Galtea(GT-4) - Sketch

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My android character, Galtea. I had this character in mind for a while ever since I got into robots recently, resulting in me drawing tons (And I mean TONS) of robot characters.

Anyways, Galtea was the character I'll be rping with in @ECDAdancer03 's Perfection||Escape from Mary Sue roleplay. This will be fun!

Here is one more sketch on her mechanism, specifically her taser hands.

Her casual wear

And a pic of her and her boyfriend Mac, who's a police officer and a giant robot. (She loves giant mechs. Don't ask why.)


Name: Galtea (Formally: Model Gynoid Type-4,or GT-4)

Age: Technically 4 years old from when she's created, but appears to be 18

Species: Android(Not the Android phone!)

Sexuality: Not that she will admit it out loud, but she's attracted to giant robots. In fact, she's actually dating one from where she lived. ("ohhh, Mac, how I missed you so..." *Swoons*)

Appearance: First glance at Galtea, one would thought they see her as a life-sized doll(Which is...somewhat fitting). She has almond-shaped blue eyes which is framed with light eyeliner, chalk-white skin, small lips that's always set into a pout, oval-shaped face, and long black hair that stops at her mid-back which is tied into twin-tails. Stands around 5'2 tall and has slender body with apparent joints, covered by a black-and-white, longsleeved maid dress with white stockings which you can find in your typical anime. A beauty, eh? However that image shatters once you see past that and focused on her robotic parts. She has triangular-shaped metal walls(looking like cat ears) that framed around her twin-tails which serves to protect the plug-in slots that holds in the twin-tails(Forgot to mention, the twin-tails are actually like USB ports. She can remove and use them to receive or transmit digital data to other devices), a charger port placed behind her neck to where she plugs in a Powerbank(Powered by solar energy) to stay recharged, and the tips of her fingers can split up to emit electric shocks which acts like taser guns. Despite her petite appearance, she's actually extremely heavy, durable and stronger than any human. Speaks mostly monotone, with hints of sarcasm when feeling irritated. There are also times when humans are also felt uneasy about her appearance, even when she's most complacent(Referring to the 'Uncanny Valley' effect).

Personality: With an advanced A.I. installed into her, Galtea was able to form her own personality and opinions based on interacting to environments around her. Though she seems to act apathetic most of the time, she isn't totally lacking in emotions. Initially she is polite, but curt upon first meeting someone. Unless said someone shares interests in watching the same movies and cartoon franchise as hers, then it's difficult to carry a conversation with her for more than a sentence.

Looking after a family whom she swore are trying to end themselves due to how many times they got into destructive antics, she has developed a no-nonsense attitude and a slightly thinning patience(Though she tries to be patient at times). Whenever her patience does ran out, her tone becomes sarcastic and sometimes she'll do things to spite those who irritate her in a passive-aggressive manner. Whether it's to act as inhumanly as possible or inflicting light "accidents" to them. Fine, you want some tea? Here you go- oh dear. Seems I accidentally spilled it all over you. You want salt on your food? Let me sprinkle it for you- And I seem to spill all the contents over it. My apologies.

She's also observant to other people based on their body language and manner of speech(Usually without the help of her bionic eyes). That kind of social skill helps her build up an iron will whenever the children she looks after try to bribe her, and helps her being discreet on her words. Thanks to her reserved nature, the android is usually hard to read.

Despite being somewhat tired of doing her job, she takes it very seriously and is hard-working. Being one of the few maids in the Reich mansion who is never interested in pointless gossip, someone has to make sure the mansion stays in order. She can be protective, even ridiculously, to humans(even those she never acquainted) and her loved ones(Overlaps with the Reich family, but extends to other sentient robots she bonded with). Though not into the idea of inflicting violence, Galtea rather settle conflict by diplomatic means first before that option is thrown out the window. If she or a human is being deliberately attacked, then she switches into defensive mode and whips out her taser hands. Galtea complies with some of the Laws of Robotics, though not all to be exact. Such as if she is tricked into thinking a target is not human(whether by themselves or another), then she's capable of inflicting harm upon said target.

