Hoover - Sketches and Colored

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My first Transformers oc I ever made and finished designing. No TF continuity is specified for this character, but I specifically made her to add to someone's Appliance-formers theme on Tumblr (Here's a link, but I must warn you. Their blog is NOT suitable for minors: https://rocksinmuffin.tumblr.com/post/170820304433/its-sexy-beastington-to-you-thought-i-add#notes  )

So her name is Hoover and she's a minibot, standing around 4'11 and weighs about 200 oz. Her altmode is a Vacuum cleaner and her abilities are vacuuming stuff with her feet, and making loud vacuum noises whenever she's annoyed (Dogs hate her for that). She also has anger issues and a drinking problem, as shown below.

Another pic of her drinking, except it's a Valentine's day special. If you look hard, you can spot hearts.

And some more sketches below.

I have an idea for her holoform design, but I picture she'd be a college student who's tired all the time.

Hoover interacting another fellow bot and my favorite expression I ever drew.

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