-Chapter Two-

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*picture isn't mine* Enjoy! Look at the way they look at each other 0-0

"Anna, go to bed." I say trying to put her into the bed and if possible, chain her to it. "Why can't you go to bed?"

"Phichit's coming!" She argues like it's her most reasonable point and there's nothing else. "I want to meet my Uncle-"

"Phichit's staying for a month." I say to her matter-of-fact as I pin her down to the bed, Viktor coming to check on us. "Tomorrow you'll spend a whole day with Phichit but he won't be able to see you if you're sleeping because you're too tried."

Anna nods and finally goes to her bed, pulling her sheets up to her chin. "Good night, daddy's."

I smile at that and press my lips to her forehead. I move over to the bed stand and turn off her lamp and walk over to the door which Viktor is holding. He closes it gently and we move to the sofa, watching Yurio's last competition. He's been in touch more with Viktor than me, mostly because he still calls me pig and he misses Viktor more than me. 

"She's  hard one isn't she?" Viktor asks as I sigh and plop down next to him, lowering the volume from the people's cheers. I nod and Viktor wraps one of his arms around me and pulls me closer, enough so I can smell him. Viktor is always so clean he smells like beauty-if that makes sense. I nuzzle into his chest and watch as he clicks the channel to see a personal interview with Yurio. 

He's grown too much. Yurio and Otabek a couple of weeks ago revealed that they are in fact, dating. Anna couldn't understand the happiness that spread through me and Viktor when we found out we made a party, just the two of us and embarrassing Yurio through face-time. They're adorable together, I've seen them hold hands plenty of times and it always makes both Viktor and I swoon.

"Are we really leaving?" I ask Viktor and realize he's already holding a bottle of champagne. "Viktor, we should really think if leaving Anna here is the best choice."

"We trust Minako, don't we? She said it was fine. Imagine of Minako like a baby sitter, we leave Anna with her and leave with Phichit. she said her husband would be fine with the twins." Viktor says, landing his hard gaze on me. I can never say no to Viktor, something about him, the way his voice is so stern and loving hijacks my brain. I find myself nodding and I find myself leaning onto him, our lips brushing and we break apart in a jolt as Phichit kicks the door with such force, it's at nothing to break.

We run towards the door and Viktor opens it slightly as Phichit falls to the floor, but looks up and takes a picture of us. I roll my eyes and wrap him in a bear hug. At first he reacts in surprise, but wraps his arms around me back and squeezes like I'm slipping away and I'm lost and he needs to find me again. "I missed you and your blinding flashes." I say, tears on the surface of my eyes as I give his phone a sideways look.

"Yeah, well I missed your gay interactions." Phichit says nodding towards Viktor as he serves himself some wine. "Serve me later some, Nikiforov! What did you do with the little rascal?"

"She's asleep," I answer to him as Phichit lands on the sofa and looks at the TV. "Has Yurio talked to you?"

He shakes his head. "Last time I did he said he would break my phone if I continued sending him selfies of me." Phichit looks down at his phone with pride. "Anyways, he's up for a big competition, right? Yurio needs practice and tranquility while skating, that's what Otabek told me and they're all excited to see if you two show up."

I give a sideways glance at Viktor. He's listening to us now. "What do you mean by that?"

"You first announce your marriage which caused pandemonium." Phichit says, rising his index finger to start counting. "Then, you announce Anna is actually your adopted daughter and you said both of you would retire until Anna was old enough to live on her own to finally return. You'd be like fifty years old. You could barely walk!"

"Fifty years old can walk," I snap at him but Phichit continues.

"That's not the point. People need to see you back again! If not for them, for Anna. I'd be sweet to have two professional skaters as fathers. The competitions needs another spark and the couple of the year can bring it back!" Phichit says, his eyes gleaming with hope.

"As much as I'd like to be back on the ice," I say, my voice quivering. "And I really, really miss it, Anna is our source of life now. Viktor just took a couple of months off to stay at home and help me with Anna as much as possible."

"I'm talking about you, Yuri." Phichit says, then looks quickly at Viktor. "Though I wouldn't mind if you come back. You only made one competition. You have so much potential its ridiculous you retired. In fact, look what I brought." 

Viktor joins me and Phichit on the sofa as he pulls out a disc. We start at him, perplexed, but Phichit moves on to the TV and takes away the image in the screen of Yurio talking about things back at Russia with Otabek and the reaction of his grandfather who had passed away recently. As much as we wanted to be there for him, Yurio refused any type of contact so we just assumed he wanted to be alone with Otabek. 

The screen goes blank for a while as Phichit inserts the disc and sits back down next to us. He has that same cocky and mysterious, in some ways handsome, he always puts when he's about to make something...trouble-like. I arch one of my eyebrows at him, but his eyes remain to be glued on the screen as the symbol of the Grand Prix tournament flashes before us.

This time it's Viktor's time to explode in curiosity. "What is this, Phichit?"

"A couple of memories to lift your spirits up." He replies and we both watch as I enter the ring.

I sigh and immediately blush as I sing to my first song, moving in the rhythm of my music as my arms seems to create musical notes. It's like the music and I, in that moment, are one. I land some of my quads but fail others. I watch how a familiar smile forms in Viktor's lips and even if Phichit doesn't notice, our hands slowly move together until we have our fingers interlaced. I sigh in relief as I glue my eyes on the screen.

"Remember those times?" Phichit says and looks sideways at me.

I nod.

We spend the night grabbing a couple of shots and eat popcorn criticizing ourselves of joke when we would enter the ring and we would swear at the TV when JJ appeared who is married and has four kids now. Four? I don't understand how so many people have like fifteen kids, I can barely work with one and she's not truly mine.

In the end, we all snuggle against each other, watching the last of Viktor's presentations in ice as each of our eyes falter shut in different times, but none of us make noise to wake the other up until a familiar and smiling blue-eyed face wakes us up with screams. 

 Can you hear fangirls scream,tired of feeling always dying,i close my laptop and throw it across the room,there be no more darkness when you believe in your ship you are unstoppable,where your eyes lie,jumping on your bed you set your heart to death,don't stop us now the moment of kiss,we were born to ship victuuri,we ill make it happen,we will make it cannon we were born to ship victuuri! (Found this on YouTube, not mine) 

This is so relatable-I can't. IS SEASON TWO COMING OUT NOW? CAN I STOP WAITING NOW? If this is too slow and cringy, don't worry it'll get better I promise. I already have a plan of how the fanfic is going to turn out and all I'm telling you is...prepare those bucket of tears. I already have it next to me and I'm the writer. I sometimes cry write. Am I the only one? Yes? No? I'll bloody leave now.


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