument over that and finally he gave in."

"Hmm..." Shwetha didn't know whether she did right.

"Mom, what's it?"

"I am just worried, Naira. I don't know what that man will do to my Yash or..."

"Mom, Yash is not a kid. He will take care of himself."

"When will he be back?"

"In two weeks."

"I hope that man doesn't trouble my baby."

"Mom, stop worrying."

"Naira, you don't know. Yash loathes his father and to think he will be working close with him... Oh God! What if Yash does something to him in anger?"

"What will he do? Kill him?" Naira asked rolling her eyes. "Yash is not stupid."

"I will go talk to Yash. I will tell him not to lose his temper."

"Mom, your son will behave so stop fretting"


Three weeks later,

"Where to now? Your place or mine?" Arjun asked to his girlfriend who got into the passenger side of his car after her class. 

"Neither. Let's go on a long drive... well, only if you're not in a hurry to go home." She said leaning her head back on the headrest and closing her tired eyes. 

"No, I'm not in a hurry... just tell me what's wrong?" Arjun asked sensing some trouble. 

She turned her face to his side and looked at him for few good seconds before leaning across and resting her head on his chest. Her hands snaked around his neck and his hands around her petite waist. "What's bothering you, baby? You know you can tell me.''

''Liam called me today.'' she said still having her head buried in his chest.

''Your father? Why did he call you? What does he want from you this time?''

''Me obviously. He wants me to move back to States.''

''What?" Arjun yelled as he lifted her face up. "No! You can't quit college. You have to be here with me.''

''He said he has made plans for me.''

''Who the fuck is he to make plans for you? And what shitty plans are they?"

''The usual. Modelling thing."

"You should really quit modelling, Kathy. That's not for you. Trust me, baby"

She stared at him knowing full well he was right. She never liked being a model. She wanted to be a fine doctor.

"You, me, we are meant to be doctors."

"I know, Arjun."

"So just don't listen to anyone. Just don't let them confuse you and change your mind."


"Good" he tenderly kissed her lips before releasing her from his hold and starting the car engine.


*Pick up my call, baby, please!*

Naira saw her husband's text on whatsapp but didn't bother to reply him.

*Baby, I know you are mad at me. I am sorry.*

*Talk to me, please*

*You are seeing my text but not replying!"

"It's killing me!*

Yash calling...

Naira cut his call.

*Baby, don't be so cruel on me*


*My jaan!*

*My love!*


Yash calling...

*Pretty please show some pity on me and pick up the damn call. I am dying to hear your voice.*

*GET LOST!* Finally, Naira text him back and threw her phone away on the bed getting irritated.

Yash calling...

Ugh! Gritting her teeth in anger, she answer his call and barked at him "I said 'Get lost! Get lost, Yash! Don't you understand this simply thing? Okay fine! I am telling it clearly this time. I don't want to talk with you so just don't bother me with your constant calls and texts!"

"Naira, Naira, Naira... Don't hang up on me please. Just listen to me once. I am coming home."

"No! Don't come. I don't want you here. Just stay in Dubai! Happily married to your work!"


"You said you will be back home in 2 weeks but its already over 3 weeks. And you know what day it is today?"

"I know. I know. Our first monthsary. And I miss being there with you now."

"I made plans for us but chopped them all! You disappointed me, Yash" she slumped on the bed and closed her eyes to calm herself down.

"I am sorry, Naira, but I will make it up for this in a big way. I promise."

"Just come home soon, Yash." Naira said in a mere whisher. "I really miss you."

"Oh baby, I miss you too." He sighed. "But this man, my father, he is not letting me go!" He sounded frustrated.

"What did he do now?"

"I feel he is deliberately making me stay here by giving my work as an excuse. He keeps saying he is not happy with the outcome of my design but I am damn sure it is fucking perfect. The best hotel design I have ever made. His partner agrees with me too but this man... He is not at all satisfied. He wants me to improvise. To be honest he is insulting my art and I couldn't tolerate it at all, Naira. Fuck! I hate to work with him."

"You want me to come there?"

