-Chapter Three-

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My gorgeous cinnamon roll! *picture isn't mine* Enjoy!

"Here entering in the ring is Yuri Plisetsky. He's been on many competitions ever since he took gold in the Grand Prix tournament ten years ago, beating King JJ and Yuri Katsuki who has been retired since then to take care of his family." The hosts says, the adrenaline already reaching Yurio's veins before his skates touched the ice. 

He swallows and looks back at Otabek who is sitting in the front line, giving him thumbs up and when nobody was looking, flashing him a kiss. Yurio blushed as he stepped into the ring, the people of Russia gleaming and cheering for him. He missed having Yuri and Viktor somewhere behind the railing, embarrassing with their adorable parent ship behavior, but at the same time it was a way to get rid of the nerves Yurio didn't even know he held.

"He is dancing, in honor of his grandfather, to a piano piece he composed himself as a child." The hosts explains and when the music starts blaring, so does Yurio. He remembers that as a child, the piano was apparently his future. He would compose little songs and show them to his grandfather, singing sweetly to them even though he couldn't sing. He moved his arms up with the beat of the music and threw his feelings to the crowd.

Yurio wanted them to know how heart-broken he felt in losing his grandfather. He wanted people at home to cherish the families they were surrounded with, one day they would look back and realize they were never there. He jumps and lands his triple quad, sending the crowd the ability to cheer and cry in the meanwhile. 

Tears jumped into the surface of Yurio's eyes as he passed the half of the ring. His grandfather would always watch him back home and would celebrate with a bunch of treats Yurio loved. Now that he lived with Otabek, having no other place to go, it was different. It was always a little celebration with some people he held dearly, but it wasn't celebrating with his grandfather.   

He jumps and creates a quadruple quad, tears falling from his cheeks as he landed and the crowd cheers after him. His blond hair flies away with the wind of the speed his in, passing through the ring like he was walking and the skates blended into his feet. He sighs and jumps again, landing his quad again. The people no longer cheer, they're crying alongside with Yurio and the piano piece leaking from the speakers.

If God wanted you back, grandfather, Yurio begins to think steady and happy, just like his routine was shifting to. I wanted you to know that you were the perfect guardian angel I could've asked for.   

He lands another quadruple quad and some cheers escape people's lips, but something stirs inside of Yurio. His grandfather might've been the only person, besides Viktor, Yuri and Otabek that believed in him and now he was gone. Viktor and Yuri were too worried in creating their perfect, piggy family they didn't care if he was fine or not. They didn't even bother to call. Suddenly his movements instead of being graceful and angelic-pure-they turned into dark and vengeful-

which never looked sweeter.

Yurio jumps a triple quad and he sees how the audience stirs with confusion. They all know something is changing inside of his thoughts. Yurio never understood why people were so affected with a person's passing, but now that it happened to him he understands. He understands why some people wouldn't even want to live without that person. The hard part of a passing, is not letting go, is learning how to. 

He jumps another quad and lands it, but nobody cheers this time. Even if the music still plays the sweet melody, nothing about the routine is sweet anymore. Yurio walked with a pistol and killed that joy and glee. He lands another quad and he feels tenths of thousands of unblinking eyes on him. 

"Yurio!" A voice says, snapping him out of reality.

Yurio doesn't land the next quad, in fact, he's on the ground and can't get back up. He's clutching his injured ankle hard enough he howls in pain. People rise to their feet and start whispering, muttering to each other of what happened to the unbeatable skater that has been creating a dynasty ever since he won gold, ever since his dream became true. 

The noise around Yurio is mute. He can't hear and doesn't want to hear anything. The people rushing towards him, urging an ambulance as black spots start dancing around him are nothing but blobs. Everything is blurry and suddenly breathing is hard like thinking about anything other than his grandfather is. His heart starts pounding hard enough the ice is marking it's beat, it's even red.

No, that's not his heartbeat.

That's actual blood.

"Yuri, Yuri!" A voice continues to speak but nothing matters anymore. Everything starts going either black or white or sometimes a combination of both. People start crying in agony and sadness like seeing him hurt psychically hurts them too. Yurio sees a light in front of him, perhaps one of the thousands of the stadium and extends hims hand. He jerks it back in surprise to see it damp with blood. Now he understands why everybody is in panic, why isn't he in panic?

He's injured.

He's terribly injured.

"Someone call an ambulance!" Another voice yells, different from the last one. He sees the silhouette of a woman in front of him, checking for his pulse and demanding for more blood. She brushes a lock of his golden hair away from his forehead and whispers at him, a low and quiet whisper that manages to reach his brain at difference from all the thousands screams. "Don't worry. It'll be fine. I'm making sure you're not joining your grandfather soon. You have a family here too, okay? Fight, Yurio-fight like you do in the ice."


What does that even mean?  

Suddenly, he's blinded as they haul him back, thousands of hands on him and he's been strolled away. He hears people crying for him and everything in the stadium turning to chaos as two doors close behind him and everything goes quiet.


His hands are shaking, his heart his pumping with too much blood he's going to use anyway. He was so stupid, he let his feelings blind him and destroy the perfect routine that was ahead of him. Yurio managed to blink a few times, but everything around him was like entering a deep, endless cave without a flashlight. 

A sob escapes his lips as his fingers twitch, everything other than that is paralyzed. He's alone. For the very first time in his life he's alone and he thinks that nobody is coming to rescue him. An engine roars enough to startle to Yurio and make his eyes fall shut.

He doesn't open them after that.  

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