A Midnight Snack (OLD)

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K.O. jerked awake and looked around his dark room frantically. He quickly grabbed the flashlight he kept next to his bed and turned it on, moving it all over the room to make sure nothing was there. Once he felt a tiny bit safer, he let out a sigh of relief and grabbed one of his stuffed animals before turning the flashlight off.

He lied back down and kept his eyes open for a tiny bit. Once he calmed his heavy breath down he closed his eyes, hoping to fall asleep quickly and have the night pass by.

Though in the corner of the room, there was a figure standing there with a smirk on its face. It stepped out of the corner, revealing the figure to be a female.

Her smirk turned into a smile, revealing all of her sharp teeth. Her eyes were sort of inverted, with the pupils being white and everything else being pitch black, almost like a dark, endless void. Her hair was short and black with two red horns sticking up from her head.

Her face was a very light gray, almost white color, while the rest of her body, minus a few red stripes on her ribs and lower body, was black. She let out a small stretch, revealing her to have four arms, almost like a fusion from Steven Universe.

"Finally," she said, her voice was sort of sassy and sadistic. "I've been craving a snack forever. I'm glad I finally found one." She chuckled and curled up her tail, walking toward K.O.'s bed.

"Ahh, a child. Small, yet enough to satisfy me for a few days before I actually get a real meal. And I haven't eaten one in a while, either," she said, crossing her lower set of arms. "Hopefully this one will be better than that Kappa I ate. I still can't get that fishy taste out of my mouth."

She let out a sigh as she slowly climbed onto the bed. K.O. slept soundly, unaware of the creature in the room with him. "Perfect," she purred, slowly crawling around on the bed. "Now I just need to wait until the time is right."

The creature waited on the bed, wanting to strike at the perfect time. Children always seemed more violent if you attack them in the middle of them sleeping rather than them waking up naturally in the middle of the night. She started to get impatient, but it was only one in the morning and she had as much time as she wanted while the sky was still dark.

After a few hours of waiting, K.O. finally woke up to go to the bathroom. She got up against the wall and made sure that she was hidden from view when he left and made sure that the moment he got back she'd pounce.

The moment that K.O. crawled back into his bed, she quickly jumped away from the shadows and grabbed onto him. He squirmed and kicked, trying to get out of her grip, but he failed. "What's going on?!" He asked, still struggling to escape.

"You're about to be my next meal," the creature responded, making K.O.'s eyes go wide in fear and confusion. He tried to shout for his mom, but before he could he felt another pair of arms cover up his mouth. He tried to move them away, but he couldn't.

Suddenly, he felt teeth sink right into his arm, and he let out a very muffled scream. The creature just tightened her grip around his mouth and body as she sank her teeth deeper inside his arm until she had enough to take a bite.

K.O. tried to let out a blood-piercing scream, but he could only let out a small puff of air. He felt blood oozing out of his arm quickly, but there was nothing he could do.

The creature took another few bites out of K.O.'s arm, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't scream and he couldn't move, the only thing he could do was hope this would all be over. He felt the pair of arms that was restraining him let go and grabbed his arm.

He was confused, but then he realized what was happening the moment he felt his flesh being torn off his body. It burned and stung unlike anything he could have ever even imagined. He couldn't express just how much he wished he were dead.

The next thing he knew, he was lied down on his back so he could see the face of the creature. Her smile was large and her teeth and hands were extremely bloody. "You're actually really good for someone your age. Maybe when I get hungry again I can do the same thing to your mom, I think she'd taste just as good."

K.O. closed his eyes tightly in fear, but he opened them back up one he felt the flesh being ripped off his chest. He really hoped she'd stop there, but once she ripped off his flesh she started ripping up his muscles and whatever else until she finally reached the lungs and heart.

"Finally," she declared, licking her bloody fingers. "I'm just going to be a bit merciful this time around and straight out just eat your heart so you don't suffer anymore. You better be lucky, I'm almost never merciful when it comes to this stuff."

K.O. just tightly closed his eyes once again as he felt the creature grab his heart, which was actually beating rapidly. He expected his heart being ripped out to be even more painful than everything else, but it was actually quick and he didn't feel a thing.

Once his heart was pulled out, the creature looked down at K.O. as she slowly ate it. Afterwards, she just hopped off his bed and disappeared into the shadows once again.

And there K.O.'s body lied, torn apart and eaten up, waiting to be discovered by his horrified mom the next day.

(A/N) Holy crap this was very morbid and very dark but I had so much fun writing this xP

And what a way to introduce an OC of mine to people who don't really know who she is! Her name's Black Widow, and if you can't tell even after that whole thing, she's sadistic little cannibal demon thing. Seriously, she's so freaking evil but I love her personality so much XD

Anyway, if you enjoyed this very morbid one-shot, please vote and comment, and I'll see you in the next one! :>

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