f*ck deku (some time in 2020)

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ICE: F*ck deku

Tanzsu: Yeah, fuck him.

ICE: have any idea why I see him everywhere?

Tanzsu: well to some, they think he is an underdog or hasn't been developed properly and wants to see him grow.

ICE: I get that, but wasn't he easily given one of the strongest powers of his time?

Tanzsu: well we could compare his luck to light, who by chance got the death note, but that's underplaying light because all might was looking for a successor. But why izuku was chosen was pure coincidence because i can bet on everything that if all might was in a different continent, he would never gave izuku one for all.

ICE: That makes sense, but shouldn't people think and wonder "hmm, been seeing a lot of fanfics where it's izuku, maybe I should go with kirishima or todoroki as the mc instead", at this day and age?

Tanzsu: well ICE to put it simply people like to use the mc of canon to make the canon mc as their fanfic mc let me break it down, ask yourself this what could the average mind expand on if someone else was the mc like if todoroki as the mc i can bet that the author would make the whole story about edgy shit, but what makes people use deku is a thought of " i can change this character to whatever i want because he is already established and i can change it slightly to my vision "

ICE: but can't the same be said about todoroki? Like if they change him a bit like you said about izuku? And isn't most or some of the izuku fanfics a bit edgy themselves?

Tanzsu: " well yes if they change him like izuku than what is the purpose of using todoroki if you can do it with izuku and get more popular because of it but i think we can both agree bakugou shouldn't be a mc unless the author does deep meaning into it you know what i mean?

ICE: yes I do.

Tanzsu: well its like why people naruto because 1) he is a war hero and singe handedly saved the world 2) they really want him to be this morally good person but it doesn't feel real 3) to put this last one simply naruto is an idea that anyone can use him in anything they want him to be but i would be lying if i said i'm not a hypocrite for saying this because all mc has potential but naruto got big because the show ( it was mid to me ) was good to them and they saw naruto as a guy with unlimited potential but hey details why are we fucking them?

ICE: because of how common they are in fanfics? Especially outside their world?

Tanzsu: yeah but for some and me including i read naruto fanfics because frankly the show never hit me like i wanted to and sometimes fanfics fill that role but as for the outside of their world part ICE i gotta be honest with you chief mha world building sucks ass but the thought of quirks especially one for all and overhaul quirks just reinforce the statement that anything is possible in mha.

ICE: and there's also eri's reversal quirk.

Tanzsu: that too but i have one question: where is your flaming bone lizard pet?

ICE: oh shay? He's elsewhere, doin' whatever.


Mac: ok, what are these?

He asks as he looks at a dozen vaguely human sized capsules In surprisingly good conditions despite the entire place it's in.

Shay: these are god-level OC/MC templates. He was thinking of making an OC/Self-insert but wasn't sure which one to go with, so he made 10 options until he finds out which one to choose.

Mac: I see. So I'm guessing these are the things we came for?

Shay: that's one of the three things we came for, Now we need to find the world-hopper and the.

Mac: ok load it into the truck.

As they were carrying the pods into the truck, neither of the two noticed a large group of what looked to be raiders grinning madly at them and shoot their rounds in the air roared as they charged at the two, who snapped to the direction of the ungodly noise.

Mac: what the hell!?


Tanzsu: understandable but back to my point the main reason why izuku isn't that good is 1) both canon and authors tries to sell us the idea of izuku being weak but in actuality he's not and 2) ICE do you know how horny some people are with izuku and a whole bunch of girls some who are invisible, wait a minute if you stick your dick inside an invisible pussy does your dick shows or does it disappear?

ICE: Huh, I'm not sure. But we don't see toru's mushed up food in her stomach, so perhaps it maybe like disappears or something. But if not, then what happens when you blow your load?

Tanzsu: i don't know but i can definitely see her sucking some guy in the back and nobody seeing her suckin him off but then a gain if we are going to talk about sexual quirks in surprised nobody in mha has been on a sexpree well ICE i think we should say some final words about izuku and to the audience so we can wrap this up because my burrito is in the oven

ICE: sure.

Tanzsu: to the audience of ICE i just wanna say that today we aren't trying to make you change your opinion on something that's not me and ice stand for unless the opinion is really bad just because we shitted on deku and mha doesn't mean you shouldn't like it everyone has their tastes and likes and that wouldn't be very country roads of us trying to do that because to you, you'll probably see us some guys who think we are on a high horse and our words are the law when in actuality we are some shitters who likes to make fun of a show, take it way ice.

ICE: couldn't have said it any better myself tanszu. Thanks for reading our chapter and go check out tanzsu_makgiuo, he writes stuff that isn't as appreciated or liked enough as it should. And the Next chapter will talk about female worlds.

