Chapter 9 - Tears that Pour from his Heart.

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Hunter's mind was still under the crushing grip when it suddenly went numb.. 

He gasped and took in a series of static breaths..

Wh..wha..what..? H..h..appen..ed..?

Hunter didn't wait to give it much thought.. 

He didn't want to think about it for too long..'s s..some cru..cruel ass iro..irony rig..right th..ere..

Hunter groaned as his body throbbed with after surgery pains.. But he let out a small sigh of relief despite the situation.


This pain was nothing compared to the torture he had been enduring for god knows how long.

Time became nonexistent when the voice was in control.


Hunter took in his first deep breath for a while.. He relished the feeling of clarity in his lungs, but only for a moment.

Somewhere or sometime during his half dead sate of torture, he remembered the nurse or doctor talking to him..

It was foggy, but Hunter was pretty sure that a man had been talking to him.

Something along the lines of "Your mom is coming" or something like that..

'' huh..? that w..what your g..goin..going as st..still..?

He growls as he realizes that he heard this almost 20 minutes ago more or less..

It could even have been an hour for all he knew.. sh..she shou..should be here a..any min..minute now!?

Upon realizing this he used his new found-- albeit weak-- energy to shakily prop himself up against the bed frame.

And just in time too.. 


Although it was hazy from his mental torment, he could still use his hearing to at least 20%.. Meaning he could pick up footsteps from up to 5 to 10 meters away..

But it wouldn't work if he was holding back strong emotions or something.. 


He strained his ear but picked up the sound of at least six individual feet.. Meaning three people.. Unless someone had more then two feet. 


Which was not entirely impossible


Hunter could guess that something was wrong when one of the three pairs of feet began to speed walk.. 

It's h..him.. 


St..Stove...? or Ste..Steve..?

By the urgency in the man's step, it was painfully obvious that he had seen or that he knew something about Hunter that he most definitely shouldn't..

I..I ha..hate every fu..fucking pers..p..person here..! E..Espe..especially H..HIM.. 

Suddenly Hunter felt the weight of despair only possible when the voice was near.. Begin to resurface..





The voice was crawling back.. And the pain in his head was a clear indicator.. 

But it was coming in so slowly.. 

The pain that blossomed as it dragged itself through.. Made Hunter wish it would just hurry the fuck up and get it over with..

Suddenly the door handle turned.


The sudden and jarring reappearance of the voices evil presence pulled Hunters hearing down to 5% so he wouldn't hear footsteps unless he focused..

And focus was impossible when the voice was present.


The moment the door opened, Hunter forced his lungs to take in oxygen rather then clouds of toxic despair..

He literally needed to force his lungs to expand.

The voice was not only crushing his mind, the voices impending doom was crushing his lungs as well..


After loosening his lungs with short quick breaths he finally managed to drag in a large enough breath to string together two very necessary and truthful sentences..

At that point the voice had bleed into his soul a little bit more.. The pain caused by the slow spread of the evil wrung rivers of tears out of his stinging eyes..  

Then the moment the door opened he groaned and began to speak through the rivers of tears flooding out of his eyes.. Rendering him almost blind.

"L..Let... g..g...go... h..ho..h..ho..m..home..! O..oth...other...w..ise... I..I'll my...s..self..." All his pain, frustration and anger poured into the single sentence.. 

Just being able to keep his eyes open was a thing worth questioning, let alone dragging out a word from his constricting throat..

So for Hunter at the moment.. Being able to string a sentence with more then two words in it, was a miracle..


Because of the strain of holding himself up and alive through the voices agonizing torture, Hunter was unable to direct his emotions properly.. 

..He couldn't act..


So unintentionally all the hatred and pain and anger that was woven into those two sentences was indirectly targeted at Steve..

Hunter began panting as he rested his head on the wall of his bed frame.. 

The voice was laughing in his head.. 

That gent knoweth everything.. Hunter.. that gent knoweth EVERYTHING.. that gent knoweth.. or hath hath felt at least.. The voice sighed in his head..

