Chapter 18 - Famous

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Hunter gently grabbed her arms and got up, making sure that her grip didn't loosen. Once he was at his full height- noticing that she was maybe 5'6 but barely- he turned around.

But since he was 6'2 and she was so small, by then she had wrapped her legs around his waist. So when he turned around she was stuck to his back.

Hunter's heart pounded painfully and the fear in his veins pulsed strong and hard. He was about to start shaking again.

I really need to get her off me. Right now.

"I'll lead the way.." she breathed in his ear.

Get off me.

"..G.." he couldn't speak through the concentration that it required to refrain from shaking like a jackhammer.

Claire just giggled.


Hunter sighed.


Orion and caddy both noticed the rage that flashed in his eyes and flinched from its intensity. But what scared them to the bottom of their soul was the murder that bled through every fiber of his being.


Hunter felt the red bleed onto his lenses and his slitted pupil pour into place


But it was too late, they noticed it too late, because the next five minutes passed in a blur.


Hunter's eyes unfocused as anger so strong pulsed in his veins. Then the next thing he knew his body was following its own orders.

He threw Claire's arm off from around his shoulder and grinned at her terrified yip. Moving faster than he had ever moved, should be humanly possible to move, he yanked her legs off as well.

With that same inhumane speed he twirled around and grabbed the collar of her blouse.

His ears were pounding. He was deaf to the rest of the world.

I'm going to kill you now. You stepped way out of the line. I'm killing you now.

It was then that Claire noticed the anger and the thirst of blood in his eyes. And Hunter lifted her higher off the ground.

Murder flashed in his eyes.

Apparently Orion had figured out what he was about to do and he scrambled out of his seat.

Just as Hunter was about to crush her into the ground, he felt Orion rush up to him and grab his arm, and from his peripheral vision he could see the boy's mouth moving.

He couldn't hear anything.

Soft pain flooded through his head and he felt laughter whip around his soul. The moment he felt the voices' presence in him he snapped out of his episode.

But the sudden slap of horrified voices assaulted his ears and he dropped Claire, grabbing his ears in fear.

"Ah-!" Claire yelped when she hit the floor with a thud.


Letting go of his head, Hunter realized how quiet it had gotten. And when he felt his natural eye color and pupil retreat, he froze.

No.. No no no..

Looking up he met Orion and Caddy's terrified gaze, his own scared eye's beautifully reflecting their fears.

Instantly the two in front of him relaxed into a trans yet he was completely unaware as he begged into his own mind.

Please forget about them.

You didn't see anything.

Forget about it.

That's all you both are going to do.


You saw nothing.

My eyes are green.

They are green.

You have no proof.

Forget about it.

A fly hitting his eye lash snapped him out of his weird state, and the other two also blinked and shook their heads, rubbing at their eyes.

"What the hell? What the hell? What happened?" Caddy whispered.

Hunter slumped onto the table resting his head in the crook of his arm, he felt utterly trashed and painfully exhausted.

The Voice's return only added to his pain.

I'm going to have to cut my arm once again. But.. At least I know what to expect this time though right?

It will still hurt.

It will hurt so bad.

"Hunter, hey.. Um Your name is Hunter right?" a voice asked tentatively.

He grunted in response.

"Well- Ahem.. I just wanted to congratulate you for showing Claire her place.. Even if it was the most horrifying thing I've ever witnessed. And um one more thing" The person was obviously scuffing their feet.

Ah.. Here it comes.. Now I'm going to hear about my eyes for the entire year..


Oh and not to mention that I'm probably going to be shipped off to a science lab to be dissected and then have my bits sold to make old people grow teeth again.

And then once they find out how wondrous my body is, they'll ship it to space and make the aliens multiply it.

Then bring it back in ten folds to ultimately cure all the problems in the world and even create actual immortality.

Actually if that happens then I really wouldn't mind being found ou-

The person clearing their throat ceased Hunter's aimless mental rambling, "Uhum, I was wondering if you could teach me self defense?"

In the safety of his elbow his eyes widened.. Then he frowned.

"No fuck off." He snarled, which was instantly paired with the scrambling retreat of the thoroughly frightened person.


Hunter recognized Orion and Caddy's footsteps and felt them sit down. He then felt the pressure of their gaze on his head as well.