Tanzsu: fuck i can smell the amout of pussy juice just by hear that well takes for having me and remember kiddos monke is a choice evolution is not.

Ice: ah yes, male in female worlds. An interesting and erotically lemon and smut baiting, yet very few had ever written it well enough. Hell, it might as well not be a female-dominant world fanfic most of the time cuz if you just genderbend the male cast, not really all that much would change. Don't you agree, tanzsu?

Tanzsu: yup, the bane of my motherfucking existence. Before we continue i am not sexist but i will be based so don't expect less. And if i have offended anyone somehow on this topic then i personally want to say my condolences to your feelings, but with thay out of the way let's get into this salami grinding fuck fest.

Tanzsu: for those who doesn't know what a female world is somehow let me explain, a female world is a world where either all the men are gone or died but they could've just been snapped away, at this point you can see this maybe a cycle of people eating each other cause the person finds this one person who survived aka mc who by all accounts is too lucky to survive or live through this, now although i am all about that freedom of writing this topic was touchy for 2 reasons, 1) This implys the world is fucked even if this one guy can breed and yes we are using breed you bet your ass they aren't leaving a men who can carry humanity with his nut sack so this guy is fuck either ways. 2) Okay this may seems ridiculous until you deep further, the problem is even if this one guy who by all accounts is too valuable to be wondering what happened to both society and class because with poor or rich everyone is basically the same ( Soviet union plays in the background ) then the ecosystem is fucked as well because this is a nice segway to shamelessly enter my next full point

Ice: and what would that be?

Tanzsu: okay first of all why only human men not animal men which by all studies should heavily fuck up the way life works

Ice: That's a very good question.

Tanzsu: not only that wouldn't like there be mass panic where everyone is killing for supplies and food but nobody is taking their time to grow crops now im not down playing this im just stating the obvious

Ice: and then there's friends and family. How do we know they aren't with MC solely because he's a dude?

Tanzsu: well ice maybe it's the old world blues where they hold on the memories of mxc before the collapse of society or they just wanna fuck for bragging rights.

Ice: I see. How about the new friends after the collapse?

Tanzsu: I mean what new friends the population should've gone down drastically so finding normal people should be hard.

Ice: yep. Now tanzsu, you know why female-dominant worlds wouldn't work that well when you think about it in my POV? The ones where men are the powerless breeding stock I mean, which is mainly common in the MHA side of fanfic.

Tanzsu: to me the reason it wouldn't work is dna or genes for those of you who are absolute shitters and think " well this can happen '' let me a shitter myself say this when you have 2 genes together i make a stronger gene right? Stay with me here if the gene has more power(women) than the weak one (men) then wouldn't it a large percentage of births be female, or in simple terms if a girl is xx and a boy is xy then wouldn't the quirk fuck up the xs making most pregnancy girls i don't know im not a scientists

Ice: that's also a good question, but let's not forget that it's surprising how it hasn't collapsed in on itself. Though to be fair, the male breeding stock thing could make sense if there was a low percentage of male and they took desperate measures to make more, but that's clearly not what most of the writers intend on doing. I say this because once the male MC gets powers, the whole male oppression gets sent to hell and hardly ever mentioned or talked about again, and when it IS it's mostly the whoever is underestimating MC, making that part of the practically pointless. But before we talk about the characters and the MC themselves, anything you wanna add?

Tanzsu: yes i do want to add something but first disclaimer *pulls out a pair of glasses and a piece of paper *

Tanzsu: me and ice are not saying women are not gonna be the reason why society will hit a brick wall what me and ice are trying to get are point across is

How humans would react to this

How none of this makes sense

A special topic at the end

So with that said it's time we talked about our 2 special topic Don't you agree ice?

Ice: why yes, I do.

Tanzsu: you wanna go first or should i?

Ice: alright, how about the female characters? I'd say all, but there's mostly only ever female characters aside from the Male MC.

Tanzsu: well ice because most of wattpad are guys yes behind those big booby anime pics you ice viewers who are reading this probably think their girls, are not just saying okay shit post aside to me nobody wants to read a female reader basically simp for a male guy and ice let me just say this if the last guys is ugly as hella than the human are extinct. But on a serious note that guy would die by a woman.

Ice: please, what else is there to kill our OP MC?

Tanzsu: natural cause's germs, old age considering he lives that far, wild animals and my favorite feminazis but ice you wanna end this chapter with the other special topic?

Ice: sure, what is it?

Tanzsu: could futas exist in this world.

Ice: hmmm. . . Sure, that's possible. That could be either be to bring back more men and population, the government is converting and breeding women into pseudo-men, or futanari/hermaphrodite with science or some other thing.

