Chapter 16 - Back to school.

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"Ah! My phone!! What the damn fuck Hunter!" he snapped at himself as he scrambled to grab his phone from the floor.

With a sad whine he looked at the unsurprisingly cracked screen. Gently he stroked the broken glass and let out sympathizing sounds of apology.

Then with a disgruntled sigh muttered that he would get it a new face after school-

"FUCKING DAMNIT!" He cried in panic when he realized that he might be late for school again.

In his panic he looked around for his phone getting more and more worked up, then getting flushed when he realized it was in his hand the entire time.

But he wasn't late. So he took a series of deep breaths and forced himself to relax.

During his frantic episode, he had completely forgotten about the actual reason as to why he had hurled his phone at the door to begin with.

But after glancing at the screen of the phone again, the reason popped up and he had to control his urge to flush the phone down the toilet.

He couldn't comprehend the fact that even after his harsh words, and if Steve had actually told her what he'd said, she still had enough pride in her to call him.

But that wasn't the only reason he was pissed.

With trembling hands he looked at the screen once again, squinting through one eye he glanced at the missed call notification, looking carefully at the name.

Unfortunately, he had seen correctly..

Right next to her name Lykke had placed a 'heart Bae' in brackets.. His body trembled in rage.

The audacity of this bitch is truly.. Astounding. Then the day she'll see the real me.. She'll look at me the way that the only girl I loved had.. 

And I'll be broken once again.


Yeah, actually no. That's why I'm 17 now and not a 13 year old boy that could get his heart pulled by any sweet little girl.

With that thought in mind he put his phone face down on the sink ledge and then began the tiresome job of dying his hair.

Finally after 10 minutes he walked out of the bathroom. 

He was ready for whatever shit the day had to throw at him., at least until he realised he was completely naked, save for the towel wrapped around his waist.

Blushing, he walked to his bags and began rummaging inside them.


He had enough clothes in these bags to fill an entire kitchen, but now he couldn't find a shirt, pants or underwear when he needed it.

How the hell did I find it the first time?? He groaned in his head as he again pulled out a shirt.


It was then after taking out the seventh shirt from the same bag, that he realized each bag held a different clothing item. And the one he was rummaging through had only shirts.

With a small self conscious giggle he grabbed one shirt and put the rest back in. He then proceeded to get a pair of jeans and an underwear.

He finally decided on wearing black jeans with a half black half white shirt. And as a habit he picked out a black jacket and draped the hood over his head, not bothering to wear it properly.

It was when he began looking for some jewelry that he faltered, and shakily reached up to feel his ears.

With trembling hands he slowly felt each of his ears.

If I don't have my earrings I'm going to snap something..


God damnit!! Why'd you have to wear your favorite ones that day-

The feeling of metal on skin stopped his mental tirade and he slowly moved his fingers across both ears counting the earrings as he felt them.

With a relieved sigh, he began taking them out, and placed them into the box with all of his other earrings.

The benefit of having twenty piercings divided in his ears, was that he could put anything he wanted anywhere he wanted.

But it was also a whole lot of effort. So rather than putting five in each ear like he had before, he stuck to three.

And since he had subconsciously created an aesthetic for himself, he chose black and white earrings as well.

Once he had them in, he grabbed a bracelet and a couple of chains. Then quickly grabbing his phone, he strode out of the house.

As he walked through the door and down the stupidly long path to the gate, he made various calls to his assistants, his chief, his boss and all the other important people he was connected to.


Thankfully by the time he had walked to the gate he had explained his absence to everyone that was upset about it.

And he had had enough time to get Alfred to come and drop him off. Which was very good because he wasn't looking forward to standing on the road again just yet.

Checking the time he sighed, he would be late again.

But at least it wouldn't be in the hours, he'd only be around ten minutes late. And frankly, considering his attendance streak, ten minutes was perfectly fine.

So to pass time he sat down by the road and scrolled through Instagram.. It had been a while since he last posted anything so to patch up, he posted a poll on his story.

Option one = Should I do an 'ask me something'?

Option two = should I post a selfie?

As expected, within the span of two minutes the odds were decided. He laughed as he posted the 'ask me a question' option onto his story.

And within a few moments, the questions began flowing in.

His first question was "why did you go ghost mode on us for so long?" to which he replied "Cause I did..?"

By saying that he wasn't being rude, it's how he had always been. And all his followers knew that, so they never got offended. And if they were new they'd figure it out.

His second question was what he figured was one of those fall back questions when you really can't think of anything "What are you scared of?"

He paused for a moment, this question was so easy, but he very well couldn't write 'The demonic voice in my head' or 'my lying bitch of a stepmother..'

Instead he stuck to the one thing that could pull out a shriek from him. 'Cockroaches.'


Before he knew it, Alfred had pulled up and he had passed ten whole minutes without even realizing it. The saying proved correct once again.