Tremors coursed through Hunters immobilized body.. He could do nothing as it whispered into his mind.

A single percent of the pain that thee wend through.. And he hath seen thy real eyes and thy real hair..

Hunters eyes widened at the knowledge.. That man would know now.. He would know that he'd seen a monster.. 

Aye beest surprised.. Feeleth this fear and alloweth t feed thy pain! Now alloweth me telleth thee something coequal better!

Hunter involuntarily whimpered at the fact that there was something worse then what he had already been told.

Aye.. beest afeard! Now hark carefully.. Thy level of suffering lays in his hands.. If 't be true that gent speaketh of either thy eyes or thy hair to anyone.. 

Hunter groaned. He knew what was going to happen

Thy torture wilt double.. The more that gent talks the more thee suffer.. Excit'ment right?


Now after hearing this Hunter disliked Steve even more..

He winced as he turned his head at an agonizingly slow pace to face the three still standing at the door.

As he watched he realized with relief that the man completely believed him.. Which was good.. Because Hunter was sure that he would end his own pain if he wasn't let out.

"Hu..Hunter?" a familiar voice came out from behind the man.

Oh would thee behold at that..? It's the mistress that we hadst chosen specially for thee..! That cruel cruel one! 

Hunter scowled at the truth and the pain that hearing that woman's voice caused him. She really was.. Cruel.

Sayeth.. How didst t feeleth to realize you've been lied to all thy life? 

Hunter moaned softly as the voice turned up its strength a notch. But his moan became a cry of agony as the strength got stronger..

"Sonny.. We can not possibly let you leave in the state that you are in!" Came a different voice.. Which most likely belonged to the doctor.

The voice seemed to pause.. Then laugh, as it tamped down its power..

I wilt alloweth thee speaketh for now mine little toy

Hunter gasped in relief as his lungs expanded again.. 

He slowly stopped panting then took in a deep breath and looked at the three standing there.

"Y..You w..w..will..! I..I..I'll!" he growled at the doctor, who appeared unbothered by the threat.

"Lay down child. You are in no state for such actions.." he chided.

Hunter frowned at the man who was blocking his chance of leaving. Then he looked at Steve.

He made his best wounded puppy look and stared into Steve's hurt eyes.

Turning all his urgency into an invisible beam, he pierced the man's eyes down to his spirit.

"S..S...St..Steve..? P...Pl...P..Please.. Le..let me g..go.." Hunter didn't even need to fake any of the emotions in his voice.

The pain and the fear in it were more real than anything he had ever felt before. 

And Steve knew that.. He knew that...

H..He kn..k..knows right?


"Hunter. Sen. Stop acting like a child! These people want to help you you stupid brat!"

The sharp voice pierced through the room, penetrating the connection Hunter had created. 

And as he realized that it was his 'dear mother' that had spoken.. His tears stopped.

And he smiled.


The voice laughed and then extracted itself completely from Hunter's mind.

The relief was almost as strong as the pain.

But even though the voice had gone for the time being, there was a new pain. The pain of betrayal.. The pain of her..

The room was still ringing from the force of her voice, it took a moment for the men to come to terms with what she had just said.

Their gasp's were the next sound that filled the room.. Steve whirled around, rage evident and almost a palpable force around him..

The third noise came from Mrs Sen again, and this time it was her that gasped as if in shock of what she just said..

Steve was visibly pissed off now. It was obvious. Practically written on his forehead.

But Hunter's laugh stopped him in his tracks. 

It stopped them all. 

Then all eyes turned to him.. 

But by the look of pure emotion, the two men knew that whatever was about to be said, would be between mother and son.

The two turned to leave when Hunter spoke.

"NO!" he cried in panic from the thought of being in a room alone with that woman. 

His fear was written not only on his face but stitched into his words as well.

And only Steve noticed..

"Vänta.. Varför är han så rädd?" Steve unintentionally spoke aloud but he was not bothered because he didn't expect anyone to understand.

Why..? W..Why am I so scared..? Th..That's what you're asking..?

