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This is for you Fujing😂

Lydia was so deep in conversation with Namjoon that she couldnt remember what they had even chatted about- their speech just flowed out of their mouths comfortably and effortlessly as they strolled along the river, lost in the moment.

It was now just before lunch time, children were throwing stale bread at the ducks crowded around them and old couples sat in silence- enjoying each others company in peace and serenity. Namjoon couldnt help but feel nervous at his chosen date location.
What if she's scared of needles?
What if she doesnt like attoos?
What if she doesnt like blood?
What if Jimin started acting like a right lad?

Before he could finish thinking about all the ways that the date could go wrong, more than half of them involving Jimin, Lydia and Namjoon stood before the tattoo shop.

It was a cute tudor building over-looking the river. With an unusually large magnolia tree infront and a beautiful cursive sign hanging across the large windows. "Magnolia Ink" Lydia read outloud; not quite realising she had done so. "I saw you looking at my tattoos so i thought you might enjoy seeing the process and..." Namjoon trailed off, nervousness taking over as he was unsure of how Lydia will react. "Namjoon, I-" Lydia walked towards the door "this is amazing, i dont think anyone has ever put this much thought into a date for me before, im so flattered and shocked in all honesty." Namjoon tucked his hands into his pockets, glad at Lydias positive reaction, "in a good way?" He questioned. "Pardon?" Namjoon clarified further at Lydias confusion. "Are you flattered and shocked in a good way? If were being honest here i was scared of taking you to this place- are you scared of needles? Were you actually looking at my tattoos in disgust? All these questions meant that i had no idea how you would react..." he fiddled with his ear piercings whilst not meeting her gaze. Lydia walked towards him and gestured towards the door. "Yes in a good way, now take me inside!" She said shaking her head whilst smiling reassuringly.

When they walked into the shop the receptionist, sat behind a beautifully carved dark wooden desk, greeted Namjoon and told them both to wait for Jimin.

They sat on a pair of large leather sofas by the window, drinking tea made by the receptionist, and resting their feet on the coffee table. Namjoon stood up and walked towards the wall infront of them, Lydia followed. Lining the wall were an endless amount of pictures, pinned onto string with what Lydia could only presume to be to the templates used for the tattoos. Namjoon gestured towards a photo, it was a bright picture taken by the window- there was Namjoon, his leg being held up by someone, and a fresh tattoo wrapped in cling film on his thigh. "That was my first tattoo" Namjoon explained. "It hurt like hell but it was worth it. Me and Jimin spent hours, verging onto days, researching and finalising the image until it was just right. Not only was it my first tattoo but it was Jimins first official one since he opened up the shop. Fresh out of apprenticeship and art university he found this place, and kickstarted his career by stabbing me millions of times with ink" Namjoon shook his head, smiling all the while.

The tattoo was a beautiful dagger, shaded so carefully that Lydia could almost touch the swirls and ancient nordic patterns in its metal. On each side of the handle there were ruby red roses and on the blade it said "Until the spring days come again, until flowers blossom, stay in that place just a little bit longer" in the most delicate cursive.

Before Lydia could ask more about Namjoons tattoos a young, small, blond man came into the room and shouted "OI! JOONIE!!" Namjoons face lit up upon the arrival of his small, somtimes mochi yet sometimes intimidating friend; he had tattos from the neck down and wore a beautiful arrangement of black leather, denimn and chain. "Bryony would love him" Lydia thought as the sight of the man brought back her friends endless rants about the lack of rough bad boys around.

"Lydia, this is Jimin" Namjoon said with a wide smile on his face- showing off his cute lil dimples aswell. "Pleased to meet you" Jimin said whilst nodding his head. "Wierd, hes acting decently like i asked him too" Namjoon thought.

Jimin's tattoo station was also covered in pictures of previous works, stencils and shelves holding all colours of inks you could think of. Whilst Namjoon and Jimin got set up Lydia couldnt help but sneak in a few pictures of the machines and the inks all lined up. Little did she notice Namjoons eyes following her as she gazed at the surroundings. "Shes a real cutie" Jimin said as he focused on placing the stencil on Namjoons back. Namjoon lightly laughed at Jimins comment whilst watching Lydia line up her shot but then almost tripping. "Shes really sweet and lovely you just wanna cuddle her" Jimin continued. "Shes really not youre type is she Jiminie" Namjoon said whilst shaking his head, "dont get me wrong thats a good thing, means that theres less people i will have to fight off" he cheekily said whilst turning his head to look back at his friend.

"Hey lyd Jimin is done setting up come sit down" Namjoon called. He was sat cross-legged on one end of the bench with his shirt off so that Jimin can tattoo but also with a pillow on his lap to cover himself up, Jimin sat behind him on a chair leaning casually, he beckoned for Lydia to sit infront of him on the other end of the bench. "Ready??" Jimin said, poking his head from behind Namjoon. "Yea-" Namjoon grimaced as Jimin started before he could finish.

Poor Lydia doesnt like seeing anyone in pain, equally so, poor Namjoon was having a tough time around the shoulder blade area of the tattoo- suprising as Namjoon is very much covered in places such as the ribs which are extremely painful. "Do you want to squeeze my hand?" Lydia offered innocently, "it could help with the pain". Namjoon, as cool and composed as he seemed, was extremely flustered. "The cute thing" Jiminie muttered under his breath at his friend. Namjoon said nothing but stared at Lydias outstretched hands, Jimin sighed at his flushed friend and decided to help speed things along- by going back to tattooing the shoulder blades. Namjoon yelped in pain and grabbed Lydias hands, muttering a thank you to her whilst not meeting her eyes.

Thanks for reading, the date aint over yet dw its just i am very very tired so....🍷👀

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