Chapter 10 - An Unexpected Encounter..

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Hunter watched as Steve froze.

"What? Who is that?" He asked slightly concerned.

"Uhm.. I-I'm not sure actually.." Steve replied in confusion while turning around to face the door.

"Let me check.."

Hunter remained on the couch where he had a clear view of the door and the person outside of it.


He waited as Steve walked up to it and asked who it was, then decided against staying on the couch, so he got up as well.

He walked over to Steve and stood slightly behind him.


Hunter noticed that whoever answered made Steve sweat and sigh in hesitation.

"Who is it..?" he asked, making the man jump.

"Sorry.. Didn't mean to scare you.." Hunter smirked.

"Y-you didn't." Steve muttered back then motioned for him to be quiet.

"Nya Nya Nya Nya!" Hunter cried out then cackled.

Steve looked at him with wide eyes and an irritated facial expression.

"Where's the kitchen?" Hunter asked, ignoring the man's look.

Steve looked at Hunter for a moment then sighed in irritation, Hunter simply mocked him and gestured with an expectant look on his face.

Steve hesitated for a moment then groaned gesturing towards the hallway and then Hunter turned and left.


As he wandered through the hallway, Hunter couldn't help but think about the things that the woman had said to him.

As well as the voices' weight, painful burden and toxic whispers..

It was all just piled inside him.


His insides almost reminded him of a coke bottle that had been shaken too many times.

The bottle is bubbling but calm..

Hunter wandered aimlessly through the hallway for a few moments trying to find the kitchen.

The bottle wobbles and the bubbles rise..

Hunter felt his emotions rise slightly and whimpered.. The after effect of the voice was still in his system. But he huffed and ignored it since it wasn't that bad yet.


This is gonna bite me in the ass later.. I already know it.. I can't expect the poison to affect me yet.. 

But it'll kill me later, not now.. So.. Whatever..

The bottle shakes a little bit, and the bubbles rise higher.

Hunter began feeling light headed and leant on the wall for support as his breaths got weaker.

"Ugh.. Screw this shit.." He groaned as his head began spinning slightly.

The bottle begins to shake slightly but continuously.

Hunter groaned as he felt the familiar feeling of bile building up.

The bottle begins to shake slightly harder the bubbles rose

Pushing himself off the wall he stumbled forward, He had to get to the kitchen. He needed water.

The bottle begins to shake a little bit harder than before the bubbles rise slowly.

As he stumbled through the lengthy hallway, he accidentally knocked into a vase.

In his attempt to keep it from falling he tripped and fell into a room.

The bottle began to shake harder and harder, The bubbles are rising higher, faster

Immediately Hunter felt bile rushing up his throat, so he scrambled clumsily back into a standing position and staggered out of the room.

The bottle begins to shake harder and faster than before the bubbles are almost at the top..

His head was spinning and his vision went blurry, as he stumbled he covered his mouth.

Then suddenly he lurched into a wide room with cool tiles at his feet.


The kitchen!


I think.. Or at least I fucking hope.

He looks around frantically for the sink, but its too dark and his vision was far too blurry.

The bottle shakes a final time, and the bubbles hit the lid. The pressure begins to build.

He was desperate now. He could feel the taste of bile in the back of his throat.

With that same desperation he groped around the wall, using his free hand to try to find the light switch.

After around thirty seconds of fumbling around the wall he finally found the switch. 

The moment the light turned on Hunter expected to go blind.


He didn't.

The pressure gets stronger and stronger.

Blinking wildly to rid his eyes of their blurriness, he glanced around for the sink.

The bottle explodes.

Hunter locks eyes with the sink just as the bile hits his teeth. He barely got to it by the time he was throwing up into the basin.


Since he'd had almost nothing but fluid drips to sustain him throughout his hospital time, there really wasn't much to throw up.

The bottle is empty and the lid is closed.

He slowly stopped dry heaving and leant over the sink, beads of sweat trailing down his face and arms.

He could still taste the bile on his tongue so he used his now weak arms to open the tap and pour himself a glass of water.

