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Gab and Mayura: *peacefully talking*

Gab: Excuse me... *answers her call* Eh? I need to perform? Hm. Can I choose the songs? I just want a tribute. Okay, thanks. A duet? Uh, okay.

Anri: *bursts in* WEDDING TIME!!!

Mayura: 0_0

Gab: 0_0 *runs away*

Anri: Yuuto, would you be a dear and catch her~? *smiles*

Yuuto: Hai~ Anything for my Anri~ *runs*

Una: *dragging a tied-up Shimon* ^w^

Shimon: >//////< Mmph! *squirms*

Kris: *~* LEZ GOOOO!!!!

Kuro: ^^

Cey: My OTP shall be revived~ TwT

Mayura: -/////-

Yukari: Aww~ My daughter lost her boyfriend~ *gloom*

Seigen: Tch

Arima: I'm the busted cupid~ T^T

Anri: -_-

Yuuto: *comes back with a tied-up Gab* Here I am~!

Gab: >//////< Mmph! Mmf!

Shimon: 0////0

Kris: Sate~ Shall we start~? *dark creepy aura*

Gab and Shimon: 0_0

Gab: *gets dragged in a room by Kris, Anri, Cey, Kuro and Una*

Shimon: *gets dragged in a another room by Keiji, Sayo, Kriks, Swift and Hiro*

Aki: *was putting the whole scene on vid* -w-

-With Gab-


Kuro: *snaps her fingers and makes Gab's chest large*

Gab: (//Δ//)

Kris: *snickers*

Anri: Let's play dress-up~! *dark aura*

Una: ^w^ *holding make-up brushes, pencil brows, etc*

Cey: :3 *holding a bunch of some clothes*

Anri: ÔwÔ *holding a bunch of hair clips and other stuff for the hair*

Kris: *smooths out the wedding dress* ^^

Kuro: Sate~ Let's start, darling

Gab: No... NO... NO!!!! KYAAAAHHHH!!!!

-With Shimon-

Shimon: *hears Gab shouting* 0_0

Sayo: Nii-nii-sama?! I thought you werr marrying sister-in-law?! *cries*

Keiji: Now wear this, Shimon

Shimon: 0_0 Okay...

Hiro: That was fast... 0.0

Swift and Kriks: Oh... 0w0 *puts a little bit of face powder on Shimon*

Shimon: *coughs* >_<

Sayo: *combs his hair* T^T

Keiji: *sheds tears of joy* Oh, my little brother is growing up~! TwT

Shimon -/////-

Sayo: T-T

Kriks: Don't hurt her, Ikaruga Shimon...

Swift: And if you do...

Kriks and Swift: *eyes glow* We'll tear you apart... Limb from limb!!!

Shimon: This is not even a real wedding... -////-

Hiro: Oh so you really wanna marry her for real~? *smirks*

Shimon: *chokes* 0////0

Sayo: *bawling her eyes out*

Shimon: S-Sayo...

-Back to Gab-

Gab: What the f*ck?! Don't put too much make-up!!!

Una: (ŏ_ŏ )

Kuro: *removes some make-up*

Kris: Gab-chan just needs a bit of blush-on, light eyeshadow and light lipstick~

Gab: -/////-

Cey: *crying like Sayo* My OTP~ My OTP~ T^T

Gab: 0_0

Kuro: *curls her hair at the ends*

Kris: *puts the dress on Gab*

Gab: -/////-

Kuro: You're so beautiful~!!!! Bwaaahhh!!! TwT

Gab: *sweatdrops*

~At the church~

Flower girls: *throws flower petals*

Other guests: *walks down the aisle*

Shimon: -///////- *walks down the aisle with Sayo and Keiji*

Keiji: *shedding tears of joy*

Sayo: *pouting angrily*

(Btw, Keiji is man... 😂)

Kris and Tenma: *walks down the aisle together*

Other friends (too lazy 😂): *walks doan the aisle*

*door opens to reveal Gab with Kuro and Aki*

Gab: >/////<

Shimon: 0////0

Gab: *walks down the aisle*

Kuro: Now listen up! My darling sister is fragile! If you hurt her, I'll kill you... slowly...

Shimon: (inside: Why are people giving me death threats today?)

???: Why didn't you invite me~?!

Kuro: *gasps* Mom?!

Gab: 0/////0

Rucia: You should know I'll support my darling daughter no matter what! ^^ *lands and goes to an empty seat*

Gab: -/////-

~Timeskip by Gab dancing to VOCALOID songs~

Priest: Do you, Ikaruga Shimon, take Christine Etheralia Yumina-Kanzaki, as your lawfully wedded wife, and love her in sickness and health, 'til death do you part?

Shimon: 0_0"

Gab: -/////-

Shimon: I... I do...

Kris: *dancing her silly victory dance* SHIP IS CANNON!!! *whisper-yells*

Una: ^w^

Priest: And do you, Christine Etheralia, Yumina-Kanzaki, take Ikaruga Shimon, as your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and health, 'til death do you part?

Gab: ..I do >////<

Priest: Now, are there any objection---


Mayura: EH?! 0////0


Keiji: *drags her away*

Gab: U-Uh... 0-0"

Priest: *clears throat* You may now kiss the bride~

Gab: -/////-

Shimon: -////- *hesitantly lifts veil*

Una: *pushes him to her*

Gab and Shimon: *kisses* >//////<

Kris: *snaps a gazillion pics*

Cey: *still crying*

~Timeskip by a random jar of nutella~

Gab: *throws bouquet* -__-

A lot of girls: *goes crazy and tries to catch it*

Una: *catches it when she held her hands out to a random girl* 0_0

Kuro: ¯\(°_o)/¯

~In the car~

Gab: ... *looking out the window*

Shimon: -//////-

Driver: Hey, aren't you two a couple..?

