Chapter 17 - A Sand Grain of Friendship

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For a moment the class went pin drop silent. And everyone, including the teacher stared at Hunter.

He met their gaze solidly for a moment then turned away to face Orion.

"I wasn't kidding dumbass." he said with a smirk.

Caddy simply looked really disappointed by the boy. While the boy himself was staring at Hunter like he was a failed science project turned mean.

"You didn' just- Oh hell naw! What the hell man!" Orion whispered in what he attempted to seem as anger but only came out as bewilderment.

"I-" Hunter was cut off when the class erupted into waves of laughter.

He frowned but ignored it and began again, "As I was saying before, I did. And I'll do these things again and again.."

He lifted a shoulder slowly and then continued, "I just don't understand why people don't take my threats seriously?"

"Let me tell you Hunter.. It's cause all your damn threats sound so bloody obnoxious! And they're things that no person with any bit of self pride would ever do." Mia input casually.

Hunter stuck his tongue out at her and she scoffed, laughing slightly.

"Man- You are crazy!" Orion cried out quietly, "But damn.. I like that! Looks like you and I gon be sticken together!"

Hunter's eyes widened and he grimaced imperceivably.

Well that's clearly not what you were expecting was it dumbass..


No not really.. But eh, I'll play along.

"Looks like it-" he was again cut off, but this time it was by the teacher's sharp voice.

"Hunter. I do not wish to have to believe all the things I've heard about you. But you are making it quite difficult!" She snapped at him.

"You are beginning to behave just as I was told! How dare you make such disrespectful noises in the classroom!? And how dare you distract Your classmates!" She was yelling at him by then.

Instantly, upon hearing her raised voice and seeing the fury in her gaze, Hunter froze up. And fear pulsed strong in his veins.

His body began trembling as his mind filled with memories of the she-demon.

"N-no.." he mumbled as his head started pounding. It was as if he was no longer in the classroom, rather, he was there in front of the woman.

He knew it was the teacher yelling at him but he could only hear that woman.

Grabbing his head he began trembling harder.

Why did her voice hit me so bad? Why did she show kindness in the first place if she had this much rage inside!?

Stop please.. It hurts..

I'm scared.. Somebody help me please..


Stop it please..


Please stop..

"Stop yelling at me.. It hurts.." He mumbled as his shaking got worse.

The boy was staring straight at the teacher, back straight, full attention. But after catching some mumbling he glanced in Hunter's direction. It was then that Orion realised what was happening.

Hunter was unseeing. He had started rocking slowly back and forth holding his head.

He was staring at the teacher but Orion could tell he couldn't see her.

"H-hey, dude?" he called gently looking at him.

When he got no reply the boy slowly placed his hand on Hunter's shoulder. And upon putting it there he felt the true strength of his partners trembling.

Orion's whole hand was vibrating.

"Woah!- I don't think this is normal!" The boy muttered to himself, drawing back his hand and looking at Hunter's face.

"MISS!" He cried out in panic.

The teacher was so startled she stopped her raging and blinked at Orion in utter surprise, he had never acted like that before.

"W-what!?" She snapped at him as well.

Orion simply pointed at Hunter. And the teacher looked at him as well.

Her eyes widened and she gasped, "Oh lord! Hunter? Oh lord! Are you okay!?"

Slowly Hunter snapped out of it. And then he was in the classroom again.. He was still trembling, but he had pushed the she-demon from his mind..

Now he just had to regulate his body and breathing.

But to remove the pestering teacher from his back, he grinned up at her worried face. "Hey, yeah I'm fine! And also sorry about before.. I won't do shit like- I meant stuff like that again."

The teacher blinked at the sudden change in the boy. She had just watched him go from unfocused hazy fear filled eyes, to looking perfectly fine.

"Uh, are you sure? And it's alright, I'll let you get away with this one peacefully, B-but if I hear it ag-again I w-will have to, to s-send you.. G-get to work now!" She began stuttering when he started to radiate pissed off energy, as well as grin in disbelief.

Once she was at the front he dropped the face and his body began trembling again, "f-fuck this..!" he muttered angrily.

Breathing deeply through his nose he forced himself to think of happy thoughts. Good memories and what not.

Only to realize.. There was almost none.

Him realizing this, somehow, stilled his body and he smiled sadly. It was then that he felt the gaze of his classmates on him, and so he slowly looked up.

"Stop looking at me like I'm some sort of fucking helpless animal! I'll kill you all-" He hissed. Quiet enough that the teacher wouldn't hear it but loud enough for the students.

But he cut himself off when he realised how intensely he'd just had the urge to rip each one of their throats out.

He blinked and glanced at the teacher, she wasn't looking at him. And now he also couldn't feel the other students gazes either so he let out a shaky breath.