He would never tell him what happened so instead he begged him to stay.

"Lämna mig inte ensam med henne! SNÄLLA DU" he begged hoping Steve would stay.

The Doctor beckoned at Steve to leave before him, but Steve looked into Hunter's eyes and firmly nodded. 

"I will stay here Doc.. You go ahead.." Steve said without turning around.

"W..what?" the doctor asked in confusion.

"I. Am. Staying. Here." Steve said with a voice of steel.. It was obvious he wasn't leaving.

"A-Alright.." the doctor stammered and then left.


Mrs Sen scowled at Steve "Excuse me, but I'd like a word with my son."

Steve moves only to sit down at a chair.. Then beckons for her to 'talk'.

"Alone!" she spat out.

"Sorry but I have to stay." he replied calmly.




"Not going to happen ma'am"


She takes a deep breath.

"And yet, he continuously puts me through so much shit. After everything I've done for him.. THIS is how he repays me.." she finishes with a cold fury.

Steve was in a state of complete shock. 

At that point he had no idea how to react.

"th..there you are.." Hunters voice broke through the tension.

"Excuse me!?" The woman snapped.

"Y..You are so good.. So. Good. At hiding your feelings.. But you could never hide it from me.. Why would you l..lie to me for so l..long.." Hunter swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Am I rea..really so b..bad..? And i..if I was.. The..Then why d..did you try to h..hi..hide it..? Why.. pretend.. An..and then thro..throw me away..?" He was crying again.

He shut his eyes tight and whacked his head back onto the wall of the bed frame. 

He was struggling to speak through the hurt he was feeling.. But continued.

"H..How could you.. Behi..Behind my b..back.. Go and ha..have ano..another family!? W..was I that un..u..unimp..unimport..unimportant..?" He hides his eyes in the crook of his arm.

"A..and t..they d-didn't ev..even know I e..exis..e-existed?.. Where p..plan..planning to k-keep me the d..da..dark e-even a-after you sh..shu-shunned me..?" 

Hunters voice was breaking and he was hiccuping through some of the words. He made a guttural moan of pain from the strain of talking through his tears.

" h-hurts me.. s-so..! Wh..why c..can..can't y-you see" Hunter removed his arm from is face.

No matter how many times he wiped his eyes, the tears kept pouring.. It hurt him so much.. 

He wanted her to hear him.. To actually hear him. 

Not just the words, but the story behind them.

Hunter moved his hand to take the ventilator off. And once it was off he let it drop around his neck. 

He couldn't stop the tears from flowing, so he squeezed his fists against his eyes in a futile attempt to stop them.

They just seeped through the sides.

Hunter was trembling. 

It was almost as if he was bleeding out the salt of his soul.. Feeling it pour from his eyes in rivers.

He hoped the story reached her.. And that she would realize her mistake.


Please..? O..Or at  least t..tell me the least the l..le..least you coul..could do tell me th..that you ha..hate me..?

Hunter moved his fist slowly and swallowed his tears as they poured into his mouth. He opened his throbbing eyes and looked at her through his thick, tear covered lashes.

The moment he saw her face, his pain instantly amplified.


She d..doesn't care..? Sh..she neve..never did.. did sh..she..?


"Pathetic. Simply pathetic. Look at you, crying like a goddamn girl. You should know better that that Hunter. Boys don't cry." she spat at him in disgust.

"What have I told you about keeping your emotions inside, and to yourself huh? Showing these useless emotions will just burden the people around you"

Hunter gasped as what she said hit him. 

Sh..she's r..ri..right..

"I..I'm Y..You..Your'e righ..right I..I'm s..s..sorr..sorry" Hunter cried out quietly.

The pain he felt as he swallowed his tears, forcing himself to stop crying-- he was good at this-- was so strong that it left him gasping for air.

And that's when the voice resurfaced..

"AAGH!!" Hunter howled as the voice crawled into his mind and soul.. "A-AH..!!" his eyes flew open wide as he cried out in pain.

Oh, quit screaming.. thee knoweth very well that t'will not holp or maketh me cease. The voice scoffed in his head..

