English Play

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yeeet the play for our English, Music and Art performace task was done today.

The results were better than expected XD

First off, we only had our 'full practice' (with props, tech and costume) yesterday which was the day before the play. On that day we only finished scene 1-7 out of 10 XD. Then the props.... which I decided to participate in, our teacher said we were too noisy and slow which was true, cuz people were blocking the doors, we were dragging tables and other big props, and most didn't really know w h e n or w h e r e to put the props, and some people were just plain ass not sure what to do, super slow in moving, super slow in picking up shit they should do... or just slow in general hhh-

Then the tech... the sounds were kinda all over the place etc. 

Then like miss told us to last minute shorten the script and shizz

Then she told us to make like... the flow of the play, like the props, audios, actors needed, scene, background, etc...

She also made us provide like 3 copies for each teacher and each script is like 11 pages long so like fuck...printer gave out on me XD cuz I also had to print like 7 copies of the floe of events which is 2 papers each XD.

Rip printer

On the day of the performance,

heres the sad part, I WASNT ABLE TO WATCH THE PLAY

I was stuck in backstage

so I didn't see anything XD

all I saw was the stage when the lights were off... cuz I helped the props with the small props, luckily someone videoed to whole thing..

we used only like 6 walkie talkies to talk and stuff but I didn't get one cuz hhhh director. 

 it went pretty well but im betting on 15/20 which is kinda low tbh...

first, we exceeded the time limit by 10 minutes so that's like minus 3 already so that 17/20

then... one of our actors don't know how to adlib so they were just dead air each time she forgot her lines. Tbh, she knows her lines, she just doesn't know when to say them... idk if she didn't practice enough (which we didn't cuz she only became dead air in like the last 2 scenes 9-10 cuz we only did one practice so yah)... or it could be because of stage fright or something idk.. but people had to adlib to stall XD so yah props lets assume minus 1-2 so 16 or 15 out of 20.

but there are like other aspects cuz the grades are

Eye contact, gestures, clarity of voice, time management, I forgot the other one.. highest is 4 and lowest is 1 but there can be 0.

The play went smoothly, like the props were quicker and less noisy. The play was a success...I guess... I mean we finished. Only minor stuff was missing like... one character was supposed to play with a rubix cube but we couldn't find it so we told her to fiddle with her phone instead XD.

Then... we lost the 'green drink' which is like the reason the play started in the first place since the liquid is gonna make the person who drinks it fall in love with the first person he sees so yah... so like we had to search the entire back stage, but we cant make noise in the back since it can be hear outside, we cant also open the lights cuz that can be seen too so... oof... but then we realized it was with one of the props people OFF the back stage so oof...

then... like there was one scene where two actors (Lysander and Hermia) were on the phone, and like the actress of Hermia answered the phone but the sound effect of the phone ringing still played so it was awkward

Then... another scene where like... Oberon ordered Robin to steal peanut butter XD, we forgot to get a spoon so I had to run up to the classroom then back down with MY spoon so they could use it and I had to run for like 5 mins so it tired me out...

There was one scene where we thought an actress was missing but she wasn't so we panicked a bit since the scene was slightly delayed.... but it also went well 

Then... like.... fuck.... just a lot of things happened, but the play was still somehow a success XD. The music wasn't bad, the lighting, spotlight, background changes, props, etc.

tbh no one noticed the assistant director which pissed me off... like they had a picture with ONLY the director... the director made a bow on stage and stuff.... hmph

All in all the play was a success



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