The Evolution of Jada

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The Freemans sat around the room, doing what they normally do. Someone opening their door, startled them all.

"What the hell?" Huey questions, everyone looks at the person smiling at them.

"Hi everyone!" The girl was the same height as Jada and had a short hair cut. The top of her hair was dyed an auburn brown. "Nice to finally meet you all!"

"Bitch who is you?!" Riley questions. The Freemans were confused why there was a girl standing in their living room.

"I'm Jae! We've talked on like 1000 different occasions."

"Wait, that girl that constantly texts us asking us questions?" Jada asks.

"Yes ma'am!"

"And why are you here?" Huey questioned.

"Well, I wanted to tell everyone the Evolution of Jada!" Jae says with a smile.

"Evolution of me?"

"Yes ma'am. How you were created and all that."

"Yo ass trynna have a whole sex ed class in here," Riley snorts.

"Not sex ed. Jada wasn't actually birthed in the Boondocks world."

"Oh, I see what she's doing," Huey says. "She's breaking the fourth wall."

"Indeed I am! Now sit! We have a lot to talk about."

Jae sits on the couch, opening a big book. The cover said The Evolution of Jada J. Freeman

She opens the book, the Freemans actually listening to what she had to say.

"It all started a couple of years ago. The Boondocks was the main thing I was into and I wanted to write my first fanfiction on it."

"A fanfiction?" Riley cocked his head in confusion. 

"It's a fan made story about either a show or movie," Jada answers.


"Excuse me," Jae snaps. "Don't interrupt. That's rude!"

"Damn, my bad," Riley smacks his lips, rolling his eyes.

"Anyways. I wanted to be different from some writers and create my own character for the Boondocks. At first, I was gonna create a boy but there was Huey and Riley and they needed a girl to balance that out. But how would I introduce her? Who would she be?"

"Our sister?" Huey asks with an eye roll.

"Actually, she didn't start out that way," Jae says, "Jada at first was your cousin."

"Cousin?" They all asked.

"Yup! My first attempt at Jada was her being your younger cousin that lived in Chicago with your aunt Cookie. Jada only lived with Cookie since her mom had other kids and her husband wasn't getting along with her. That's how she got to Cookie's house."

"So how'd I know Huey and Riley? That sounds like distance cousin to me," Jada says.

"Well, your mothers were sisters. When Holland was still alive, Jada's mom, Mindy, would always have Jada play with Huey and Riley since they were all close in age. Huey would always teach Jada different things and Riley would always play different games with her and teaching her things of his own too. However, once their mom died, they moved to Woodcrest not talking to Jada."

"Aw that's so sad," Jada says sadly.

"That does sound a bit harsh but it that was draft one. Draft two was even worse."

"Sum worse than that?" Riley asks.

"Yup. Draft two, Cookie was Jada's mom and you all used to be so close. However, when Holland died, Riley started being rude towards Jada and Huey.. Well, Huey stopped talking to everyone. Years passed and Jada, still as your cousin, visits for the summer and questions were still unanswered."

"How so?" Huey asked.

"Jada wanted to know why Riley hated her."

"Why did I hate her?" Riley asked.

"Lemme get to that. So, Jada get's cozy with everyone. She get's to know Jazmine and Cindy and Caesar. Hiro wasn't present in the story since I didn't know much about him."

"That's a relief," Jada mumbles.

"But during the course of time Jada and Riley bud heads. They both getting into physical fights with each other. Riley burns her things, Jada beats him badly. Your relationship wasn't like it was now."

"Damn," Riley sighs, "That's crazy."

"But it get's worse from their. Jada get's a call hearing that her mother was sent to the hospital due to a stroke."

Jada gasps.

"So they go to Chicago to see her since the doctor said she was very sick. Riley starts feeling bad for her and starts acting nice towards her. Jada's mom soon dies and Jada caught on to Riley's change in behavior."

"I have a bad feeling about what happened next."

"Jada finally figured out why Riley hated her.. It was because he was jealous she had a mom and she didn't. So when she was slowly losing her mother, Riley started to like her again."

"That's the worse thing anyone could ever do," Huey was honestly speechless.

"But that's not even all. Jada finds out a secret and everyone else finds out secrets about her that never came to light. For one, Jada used to get sexually harassed by Cairo since she looked a lot like the Freemans. So she get's kidnapped by the Cairo after finding out she was actually related to the Freemans but given to Cookie since Robert couldn't take them all."

All the Freeman's eyes widened.

"Really?!" They all asked.

"Yep. But I didn't wanna stick with that since it was too much to keep up with. So, I came up with the idea of just making you their sister since that's kinda where that story was going anyways."

"How did you come up with my name?" Jada asks.

"Well, back when I was younger, I loved my name a lot. I created you 3 years ago (Jada technically being 3 instead of 16) when I was 13 so I wasn't good at the names as I am now. So I didn't like Jade Freeman and Jada sounded better so I stayed with that."

"And what made you think of all this?" Huey

"It kinda came to me somehow, I don't know," Jae replies. She closes her book looking at Jada. "I honestly didn't think you'd make it as far as you did. I'm quite proud of you honestly. You're loved by so many people."

"I would hope so," Jada says with a chuckle.

"Well," Jae get's up, "Time for me to go and write another adventure about you guys."

They all watch as Jae leaves, closing the door behind her.

"So, we not gon talk about how this bitch jus came in and basically broke a whole fourth wall?" Riley questions, "That's coo."

Since Jada's birthday is Monday, why not?

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