If 't be true anything, t maketh me wanteth to hurt thee more.. The voice pauses as if thinking.

Like.. Like.. eh what doth humans calleth t?.. While it thought, it drilled its claws in Hunters mind. 

Ah aye! Like MUSIC to mine ears.. aye thy screaming is but music to mine ears!. It cried happily.

"a..ah..! AaAH.. GHK-!" Hunter was unable to form words.

"Oh SHIT! OKAY HE NEEDS HELP" Steve's familiar and somewhat comforting voice made its way to Hunters howling ears.

"No just leave him. He's fine.. It's just his after surgery pains.. Trust me I know." The woman's voice pierced his already crumbling heart.


Ahaha This mistress is amazing! The lady is perfect for thee. And what thee deserve the lady wilt most forsooth giveth thee!.. But then the voice squeezed Hunters mind in anger.

If 't be true only thee hadst not been kicked out of that lady's house..! It growled into him. 


"You... do not... Deserve. to call. yourself.. a. mother.. NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE ROOM!" Steve roared in rage.

The woman flinched. She had never been spoken to in that tone of voice by any man. 

"Y-You have n-no right!" she stammered in simmering fury.


The man was beating himself up over the fact that he'd stayed silent the whole time she had poured that poison into her own sons ears.

This was the same woman that had cried over the phone about her son being in hospital. 

Yet Steve knew that he would rather be killed a thousand times with a pencil! Then ever look at her and believe that she deserved a son like Hunter.. Or that she was human at all.

"W-what!?! Y-You can't d-do that!?" She cried in alarm

"I can. And I will if you do not leave right now." Steve said with deadly calm.

"B-But..?!" she tried to stay. 

But Steve had already begun to dial the number for security.

"A-Alright I'll leave!" she stammered as she turned around and walked out the door.

"AGH!.. ARGH-!.. A..AH..!" Hunters doleful cry's made the man freeze. 

His mind went blank and then it began replaying the words of that wretched creature.. Steve remembered the pain and ran towards Hunter.

Hunter's eyes were open but unseeing seeing through the pain.. 

He just kept on screaming.. Then suddenly the voice squeezed his throat and his cries cut off.

Oh for the sake of all things that art valorous shut thy hole! I can barely bethink with all that hurtling that thee selfishly produceth!

Hunter moaned softly as his voice ceased. He was in so much pain.. And not just physically but even more so, mentally.. 

..He just wanted to die..

But death is not an option thou has't. No mater how sweet twas that thee bethought that way.. t doesn't worketh like that. 

Hunter moaned again in an attempt to cry out or say something.. But it was pointless. 

His throat was being constricted by the voice.


He then heard a series of voices through his burning ears, but could make nothing out of them. 

They could have been gibberish for all he knew..

Then suddenly the voice began to grumble about how inconvenient what ever it was would be, and at that moment Hunter felt needles being pulled out of his arm.

The voice had lessened its grip momentarily. 

Whether it was intentional or not, Hunter didn't care, he took it to his advantage. 

He took in deep breaths and looked around frantically for Steve, he did this even though just twitching his head was like digging knives through his neck.

Since he was still in a sitting position, it was easier for him to look here and there.


..He was scared..

So scared, that at that point that pain? Was like pleasure. 

He needed Steve. 


When he only saw nurses milling around him, nurses that he had never seen or recognized he began to feel trapped and afraid..

That further leading him to feel on edge. 

He would lash out at the slightest touch and would flinch every time anyone spoke. 


The nurses became afraid to go near him, because every time they went close to him, he would use the needle he had pulled out of his arm to scratch them.


They were just about to call for help when Steve rushed in. 


All the nurses noticed that the moment Hunter saw Steve, he dropped the needle and tears welled up in his eyes.

Then he said two words that broke Steve's remaining composure.


"I..It" and the moment he said that the voice returned. 

Hunter began groaning again and this time he was grabbing his head, trembling and rocking back and forth. 

All the while whimpering things that were unintelligible to anyone there.