But before he touched it to his face he made sure to clean the sink thoroughly with detergent and then with hand wash just for good measure.

Then he washed his mouth and face.. Also with hand wash.


He wasn't so stupid that he would use detergent on his face.


Since he didn't want to contaminate Steve's glassware, he lifted it away from his face and attempted to pour it into his mouth.

It worked-! ..Sort of..

After a mouthful the water was no longer staying in his mouth. Soon it was going down his chin, traveling under the hospital cloth and down to his...




Oh. For the love of all things holy. YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!

The moment he realized he was butt naked, Hunter completely forgot about water. His dignity was at stake here.


Suddenly Hunter heard a series of voices, around 5 different ones, and only one belonged to Steve.

..Meaning that four other people were about to see him naked..


Hunter looked around for something that he could cover himself with, but found nothing.

Then he remembered the room he had fallen into, from the glance that he had given it, it had appeared to be a bedroom..


He wasn't even 10% sure.. But it was a risk he was willing to take.

He quickly used the hospital gown as a towel to cover his most prized asset then snuck back into the hallway.


Hunter was just outside the room when the voices gradually started getting louder. 

Without thinking twice he rushed into the room, and gently shut the door behind him.

He leant back onto the door allowing his heart to stop racing, then he slowly looked around, assessing his surroundings.


The color was the first thing Hunter noticed.. The entire room was covered in different shades of green.

Huh.. What the heck! This is kinda funny.. Seems like a child's bedroom. But it definitely gives of male vibes so that's a definite fucking bonus.

Hunter waited and listened for a moment, then when he heard nothing coming from the other side of the door he continued into the room.

After looking around for a moment he realized that it was Steve's room that he was in. He would never have guessed was it not for the light box.. That said 'This Room Is Steve!'

...Eh?... Pfft- AHAHA!!

Hunter laughed out loud inside his head. He attempted to keep it there but a snort escaped his mouth despite his effort.

Who'd have thought!?

A series of sudden footsteps smacked Hunters heart right into his throat.

He froze at his spot in front of the desk when they slowly stopped in front of the door.

The same door that happened to be the only form of barrier between himself and the person outside.

Just keep walking.. Keep on walking.. Nothing to see here..! Please continue on your way, kind soul! Please.. This idiots dignity is on the line..

"Hey Ly! Come here!" a voice called out from somewhere on the other side of the door.

"Ah! C-Coming!" This time the voice belonged to the person that was standing directly behind the door.

Hunter heard a series of receding footsteps and took a deep breath of relief.


Alright. No more wasting time Hunter! No more wasting time!..

To make sure he wasn't going to be distracted again, Hunter kept his eyes glued to the floor. But after knocking into a coat hanger, he decided that maybe that wasn't the best idea..

Sighing, he just decided to eat his curiosity and shit it out. He could control himself!

Using his manipulation on himself proved harder than he'd expected. But after a little bit of convincing, the room no longer had any appeal towards him.

It was just a room.


Now he was getting cold, and the water that had fallen on him earlier wasn't helping either.

Looking around he checked off the places in the room that could most likely hold clothes.

He really really didn't want to snoop.. 

So he hoped that the first place that he had in mind, would be the one.


It was. 



Yeah right! Like you're that lucky in the first place dipshit.

The drawer he'd just opened was only filled with what looked like important documents. So he closed it and looked in the other two.

..No luck..

Then he moved to the slidy-mirror-cupboard thing. Or at least that's what it looked like..

Then he opened it, only expecting to find more files, books and other, oh so sophisticated and, oh so important documents.

So when he saw actual clothes, he grinned. 


Quickly Hunter grabbed the first pair of sweatpants he saw and chucked them on. 


The moment they were on, a sudden sense of ease floated through him.

He hadn't even realized how anxious he had been until the feeling had melted away.


With a small sigh of relief he began walking towards the door, but a sudden burning in his eyes stopped him mid-step.


Stumbling forward he fell onto his knees holding his face and growling. 