Yash stopped his rant for a second and smiled. His sweet wife was ready to drop all her work and come for him. "No, baby. You have work.  I am just glad you asked me though."

"Seriously I can take the late night flight and be there by tomorrow morning."

"Naira, just couple more days. I will manage. You don't have to come."

"You sure?"

"Yes. I feel much better after venting out my frustration."


"So tell me what do you want for our first monthsary?"

"Your time."

He chuckled.

"Seriously, Yash! We are married for a month already but I don't get that feel at all." She said honestly. "Waking up alone in bed, going to work and getting back to home were all I was doing for years now and I want to break that pattern. I want to wake up in your arms. I want to go to work with you. I want us to have lunch together like we did while we were dating. Evening I want to come home soon so that I could cook dinner for us and wait for you. I want to tell you how my day was and listen to yours. And the last thing I want us to do before going to sleep is love making." She said everything in a go and waited for him to say something but there was a pregnant pause from his side making her wonder whether he was on line or not. "Yash? You there?"

"Yes. I heard you and I feel terrible now. What kind of a horrible husband am I to make my darling wife suffer?"

"Yash, I didn't say all that to make you feel terrible... I just... I... Truly miss you yaar..."

"I know and I do too... More than you know." He sounded upset and she didn't like it especially not when she could reach him and hug him.

"Okay, boy, now cheer up. Let's talk something fun."

"Fun? Hmm... I have an idea."


"Let's have phone sex!"

"What?! No!" She shouted before giggling.

"Why? What's wrong?"

"I don't know how to do that and I will feel awkward."

"Oh c'mon!"


"At least come on video chat where you can show me you and I can show you me."

"Show what?" She wondered but recovered quickly. "Eww! You are so dirty, Yash!"

"Hey, I meant our beautiful faces."

"Really?" She asked him suspiciously.

"Yes. Btw what you had in your gutter mind?" He teased.

"Nothing. I am going to cut the call now."

"Alright. Let's do some sex-ting where you will be more open with me."


"Yes, baby"

"I have got something to tell you..."

"Oh what's it?"

"Today I went to my parents' place"


"And mom shared some interesting stuff with me"


"She said you and I remind her of dad and herself."


"Yeah. She said even they had an arranged marriage. They didn't get to consummate on their wedding night. They didn't celebrate their first monthsary as dad was away. And they had a delayed honeymoon."

"Wow! That's one hell of a cycle."

"Yeah. And hence she concluded that we will also live happily together, forever, just like them..."

"With 3 kids!" He added gleefully.

"Just one."



"Okay. As you wish, sweetheart."

"Love you"

"Love you more"


"Inayat, you didn't come down for breakfast or lunch so I brought you food." Madhu walked into Inayat's room and placed the food tray on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed.

"Ammi, I am sorry I didn't come down but I am not hungry." Inayat came to a sitting position and grabbing her hair, she rolled it to a messy bun.

"Are you unwell?" Madhu asked as she caressed Inayat's forehead.

"No, ammi."

"Then why haven't you come out of this room?" Madhu asked. She had been noticing Inayat for a couple of days now and she had this forlorn look on her face. She hadn't talked much to anyone. "Why do you look so dull? What's wrong? Tell me, darling?"

"Nothing, ammi. I am okay."

"You are not okay." Madhu denied. "Is something or someone bothering you at work place?" Madhu asked as Inayat hadn't gone for work for a couple of days. She had been working from home.

"No, ammi. Everything is fine there."

"Did you talk with Veer?"

"Four days back I talked with him. He is good."

"Hmm" Sighing she took the food tray and decided to feed her daughter in law. "Do I have to tell you to open your mouth?"

"I don't feel like eating, ammi."

Sighing Madhu placed the tray back on the table. 

"Have you booked your flight tickets?"

"Hmm" Inayat nodded.

"When will you be back?"

"24th morning I am leaving and 25 th morning I will be back. Just one day."

"You know you could stay there for few more days if you want..."

"But Veer won't be there. He has to leave back to Siachen..."

"I see..."


"What is it, Inayaa? You know you can trust me and tell me whatever it is. I am here for you only."