Time really did fly when you were having fun.. Apparently answering questions was more fun then he'd expected.

By then he had answered at least fifteen to thirty questions. He stopped answering questions while he got inside the car.

This time Alfred had brought the Rolls-Royce Phantom rather than the Cadillac limousine that he normally came in.

So Hunter asked Alfred why he came in the Phantom rather than his Cadillac. "Comment se fait-il que vous soyez venu dans la Rolls Royce plutôt que dans la Cadillac?"

Alfred shook his head and smiled, "Est-ce important, jeune maître?"

Hunter pouted "So what if it's important or not.. Est-ce que ça importe?"

Alfred sighed and shrugged "Je viens de prendre la première clé du crochet."

"Oh! So you do the same thing I do! Haha grab what's closest and be on your way!"

At Alfreds blank look from the rear view mirror Hunter laughed. "Ne t'inquiète pas pour ça" Alfred just rolled his eyes and asked for the directions.

After putting the name of the school onto the navigator, Hunter went back to answering questions.


Around twenty something minutes they had reached the school. Thankfully he wasn't late enough that the parking lot was empty, there were still students milling around.

Although a bunch of guys with the odd girl started looking at the Phantom.

Alfred asked Hunter if he would like him to park, and Hunter nodded. So Alfred drove into the closest parking space available and stopped.

But before he got out he asked Alfred to pick him up after school. The French man agreed.

Then Hunter got out of the car. He still didn't have books and he couldn't recall where he had last had his bag..

So he came to school without one.

Throwing a quick salute at Al, he turned around and walked into the school. It was then that he realized The only problem with the fact that he didn't have his bag was that it meant he also didn't have his timetable.

So with a sigh he walked through the school entrance and into the bustling hallway.

The cacophony caught him off guard and he flinched. But then he shook his head and made his way through the kids in the hall.

Suddenly he heard a group of feet running his direction from somewhere on the left. And he whisked around, sure enough Claire and her friends were running towards him.

He pretended that he didn't see them and continued on his way.

But sure enough the gaggle of girls got to him before he could make it more than fifteen steps. He wondered how fast they were running that they covered that large distance.

As they crowded around him Claire attempted to grab his arm again. But his glare stopped her, "Hey guys.."

"Omg!! You're finally back!!" Claire squealed as she began hopping on the spot.

Holding back an eye role he asked, "How'd you guys know it was me?"

The girls looked at each other then at him with dumbfounded expressions then who he vaguely remembered as Sondra spoke "You're tall ass is quite easy to spot.."

Now the names were coming back to him. The girl named Mia discreetly whacked Sondra on the arm.

"Um guys.. We're kinda blocking the way?" Becky squeaked.

The girls moved to the side with a laugh. Hunter felt his back touch the wall so he leaned into it and smirked.

The girls looked at each other in confusion until Caddy spoke "What the frick are you smirking about boy."

Leaning towards her he whispered into her ear. "If you guys don't back up.. I'm gonna lick you.." then he moved back raising his brows in expectation.

Caddy looked surprised but smiled anyways. "You wouldn't"

He shrugged "You gonna move?"

She crossed her arm stubbornly. I see, if that's how she wants to play then so be it.

Moving quickly he grabbed her face, gently so he didn't hurt her but firm enough that she was shocked into being still.

He then moved in and bit her lower lip, then when a gasp escaped her mouth he licked her square on the mouth and pulled away with a wink.

A couple of people let out fox whistles but he ignored them.

"Believe me now?" He asked with a satisfied grin. Not looking at the other open mouthed girls. Then he suddenly had an idea.

I may as well ask them about my bag while I'm here.

"Ah, so have any of you's seen my bag?" He looked at the girls feigning innocence.

Claire laughed in shock, "You did not just.!"

"I did. But answer the question.." He said nonchalantly.

Claire gave him a stank eye and faced Caddy instead, "I told you I called dibs on him you skank ass liar!"

Hunter cocked a brow at the sudden change in her attitude. Then he counted to ten and blinked twice as he looked at her.

Immediately her thoughts rushed into his head, and he frowned as things like I was so close to having him, or I knew she was a snake and even all the new boys are mine and she knows that!  Flowed in.

Thankfully Caddy wasn't surprised and surprisingly neither were the other girls. In fact, the girls all glared at Claire.

Caddy then rolled her eyes at the raging blonde and spoke to Hunter instead. "Your bag is in the office.. And by the way, I'm in your first period as well as Mia and Sondra."

Hunter grinned, and gestured at her to lead the way.

"We're quite late aren't we.." Mia sighed as the group began making their way to class.

"Yep!" Hunter chipped in happily.

"Yeah, and the teacher's used to it so whatever.." Caddy said.

Interesting! She has strong suspect vibes and I'm loving it!