The pain was so bad he couldn't even blink! Let alone lift his face and there were fat tears rolling down his cheeks.

"A..Ah-!" He groaned as his eyes blazed..

Then, just as abruptly the pain had started, it finished.


"A-Ah..! Ugh!! What the fuck was that!?!" he hissed at himself quietly.

Shaking his head he moved to get up, but another pain stopped him. 

This time it was his head that was burning.

"AGH-" Hunter bit his tongue to prevent himself from crying out again. Then he scrunched his eyes shut as he grabbed his head.


It was almost as if each individual strand of hair was slowly lighting up and burning, starting from the root, ending at the tip.

Hunter touched his forehead onto the floor as the burn intensified.

"Hnk!" another sound escaped his clenched teeth, as fresh tears spilled onto the tiles from his still shut eyes.

After a moment the pain died down, leaving Hunter as a panting mess surrounded by a concerningly large pool of tears.

"Ughhh.." he groaned as he flopped onto his back, the tiles cooling his feverishly hot body.

After he was back to a normal temperature and had stopped trembling, he got up and used his hospital gown to mop up his tears.

Then he looked around for a place to dispose of it. He was about to leave it when he noticed another door.


He walked towards it and opened it, revealing a green and white bathroom.

More green?!

But it wasn't funny or weird anymore. 


That was just a room, and this was just a bathroom. Nothing special.


Hunter walked in, he could use a little bit of touching up on his hair.. 

Suddenly Hunters blood ran cold.

M-My hair dye.. Th-the eye contacts... He thought frantically

N-no..! No NO NO..!!

Hunters mind was spinning as he moved to look into the mirror at his reflection, expecting the worst case scenario.

But when he saw his contacts in place and his hair dye untouched, a gasp escaped his throat.

He touched his hair just to make sure he wasn't delusional and blinked his eyes far more times then necessary.


It was true.. He was in the clear..

But how?.. This shit would never stay on for more than six hours.. Never!

So how..?

Suddenly a thought came to him. He remembered the burning pain he'd just felt, it'd been in both his eyes, and his hair..

The idea was sketchy, but for some reason, he felt a strange conviction, that it was true.

Hunter suddenly realized that his breath smelt like vomit. Gagging he proceeded to create a mouthwash out of paste, considering there was no actual mouth wash.

He did this multiple times while thinking about his eyes and hair, as well as his own theory.

That burn I felt.. It had to be my hair and eyes getting covered..!.. Or at least I think so..?


He didn't think about it for too long..

He was already behind on all of his jobs.. As well as school, so he needed to get home as soon as possible.

His mind made up, he closed the door of the bathroom behind him and walked to the door of the room.

He opened the door and checked both sides to make sure nobody was there, then walked into the hallway.


Just as he finished closing the door, the sound of racing footsteps made him turn around in surprise.

Only to see a stream of chocolaty brown hair slam into him, knocking the air right out of his lungs.


Oh for fucks sake! I only just healed!!

The two landed with a heavy thud into the hallway.

Surprisingly the impact had no effect on Hunter. It didn't hurt at all, which was saying something, since he'd just had multiple of his ribs broken.


Hunter realized that he had hair in his mouth, so using his free hand- since the other one was trapped underneath someone- to move it out and off his face.

When he did, he came face to face with a girl.

"Hey." he drawled casually, as if it was totally normal to have a random girl sitting on your stomach with her hands on either side of your head.

Yep. Totally normal.

Hunter pulled his hand out from under her ass, and shook it to get it's feeling back.

He then grabbed her arms gently as her face began to heat up.

Aw, she's shocked..

Now that he had a grip on her hands he lifted himself into a sitting position, making sure he did it slowly because otherwise she'd fall.

As he slowly got up she slid down and landed on his crotch, He flinched but otherwise kept his face straight.

He then moved her arms down onto her lap, placing his own hands on top.


He watched as the girl remained still, with her wide eyes trained at his abs, and smirked.

Let's have a little fun..

"How's the view?" he asked in a husky voice.