Steve instantly rushed to Hunters side and grabbed him in a tight hug.


"Shh.. Shh.. It's gonna be okay.. Shh its okay.. I'm here now.. Shh.." the man murmured into his hair.

Slowly, Hunter began to stop whimpering.. 

Only occasionally, a groan or a howl would escape, but he'd shut himself up before it got to loud.. 

Even through all this, not once did a tear fall from his eyes.


Hunter was only vaguely aware that Steve was holding him. The voices grip was only getting stronger.


Hunter began to gradually lose consciousness as the voice began getting to its full power. 

He also began panting because his lungs refused to take in air.

The lack of oxygen in his lungs made Hunter begin to feel light headed.. 

But it was almost as if, even though his head felt light, it was filled with a heavy and dangerously toxic, cloud of evil..


The last thing he caught, was Steve's voice and a part of what he said, "..taking him back.."

Then Hunter blacked out, surrendering himself to the wrath and torture of the voice.


In the recesses of his mind Hunter was swallowed by the gaping depth of mental and emotional hell.

He felt himself being opened, as if his heart was being torn open with a blunt pencil, then being put back together with a broken toothpick.

Ah, aye.. gow now feeling? doest t hurt mine little toy? doest this hurt thee?

Hunter howled into his mind as the voice abruptly went to max power.

The pain that erupted in his entire mind and soul was unparalleled to anything he'd ever felt in his entire life.


Outside of his mind Hunter was convulsing from the pain and his mouth was open in a silent cry of anguish.


Steve was panicking as he took him out of the hospital room. The doctor's tried to stop him but the man just brushed them off saying that he had 'permission'.

It might have been okay if Hunter was walking beside Steve, but.. That was far from the situation.. Rather, Hunter was limp on Steve's back.


Steve was thankful for his months at the gym, Hunter was heavier then he appeared. And it would have been harder to drag him out of the hospital if he was any weaker..


Hunter whimpered or groaned occasionally but otherwise remained still on Steve's back..

He was only vaguely aware that he was being carried.

Where or by who? He didn't know, but he knew it was happening..

So to make whoever it was's life easier, he forced himself to stay still. 

No matter how much pain he was going through-- and he was going through hell-- he would not move.


Hunter was unable to breath as the voice began to crush his entire soul. And crushing a creature's soul is like..

Dragging thorns through the under-layer of your skin.. Repetitively..


Isn't this pain that thee feeleth so wonderful? I could doth this to thee still! And I wilt.. This I promise thee.. and I nev'r breaketh mine promises..


The voice ignored him. Rather, it just continued from where it drifted off.

Thee of all people should knoweth that I doth not obliterate mine promises.


Suddenly a deafening howl erupted inside Hunter.. 

It was so painful and loud that Hunter saw his entire life flash before his throbbing but closed eyes.

There wasn't much to see.. And just knowing that pierced Hunter a little bit more.

But right after, the pain began to subside.. Leaving Hunter's head, body, and soul, in a state of serine numbness..

Hunter took in a series of deep breaths as his eyes flew open.

"O..Oh! Your a..awake!" A familiar voice said from beneath him.

The closeness of the new voice startled Hunter so badly that he reared backwards. Accidentally pulling his arms free of the hands that were holding them in the process.


Oh f..f..fu..fuck..

Immediately Hunter realized what was about to happen. 

He was falling backwards off someones back.


Hunter's eyes widened and he let out a cry of surprise.

His arms began milling in circles as he tried to re-right himself as gravity pulled him in.

Then, a pair of hands grabbed his flailing ones and pulled him back to safety.


"Oh. My. Fuck. I swear I saw my great aunt Swarvoski just then.. And she died.. What? Three generations ago..!?" The same voice breathed out in fear as well as relieved bewilderment.

"S..S..So..sor-" Hunter tried to speak but his throat wouldn't let him, it was still scrunched. Solid proof that the voice was still somewhere close by.

"Shh.. It's all good." the voice said softly.

Hunter then realized who the voice belonged to.. Steve..

