Part 4

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Part - 4


"You are my Heaven on Earth"


"It feels nice to be introduced as your wife." Naira whispered to Yash when he just introduced her to one of his clients. They were at a party in a palatial hotel in Dubai.

"It does." Yash agreed with a smile. "I am so proud of you." He tightened his hold around her waist. "And you look ravishing in this saree." He added huskily. She was wearing an elegant sequin black saree. "Maybe tonight could be ours!" He whispered suggestively making her blush.

They didn't know why they were holding themselves from consummating their marriage. Maybe for the right time? Maybe for the right place? Or maybe he was being considerate of her feelings and giving her time to get herself prepared for the inevitable. But he didn't think he could wait any longer.

"Maybe" she said with a coy smile surprising him.

Smiling, he grabbed two glasses of soft drink from a waiter and passed one to her. "Cheers"

"Cheers" they clunk their glasses before taking tentative sips.

"Hmm... Cool and delicious." She said and licked her lips in a seductive way. Yash's eyes darkened seeing her seemingly innocent act.

"Fuck the party!" Yash hissed. "Let's get back to our room." He put his drink aside and pulled his wife into his arms.

"No! We just got here. We didn't have dinner yet."

"You can be my dinner."

"Cheesy much!" Naira rollled her eyes. "But Yash, don't forget you are here on business. You still have to meet your client's partner..."

"The deal is already sealed so no worries, darling. I can meet this man, my client's partner some other time as he is no one of consequence.  C'mon, let's go." He urged but she refused to him.

She folded her arms and stared at him. "Alright! You win!" He lifted his palms up, surrendering.

"That's better" Naira tried and failed to hide her smile.

"Seems like lawyer madam likes to win."

"Always!" Naira giggled. Yash shook his head smiling but his smile disappeared when a tall man in dark suit approached them with a glass of some amber liquor in his hand. 

"Yash, I am surprised to see you here." That man spoke in a gruff tone.

"Vinay" Yash nodded his head acknowledging him. "Meet my wife, Naira." He placed his hand on the small of her back and drew Naira by his side. "Naira, this is Mr. Vinay Arora."

Vinay snorted for not introducing him as his father.

"Hello" Naira said for courtesy sake and stretched her hand for a shake. If her husband hates this man then she will hate him too. Simple! Vinay took her hand and clasped it with both his hands, carressing her soft skin. "Hello, Naira, nice to meet you." He let her hand go only when Naira tried to forcefully yank it back. Ah, now I got one more reason to hate him!

"Seems like you guys are newly married." Vinay accessed Naira from head to toe. The glow in her face, the thick streak of sindoor and the bunch of white and red bangles in both her hands were a huge giveaway.

"Last Sunday we got married." Yash answered irately.

"And you didn't bother to invite me?"

"Who the fuck are you? Why should I invite you to my wedding?" Yash roared losing his control.

"Tsk tsk tsk" Vinay shook his head. "That's not how you speak with your father." He admonished.

"You are not my father. You are no one to me."

"Yash, please" Naira placed her hand on his chest and calmed him down.

"I don't like your mother but I do like you son."

Yash looked away from the man he loathed all his life. Why is he in this party?

"So what do you do, dear?" Vinay asked inching closer to Naira.

"I am an advocate." Naira squared her shoulders and faced him fearlessly.

If he dares to even breathe on me, I will take him down! With that resolve in her mind, she looked at him fiercely.

"Advocate? Hmm... Smart and intelligent woman then." He appreciated. "Hot too" he mouthed those two words looking at Naira.

"Fuck off!" Naira mouthed those two words back at him. She didn't care he was elder to her as she remembered her father's words 'A wrong is a wrong! A wrongdoer is a wrongdoer! Age is never an excuse. He should be punished.'

Yes, this man was wrong! He had no right to eye her in a lustful way or feel her hand up or say she was hot! So he deserved that abuse!

Vinay didn't get offended as he had no shame. He just chuckled pissing off Naira.

"Love marriage?" He asked curiously. You show too much loyalty to your husband already, little girl, which is so unlikely to happen in arranged marraige! 

"Arranged marriage. My mother chose this beautiful woman for me." Yash said proudly wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Ah! She learned from her own experience, it seems and chose wisely for you." Vinay smirked. Yash frowned as he didn't get what he meant. "We, Arora men, hate dumb women! We can't settle down with them. We need someone... More precisely... Like your wife. Bold, Beautiful and Brainy!"