The girl gasped and looked away, trying to get off him. Forgetting the fact that he was actually holding her hands.

Hunter watched as her face colored, And the way her face turned pink and her cheeks filled up with air, pulled a light laugh out of him.

She paused and glanced at him through her lashes. 

Immediately Hunter noticed the wetness in them. She was actually upset.

Ah.. Shit! It wasn't supposed to make her fucking cry... far out..

"Hey.. I was joking don't worry, I'm not a fuckboy or anything.." he paused and grinned.

"I don't do all that 'oh..! I'm so sexy..! Oh..! look at me..!' shit.. And I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings kitty.." he finished softly in her ear.

Then he let go of her hands and moved her off of him, lifting her up like she weighed nothing and placing her beside him. 

After a moment he pat her on the leg and got up.

But he wasn't a fucking jerk, so he extended his hand to help her up as well.

"My name's Hunter.. And sorry but I have to go. So yeah.. And I don't believe that I'm going to see you ever again, so yeah! Hejdå" He then turned around and began walking away.

After about three steps in total, he got stopped by the same girl standing directly in front of him, blocking his way.

"Uh..? Yeah? What do you want?" he asked in confusion. He didn't want to read her, so he closed his eyes and counted to 10 backwards.

"Earth to Hunter?" a lilting voice called out to him.

"Ah! Shit yeah?" He replied snapping out of his mental battle. "Were you saying something kitty?" he asked.

"I-I no I didn't.. It's just th-that you were um- Y-You were spacing out!" she was practically stumbling all over her words. 

And her hands were flying everywhere.


He tried to ignore the movement but couldn't.


In the end her hand gestures got far too annoying, so Hunter grabbed her hands and placed them by her sides.

"Okay.. Okay.. I get it.. Sorry." he smirked as he realized straight away what was making her lose her composure. "So what'd you wanna say Kitty..?"

He purposely emphasized on the pet name that he'd given her, and immediately clocked her reaction.. Her blush was almost alive..

"Pfft.. You're cute.. But I still have to go Kitty, So.. Can you move?" he asked leaning forwards in a way that came off as 'don't test me'.

But the girl had guts, she stood her ground by crossing her arms- albeit awkwardly- and cleared her throat.

Hunter stood back to observe her as she struggled to keep her eyes off his shirtless body. 

He then cleared his own throat and motioned with his head for her to talk.

She blushed and cleared her throat again this time locking eyes with him.

"R-Right. So f-first of all, I have a name.. And it's d-definitely not k-k-kitty..!" she huffed and looked away, obviously embarrassed by the fact that she can't keep her composure.

Hunter rolled his eyes playfully letting out a puff of air. 

He watched as she took a deep breath to steady herself and continued, "My name is Lykke.. A-And I'm 15..!"

Hunter laughed as she got flustered accidentally blurting out her age.

"Okay.. Well that makes you.." he pretends to calculate "two years younger then me!" he smiled happily.

"Ah!? You're only 17!? How are you so tall! And so good looking!?" The moment she finished talking she slapped a hand over her mouth, groaning from embarrassment.

Hunter laughed again.

"Look, thanks for the compliment and all kitty, but I still have to go. So.. Move.." He walked forward, prepared to walk past her when she suddenly stretched her arms out.

Oh for fucks dearest sake I'm gonna jump over this cute little idiot soon.

She obviously wasn't expecting to bump into his chest so when she did she let out a surprised squeak.

Annoyed, he bent forward enough to get to the same height level.

"Move." he growled into her ear.

He smirked as shivers raced through her body.

"W-Wait.. Why are you in m-my house?" she questioned trying to sound threatening but only coming off as stupid because of her stuttering.

Dear god help this kid.. 


Never mind.. It's actually beyond help now..

"Steve brought me here." he said in a bored fashion, "Anything else?"

"U-Uh how.. How c-come?" She stammered.

Okay so now she's just trying to keep talking to me.. That's cute and all, but no. I don't have time..

