Part 3

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Part - 3


"My heart is perfect because you are in it."


At Kundra mansion,

After lunch, everyone had gathered in the living room for some good banter.

Naira sat in between her father and her husband on a three seater sofa.

Yash casually interlinked their fingers and placed their hands on his lap as he listened to Arjun's blabber. 

Rishab wanted to grab his daughter's other hand and show his possessiveness but resisted himself from doing so thinking that would be so silly.

"See, even you couldn't believe it!" Arjun said seeing Yash's surprised expression. "No one could. But it's true. She really confessed her love to me." Arjun said.

"Oh Gosh! This boy has been yapping about it since morning." Radha said rollling her eyes. "Maybe that's why she never told him 'I love you' before knowing he would go crazy."

"That's right, dadi" Kathryn high-fived with Radha.

"C'mon Kathy, just say it once more, right in front of my family and prove it to them." Arjun insisted.

"Did you forget the slap I gave you yestersay, Arjun?" Kathy asked narrowing her eyes.

"What? You slapped my son?" Madhu asked.

"Aunty, I.. I.. He kept asking me to say it again and again and I got pissed..." Kathy cowered. She was still scared of Madhu.

"And for that you would slap him? How dare you?"

"Mom, mom, mom... It was just a friendly slap." Arjun jumped in for his girlfriend's defense. "Just like you elbow dad in his gut whenever you get mad at him." He added in a teasing tone. Rishab and Madhu glared at him for insulting them.

"Yeah, and I have never pounced on you for elbowing my son." Radha joined him. "So you too let it go, Madhu" she said waving her hand dismissively at her daughter-in-law. Everyone laughed at that comment, except Madhu. She was pissed at her mom-in-law for siding with her little friend.

Yash phone rang and he excused himself to attend it.

Once he left, Rishab quickly grabbed his daughter's hand and held it with both his hands. Naira looked at him and smiled.

Ever since, Yash and Naira came to their home, Rishab had been silently adoring his daughter. She looked beautiful in wine red saree, hands full of bangles, thin gold anklets, a streak of bright vermilion on her hair parting. She looked blissfully married.

"Is everything alright?" Naira asked looking up at Yash.

He smiled and sat next to her.

"I need to go to the office for a couple of hours." He whispered to her.


"I have to attend a video-conference call at 3 PM. It completely skipped out of my mind. My assitant just gave me a reminder." Yash sighed and rubbed his forehead. He didn't like leaving in between. He was there to spend some quality time with Naira's family.

"Can you login to your office from here? I mean can you do the video conferencing from here?" Naira suggested as she didn't want him to go.

"I could do that. Do you have a laptop here?"

"My laptop is at your... I mean our home but there is a the library. If you still want a laptop I could borrow..."

"Desktop is fine."

"Good" Since her family heard everything already she didn't waste much time in briefing them. "Dad, I am taking Yash to the library." She said and taking his hand, she led him to the second floor. Naira unlocked the room next to Arjun's room and switched on the lights.

"Is this your home-office?" Yash asked seeing a rack full of law books and journals right behind a huge mahogany desk.

"Not really. Just a couple of times, I had client meetings in here."

"I see" he roamed his eyes around the room and found huge volumes of biology related books on multiple racks and some literature books in a couple of racks.

"It's actually Arjun's den. You could find him here in the wee hours of the night, studying."

"He studies?" Yash asked in disbelief as he had always seen him playing around but never with a book.

"Of course, he does." Naira gave him a look that clearly shouted 'How could you ask that silly question?'
"He is studying medicine if you are forgetting"

"Um.. No.. I know. I am sorry."

"Arjun shifted his room to second floor to have easy access to the library."

"Ah. I always wondered why he didn't occupy the spare room in the first floor. Now I know why."

"Arjun was a complete nerd during school days but he has changed a lot after seeing Kathryn." 

"Love can change you. Love can make you do crazy things." Love can destroy you. He didn't say that line.

"And love can heal you" Naira said as if hearing his silent words.

"Right" Yash smiled.

Naira turned on the AC first and then turned on the PC and typed the password as she spelled it out for Yash 'VeeNaA321'

"Who set this password?"

"My mom" Naira said grinning.

"Thought so" he smiled. "Her babies everywhere." He muttered making her giggle.

"Here you go" she pulled the swivel chair for Yash to sit.

"Thank you" he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly.

"If you need anything call me." She said blushing.

"Sure" he kissed her once again before letting her go.


"Is he comfortable there? If not take him to your room, Naira. He can use my laptop." Madhu suggested when Naira returned to the living room.

"No, mom, he is fine there. He said it won't take long and he will join us soon."

"Okay" Madhu said and pulled her daughter to sit next with her this time as she had some inquiries to make. "How is your new home? Do you like it?"

Rishab moved and sat next to his daughter.

"The apartment is nice. Our room is spacious and very artistically designed by Yash. I like it."

"So you are comfortably settled in there, right?"

"Yes, mom"

"Did your mom-in-law ask you to make breakfast today? How did you manage? I have told her that you are a complete novice in cooking but still she would expect you to learn..."