"I know, ammi... I... um... It's nothing actually. It's just... I am not feeling well..."

"What? You're not feeling well? Why haven't you told me this before? Wait I will call the doctor..."

"No... No... I am physically fine. It's just I am mentally disturbed. I couldn't sleep well for the past few days. I am getting bad dreams. I... I see... blood... blood, everywhere. I hear myself screaming in the dark. I don't know what it is all about..." Inayat pressed her forehead tightly as she was starting to get an headache.

"It's just a bad dream, sweetheart. Don't think too much about it and spoil your health." Madhu brushed it lightly but she understood Inayat was going through lot of emotional distress. Her brother's death anniversary was just around the corner and that might have triggered some traumatic memories and giving her nightmares.

"I... I want to close my eyes and sleep without the fear of... of losing someone beloved to me." As she said that, a pearl like tear-drop rolled down her cheek.

Oh dear! You have had lost enough already so you are not going to lose anymore! God willing!

"You wanna sleep? Alright. Come on, sleep." Madhu held Inayat's face tenderly and placed a loving kiss on her forehead before guiding her to place her head on her lap. "Your ammi is here and she will never let anything bad get to you." Madhu promised as she gently raked her fingers through her hair lulling her to sleep.

"Don't leave me alone, ammi" Inayat mumbled in her sleep as she hugged Madhu's waist.

"I won't, baby."


Arjun knocked at Inayat's room door before opening it a little and poking his head to seek permission to enter "May I come in?"

Inayat was seated in front of her dressing table and she turned around in surprise. "When did you start knocking?" She asked smiling.

"I am trying to be a well mannered guy so don't spoil me"

"Oh. I appreciate that. Please come in."

He walked in and sat at the foot of her bed and watched her secure her head scraf with a pin.

"You know you look beautiful, today, bhabhi." He commented with a find smile.

"So I wasn't beautiful yesterday?" She asked looking at him through the mirror.

"No. You are always beautiful but today you look... radiant."


"Yeah. Last couple of days you were so dull and distant. Why? You wouldn't even let me in. Why? Are we friends only in good times?"

"No, Arjun. It's not like that." She walked to him and sat beside him on the bed.

"Kathy is upset because her father wants her back in States. Naira di is because Jiju is not in town. And you are upset for reason I don't know. You know I feel so lost without you people."

"Aww baby"

"Don't baby me. I am mad at you."

"I am sorry, Arjun"

Her apology melted him. "Bhabhi..." He took her hand in his and asked "...Is your health alright?"

"I had difficulty in sleeping but today I slept well for 4 hours. I feel well rested so don't worry about me."

"Yeah, I saw you and mom sleeping when I came to your room earlier."

She smiled.

"You free now?"

"Yes. Why?"

"Will you go out with me?"


"I am going out to look for a present for Kathy. 25th December, it's her birthday."

"Oh on Christmas. That's cool."

"Yeah, so I have to buy two gifts and I want your help in choosing them."


"And bhabhi..." He hesitated.

"What's it?"

"Um... I am planning to throw a party for her in our place... Is it okay with you? If not, I will totally understand. I will keep things simple."

"Why wouldn't it be okay with me?" She asked puzzled.

"Um... A day before her birthday is your brother's... You will be grieving... I am sorry. I don't want to hurt your feelings."

"Arjun..." Overwhelmed with emotion, Inayat hugged. This boy always thinks about her feelings. "I will be fine and I will be back home on 25th morning so I will help you in organizing the party. We will make it special for Kathryn."

"You know you are the best, bhabhi. I love you." He grinned and hugged her back.

"Come. Let's go." Arjun stood up breaking the hug.

"I have to change."

"No need. You look good in this pink kurta and pants." He said.

"Such impatience?"

Arjun grinned. Shaking her head, she walked out and he followed her.

"Mom, dad, I am taking bhabhi out for dinner so don't cook for us." Arjun informed his parents on their way out.

"Okay" Madhu and Rishab waved bye to them.

... To be continued!

Sorry for the delay in updating. I was busy with work and then I was unwell. Now I am better and managed some time to write this part.
Hope all will like it.



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