Komatsuzaki Shinju - Sketches

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My oc for  @ryuusei-boy 's Senbonzakura roleplay! The rp book is pretty much Feudal Japan-focused, so anyone who is interested in that kind of roleplay can check it out!

Name: Komatsuzaki Shinju (Only reveals her real name if you get to know her)

Nickname/s: Goes by the name Kai.

Age: 18

Title: Ronin (Works as a mercenary, though she does look into merchanting or farming jobs)

Species: Human

Power: Hydrokinesis

Sex: Female (Though many people mistaken her as an androgynous male)

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Demisexual

Appearance: She stands at 5'5 ft tall and has a lean, slightly muscular build. Also slightly tanned and has amber eyes.

Personality: Shinju is often seen surly and brazen. No matter who she's talking to despite social status or species, she would always talk in an informal manner. Doesn't really care if she's unladylike. She'll show a softer and thoughtful side to those who show kindness to her, and becoming protective of them. Otherwise if someone shown to be cruel to her or her loved ones, she shows her short-tempered side and wouldn't hesitate to give them a beatdown especially if that someone is a snobby noble. She would even use dirty tactics to get an upperhand. She really has intolerance to nobles and upper-class samurais(Kinda like one of those people who go by the phrase "Eat the rich"). Despite her hotheaded manners, Shinju is kind of scatterbrained and holds a mischievous streak to her. People who're good friends to her, she would exchange sarcastic remarks and jokes often, stealing a piece of food from them in a joking manner, and doing harmless pranks. Is notorious for having a snorting to screaming-laugh during those moments, and is not embarassed at all by them.

Status: Single for now

Abilities: Decently skilled at wielding a katana and tantou, though she's a bit more skilled at hand-to-hand combat. She's still an amateur at her hydrokinetic powers, since the most she can do with them now is control small bodies of water(which is why she usually carries water bottle gourds). She's also skilled at swimming and fishing though.

Trivia: -Shinju was raised by her older brother and his master. Her brother Sadao was the one who influenced her to look into swordsmanship, though he's unsure of her wanting to be a swordsman. When Shinju came back home one day from fishing, she finds Sadao and the master dead. Rumors spread around the manor that someone has poisoned the water well nearby and people have expected Shinju to be the murderer. Consequently, Shinju packed her things and is on the run, taking upon a new name and appearance.

-Shinju is trying to look into farming and merchanting jobs, since being a ronin sucks. For real, ronins generally are being looked down upon, even lower than farmers or merchants. Atleast with farmers, they have stable jobs and land, so Shinju was hoping to land a job in those occupations. She may care what people think of her, but over time she gets sick and tired of being denied lodging and food service.

-Currently she's doing mercenary jobs, mostly taking care of monsters and being a bodyguard. As long as she's not drafted in a war, she's good.


And here are some more sketches of Shinju, including her alternate appearances.

Here is her default look(which I based off from Taroutachi from Touken Ranbu SHHHH)

Just a practicing a pose and to show off how Shinju usually sits(hOW UNLADYLIKE)

Alt look 1: Poofy hakama pants and haori jacket with water patterns. Probably not gonna used this one bc she looks too formal.

Alt look 2: Now this screams ronin! Definitely gonna use this one!

Alt look 3: This also seems ronin-like to me. Possible Bandit!Shinju AU?

And finally, this pic is just Shjnju with her hair down. I have a thing for drawing long hair.

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