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Guys, guys I have a theory! Yup, a theory.

No, it is not the Illuminati are real theory(They probably are real.XD),  nor is it a mathematical theory that is gonna blow people's minds and they all go like- Dayum!, no, it is none of these.

A simple theory, more of a prediction on one of the magnificent, marvelous, amazing, witty, humorous, lovable................ , and the list goes on(I like adjectives BTW) author on wattpad, Sir Rob.

Ok, have you guys read his new novel called Black Diaries? If you are looking for the perfect murder/homicide/romance book to read while chilling on a Sunday afternoon, then this book is the One!

So this book already has 7 chapters, in it, turning 8 by tomorrow, and the book is pretty fast paced already.

*********SPOILERS AHEAD*********

She already went through 2 guys, one named Sam, who got scrotal hernia, due to that mean Kick that Cassy gave her, when she caught him cheating( he escaped with pretty minor injuries compared to his successor!), and then there was Matt, whom she married, and caught him also cheating, and she did the best thing by showing him heaven(or more like hell), literally!

So the next guy currently in the picture is muscular hottie Chuck Benson, whom I'm sure you all really like, and from what I hard on Twitter(Ugh the Radish updates teasers!), is that their relationship is definitely inching towards more than just platonic. 

I'm sure many people are there who are shipping these two already, but here I swoop in with my theory and I say big fat NO!

No, they are not gonna stay together. He is not the ONE.

Theory/Prediction: All of Sir Rob's books till now have had some amazing characters. But more striking than the characters themselves are their names. Ruben Rachwild, Rikkard Ambrose, Giacomo, etc., the male charcters names especially are pretty rare and special.

Now compare these with the measly and common names like Sam, Matt, Chuck........ And there you have it, my theory.

Their names are not special enough. And although stuff are going slower with Chuck, I can say for sure that he ain't the one for Cassidy. His name ain't to special.

Think about it. It would sorta make sons in a twisted way. Well tommorrow is August 1st. I urge my fellow Ifrits to take to Twitter and start flooding it with your nominations! I hope ITEOTS wins the Wattys 2016, and Sir Rob goes on to have a Hat trick with Silence is Golden too!

Loads of Love,


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