what i think about issei

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Ice: aaaand cut! That was good guys. Let's come back by Friday 5:00pm sharp to finish up the rest. I got a chapter to do.

After I said that, I then teleported to my office before doing some stretching.

Ice: Shay! Check my--. . . Oh right, You're on break. Ah well.

So I sat down on my couch to look on my phone to see what notifications I got, and there's one from Markiller75.

Ice: ok, so mark's interested in what I think of issei. I could probably also add in riser for the hell of it but let's focus on issei first. Well you see, I don't really hate issei, but that doesn't really mean I like him either. Unlike the "aLl PeRvErTs MuSt DiE!!!" Train that i used to be on that hates issei solely because he's a pervert, I grew to realize how dumb my reason to hate issei was.

In fact I didn't even have an actual reason to hate the guy and i did because everyone hated him, so the whole "iSsEi'S a BiTcH cUz He'S pErVeRt!!!" Thing grown into me to the point i forgot that I was also a pervert albeit less. I mean, why demonize a guy just for being a pervert when most of you guys aren't even all that much better? Some of you bloodthirsty savages wanna actually kill him while saying you're good guys.

Ice: Hell, I saw a fanfic like a year ago where the Reader was a psycho who went medieval and brutally tortured both rias and issei JUST to change them, making rias nicer and issei not perverted and guess what? He fucking got away with it and never faced the consequences from torturing-- oh I don't know. . . the SISTER of FUCKING SATAN, Who never done anything about it for some reason. And when I remembered it while writing and realized what just happend in that book, i was like--

I would dwell deeper into it, but I'm supposed to be talking about issei in this chapter and I can't remember more of it. So the real reason I dislike issei is not really because he's a pervert, but because he's annoying. Here's a few problems I have with him. The Dude shouts out how he's gonna be the harem king nearly all the goddamn time like-- shut the hell up man, I already know what you want so stop constantly screaming like a bitch to me!

Another problem is that he's also a simp. For example, Remember when he took asia to the church? Why would he do that? Has he not learned anything from raynare? For all issei knew, asia could've been a fallen that wanted to kill him. The third problem is development, it's awful. No further explanation needed.

The forth reason is that he's an overdone perverted protag. Before y'all start thinking, just know I have much against perverted protags, in fact I actually like the idea of a one, but issei could've just been slightly above azazel's level of being an open pervert.

And the fifth and final reason is that he has like 13 girls and was still a virgin despite them throwing themselves at him for a while. It could be argued that he's still traumatized by raynare and fears women and was waiting, but still. Despite all these, I can see some redeemable stuff somewhere. But can you guys? Probably not for most of you.

So that's why y'all say something like "kiba would've been a better red dragon emperor", right? Well guess what? You're probably wrong. How do you know he wouldn't just be boring? Dude's a white knight that easily makes ladies moist in their panties to the point they need a jug of water to not die of dehydration, blames the death of his friends over a sword more than a damn pedophile in robes, and just seems a tad boring. So if he were to have ddraig, then he'd probably just be like many isekai protagonist. Issei may be terrible but at least he tries not to be like many other harem protags.

Speaking of having ddraig, why do so many people take ddraig from issei or ddraig leaves issei for little reasons to find a better host and both he and ddraig are instant BFFs? How could ddraig be ready to abandon his host for one he finds better? And how can the host be so sure that ddraig won't leave them when he finds a better host? Even Markiller75 called out the bullshit in this one bit from his fanfic (which i recommend).

Ice: another thing i like in this chapter is also showing that issei had some redeemable qualities there. Also, why doesn't Albion get any love in almost all fanfics everywhere? The scaley dude kinda deserves it.

Ice: So in conclusion, issei is pretty bad. . . But there's some redeemable bits somewhere if someone doesn't program him into a copy-paste kiba or make him boring. Like what's going to be in my DXD book if I'm not such a sloth.

RN and issei would be something of enemies at first, begrudgingly form alliances later, and can be something close to frienemies last. And that's my thoughts on issei, you can give criticism or something but now I should talk a little about riser.

Ice: so riser didn't have that great of a first impression when he came on screen and--


Ice: Eh? hello?

Shay: boss

Ice: yes?

Shay: do you know why the Himalayas is on fire?

Ice: i dunno. I don't even what that is.

Shay: it's in the mountains.

Ice: well it ain't me, but it's good to hear that you're ok.

Shay: the skin on my leg has been seared off by the flames.

Ice: . . . Well fuck. Give me a sec.

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