Chapter 3: end

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It's been four years past since Buri and his son has been created, Bori has gotten married to a giantess who is the daughter of Ymir. It wasn't long until three boys were born: Odin, Vili, and Ve. Unfortunately for Bori, he melted back into water before his sons were born. Buri mourned for his sons melted remains and has to take care of his grandsons, who then grew up as young men. He watched as three of his grandsons attack Ymir, for they wanted to create a new world: Midgard. He had to hide himself in the trees as his grandsons were attacking the frost giant, because he doesn't want to take part nor being responsible for the murder of the frost giant (he sometimes blames himself for not raising his grandsons the perfect way). After the grandsons killed the frost giant, they soon return home at the cabin that Buri had built.

"Grandfather! We have killed the frost giant to create a world" announced Odin.

"That's fine, I'm glad that you created you're own world" replied Buri as he felt dejected.

"What's wrong, grandfather?" Asked Vili.

"Oh nothing, you have used the corpse of Ymir to create your own world. You don't need me anymore, now that you three can start your own family" answered Buri.

The three grandsons debated to who goes to the new world of Midgard while the other has to stay with their grandfather, until they concluded that Odin goes to Midgard to work on it while Vili and Ve stays with their grandfather. Despite the fact no matter how many years nor centuries have past, Buri and his two grandsons never seem to age (Buri looks exactly the same since the day he was created from ice, even when he cuts his beard off) while Odin started to grow a beard and his hair started to turn white despite never aging.

One day

Loki, the trickster god, came to the freezing land to visit Buri and enlist him in ragnarok. However, he is greeted with Audumbla mooing the moment that he came to the cabin. He ignored her and knocked on the door, in which Buri answered the door.

"Who are you?" Asked Buri.

"My name is Loki, the trickster!" Loki introduced himself.

Buri can sense a sinister aura emanating from the trickster, as if he was going to trick him.

"What is it you want?" He asked as he felt suspicious.

"Only for you and your grandsons to join my army in conquering Asgard" Loki answered.

"And what will happen if I said no?" He asked.

Loki grabbed the wolf pelt that Buri was wearing and yanked it off, thus leaving the first god naked again. He then runs away while Buri runs after him, only to trip over the snow covered rock. When Buri caught up to him, he was very angry for that little prank. Loki flipped himself over and saw the first god standing before him with arms crossed.

"I believe you have something of mine in your hand?" Said Buri in a sarcastic tone.

"I'll give you your pelt back, if you would agree to join me!" Said Loki with a grin.

Without a word, Buri kicked Loki in the groin very hard with his bare foot despite the trickster wearing armor. The trickster actually felt the pain as Buri kicked him in the groin repeatedly, until he let go of the wolf pelt. Buri stopped kicking him, picked up his wolf pelt, and wrapped it around his waist before tying it's legs to keep it from falling off.

"This is what happens when you steal stuff from me, the progenitor of the pantheon!" Warned Buri before leaving Loki reeling in pain from being kicked in the groin.

After that, he returned back home with his two grandsons. He always wanted to be with his grandsons and the magic cow who created him from ice, even though he misses his other grandson named Odin. Even after the end of the world, he is with his grandsons and Audumbla (even though he is planning on creating a new pantheon to replace the old).

The end

Authors note: sorry if it's rushed, but this is the end for this book. I hope you enjoy this book due to it being my interpretation on Buri and his grandsons who don't exactly have any role other than being responsible for creating the world of Midgard.

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