Hunter slumped even further into himself then he already was.

Then he laughed sadly, "See guys? This is why I don't do friends.. I always manage to fuck it right up."

Orion's scoff made Hunter peek up through his hair.

The boy glared playfully at him, "You think you're funny don't you Hunter? If you think these things are gonna stop me. You is hella wrong."

Caddy nodded in agreement.

Hunter slowly lifted his head. And grinned in exhausted disbelief, "Hmh.."

Then he remembered his eyes, "What color were my eyes 5 minutes ago?" he asked diving straight in.

The two looked at each other then at Hunter, "Green?"

Hunter reared back in complete shock. He had been so sure that they had seen his eyes. He was sure that everyone had seen them.

"I-" he began but Caddy and Orion spoke over him.

"That Claire girl is okay by the way.. And Uhm I don't wanna get all personal or anythin.. But do you have some kinda trauma or if not just one.. Then heaps?" Orion asked bluntly.

Hunter cocked a brow when Caddy slapped Orion on the arm. Hard.

"Trauma? I.. I don't think so? No, I wouldn't say I have trauma." Hunter grinned nonchalantly, trauma was a big word.

Him being afraid of a few things didn't mean he had trauma.. Right?

You're just delusional. And you know it.


Fuck off.

Orion reared back in confusion but before he could speak, a very pissed off looking Caddy whacked him in the back of the head.

"Ow! What the hell was that for??"

"That was really freaking rude and not to add.. Insanely personal question, you moron!" Caddy snarled at a wounded looking Orion.

At that the boy's eyes widened and Hunter rested his head on his arm, watching in amusement as Orion then turned to look at him.

"Oh shit- I am truly sorry man! Now that I think about it.. You're pretty damn right.. That was real personal tch.. Sorry man.. I feel like.. Sorry bro.. I- tch sorry man.."

Hunter smiled kindly, "It's all good man. Relax."

Before anyone could speak the loud slam of doors cut them off. Heads turned and whispers began but Hunter closed his eyes and focused on footsteps.

They sounded vaguely familiar.

His eyes snapped open and he swiveled around.

It couldn't be. No.. It can't be her, there's no way.. She's not even- I can't- No it can't be her.. There's just no fucking way.

Upon catching sight of the person that had made their grand entrance, his heart stopped racing.. It wasn't her.

He was glad and not even mildly surprised..

Maybe a little.. But not really. She did have a very basic footfall pattern.. So I'm not surprised that I thought that.

Shrugging he looked back at the two in front of him. Their eyes met and he laughed, for a moment they looked at him.. But soon they joined in.

After that, conversation commenced pretty casually and they chatted about life while they ate.

Hunter made sure he was quiet about his personal life. There was honestly no need to get unwanted pity..

Pity he already had enough of simply by knowing Steve and Lykke.

"Oh yeah, so Hunter.. You said you live on your own right? How longs it been?" Orion asked through his mouth full.

Hunter scowled in disgust but sighed and replied, "Well, it actually hasn't been that long.. I only recently moved in."

Caddy raised an eyebrow, "Is it an apartment?"

"No actually.. It- its not.." he mumbled sheepishly.

"Oh it's not? Then what? Is it a.. Granny flat?"


"Uhm.. Is it a.. Oh! Is it a dorm!"

Hunter squinted and cocked his head at her like she was an idiot, "No! Where am I gonna get a dorm?"

"Ah yeah good point."

"Hm.. I thought as much.." Orion quipped from the side, laughing at Caddy's suggestions. He then shrugged with a smile and took a drink from his bottle.

Scowling in the boys direction Caddy then turned to face Hunter, an exasperated expression on her face.

"Then where do you live? The street? What do you live in if not any of those things?" she spluttered.

Hunter grimaced, but after a quick thought he realized that there wasn't any harm in lying.. He wasn't planning on becoming their best friend. And neither was he planning on inviting them over.

So with a soft sigh he spoke, "I live in a house."

Both of them looked at Hunter like he was mentally challenged. He tilted his head to the side in confusion towards their look.

"Well yeah! No spit!" Caddy laughed. "But like is it a shared home? Do you share the rooms? You probably have to share a bathroom right?"