"Wh..whe..where..?" Hunter stopped there hoping that Steve understood.

"Where?.. Ah! Oh yes do you remember what happened?" Steve asked gently.

Hunter shook his head in response.. 

It was true. He truly had no recognition of the past hours.. They were pretty much just a blank space in time..

The experience was similar to what a somebody would experience after having too much alcohol.. A time gap..


"Well you're out of the hospital!" Steve said happily as he walked- with Hunter still on his back- towards another room.


Suddenly Hunter began to panic.. 

He had no idea what this man's ulterior motive was..


Hunter made a haphazard list of the situation..

The best he could manage at least since now the voice was-- thankfully-- withdrawing and slithering back into the deepest corner of his mind.

1 - He barely knew the man. But the man knew a whole lot about him.

2 - The man had risked his career to help a boy that could be possessed.

3 - The man ran from the hospital to his house.. Or at least that's what Hunter thought.. With a practical stranger on his back.

4 - The man hadn't let go of Hunter even though they were in a house now..

5 - The man was holding his ass.

6 - The man was taking him into a room.

7 - The man was panting.

Hunter's danger alarms began to blare in his head at a deafening sound level.

He didn't want to think any further than he already had, and thankfully his throat had loosened and the tightness had eased.

"L-Let me down!" Hunter's panicked voice practically slapped Steve in the heart.

Steve was wondering why he was so scared when it suddenly came to him.

Immediately he stopped "Shit."

Hunter thought that that meant that he was about to get hurt, since he had figured out this man's motive.

"LET! ME! GO!" He growled as he began to wrestle out of Steve's grip.

"Whoa! Wait! WAIT! IT'S NOT WHAT YOU THINK!!" Steve cried out in embarrassment.

It had apparently become clear to the man, what exactly this particular situation came off as.

"Wait, please Hunter! Hold on!" Steve cried out in alarm as Hunter began to pull away.

Quickly Steve speed walked to the nearest couch and let him go there.

"OW!" Steve cried as Hunter kicked him in the leg, making the man stumble and almost fall over.

Then he proceeded to scramble over the other side of the couch, but a sudden pain stopped him in his tracks.

You j..just got out of idiot! R..Relax!

But that short pause was all Steve needed. 

He got up and grabbed Hunter by the shoulders forcing him to sit down.

The man noticed the look of sheer terror on the boy's face immediately.

And he deduced that this was not a normal reaction.

Rather it was a reaction that was born from repetitive exposure to dangerous and ungodly situations.

This was the face of trauma.


Hunter watched as understanding flushed across the man's face.

He swallowed multiple times to moisten his throat "Please..? Let me go.. I..I'll pay you any a..amount!?" he begged shamelessly.

Steve reared back as if burned.

"What? No! oh god! No! I'm not going to do anything to you! Oh my Jesus! Is that what you thought was happening! You thought I was.. That I was...!" Steve dropped onto his knees.

Hunter watched as disgust, shame, and pained sorrow bloomed across the man's face.

"S..So you're n..not?" Hunter asked, still on guard. He made sure that every part of him was on high alert. The slightest hint of danger and he was out.

Hunter had already mapped a route with his eyes. From his spot, to the door, Hunter had a good 5 different ways out.

"No.. That's not it..! I swear I just wanted to help you! I just wanted you out of that hell.." Steve was on the verge of tears.

"I want to help you. I swear it's nothing besides that! So please let me protect you?" Hunter watched the mans face closely.

He waited for his mind to loosen enough to read the man in front of him.

He's telling the truth..?

Instantly Hunter let go of his tension and let himself relax. 

And it was obvious that the man had also noticed, since he let out a shaky breath of relief.

Hunter was still slightly on guard.

"Why..?" he asked in confusion

"Because I understand.." Steve replied

"No. NO! YOU DON'T!"






"FINE!" Hunter cried out in defeat.

Fine! L..let him help.. Like he can.. He wishes. He can't.. No one can..

Suddenly a series of loud bangs resonated through the room.

The door. 

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