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Requested by: OneBigGay


Bim finds the only place he fits in on fire...

Bim had stepped outide, hoping to get some fresh air. It had been,, a rough day. He was hungry and sad and he wasn't okay.

You see, Bim had been overworking again. Getting little to no sleep, not even eating,, let alone doing anything else. No one had noticed, though.
No one had taken the time to ask if he was alright. No one had even though of him when he hadn't known up to dinner.

No one cared.

The thought had stabbed Bim in the heart as he immidaitly felt tears rush to his eyes.

They really don't care.. Never have... never will....

More tears rushed down Bim's face and he ran. Ran back to the only place he fit in.

His greenhouse.

His plants wouldn't betray him, he knew it. They loved him just as much as he loved them. He had taken care of his plants for years.

But the smell of smoke and the sight he saw made his whole body stop.
His greenhouse was on fire.
The smell of burning plants and other assortment of things hit his nose, making him let out a choked cry.

He forced his body to move towards it,,,,, his home. With his real family. Burning inside.

More sobs escaped his lips as he tried to put out the fire, but the tears made it too hard to see.
The fire roared on as he screamed and sobbed.

Soon he quieted down, eyes wide with tears as he stared at his one true home, burning to the ground.
He didn't mean to do it.
But his body moved on its own.

He stepped into the fire.
Back home he'll go...

He heard screams, most probably being his own, but other voices too. He didn't feel his skin burn, he didn't feel the pain, he just felt,,, hollow.
Soon everything turned black, but Bim kept a smile on his face...


Bim woke up. He didn't know how he was still alive, yet here he was.
Everything was still dark and the sounds were muffled. He could hear the beeping of a heart moniter next to him.
Was he in the clinic?

Soon, muffled voices hit his ears.

"Is he gon... okay?"
"I don... know."

The conversation drifted off into nothingness. Maybe it was his imagination. No one cared about him.

But then,,, why was he alive?

He didn't have an answer to that.

Yet when he heard footsteps reach what he presumed to be his hospital bed, he heard a voice.

"Are you awake?"

Bim nodded slowly.

"I'm going to remove the bandages. It's going to be a bit bright so be prepared."

Bim nodded again, and slowly he felt the bandages he wore slowly come off. The person was right, it was bright, so Bim squinted his eyes. He could see a few hazy figures surrounding him.
Soon enough his eyes adjusted and he saw (in order), Oliver, Green, Dr. Iplier, and,,, Wilford? And Dark??

"What's,, going on?" Bim's voice was scratchy, which immidaitly made Oliver hand him a glass of water. He nodded a thanks to the yellow android.

"We should be the ones asking you that! What were you doing out there?! You could have died!" Green spoke, his bright eyes full of worry.

Bim didn't answer.

"We need answers, Bim. Please.." Oliver spoke, matching his brother's expression.

Bim looked down, frowning. He vision blurred with tears, yet he didn't allow any of them to fall. "I,,," He paused, choking on his tears as they finally fell. "I'm sorry..."

All of them stared at Bim, shocked. Yes, he was a bit sensitive, but they've never seen him cry before.

Bim tried to hold back sobs as he looked up at them all shamefully. "Wh,,, why do you all care anyway?"
Oliver was the first to answer. "Because you're family! Of course we'd care if you got hurt!!"

"Doesn't seem like it.." Bim didn't even mean to speak those words out loud. Oliver looked at him with wide eyes.
"Wh-what do you mean?"

Bim felt something snap.

"I mean- No one seems to actually care! No one notices if I ever show up to dinner! No one ever notices when I fall asleep in my office! No one ever notices when I'm getting thin. No one ever notices when I physically look like shit. No one,,," He choked on a sob. "No one cares..."

The other egos stared at Bim. Even Dark had a look of surprise on his face.

Green finally broke the silence. "I,, w-we're sorry. We never realized..."

"Yeah.." Wilford finally spoke up. He didn't even sound like his normal self. "We never did realize. How about,, whenever you're having an off day, let one of us know. We'll give you the day off."

Dark looked like he was going to protest until Wilford shot him a look. Dark muttered a quiet "Yeah. Sure. Fine."

Bim chuckled silently, giving them all a soft smile.

Maybe this was his actual family. Sure he loved his plants but,, they didn't really have feelings. They couldn't hold him while he cried or give words of comfort.

Yeah.. Things were going to get a lot better...

//I bullshitted my way through this I'm sorry

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