"My mother was all of that but still you left her. You are the dumb-ass!"

"Oh please. She was nothing of that kind. She was one dumb, useless house wife."

"Yes, she was dumb!" Naira spoke holding Yash's hand effectively stopping him from smashing Vinay's face.

"Naira!" Yash gritted his teeth for insulting his mother. 

"See, your pretty little wife agrees with me"

Now seriously Naira wanted to smash his face but she held herself back.

"You didn't hear me yet." She said to both the men. "I was saying... she was dumb... because she wasted 7 years of her life with a despicable man like you. She trusted you and had a child with you. She couldn't find out your illicit affairs sooner. She didn't care about her education and career and invested all her time in you. She was dumb mainly because you kept her that way. But you know what? She became wise... Nah, she became bold, beautiful and brainy..." She used the same words he used on her. "... The moment you stepped out of her life. You were like an eclipse of the sun!"

Both Yash and Vinay looked at Naira, dumbfounded.

"Smart mouthed bitch!" Vinay muttered under his breathe, hating her guts. "Son..." He turned his gaze to Yash and said "...I don't think she will suit you but still keep her if she has money."

"You disgust me!" Yash spat at him. "Let's go, Naira." He grabbed Naira's hands and dragged her out.

"Yash, you don't have to calm down but slow down. I don't want to trip and fall."

He suddenly halted and swiftly turned back and she stumbled on him. "Sorry" he said softly. He needed to calm down. He couldn't behave like an arse!

"I am hungry" she said back. They needed some silence and food if they didn't want to redirect their anger on each other and spoil their mood.

He blinked his eyes before looking around to find some place to dine but there was none other than the one they just walked out.

"You wanna go in there again?" He asked as he couldn't see any other decent hotel.

"No, let's find some other place." She said and started walking.

"Wait. I will call a cab"

"No, let's walk." She looped her arms around his and walked alongside.

"One sec" he released himself from his hold and removed his coat.

Naira glared at him.

"What?" He asked confused as he folded his coat and hung it on his arm.

"You know what? You are a mood spoiler."

"Naira... I am sorry about that... I shouldn't have behaved like that but that man..."

"I am not talking about that incident!" She snapped.


"The other day, I came to kiss you but you spoiled the moment by running into the bathroom to wash the bloody oil off your hands. And today, I just looped my hands and feeling contented, I was about to lean my head on your arm but you withdrew from me to remove that damn coat."

"Oh" he grinned sheepishly. "I am sorry."

"Enough with your sorry-s. Next time you disappoint me, I will kick you."

"Noted" he tapped his index finger on his temple. "Here" he gave his hand. Controlling her smile, she held it.

"I love you" he whispered in her ear.

"I know" she smiled this time.

"Won't you say back?"

"Hmm... Maybe after I am fed with good food."

Laughing and talking and teasing, they walked a mile and found a cosy little restaurant.

"You can order non-veg. I don't mind."  Naira said when Yash looked for vegetarian foods in the menu card.

He shrugged. He wasn't in the mood to eat at all. "Hmm. One mushroom laksa bowl." He placed his order to the waiter.

"That's all?" Naira asked.

"I am really not hungry."

"Oh. I am ravenous." She said and placed her order "One Veg Chow Mein, french fries and coke."

"You love potatoes, don't you?" Yash asked after the waiter retreated to the kitchen.

As far as he had noticed, she had never had a meal without something made of potatoes.

"I sure do. If I get to choose only one vegetable and I have to eat it all my life then it will be potato. My one true love."

"I thought it was me?"

"Potato?" She asked laughing. "Yes, you are a cute potato too."

Potato? He hardly looked like a potato. Maybe a drumstick would suit him. Tall and lean!

He chuckled. "You are funny."

All too soon, their foods arrived.

Naira attacked her food right away. Yash adored her eat, heartily.

She was the most different woman he had ever met. She was strong. She was shrewd. She was smart. She was sincere. She was sensitive. Above all she was hell sexy! And she was all his. God! How did I get so lucky?

"Stop staring at me and eat" she said without looking at him.

Slowly he ate his noodle soup.

"You know you can share my chow mein. But don't touch my fries, okay?" She told him sweetly.

"No, I am good with what I have in my bowl. Thank you, anyways." He politely denied her offer.

