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Damien had been trying to find a way to confess to his crush..

//I needed the fluff

It was quite late at night, but even from afar you could see the yellow light coming from a room in Town Hall. Most people that were even up at this time brushed it off as the Mayor staying up late to finish up his work. It wasn't easy being mayor.

But truth be told, he wasn't actually doing work. Instead, the Mayor was writing a letter.

A love letter, to be exact.

He's been trying to find a way to confess to the person he's had a crush on for ages, yet couldn't ever gather enough courage to do so. But he thought it was finally time.
His pen scratched at the paper in front of him, his tired dark brown eyes watching, trying to figure out how to put how he felt on to paper.

He's tried poetry before,,, and failed.
He's tried almost everything by now. Even simple leters were hard to write! Nothing was good enough for his dearest William.

Damien sighed, feeling both disappointed and frustrated. He banged his head on his desk, dropping the pen he held, making him let out a groan of pain.
He hadn't even heard his office door open.

"By gods Damien! It's past midnight, what in the hell are you doing?" A familiar voice boomed throughout his office.

Damien looked up and locked eyes with the one and only Colonal William, his best friend (and crush). "Ooh..? It can't be that late.." Damien's voice was drawn out and slow, which only happens if he's really tired. William frowned and walked over to Damien, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't you fall asleep on me yet, Mr. Mayor! You're not sleeping in your office, not on my watch." William chuckled softly. "Here.. Let me get your papers for you."

Damien felt panic bubble in his chest as the Colonel grabbed the paper he was writing on. Immidaitly jumping up, he grabbed at the paper, yet he missed due to being so short. "W-William!"

The other smirked slightly as he held the paper in his hands. "'To my dearest William.' Aww Damien! You flatter me!~" William chuckled as Damien tried to grab for the letter again, a dark crimson blush on his cheeks.

Damien eventually gave up and turned away, hiding his face behind his hands. What would William think of him? Would be be disgusted by the fact that Damien harbored romantic feelings for him? This would surely ruin their friendship, wouldn't it? Oh god..

As more thoughts rushed through Damien's head, he didn't see the Colonel's face slowly turn a light pink as he read the letter. William looked over at Damien with a soft look.

"Hey,, hey Dames.. Look at me."

Damien peeked an eye from between his fingers,,, and let out a small squeak when William slowly took his hands off of his face.
"W-William..?" The Mayor's blush darkened as he watched the Colonel smirk.

Before he knew it, he felt a pair of lips on his own, the soft tickle of William's mustache on his upper lip. Damien tensed for a moment before relaxing and leaning into the kiss.
William pulled away, leaving Damien wanting more.

As the two stared at each other, William gave Damien a gentle smile, and said...

"I love you too."

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