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The frost was beggining to melt as the small coffee shops and other stores were starting to get their early morning customers. Lydia walked inbetween the busy people on their way to work and she shoved her cold hands further into her pockets.

She turned the corner inbetween the bakery and a small specialist tea shop and there was the library. The honeysuckle across the front of the old brick building framed the figure standing.

'Oh jesus, Namjoon is there, should i call out to him? I swear if i trip.." Lydias internal monologue was going into overdrive, and so was Namjoons.

Namjoons heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird on a sugar high, he thought that he was going to faint on the spot- mainly from Lydias beauty and the fact that she turned up. Namjoon had doubted that Lydia would turn up- a thought that increased the longer that he stood outside the library.

As Lydia arroached Namjoon, he stood up straight from leaning against the brick and greeted her. "You look beautiful" Namjoon breathed. And indeed she did. The Honeysuckle contrasted her dark hair and green eyes and the light illuminated her face as if she was glowing. Utterly breathtaking. "Thanks, you too..... i mean you look handsome not beautiful" Lydia facepalmed and cursed at herself inside her head.
Namjoon lightly laughed, dimples on full display, "you ready to go?" He said, "i dont even know where we are going yet" Lydia replied giggling whilst shaking her head. Another cute move that made Namjoon hold his breath for a second. "Ill hint about it along the way then" Namjoon said cheekily before turning to start walking away, turning only his head to gesture that Lydia should follow.

They were walking along the cobbled street, long drooping willow trees lining each side. "How do you know Mrs.Green?" Lydia asked, starting a conversation. "Shes one of my mum's best friends, they knew each other in school so they have basically grown up together. Mrs.Green is so close to my family that i call her Auntie Green" He replied. "When she wants me to do something she always says 'i changed your nappy when you were little! Its so annoying!" Lydia giggled, she wondered why Mrs.Green never mentioned him. "Mrs.Green and i grew close as i always went to the library and pestered her" Lydia laughed at the memory and as did Namjoon.

They were now walking along the river, which had cute ducklings and canal boats. "So, do you want to know where we are going?" Namjoon turned to Lydia. "Uhhhhh go on then" Lydia said waving her hand dismissively before turning to him and smiling cheekily. "Pffhht fine then you are just going to have to wait now" Namjoon faked hurt and turned his head away from her quickly with a 'humph!'

Lydia only giggled and lightly hit his arm as they continued walking along the river to wherever Namjoon was taking her.

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