Happy Birthday, Jada!

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I'm super late since my little brother's birthday was yesterday so I meant to post this. 3 years ago yesterday, Jada was created ☺🎉

Jada woke up early Monday morning. The side of her bed was empty and she didn't hear any noises downstairs.

She stretched, looking at her phone.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" was plastered on her lock screen. Notifications from a crap load of places she had memberships to wishing her a happy birthday.

"17," she says aloud, "Doesn't feel any different."

She gets out of bed, grabbing her towel. Going into the bathroom, she takes a shower, singing Wild Thoughts loudly.

After she finished she changed into a black sweater that said naps, Netflix, Nutella, black ripped jeans and black and white pumas. She put her hair in a high ponytail and put on a black and white bandanna over it. She wore a black choker, black and gold sunglasses, and dark wine red lip stick.

Looking at herself in the mirror, Jada smiled, grabbing her phone.

She wasn't surprised to see no one was downstairs or in their rooms.

"Jazmine made it so obvious that they were doing something," Jada chuckled to herself. She grabbed a granola bar, going to the couch. A knock at the door startled her.

"Happy birthday, bestie!" Jessica greets, Donte behind her.

"Thanks," Jada replies. "Happy Birthday to you too!"

"Awe, you remembered!"

"Of course!" Jada giggled. "Question: Why didn't you just use your key? You know you live here too."

"She forgot her keys," Donte answered.

"Where is everyone?" Jessica asked.

"They're not with you?" Jada asked.

"No. Donte took me to an early breakfast. I didn't hear anything about them leaving though."

"Oh okay," Jada started to feel uneasy. "What are you two about to do?"

"I'm about to take a nap," Donte says, walking down the hall to his room.

"I was actually thinking you and I go out," Jessica says. "Ya, bestie birthday time."

Jada smiled,

"Why not?"

They girls head out, Jessica getting in the drivers side. 

"Why do I have to drive?" Jada asks playfully.

"Because I drive all the time," Jessica replies with a giggles. Jada rolls her eyes, laughing.


The girls pull out the driveway, driving towards the nail salon.

"17," Jada says aloud. "I can't believe we're 17."

"I know right! One more year and we're legal."

"We're damn near legal now."

"That's true," Jessica giggles.

Jada looks back at the road, getting lost in her thoughts.

"No one was there when I woke up," She thought. "Not even a text either. Did they forget? No, they couldn't have. It's me we're talking about. Damn, I sound so conceited when I say it like that."



"What's wrong?" Jessica asks.

"Oh, sorry. I was lost in my thoughts."

"Tell me what's wrong, hunbun."

"No one was up when I woke up. Caesar would normally tell me when he leaves but he didn't."

"What if they're planning something?"

"They wouldn't not talk to me though," Jada adds. Jessica shrugs. 

They make it to the nail salon and get seated. As they were getting their nails done, Jada saw a couple getting pedicures behind them. It was the woman's husband's birthday and she was pampering him for the day.

"Happy birthday," Jessica says after the woman announces it to the nail stylist.

"Thank you," The man says. 

"It's our birthdays too," Jada adds. 

"Happy birthday," Everyone says. The girls smile, thanking them.

After getting their nails done, they walk down the plaza, getting shakes at a shop at the corner.

Jada checks her phone for what seemed like the hundredth time and Jessica huffed, snatching it.


"You need to stop," Jessica states sternly.


"No buts Jada. They'll text you. Just calm down!"

Jada sighed. Jessica was right. She was worrying too much and she needed to relax. It was her birthday. Everyone was probably busy.

The day went on and Jada had a blast with Jessica. After they got shakes, they went bowling and to laser tag. Jada nearly forgot about her brothers, sisters, and boyfriend not texting her happy birthday. 

Jessica got in the drivers seat, driving down the road. 

"Where we goin?" Jada asks.

"This last one is a surprise," Jessica says with a smile.

"You know I hate surprises," Jada's excitement died down, a scowl on her face.

"Well you'll love this one."

Jada sits in the passenger side, looking at the dark stary sky. 

"Here," Jessica hands Jada a cloth.

"You're making me wear a blindfold?"

"Yep, not put it on."


Jessica pulls the car over, glaring at Jada.

"Don't you get sassy with me, Jada Freeman."

"I'm not wearing that, Jessica Evans."

Jessica tackles Jada, the girls tussling in the car. On going drivers looked in confusion and disgust as the see the car rocking from side to side. 

5 minutes later, Jessica huffs, sitting in her seat. 

"Now *pant* was that so hard?" 

Jada says nothing, only sitting with her arms folded and the blindfold over her eyes. She didn't like not knowing what was going on. 

Jessica parks 15 minutes later and opens Jada's car door.

"I can walk on my own, ya know," Jada says. "I'm not normal, remember?"

Jessica rolls her eyes, allowing Jada to walk. She moves past the curbs and stops at a door.

"Are you gonna open the door?" Jada asks. Jessica opens it, pushing Jada in. "You lucky it's your birthday."

"Yea whatever," Jessica chuckles. They walk a few seconds before Jessica snatches the blindfold.


"Surprise!" Everyone says. In front of them was Huey, Riley, Jazmine, Cindy, Caesar, and Donte. They had a private hall decorated from top to bottom. There were streamers and a huge banner that said Happy Birthday Jay!

Jada nearly teared up as she saw everyone had spent the entire day getting food, drinks, and other things for her mini surprise party.

"You've been doing this all day?" Jada asks. They nod. 

Jada ran, hugging her brothers first.

"It was Huey and Riley's idea," Jazmine says with a smile. Jada looks at them,


"Lets jus say we makin up for yo sweet 16," Riley says with a smirk.

"In all honesty," Huey starts, "You've worked hard for a birthday party."

Jada smiled, a tear falling. 

"Thank you," she says. She hugs Cindy and Jazmine, "thanks guys."

"Where's my love?" Caesar asks. Jada runs, jumping on him. She straddles him, showering him in kisses.

"Thanks babe!"

Everyone partied, eating and drinking the foods everyone made.

Jazmine made a macaroni salad, Cindy brought chips and salsa and made guacamole, Riley made some kind of juice with vodka in it, and Huey made the ice cream cake.

"This is perfect!" Jada says, "Thank you!"

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