It was then that Orion grabbed his shoulder, "Man- Dude- Bro- Fuck! Are you good now man?" he asked facepalming himself at his messed up English.

"Yeah I'm good how come?" Hunter replied, going for the oblivious act.

"Nah! Don't pull that shi' on me!" The boy snapped.

Hunter cocked his brow. But otherwise, he remained silent.

Orion wasn't having it, "You was all shaking and shit like damn you got a drill in your shoulder? Shit! No way was you good."

"Haah.. Fucking god. Im fine now shut up and fuck the hell off. It's really not any of your business, so why don't you butt the fuck out?" Hunter snarled making the boy flinch.

But Orion puffed his chest, "Nope!- Oh and like to formally apologize for my slang, it really comes out when I get too much of any emotion.."

Scratching the base of his jaw he continued with a shrug, "Anyways back to your thing. No, I'm not butting out. We newbies gotta stick together. Therefore imma break code and force you to be my friend."

Rolling his eyes and scoffing Hunter replied, "Fuck off, try me if you want but you're definitely going to hit a dead ass end."

After that the teacher called out to them telling them to focus.


Half an hour later the bell finally went and Hunter got up, reaching for his bag. Then he remembered it was at the office.

"Fuck me.." He sighed.

"I will!-"

"Fuck me!"

"I'll do it!"

"I'll fuck you!"

A group of girls crowded around him, answering his strictly rhetorical statement. But he just twitched his lip in distaste and pushed them aside.

"Fuck off ladies.. Just follow my Insta if you want shit" He said as he walked out the door. His step slightly faltering, he pinched the bridge of his nose as he realized his mistake.

"Never mind I just remembered that I deleted it! Sorry girls!" He then made a break for it.

He instantly caught the sound of footsteps coming up around fifteen meters behind him, and he recognized one of them to be Caddy, which left the other one being..

"Dude! Don't run.. Off like that! But like.. Damn.. You're fast..!" Orion said happily as he struggled to catch his breath.

Hunter ignored him.

"Hey pretty boy." Caddy said, trying to get his attention.

He snapped his head to her and calmly said, "Don't call me that again. But what?"

"Oh sorry!.. And no I just wanted to tell you that the caf, is the other way.." she replied.

"Yeah I was wondering too." Orion added.

Hunter laughed. "Yeah I figured thanks guys, but I'm actually getting my bag from the office.. But you both can head on!" He finished a little eagerly.

"Nah we're good man, I'm not that hungry yet anyways." Orion stated as he at that moment pulled a packet of chips out of his bag.

At their skeptical look the boy hugged the chips to his chest.

"What? At least I came prepared! Stop lookin at me like that!" Orion cried defensively, hugging the chips closer to his chest.

"Shh, they don't mean it, I still love you.. And now I'm not gonna share with those mean asses." The boy murmured into the chips.

Despite himself Hunter couldn't help the laugh that escaped his mouth, and he shook his head, marveling at the childishness of the guy in front of him.

Caddy also joined in. And even after obvious efforts to keep the frown in place, Orion broke into laughter as well.

They were chatting as they walked and soon they reached the office.

"Yeah so Sondra said she was going to apologize to that-" Caddy paused and looked at Hunter expectantly.

"Bitch" he supplied smiling.

"Claire since wherever Sondra goes Mia follows, you get the picture. And so that's the story of how Claire the-"

"Bitch" This time Orion supplied the fill-in.

"Manages to get away with all the-"

"Shit" Hunter input.

"She does, but I'm over it. So that's why I'm going to stick with you boys instead." She finished by raising her chin in pride.

Hunter glanced at Orion at the same time as the boy glanced at him. At the shared look they both fell into hysteria.


"Sen." A familiar voice called in greeting, abruptly ending their laughter.

Hunter scowled as he came face to face with the Principal and beside him, Stuart. The two men who the last time he had spoken to them, he had bribed them with money to stay at the school.

"Yo." He muttered as he pushed past.

Orion apologized on his behalf and then opened his mouth to reprimand Hunter for his behaviour towards adults. But stopped when he caught sight of his glare.

"Hey Stuart- Actually hey Mr. Principle!" He called to the grumbling men, and smirked when they both turned around warily.

That's right. You damn well should be very careful around me, big guys.

"Yes Hunter." The principal replied.

"Where'd you store my shit?" He asked.

Caddy nudged his arm with wide eyes, "What the hell are you doing!? They'll kill you!"

He ignored her, instead grinned cockily at the two men. Upon hearing his question the principal flared up, but he took a deep breath and calmed himself.

Sighing, he answered, "It's in my office."

Hunter saluted and made his way to the man's in-school residence.

"Holy crap." Caddy breathed, "You are one serious piece of work"

"Agreed. Completely and utterly.. Agreed." Orion said, sounding awestruck.