"Yash prepared breakfast today." Naira interjected.

"Oh, wow!" Madhu sounded, thrilled. "Rishab, did you hear what she said? Yash made breakfast for his wife. How sweet. Just like you did for me on the first day after our wedding."

"And every day, since then, dad is cooking breakfast for you, mom." Arjun teased and laughed. Madhu whacked his head.

"Forget him and you tell more about your husband, baby" Madhu wanted to hear more good things about the man she chose for her daughter.

"He's amazing, mom. Very caring and considerate." Naira said sincerely. "Last night when I was upset, he offered to bring me here, you know."

"Really?" Rishab asked impressed.

"Yeah. Even I was sorely tempted to come home but I didn't." She looped her arm around her dad's and leaned her head on his shoulder.

"Good girl" Madhu appreciated her daughter for showing courage. 

"Then I had severe leg-pain and he massaged my legs. Oh by the way, thank you for sending my oil bottle along with my other things, dad."

"Aww... That's so romantic." Kathryn commented.

"Even I can give you a full body massage, babe." Arjun offered and earned another whack on his head from his mother. Kathryn suppressed her laugh by covering her mouth with her hand. 

"I knew it. I always knew it..." Radha squealed clapping her hands.

"What? That I give body massage to her every week?" Arjun asked confused.

"You are so shameless, Arjun" Madhu scolded him. Kathy looked moritifed.

"No, idiot! I am not talking about that. I am talking about our Yash boy. He is just like my son. A perfect husband." Radha proudly declared.

"Right, mom" Madhu agreed.

"But my daddy is the best." Naira hugged him. Rishab smiled and kissed her head.

"Naira di, where you guys going for honeymoon?" Arjun asked eagerly.

"We haven't decided yet. Yash is busy for the next two months. We will plan a trip later." She said but then an idea struck her. 

"Oh... But where do you want to go? Have any special destination in mind?"

Naira shrugged.

Special destination?
I want to see Paris, the city of love with my love but then this is going to be my wedding gift for him so I should choose a place that would interest him, right?
But where would he like to go? What would he like to see?
Um... Maybe a city with architectural beauty.
Rome, Italy? Isn't it famous for historic architectures?
Yes! Yes!
Yes, I will take my architectural enthusiast to Italy. Hope he will like my surprise honeymoon destination.

"Total waste" Arjun shook his head for wasting that one interesting question on such a disinterested person.

"Bhabhi, why don't you share your honeymoon experience with my sister and educate her?" Arjun suggested mortifying both Inayat and Naira.

"Arjun, I seriously miss your redonkulous talk more than anything." Naira cried.

"And I seriously miss your mere presence, Naira di. You know, today morning at breakfast table I was just picking at my food and kept staring at your empty chair. I miss you that bad." He suddenly got emotional and hugged Naira tightly.

"This is what I love about this crazy guy! His emotions. They are so true and touching. I love him so much." Kathryn openly declared.

"Wow! Did you guys hear it? She said it again."

"Yes, baba, we did, and we are so happy for you." Naira said and hugged her brother once again, congratulating him.

"Welcome to the family" Inayat hugged Kathryn.

Madhu and Rishab's hearts felt so heavy with happiness seeing that.


"Hey" Yash and Naira met mid stairs. He was descending and she was climbing up carrying a tray in her hand. "You didn't come down for evening tea so I thought to bring it up for you."

"Thank you and sorry, I missed to have tea with you all."

"It's okay. I hope you are done with your work."

"Yes" he sighed. "I need to use the washroom."

"Come with me." She took him to her room. He fished out his phone, wallet and car key from his pockets and placed them on the bed.

"Wait for me. I have to talk with you." He said and made his way to the washroom.

Naira placed the tea tray on the bedside table and sat on the edge of the bed. She took her phone to open her FB page and change her status from engaged to married.

She saw Yash's updates on her news feed.

He had changed his status from single to married.

Good boy!

He had changed his profile pic from his solo to their wedding pic. The moment he tied the mangalsutra around her neck was perfectly captured.

Wow! Beautiful candid shot! I should get this pic from him. She made a self note.

And then he had changed his profile cover to their family group photo that was taken after the wedding.


She quickly hit 'like' to all those pics and scrolled down. 

Yash came out of the washroom wiping his face with a towel.

"Your tea must have gone cold by now." She said as she placed her phone down.

"Ah it's fine. I don't drink too hot anyways."


He took the cup and drank the tea quickly.

"So?" Naira asked "What do you wanna talk about?"

"I have some news to share."

"News? Good or bad?"

"Both and a surprise too. Which one do you wanna know first?"

"Bad news" she said automatically.

"I thought you would be eager to know the surprise." He sounded disappointed.

"Surprise can wait but not this bad news. What is it? My heart beat is raising already."

Don't tell me you are already married and have four kids...

Don't tell me your Ex is back and you wanna live with her...

Don't tell me you are terminally ill...

Oh no! I can't think a life without you, Yash. I love you.

"Hey, relax. It's nothing big or worrisome news."

"Just spill it out, Yash"

"I have to go to Dubai on business."

That's it?

"Oh. When and for how long will you be gone?"