Gab: *narrows eyes* Aren't you the one who drove Kris and Tenma to their reception area..?

Driver: *nods*

Gab: Ò_Ó YOU F*CKING PERVERTED BASTARD!!! YOU SHOULDN'T PUSH KRIS INTO THINGS SHE IS EMBARRASSED TO DO!!! *brings out a two-bladed axe and starts to attack the driver*

Shimon: *tries to calm Gab down*

Gab: DIEEEE!!!!

Driver: 0_0"

~Reception area~

Kris: A toast to the newly wedded couple~! ^^

Gab and Shimon: -////-

Cey: *bawling her eyes out*

Una: 0_0

Kriks: Wohoo~! ^.^

Swift: *flirting with some guests*

Kris: Revenge is always sweet~

Aki: *snaps pictures*

Anri: TIME FOR THE COUPLE'S FIRST DANCE!!! *puts music on* *Despacito plays*

(my classmates were playing despacito when I wrote this... OwO)
Gab and Shimon: 0_0 Tell me you put it on by mistake...

Anri: *tilts head* Did I?

Gab: *hides*

Anri: ^^ *finds Gab*

Hiro: Seriously, Angel... *switches the music to a danceable one*

Anri: *pouts* Now dance~! *pushes Shimon and Gab together*

Gab and Shimon: *dances* -//////-

Kuro: My darling sister is growing up~!

Rucia: Bwaaaahhh!!! Look at her Celestine, your little sister is now married and you're still single!!

Kuro: TwT

Cey: 0_0

Kris: Ahahaha~! *ish drunk*

Tenma: -_-

Kris: Now they have to cut the cakeu~!!! ^~^

Tenma: You're drunk

Kris: Am I~?

Rokuro: -_-*

Benio: *eats ohagi*

Mayura: *drinking soda*

Gab: -//////- *still dancing with Shimon*

Shimon: Gab, why is your chest larger?

Gab: *chokes* U-Uh, K-Kuro-nee... D-Did it... S-Spell and... s-stuff...

Shimon: *nods*

Gab: *accidentally presses her chest*

Shimon: @//////@

Gab: 0-0

Anri: CUUUUUT THE CAAAAAKKKKEEEE!!!! *waving a sake bottle* ^////^

Yuuto: *hugging Anri* ^^

Gab: *goes to the cake* Why the hell can't I cut it?

Kris: *pops out under the table* Cut it together~~~~!!! That's the same kind of cake I had in mah weddingue~!

Gab: 0-0

Shimon: Fine... -/////- *holds Gab's hand holding the slicer and cuts it*

Cake: (inside: finally, I got cut)

Anri: Now feed each other~~~!!! *still waving a sake bottle*

Gab: >////< *feeds Shimon some cake*

Shimon: -/////- *does the same*

Gab: *gets some icing and puts it on his cheek and snickers* I'm taking out my cake revenge on ya~ *remembers the day Meg slapped icing on her*

Shimon: 0/////0 *awkwardly does the same*

Gab: -3-

Tenma: *stuffing himself with TOO MUCH dangoes*

~RaNdOm HoUsE~

Gab: *tears off veil from her head*

Shimon: 0_0

Gab: *plops down couch* Ah~ Much better~

Kris: *pops out* Y'know, you shouldn't wear a wedding dress to sleep~!

Gab: =_= Where the hell did you come from?

Shimon: 0-0

Kris: Don't mind me~ Plus my dare's next right~? Two weeks ALL ALONE with your husband and two weeks NO SUGAR... >:3

Gab: Hai... -/////-

Kris: Kris-chan is out!!! *throws smokebomb and disappears*

Gab: Kris, I see you running for the backdoor!!!

Shimon: Now, what do we do?

Gab: Eh, sleep... *tears off heels from her feet and throws them in a random place*

Shimon: *raises eyebrow*

Gab: I'm changing upstairs. Don't peek. *goes upstairs*

Shimon: *sighs and goes to the kitchen*

~Timeskip by Gab-chan changing her name TwT~

Gab: *glares at the ONLY bed*

Shimon: 0/////0

Gab: -//////- *plops on one side of the bed*

Shimon: -////- I-I can just... sleep on... t-t-the... c-couch...

Gab: No, you can... s-sleep here -////- *hugs pillow*

Shimon: *nods and lies down*

Gab and Shimon: ....

~Timeskip by Kris chasing Tenma~

Gab: *wakes up and feels someone hugging her* 0////0

Shimon: *sleeping*

Gab: Uhh... >/////< S-Shimon-kun, w-wake u-up...

Shimon: ?-? *opens his eyes* 0////0

Gab: -/////-



Aki-chan was too late when she said to forget her dare... ;-;

And who knows... Maybe soon I'll accept dares again~ WHEN WE REACH 100 FOLLOWERS!!! AHAHAHAHA!!!

*cue thunder in the background*

Okie nvm, I'm just gonna go...

Kris: :3

*sighs* Of course, Kris' dares... But then, I'll post a chappie with a huge SURPRISE...


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