"Are you really late that often?" He asked, laughing at her no shit tone of voice.

She just nodded solemnly.

Mia and Sondra shared a look then Sondra spoke up "Is no one going to talk about what just happened?"

This time Hunter and Caddy shared a look and laughed. "I don't know about him but I liked that- I mean, I have no idea what you're talking about." She quickly fixed her mistake.

But her blush gave it away, Hunter just rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I don't know what you both are talking about.."

When the girls looked at him, they couldn't tell whether he was being honest. He genuinely looked like he had no recollection of the past events. A tragedy really.

Then they all shrugged.


Another six minutes later they had reached the classroom. Hunter looked at the door and figured it was either science or biology. Either way, he wasn't stoked.

As they walked in the teacher sighed, it was a lady this time, then she took three names. "I thought you'd come late Caddy, Sondra and Mia.."

The girls laughed. Then the teacher looked taken aback at the fact that a fourth person walked in behind the third girl.

"Ah! You must be the new boy that everybody was talking about!" at a very obvious 'I'm right here' cough she laughed and repeated,

"Well before the recent new kid that is.." Then she smiled warmly at him and Hunter blinked in surprise at the kindness in her gaze.

"Would you mind introducing yourself?" She asked, gesturing to the front of the class and breaking Hunter's trance of shock.

"No of course not." He said with a smile.

Then he introduced himself, after which he was met with the amused gaze of the teacher.

"I don't know what all the commotion was about.. You're such a sweet boy, I just can't bring myself to believe you did all those things..!" she said happily.

"And what if I told you that you were very very incorrect?" He asked sadly.

"I'd pretend you didn't" she said matter of factly.

Then she turned to the class, and told them the typical 'Be nice to the new kid' crap that all teachers spewed.

But then she coughed and said "Oh and girls, please stop staring. You look like you're getting pregnant just looking at him.."

Hunter let out a snort and so did most of the other boys.

The girls just gasped and looked away, save for the three he had walked in with, who remained unaffected.

Once the class had quieted down the teacher clapped to get their attention "Who here does not have an assigned partner?"

The moment she said this, half the girls put their hands up. But at her glare they slowly put them down.

Then the teacher pointed at somebody in the middle of the room, "Orion, you don't have a partner as yet am I correct?"

"Yes ma'am. At this moment I have no partner.. Neither for the romance class, nor for the biology class." The boy said forlornly.

Everybody laughed while Hunter remained looking pleasantly amused.

The teacher sighed but smiled non the less and then decided that Hunter and Orion would pair up.


At the bench Orion stuck out his hand, "Orion Jackson, and if I'm not mistaken.. You are the already well known Hunter Sen."

It wasn't a question so Hunter nodded and hesitantly shook the boys hand.

"So you're new huh?" he asked.

"Yes sir!" the boy replied.

Hunter was quite surprised by the apparently infinite amount of joy and energy in the dude. Just watching him talk exhausted him.

"So, how many friends do you have?" Orion asked.

"I don't know if I can call them friends.. I have only been here for... Uhh, you could say, a day and a half? Yeah.. So you could say I'm friendless.." Hunter said plainly.

Don't get me wrong the dude seems great.. But I don't do friends. Although it won't hurt to play along.

"How about you?" Hunter said to fill in what seemed to be a stunned silence.

Orion gave him a skeptical look, checking him out.

"Just to let you know, I don't play that way.. I'm fucking straighter than the pole your mom dances on." Hunter stated without looking at the boy.

Orion just laughed "No man, I'm straight too. I was just checking what there is about you that could leave you friendless.. I mean look at you!"

Hunter shrugged.

"So you have any friends?" Hunter asked again.

"Oh, nah. I got none. But I'm more surprised, the fact that I'm newer than you yet I been here longer!?" Orion was practically spluttering by then.

It was Hunter's turn to give the boy a skeptical look. "No friends my ass. You're such a hypocrite. With your friendly ass personality you can't have no friends. That's fucked."

The two of them laughed for a moment after the teacher glared- or rather looked at them sternly- and then Hunter spoke again.

"Answer that dumbass." He grinned.

Orion just looked at him and shook his head, lifting his finger to his lips.

Hunter reared back slightly and rolled his eyes. "Dude come on."

But the boy was stubborn.

"I'm going to moan real fucking loud if you don't answer.." Hunter said casually.

Orion just ignored him, until Caddy tapped him on the shoulder, "I'd honestly do it if I were you. His threats are not to be ignored. I would know."

Orion remained silent. And Hunter laughed quietly and sadistically for a second then cleared his throat. He then waited for the teacher to stop talking.

In his peripheral vision he watched as Orion started realizing what he had gotten himself into. But it was a tad bit late.

The moment the teacher went quiet and the other students began talking, Hunter moaned long and loud.

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