💜Trust Exercise 💜

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Cross: Blue, put your arms together on your chest and close your eyes

Blue: Ok *does what he is told to do, and takes a deep breath*

Cross: Good now, Error. Since Blue trust you, you will catch him. We'll be performing the trust exercise.

Error and Blue: Eh?

Cross: Blue must dropped trusting in you, because you must catch him.

Error: He must believe in me that if he falls. I will catch him?

Cross: Yep!

Error: Really?

Blue: Don't worry I trust you, 😁

Error: ....

Cross: Okay! Now Blue close your eyes! Error be prepared. Blue drop!

Blue: *falls down............ he drops forward with his face hit first on the floor*


Blue: Why must you betray me! >:'(

Nightmare: Hahahah Blue, your supposed to fall on your back not in front XD *she's still laughing while she tries to help the blueberry while the two are still laughing*

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