Unbeknownst to everyone but her loved ones, she's capable of exchanging affections. Around her boyfriend, she's shown to have a romantic side and can be very affectionate to him. Behind closed doors, that is. She's cautious on showing pda around other people and unsurprisingly prudish, believing that there are just some things that are meant to be private.

She also has a habit of always tidying up things, even if it's just slightly disorderly.

Backstory: Galtea was a recently updated version from the Model Gynoid T-3 in the Year 21XX, and the first model to be assigned as a housemaid to the high-class Reich family with Hans Reich, Head of the family and President of the infamous fast food chain "Reichie Rich", who commissioned her construction. With some self-defense programming and weapons installed into her, she also functions as a bodyguard.

Around the time she lives in, Robot Rights have been recently established so nowadays robots stand on somewhat equal grounds with humans in terms of applying for jobs, going to school(mostly segregated from humans), forming opinions, gaining free speech, even getting into politics, etc. However, some humans are still stuck on the idea that robots are nothing but mindless machines limited to what their programming commands them.

Fortunately for Galtea, she was lucky that the Reich family are open-minded to the idea on Robot equality. Though they can be sometimes ignorant(Especially Hans), they don't mind being corrected and willing to learn to work besides robot-kind, as well as the android can also learn from them. They consider her part of the family, though they can be a...rowdy bunch. Seriously, for four years working with them, it's like she's taking care of a bunch of children of different ages, her A.I. quickly 'ages' to that of a single mother getting tired of so much B.S(Pardon the language). And it doesn't help the fact that the actual children in the family consist of one materialistic and ditzy middle-schooler, and the other a smart-mouthed trouble-maker who's in elementary school. Still, she is grateful that she can make happy memories with them and spending time with them help shape to who she is. She has the ability to switch jobs or relocate to another place to work, yet she stayed with the people who took her in. Why? Simple. "It's most likely the children will start a fire again, Hans spending money recklessly at another dysfunctional soda fountain, or a burglar foolish enough to break into the mansion and succeed should I leave. Someone has to look out for them."

Galtea is currently in a relationship of one and a half years with a giant robot who's in the Police force, Mac. They met after she disarmed a burglar and Mac was called to the Reich Mansion to arrest him. They exchanged phone numbers and from then on, they went from friends to boyfriend-and-girlfriend. Not that she'll say it outloud...much, but she loves the impressionable bot so much!

Powers/Abilities: Bionic eyes, Enhanced strength, Enhanced durability, firearm protrusions, and Computer interaction.

Strengths: Her bionic eyes enhanced her vision, allowing her to see things far away. Because of her mechanical body, she's able to resist/endure damage that would normally injure humans and lift or crush heavy objects. The tips of her fingers can split up to emit electric shocks which acts like taser guns. She's able to interface with computers and IT networks with her removable pigtails which are USB ports, allowing her to download and gather information. Mostly it's just to download music for the Reich children or help the mother copy her college essay to her own computer.

Weaknesses: Can be susceptible to hacking and viruses when interfacing with computers. Depending on how much information she gathers, gathering too much will cause her processor to start frying up. May be vulnerable against Electromagnetic pulses or other electrical powers. She can short circuit if hit by liquids like water(Only on her head, which is where her processor is, and on her hands if they are emitting electricity), and she'd need a reliable source of energy to stay active so she has to have her Powerbank(And a spare) with her at all times. Because of her enhanced strength, she has to be extra gentle when handling fragile objects or humans. She's also prone to overheat when near fire or when she's out into the sun for too long. In a sandy environment, sand can easily get into her joints. They don't really hinder her unless too much gets into her joint, she just thinks they feel unpleasant whenever she has to walk.

Fears/Phobias: Filth or things becoming disorderly, becoming reckless which results in being used to turn on others she cares about, misplacing trust on the wrong people, being incapitated which results her feeling useless, and accidently hurting or being manipulated to harm other human-beings, even if she doesn't really know them.

Fighting history: While Galtea has some self-defense programs and weapons installed into her, she doesn't really know how to fight. Either someone has to be in danger or if she's threatened, is when her defense mechanism triggers. And working with the Reich family for a while, that's a lot of times.

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