"Look, literally just about an hour ago Steve brought me here from the hospital cause of some problems. Then you guys decided to rock up." He sighed in irritation.

"And now, I'm tryna leave." He finishes with a flourish of his hands.

"O-Oh well okay.." then she stopped and a look of horror crossed over her face.

"W-Wait, you mean you just got out of hospital!? And then you- I- We- I- Crap! I fell on you! Are you okay!?" she squeals as she rushes towards him.

It was as if she only just noticed the bandages wrapped around his torso.

Hunter stepped back in alarm as she barreled towards him, "Wait wai-!" he didn't get to finish as she pressed her hands hard against his injured ribs.

He let out a moan from the pain the pressure caused, and grabbed her hands with a dangerous amount of strength.

Unintentionally he squeezed them as the pain bloomed across the entire top half of his body.

Hunter began panting as his body began heating up. Then when the pain somewhat subsided, he glared into her startled eyes, dropping her hands.

"¿Satisfecho ahora, perra estúpida..? Todo lo que quería hacer era salir de aquí, pero tú tenías un puto problema con eso, así que no me dejaste.." he growled walking forward.

"Bueno, ahora me importa una mierda. Así que ... me voy." Then he knocked past Lykke's shoulder and stalked back out of the hallway into the lounge.

"I-I'm sorry I didn't understand what you were saying..? B-But you sounded upset.." she squeaked matching his pace.

"Yeah, well no shit! I'm fucking pissed right now! I mean how do you expect me to react when you literally just pressed on my fucking ribs!?" He snapped at her.

"I-I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean to hurt you I swear.. Please don't be mad at me.." she cried as she trailed behind him.

Oh god.. She isn't being serious right now is she?

"Okay look kitty, I'm not that mad anymore. So relax.." He sighed.

"W-what did you say to me while you were talking to me in that language..?" she muttered.

"Uh.. Nothing you need to worry about.. Just telling you exactly how pissed I was about you not letting me go, and then hurting me instead.." he said coolly.

"Oh.." she said forlornly

He simply hummed in agreement.

Then he glanced at her and smirked "Your face is going bright red.."

He grinned as she covered her cheeks with a small groan.

"Anyways.. Look it was nice meeting you, and I'd like you to thank Steve for helping me. Now I should go.." He made his way towards the door when Lykke suddenly cleared her throat.

He turns around and cocks his brow, one hand in his pocket and the other reaching towards the door handle.

"Why aren't you saying it yourself?" She asks pointedly.

Hunter just rolled his eyes, prepared to ignore her and leave anyways, when suddenly another voice calls out from behind him..

"Yeah Hunter.. Don't you want your phone?" Steve's familiar voice called out.

"Oh.. Yeah..! Yeah gimme it!" He turned around all excited to grab his best friend and leave.

"Love the sweats.." Steve drawls sarcastically, then he grinned and gave Hunter the phone.

"Yeah well it would have been quite a problem if I'd bumped into kitt- Lykke without them.. Am I right?" Hunter said matter-of-factly.

He laughed at Steve's horrified expression.

"I'm kidding chill.. Ah anyways. I really have to go now, so thank you so much for helping me." He then turned the handle and stepped out onto the porch.

"Yeah right. Like I'd let you just leave like that! Over my dead body boy." Steve muttered from behind him.

"I could fix that problem" Hunter replied with a weird glint in his eyes.. It was almost like he'd actually meant that.

The fuck!?

Luckily for Hunter, Steve took it as a joke.

"Anyways. So, let's go! Into the car you two" Steve whistled happily as he got into the grey Ford Bronto and started it up.

"Oh. yeah.. So we may have a small small teeny tiny itty bitty little uh problem" Hunter mumbled as he sat in shotgun.

"And what might that small tiny teeny itty bitty problem be exactly?" Steve asked cautiously.

A loud bang cut Hunter off and he turned around, surprised.

"Um.. Sorry.." Lykke mumbled as she sat down.

Hunter turned around slowly to face Steve. Then locked eyes with him.


"I may, or may not.. know my address.."

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