"I am leaving this Friday and I will be staying there for at least 2 weeks."

"Can I go with you?" She asked hesitantly

"You have work, right?"

"Say it straight away that you don't want to take me with you, Yash!"

"No, no, no. I do. I really do. Don't mistake me. I am just confirming that you seriously wanna go with me because I don't want you to change your work plans for me, Naira."

"I have planned to start work from next week mid... so I think from Friday through Monday I can stay with you in Dubai."

"Sounds like a plan" he pulled her in his arms and kissed her cheek. "Thank you"

"Now moving on to the good news..." She pulled herself away from his arms and looked up at him expectantly.

"It's actually related to the bad news."


"I cracked a new deal."

"Wow, really?" Naira beamed.

"Yes. You know I am already working on a project in Dubai but this one is bigger than that and we will make good money out of it."

"What you gonna build this time?"

"An eco-friendly sustainable luxury hotel."

"That's cool. How long will it take to built?"

"My design is almost ready and soon they will be starting the construction work and it will take 6 to 8 months for completion."

"If your design is ready and they have already approved it then why do you have to go there and work?"

"This client has couple more hotels there and he wants me to visit them and see if I could improvise my design."

"I see"

"This is going to be one of my most prestigious projects so I wanna give my best."

"You will." She said confidently.

"You know you are my lucky charm, Naira. I just married you yesterday and you brought me good luck already."

"It's not my luck. It's your hardwork, Yash. Did you give this news to your mom?"

He shook his head. "After confirming the deal through video conference, my client sent me the contract papers through mail and I was going through it. I didn't find time to call her. I will tell her when we get home."

"Okay. Now about the surprise. What is it?"

"Come, I will show you." He stood up and held his hand out for her. She took it and he led her to the balcony.

She frowned wondering why he brought her there.

"Do you see that building?" He pointed to a two storey building right behind their house. "I bought it."

"What?" Naira shrieked. "You bought that old dilapidated building? But why? Why did you invest your hard earned money on that waste piece?"

"I am going to demolish it completely..."

"You don't have to. It will fall into ruins on its own any day soon."

"Naira, first listen to me, please."

"Okay, I am listening. Tell me why did you make this foolish decision?"

"I didn't invest my money on that old building but on the land. This area is rich and costly I must say."

"Then why did you..."

"Shush! I am going to demolish that building and construct a new home for us."

She gave him a shocked look.

"Yes, it will be our forever home where you, me, mom and our children will live."

"Whoa! Whoa! What are you saying? A forever home?"

"Yes but then it won't be as big as this mansion. It will be a cozy little home. Hope you will like it."

"That's absolutely fine but Yash, what about your apartment?"

"I will put it on sale once we move into our new house..."


"I need money to repay the loan amount that I am availing."


"Um yeah. I have applied for housing loan in my mom's bank and it got sanctioned last week. I have put my apartment up as collateral for it."

"God! I am going to faint!" She held her head confused.


"Why are you doing all this?"

He shrugged.

"Answer me!"

"Once a girl gets married she is taken away from her family... That's miserable... And I don't want that to happen for you so I am bringing you closer to your family this way..."

"Oh Yash" she hugged him, pressing her face hard against his chest.

"See, now you are just a compound wall away from your family." He said with a chuckle as he looked at that old building.

"You know you don't have to do this..."

"I could already imagine building a beautiful house there... For us." He said ignoring her.

"I could still see that old building there." Naira said making him laugh.


"Yes, baby"

"I have a decent savings. If needed more I could ask my dad to help us."

He frowned at first but when he realized what she was implying, he shook his head. "No! No! No! I am not taking your money or your dad's for that matter..."


"No, Naira" he said strictly. "If you believe in my capability then let me do this on my own."

"Yash, I am trying to help you..."

"I don't need your financial help. You can help me in so many other ways like sharing your inputs on my design, choosing marbles and titles and paints and woods. We will work on our house project together."

"Yash, I want to lessen your financial burder." 

"No, Naira!"

"Why are you so adamant?"

"Because it's a gift, Naira!"


"I am going to build a house and present it to you as our wedding gift..."

"Whoa! It's too much!"

"Naira, this is what I know and this is what I do so I couldn't think of a better gift than this..."

"Point but still it's too much!"

"Nothing is too much for you. Just accept my gift graciously and make it a beautiful home. Okay?"

"Okay!" she snapped and looked away from him.

"Hey!" He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and drew her closer to him. He lifted her chin up and saw tears in her eyes "Why are you upset now? Did I hurt your feelings?"

"I feel so inferior..."


"I just planned a honeymoon trip as my wedding gift for you... But you are giving me a forever home. I feel so little now."

Silly girl!

"Honeymoon trip? Interesting. Where? Paris?" He asked with eyes full of delight.

"No, I won't tell you where. It's a surprise. I just need your work schedule before I go ahead and book our tickets."

"Will go after my Dubai trip?"


"Let's make our honeymood trip forever memorable, okay?" He said tweeking her nose.

"Okay" she smiled and kissed his cheek.

"I love you, Naira"

"I love you, Yash"

... To be continued




And thanks!

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