"C'mon, try this." She spun her noodles with her fork and took it to his mouth.

"What is so special about this? I have ate it..."

"What did I tell you a while ago? Don't spoil a romantic moment! Can't you get that?"

He bit his tongue for already forgetting her order.

"Eat" she thrust her fork into his mouth rather forcefully. "How is it?"


"See, I told you." She smiled. "Have some more then."

"No! You are full and you are trying to dump your food in me."

"Eat, baby!" She cajoled. "You are a big boy and you should eat well."

Sighing, he let her feed him more and at the same time she ate her french fries and sipped her coke.


Once they reached their ensuite room, she rummaged her bag and taking something, she went into the bathroom.

Meanwhile, Yash changed into his shorts and T-shirt and settled on the bed with his laptop. He thought to check his mail before she came to bed.

"What took you so long?" Hearing the bathroom door open, he looked up and asked. "Were you showering in there? I thought we could have one together after bed." He said sounding little disappointed and she looked more disappointed. "What?" He asked in concern. Without replying, she hunched in front the dressing table and started blow drying her hair.

Five minutes later, she crawled on the bed and laid beside him.

When he was about to shut down his laptop, she stopped him. "You carry on with your work."

"Work? You gotta be kidding me?" He chuckled. "I have better business to do now." He leaned on her and smelled her. "Hmm... Intoxicating"

"Yash..." She gently pushed him off her.

"What's wrong?" He asked with a frown.

"I got my chums." She muttered with a pout.

"Chums?" He tested the word as he looked at her strangely. "Oh okay. Your periods. Got it." His realization made her laugh.

"Oh darling!" She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and kissed his throat.

"You okay, right?" He asked caressing her back.

"Huh?" She didn't get his concern.

"Do you have cramps? Do you want me to get you anything? Maybe a hot-bag?"

"Nothing unbearable." She kissed his lips feeling touched. "I am fine" she settled her head on his chest and he kissed her head.

"So how many days?" He asked curiously.


"Hmm... You will be back in India by then."

"Hmm..." She breathed a huge sigh. "Maybe we will do it in our official honeymoon only and not in this honrymoon trial."

He chuckled. "All in good time." He said to appease her.

"Hmm" she hummed and looked at his laptop. A graphic design of a house was projected on the screen. "New project?"

"Our dream project. Our home. I have designed it. I need your approval."

"You have designed it already? Wow!" She scooted closer to him and looked at the screen in awe.

He gave her a virtual house tour. "Do you like it?"

"Oh Yash! It's so beautiful. I love it." She hugged him excitedly. "It's perfect but can we have an interlink to my parents house? An easy access to their backyard and pool?"

"Will your father let me break that huge compound wall so that I could make a path?"

"My dad will do anything for me" Naira said with a proud smirk.

"Alright then."

"Ah Yash! Ah Yash! Ah Yash! I am so happy."

He bent down and kissed her lips tenderly. "Your lips are so soft and I could kiss you all day."

She blushed.

Looking at her, he said "You make me forget everything, Naira."

"Forget everything except me!" She said giggling.

Smiling, he shut his laptop and placed it aside. He stretched next to her and took her in his arms. "Hmm... This is enough for tonight." Feeling contented, he kissed her forehead.


"Hmm" he hummed with his eyes closed.

"Our love, our marriage, our house... Everything is happening soon..."

"It's frightening, right?" He asked because felt so.

"No! Nothing is frightening. Everything is beyond perfect."


That's what frightening me, baby, because nothing was perfect in my life so far...

"I was saying... Since everything is happening soon, a baby should also happen soon. What do you say?" She asked.

"Your chums" he reminded her feeling sleepy.

"Ugh! I didn't say we should do it right now." She hit his chest gently. "I meant to say - We shouldn't wait and plan for a baby. We should let it happen naturally and just wish we have our little bundle of joy by next year."

"Whatever you wish, Naira" he smiled at her.

"What do you wish, Yash? I want to know." She asked placing her soft palm on his cheek and looking at him with bright eyes.

"Hmm... A baby... Our baby?" He asked and closed his eyes as he pictured a small baby in his wife's arms. Perfect.

"What?" She asked poking his chin making him open his eyes again.

"Honestly, I had never thought about babies but now this idea sounds interesting."

"Great" she smiled satisfied.

"Yes, getting you pregnant is on top of my To-Do list" he said and they kissed.

... To be continued!




And thanks!

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