Hunter just grabbed his bag from the floor by the door and strode out. But at the sound of two pairs of unfortunately familiar footsteps he looked up and sighed.

"For the sake of fucking-" he cut off when the two people stopped in front of him.

"Hey handsome.." Lilly purred in that sickly squeaky voice.

"Fuck right back to your pathetic friends, freak. I don't wanna see your ugly ass face." He growled watching her tear up in satisfaction.

Caddy gave her a smudge bitch look and Orion just shook his head.

But Hunter pushed past the idiot girl and accidentally ran right into the chirpy ass office lady that he met on his first day.

"Yo. Move the fuck out of my way." he stated as he pushed past her too. Grinning at her defeated droop.

Orion whipped his head from Hunter to the lady, his hand going back and forth with his head, in the end he settled on calling out a sorry and running to catch the other two.


After around five or six minutes they made it to the cafeteria. By then Hunter realized he had taken a sand grain's worth of liking towards the two he was with.

And considering that it was Hunter, a sand grain was a lot.

Damn, look at your dumbass getting all chummy with people. Trying to make friends.


Pathetic piece of shit. 

Who do you take yourself to be huh? 

What right do you have to plague them with your idiotic existence?


None at all sorry..

At these thoughts Hunter felt the slightest stirring inside the depth of his mind, as if a fly had twitched it's wing in his mind.

He knew immediately what it was.. The voice was stirring again.

But the slightness of the feeling led him to forgetting it at that moment. And he forced himself to ignore the nagging little voice in his head.

But he'd keep hearing this every day if it meant he'd be free of the voice.

"Earth to Hunter..!" Orion and Caddy both called, shaking his shoulders.

He yanked out of their grip and glared at them, resulting in them throwing their hands up in surrender.

"Sorry you kinda zoned out.." Caddy mumbled, rubbing her hand.

Orion just nodded, also rubbing his hand.

At his questioning glance the two laughed. "You, my friend, are stronger than you look.." Caddy stated.

Orion nodded eagerly "It very well felt like my damn hand was gonna rip off what with you jerkin away so fast!"

Hunter mumbled an apology.


After that, sighing heavily he pushed the doors of the cafeteria open and the three of them strode in.

If luck had ever been a thing in his life, if it had ever been existent in any situation when he clearly needed its help, then the doors would open silently.


It doesn't and at this point I don't think it ever will.

So with a brain rattling shriek of rusty hinges the doors happily announced his arrival to the entire school.

Heads turned and kids stared at him and the two standing with him as he rubbed his hands over his face in annoyance.

"Does this door always sound like a fucking screaming jack-o'-lantern?! Or is it just now?!" he hissed quietly to the two walking beside him.

They both held back laughter at his exasperation but shook their heads.

"Fuck m- Fuck this shit.." He cried running his hand through his hair, forgetting that his jacket was hooked onto it. But he caught it before it fell.

Then he decided to just hold it.


The whole time they were walking, he had tried to ignore the staring and the whispering, but it was getting really fucking annoying.

He screwed his eyes shut and tilted his head slightly down and to the left, grimacing as anger filled his senses.

He could feel flecks of his red eye color sloshing into his contacts but it was only slight, and no one except the people real close to him would notice it.

So when he snapped his eyes open and faced the cafeteria, only Orion and Caddy noticed the dancing red in his eyes.

With a sigh he snarled, "Keep your fucking eyes to yourselves." It was all he needed to say in order to get everyone to look hastily away.

Caddy and Orion were too taken aback by Hunter's eyes to care about anything he said. But they wouldn't see anything again.

But just like with Steve, the memory burned into their mind.


"Y-your eyes!-" Caddy stuttered once they had found a place to sit down.

Hunter was still with Orion and Caddy for some reason.. And for whatever reason he was stuck with them, it was obvious they were planning to stay..

"What about my eyes?" he questioned, looking at her.

"They was all flecked with blood or somethin.." Orion said slowly as if he was explaining something to a child.

Hunter laughed, "So are you saying, that my eyes, were bleeding?"

The two in front of him looked at each other. Then nodded solemnly. Hunter shook his head and decided to see how much they think they saw.

"Look at my eyes now and tell me if it's still there," He whispered, leaning towards Caddy.

She lifted her hand, squinting her eyes accusingly, and placed it on his forehead stopping him from advancing "Don't even try it boy. I may find you hot but no."

Hunter pulled back with a pout and laughed.

"Did I miss something?" Orion asked skeptically.

Hunter looked at Caddy and the two of them broke into a fit of laughter. "No you didn't miss anything.. Or at least nothing important." Caddy assured the boy.

Orion frowned suspiciously but shrugged, "Anyways, Hunter let me see yo' eyes."

