Alternate Ending to Villains Night In (OLD)

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"This is much more fun than playing house!" Fink declared with an evil smile on her face. She raised her hand and a bright, purple flame appeared inside of it. K.O. struggled to escape out from under Fink, but she stepped harder onto K.O.'s chest, making it somewhat hard for him to breath.

"Isn't this amazing?" She asked herself as a smirk crossed her face. "I get to attack a hero and maybe end their life if I'm lucky enough! My boss will be so proud of me!"

K.O.'s eyes went wide. He really hoped that she wasn't serious, the last thing he wanted was to be killed, especially by a mutant rat minion thing.

He continued to struggle out from under Fink despite her continuing to step harder onto his chest. "Stop squirming you little pest!" She growled, throwing the flame in her hand at K.O.'s face. He quickly placed his hands where he was hit, holding it in pain. It didn't hurt too much when it hit him, but not too long after it started to burn.

He moved his feet around, still trying to get Fink off of him even though it wouldn't work. Fink let out a sigh of annoyance and grabbed his throat tightly, still keeping her foot on top of him.

K.O.'s eyes went wide and looked up at Fink, who had the evilest smile he had ever seen. He tried to move her hands away from his throat, but he really couldn't. He was becoming weaker and unable to defense himself, and Fink seemed to enjoy every single moment of it.

K.O. eventually stopped struggling because he was unable to. He could feel his life slipping away as Fink was choking him, and the fact she was stepping on his chest extremely hard didn't help either. He was hoping that Enid or Rad would find Fink doing this to him, but there was no luck.

Fink knew that K.O. was close to death at this point, and this caused her to step even harder on K.O.'s chest than she already was. She did it as hard as she could until there was a loud cracking noise, followed by K.O.'s body going limp.

This caused her to finally let go of his throat and remove her foot from his chest. At that moment, her Turbo form went away as well, and she just let out a sigh. "For once it actually managed to work until I wanted it to," she declared, looking down at K.O.'s lifeless body and smirking.

Suddenly, she got tackled by Shannon and Darrel, though she didn't try to fight them back this time around. "Go ahead, take me back to your dumb room now, I'm done here," she said.

"Wait, what did you do?" Shannon asked as she changed back to her normal form. "Look behind you," Fink responded, crossing her arms and turning away from the two.

They turned around and saw K.O.'s body on the ground. The two's eyes went wide with horror and they let out a scream. "What on Earth did you do, Fink?!?" Shannon asked, looking over at her.

"I killed him," she responded in a flat voice The way she spoke with no remorse at all in her voice disturbed the bots and made them aware of just how evil she really was.

"You WHAT?!?" They both asked. "How could you do that?! He was only 6 - 11 years old! You monster!" Darrel shouted, clearly shocked about what Fink did.

"Yeah! I mean, yeah we attack them and hurt them and stuff, but we'd never actually want to kill them, especially K.O.! Oh my stars, do you know how much Enid and Rad are going to freak out when --" Shannon was interrupted when she heard gasps from behind.

She and Darrel turned around and saw Enid and Rad both standing next to K.O.'s body. "K.O., no," Enid said, barely above a whisper. "Who did this to you?!"

Enid and Rad looked up at Shannon and Darrel and let out a growl. "it was Fink!" They both said, pointing at Fink, their eyes still wide in shock.

Rad walked up to her angrily and Enid picked up K.O.'s body. She placed her hand on his chest, hoping to hear him breathing, but there was no luck. She just held him close and hugged him tightly, feeling really bad for not helping K.O. when Fink had chased him around.

She heard Fink let out a scream as she was knocked back into Boxmore, and the screams of Darrel and Shannon following shortly after. Soon after Rad walked back up to her and she handed K.O. to him. "Well, what do we do now?" Enid asked, looking down at the ground.

"Honestly, Enid, I don't really know," he responded, trying to hide the sadness in his voice.

"I just really wish I could tell him I was sorry."

(A/N) I love making alternate endings xP

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