Drunken Crushes

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Requested by: Darkstacheisadorable

Let's just pretend they can drink alcohol cuz I'm tired and just yes


Dark finds Wil drunk out of his mind and he starts ranting about his crush.

It was rather late at night and Dark had decided to take a walk around the Ego Mansion,, mainly to make sure no one was goofing around after hours.

Dark was expecting silence, as it was almost midnight. What he wasn't expecting, however, was to find none other than Wilford Warfstache dancing to music with the smell of alcohol in the air.

Dark let out a sigh of disappointment, startling Wilford. The pink haired man let out a startled squeak, stumbling as he fell to the ground.

Wilford shook his head slightly, still sitting on the ground, and looked up at Dark with wide eyes. He hiccupped before speaking.

"Wwwell helloo there!!~" If the smell of alcohol in the air wasn't enough evidence that the pink ego was drunk, then his slurred words were sure to prove it.

Dark sighs again, pinching the bridge of his nose. "How. Just,, how."

"Howw whaattt~" Wilford hiccuped again, a large smile on his lips.

"Stop with that. Please."


Before Dark knew it, some time had passed. He ended up sitting on the floor next to Wilford, due to the pink mustached man refusing to get up. The dark ego just listened to Wilford's ramblings when suddenly...

"Why does he have to be so cute?"

Dark looked over at Wilford with wide eyes. "Excuse me?"

"Him! Gosh,, he's just so cute all the time and I love him so much just- aaaaa!!" A light pink blush dusted the other's face as he smiled, talking about an unknown person.
For some reason Dark felt a pang of hurt stab his chest.

"Oh really?" Despite that, he kept his composure. "Who is this,, mystery man?"

"I just,," Wilford seemed to hesitate for a moment,,, but only a moment before he spilled.

"I'm not telling~ But I'll describe him.. hmm.. let's see..."

Dark waited somewhat patently. Wilford seemed to be thinking. Of what, Dark doesn't entirely know. It only took a minute before Wilford began to speak again.

"Gosh.. His hair is such a beautiful raven black. It's so soft too! And the way it falls perfectly over one eye just- oomft-"

"And his eyes too! Matching his hair but with a more intense black.. like a void or coal. His voice is so deep and-" Wilford stopped for a moment, shuddering slightly, but not out of fear. (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°))"- And just the way he moves too! He looks so professional all the time but I notice the way his hips slightly swing,, adding a feminine touch to it all."

Wilford had a dreamy smile on his face now, a distant look in his eyes.
"The way his skin is so cold yet always so soft.. the way he somehow always has control over the situations, even if it's nothing but chaos.. and his lips- oh god his lips... They always look so plump and kissable and I just- I just want to- Y'know?"

By now Dark was a blushing mess, though he didn't notice it. He was shocked into silence as he realized that Wilford was talking about him.
He took a deep breath, swallowing the lump that suddenly formed in his throat.

"Why don't- Why don't you ask him out?"

Wilford looked at him with widened eyes, a visible dark blush covering his cheeks. "Absolutley not!!"

Dark hesitated to speak. "...why not?"

The pink ego hesitated to answer. He looked down at the floor in front of him, a frown replacing the dreamy smile he wore just a minute ago.

"He'll reject me for sure.. He's a man a business. Probably sees me as nothing more than,,, a business partner of anything..."

"I doubt it."

Wilford looked back at Dark as those words escaped his lips.
"You really think so?"

Dark gave Wilford a smile. "I know so."

Wilford smiled back, giggling slightly. He was cut off as a yawn escaped his lips, his eyes slowly shutting. "I hope you're right... Imma sleep now.. g'night..."
Dark chuckled as Wilford slumped over, already passed out. He slowly stood up and picked up the sleeping ego, carrying him to his room.

He quietly opened the door and set Wilford down on his pink colored bed. Gently laying a kiss on his forehead, Dark walked out of the room, but now before smiling at the mustached man one last time.

"Goodnight.. Love you."

//Gaaahh this was bad- I hope you liked it nonetheless though-

Hhhhhh forgive me-

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