Doing an identical shrug Hunter leaned forward and opened his eyes wide so it was easier for Orion to check.

Look into my eyes.

You won't see shit.

You'll never know.

You'll look into them but see nothing Orion.

That's what's going to happen.

He began feeling uncomfortable when Orion stared into his eyes for longer than it should have been necessary.

Fuck, I really have to blink right now, is he done?

The boy must have noticed the discomfort by then cause he moved back abruptly, rubbing at his own eyes.

"What the hell dude? What'd you do to me? Like put me under a spell or some shit?" Orion said with a laugh.

"No.. Why..? How come?" He asked in confusion.

"Yeah I actually thought something weird happened when you both stopped blinking" Caddy interrupted, with a grin.

"We're both straighter than that line you had between your front teeth." Orion snapped playfully.

Hunter snorted.

With her mouth open in shock she wacked Orion on the arm, "Dude, how did you- Where did you even get that idea from!? What made you think I ever had the London look!?"

Hunter felt his stomach growl and he checked his phone. He only had just barely twelve point seven minutes to get lunch and eat it before second period.

At that point he wasn't even surprised that this school had six periods separated into something like; p1 | lunch | p2/p3 | lunch | p4/p5 | lunch | p6... It was weird and different.. But surprising? Nope.

"Guys I'm going to get food so fuck off or whatever." He said as he got up from the table.

"Nah, we coming too." Orion said as he too got up. Caddy followed the boys.


Upon getting to the line memories of that day flowed into Hunter's head and his jaw clenched. He was going to kill those mother fuckers one day. He was sure-

Knock that off you idiot! You're not killing anyone ever. Don't even think about doing anything like that!

Shrugging off the nagging goody-goody voice in his head he pushed the thought away, but his jaw remained clenched.


Thankfully they'd reached the front of the line without incident. Actually, as he got his food, Hunter noticed that barely anybody had talked to him.

Besides those girls who wanted to fuck me.. But-


Actually? I don't think that counts-

"How are you planning on paying boy." The lunch lady snapped.

"Huh?- Oh sorry! Cash please." He mumbled blushing when the lady gave him disapproving looks as he grabbed his wallet.

"Dude you are so outta it today.." Orion sighed when Hunter almost dropped his wallet.

Hunter glared and flipped the boy off, then turned to the lady again, leaving Caddy and Orion to laugh among themselves.

"Ah, sorry how much will it be?"

"$26.58 and be quick about it." She snapped obviously not very fond of males.. But he didn't blame her, she did get food dumped on her last he remembered.

Smiling charmingly- which to his satisfaction shocked the woman- he pulled out a hundred dollar bill and handed it to her.

"We don't tak-" She began but Hunter cut her off mid sentence.

"I guess you've never been tipped before, so well yeah that's what that's for. It's my tip to you as an apology on behalf of that estupida hijo de mil putas-" he stopped when he realised he said the last part in spanish.

"Sorry. Let me say that again in English for you, I apologize on the behalf of of that stupid son of a thousand whores.. With this tip!" He finished grinning like a naughty child caught eating sugar.

"I- I can't possibly take thi-" She stammered before he cut her off.

"You can and you will, Now let me pay for the two people behind me as well. I cant be bothered to wait and I'm really fucking hungry."


The three of them walked back in somewhat stunned silence. Except it had been Hunter who had had the other two stunned. He was unbothered.

"You know I just realized that this is the first time I'm eating food in weeks?" he cried when they sat down.

"Do not think you can go just change the fuckin subject like tha' bro!!" Orion spluttered, sending specks of spit into Hunters food.

He glared at the boy.

"What are you talking about?" He asked as he dug into his first meal of weeks.

"You is-" Orion began but Caddy interrupted.

"You're a bloody rich kid! I- you should be sitting with.. With ThEm!" She gestured wildly at a group of snobby looking, well dressed Seniors.

Shuddering he shook his head, "Never. And what even makes you say that. Where's your proof?"

"You gave me your wallet and forgot to take it back, you still haven't noticed." Orion said with a wtf tone.

"Oh?- Wait fuck-!" Hunter realised what that meant.

"Yeah, so having $1000 in cash in your wallet.. Then on top of that you have two platinum credit cards! AND NOT TO ADD THE FUCKING AMERICAN EXPRESS!?" Orion was breaking down as he spoke.

Hunter snatched his wallet from Orion's grip and glared, "Fuck off. Can't you be any fucking louder?!" he hissed in fury.

"Hunter? Can we talk for a minute babe?" Claire's voice cut off Caddy.

Then she wrapped her arms around his shoulder, "I'm sorry, I can make it up to you.. The meeting rooms' empty.." she whispered into his ear.

He smiled.

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