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Here are some Saiko Nekos that I'll be willing to give away :3

Name: Bura Jaga (SOLD)

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Gay (but can be changed if wanted)

Runt or no?: No

What kind of cat is he?: Panther

Human Form-

Animal Form-

What he acts like: He's a bit of a bad boy and a rebel. Not afraid to show anyone who's boss.

Element: Shadow

Like: He's basically addicted to catnip. He enjoys swimming. Hunting. Hiding in the shadows. Being dominate. And he loves late night strolls.

Dislikes: Being woken up early in the morning. Being disturbed. Being treated as a pet. Pretty stuff. Domesticated nekos. And hunters

Weak spots: He likes scratches being his ears and belly rubs.

Wild or domesticated?: Wild


Name: Barry

Age: (your choice)

Gender: male

Sexuality: Closeted Gay

Runt or no?: Runt

What kind?: Calico

Human Form-

Animal Form-

(Like this but the size of a full grown lion)

Acts like: He basically blames the world for making him a Runt. He hates being a runt and will turn aggressive to anyone who mentions that he's a runt. He's extremely sarcastic and basically acts like an outcast.

Element: Unknown (or it's up to you)

Likes: being alone. Resting in the sun. Milk. Catnip. Hunting. Proving that he can be better than anyone. Some peace and quiet. Napping.

Dislikes: being in a huge crowd. Talking to others. Being made fun of. Being called a runt. Being called cute. Water. Loud noises. Thunder and lightning.

Weak spots: Being scratched behind the ears. Having his muscles massaged. And cuddles (though he doesn't want to admit it)

Wild or domesticated?: Wild

Others: he's afraid of thunder and lightning


And that's basically all of them for now. If your interested in adopting one of these adorable guys, you can just say which one you're willing to adopt and they're all yours! And I don't mind you using them in any of your roleplays or anything, as long as you give me some credit. Now I'm not saying that you should say that these characters belong to me (they are your character after you adopt them after all), I'm saying to mention that I'm the creator of 'Saiko Nekos.' And if you have any questions about the species or about any of these cuties, go ahead and ask. I'll be happy to answer! :3
Now with that out of the way, hurry up and adopt before it's too late!

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