Tanzsu: hehehe flat futas well to me it like sorta possible but the biggest problem is the XX and XY because remember this can't be in the same body somehow i don't know but this seems kinda impossible, also when talking about this we have to add some things to this so let me say this, Its possible but there is a problem. For this to be possible probably years of research has to be done, so either a lot of women are aged up to not be breedable or most of the young girls or teenagers ( no pedo ) are forced by some government to fuck until they make kids. Assuming all this happening there is actually no actual chance the baby will have a dick i know im sounding like a pedo but i have to say it because nobody else will

Take it away ice

Ice: thank you for reading our collab chapter explaining why female worlds would suck and how it doesn't make sense. Any morals or lessons, tanzsu?

Tanzsu: ahem yes i have a lesson for all you, because something like being the last man standing literally may seem like a blessing please look at this from all the angles, if your the last man standing and you can fuck any girl may seem great but in reality you are so fucked both figuratively and literally but in the end if you still think this is the best thing to happened to you then please leave a book or a journal detailing how that went as the human population is being repopulated, well that's all people

Ice: and if you find leaves in the forest with hairs in it, DO NOT wipe your ass with it. I say this because I read something about a suicide plant that got its name from a soldier who used it as toilet paper and the venom was so bad he ended his agony by ending his life.

Tanzsu: I hate to sound like a dick but why use plants there, wasn't a tree with leaves?

Ice: I'm guessing it was a "one shift away from blastin' my ass" situation and he didn't know what it was.

Tanzsu: well shit that's really understandable.

Ice: indeed. Want the article?

Tanzsu: yeah in fact let the views see this as well. Well this has been tanzsu and i'll-

As the two were preparing to leave, a large u-haul truck came crashing through the roof face-first. Then the driver's door was kicked off as Mac tonight came out and stood up with shay, albeit his suit was a bit burnt and tattered, his glasses was cracked, and had some cuts and bruises.

Mac: whats-- *COUGH*--up?

Ice: the hell happened?

Tanzsu: damn talk about falling from the heavens, you got insurance on that roof right ice?

Ice: no, but I'm sure the real owner does!

Tanzsu: sucks to be him/her but seriously what the fuck Mac my boi?

Mac: well, let's say that it's sometimes another man's trash is another man's treasure in life when you leave it for too long.

Tanzsu: woah woah woah why did you have to talk about shay like that, i mean sure he is deadish but i wouldn't say he is trash.

Shay: actually, he means my boss' stuff at his old place. Since there's nobody to keep track of it, no security, or ice being there, it's kinda free game on most of them.

Tanzsu: well at least ice is not responsible for the roof we can just say some drunk driver crashed into yall and made you hit the roof, so what have you guys been up to?

Mac: ah it's nothin', just getting what ice said he wanted from that place. But unrelated question, can you lay out those pillows on the couch in front of me?

Tanzsu: sure

Place's the pillows on the couch

Mac: thank you very much.

Then he proceeded to pass out and flop onto the couch, but he did it to hard it bounced him onto the floor instead.

Tanzsu: oh yeah i forgot to mention this is an automatic futon

Kicks it by the side and the bed extents out

Tanzsu: Well sorry to mention that, i take it you guys know who i am?

Shay: you're one of guys ice talks with?

Tanzsu: yes I am, my name's is tanzsu_makigiuo.

Shay: well Nice to meet You, I'm shay.

Tanzsu: Well it's nice to meet you too shay but i gotta ask are you a lizard or a ground bird?

Shay: I used to be a scientifically-engineered killing machine composed of raptor and t-rex DNA given intelligence and speech before my boss' account got deleted and he resurrected me, but now I'm just bones and a soul without my flesh.

Tanzsu: That's sounds pain but weird, so who are you?

Mac: . . .

Ice: I think he's passed out.

Tanzsu: i forgot he was there to be honest.

Ice: understandable, but shay! Have you got the templates?

Shay: I have, but they got a little. . . Tampered along the way.

Ice: ah, it can't be that bad.

Tanzsu: yeah I've seen bad templates it shouldn't be that bad

Ice then pulls the whole truck in, wrecking even more of the house as he goes to the back and opens the cargo. When he seen it, his face hasn't changed any expression, but he takes a sharp inhale.


the end/cliffhanger

Fucking finally i updated. Sorry i haven't been active lately, I'm just suffering a crippling disease called writer's block and now I'm slowly getting back to the swing of things. Hope you enjoyed this collab chapter and thank tanzsu_makgiuo for helping me here. See you next time!

Tanzsu: hey guys it's me tanzsu i want to give a quick disclaimer and say although people are inclined to believe what they want me and ice cannot 100% be certain we speak for everyone, if you've read the title then you'll know this is a somewhat serious chapter not only because im trying to find a foothold in dxd but ice is more experience in this types of book then i am okay back to the chapter


Ice: *smacks lips* well, it seems I should've came along. Can't believe this shit.

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