"No. No and.. No?" He said.

This time it was Orion's turn to look bewildered, "Wait so you sayin that you live in a house alone? Like an actual house??"

Hunter nodded with a barely contained groan.

"Can we come over afterschool?" Caddy inquired excitedly. "We have a biology assignment due in a couple of weeks and us three were put in a group..!"

Hunter was about to object but she yammered on, "I wasn't exactly sure about the groups and miss probably forgot to tell you! So what time?"

Hunter just blinked at her.

"Yeah, so what time we gonna leave?" Orion said clasping his hands on the table and leaning in as if he was about to be given coordinates to gold.

Hunter blinked at him.

Then he blinked at both of them, taking in their earnest expressions and hopeful eyes..

"No." he said casually as he began picking at his now unappealing tray of school lunch. But he was still hungry.

"Yes! Please Hunter! Please please please please please please let us come over!! Please please please-"

"FUCK OKAY!" He snapped glaring at an annoyingly baby faced pouting Caddy.

Caddy and Orion both turned to each other and fist pumped. Picking up a carrot stick Hunter glared at the two before taking out his phone.

He grinned softly as a notification popped up saying that the sales of his store went up by thirty-seven percent over the last seven hours.

As the chaos of the cafeteria and his new acquaintances' chat blurred into simple white noise he looked at the questions he had gotten..

Since he wasn't adding it to his story, he answered them in their dms instead. But as he scrolled through he only found one question he wanted to answer.

"Who are you chatting with that's making you smirk like that?" Caddy asked suggestively.

Hunter frowned, "No one."

"Come onnnn.." Orion said wiggling his brows.

"Its literally no one." He said rolling his eyes. But at their consistent and stupidly expectant gaze he pinched the bridge of his nose. "Its a girl from insta okay?"

"You have insta?!" Both of them cried at the same time.


"What's your flipping thingo!" Caddy cried as she pulled out her own phone.

"Yeah! Tell me too bro!" Orion said, pulling out his own phone as well.

Hunter laughed nervously, "Guys this is my back up though okay?" They  frowned at him. "What? It's the one I talk to people with!"

"Okay but what's your actual one? We'll follow both?" Caddy said smiling in confusion.

"I-... Okay.. But you both need to promise to stay fucking quiet. Cool?" They nodded their heads and smiled eagerly.

"Okay so my back up is -6FuccMe-6-OrDon't6- no spaces but each word starts with a cap.. Oh and Fuck is spelt with two c's" he waited for them to finish.

He grimaced at the recognition that flashed in Caddy's eye.

"Uhm.. And my main account is -6FuckMe-6-OrNot6- and ahm.. You should see the-" Before he could finish Caddy cut him off with a squeal.

"BLUE TICK" She screeched quietly, which was accentuated by Orion's stupidly theatrical fainting.

"Guys come on.. Relax please.." He tried but it was as good as talking to the wall.

"How can we relax when we're sitting next to a insta celebrity!?" Caddy squealed as she squirmed in excitement.

Hunter opened his mouth to speak but realized it wouldn't make a difference, so he just sighed heavily and laughed.

"Okay.. But please for my sanity.. Can you please relax?" Hunter pleaded.

They both nodded but the excitement didn't leave their faces.

After a while they melted into an easy banter, arguing about who Hunter should and shouldn't follow and why he was even talking to people.


The bell rang.


"Ah! Damnit! I have sociology- Guys I gotta run-! C'ya at Lunch!" Caddy cried as she bolted, a bunch of other kids also raced out of the cafeteria after her.

As Hunter discerned the footsteps it totaled to at least eighteen different kids running in the same direction. Meaning they were all in the same class.

Interesting.. So the teacher must be real fucking strict.

..Eh, well it's a good thing I didn't get into that sociology or whatever subject..


"Oi, Orion do you know where my psychology class is??" He asked looking at his timetable..

It truly astounded him, the fact that they had not a single class written on the timetable. How did anyone know where they were supposed to be?

Yeah now that I think about it.. It was only thanks to that office lady writing it down on my timetable.. That I knew where my first class was..


And I have no clue how I got to English that day..

"Uhm, well I don't actually take Psychology.. But I know a couple of people you could ask, that I'm pretty sure do.?" He said, shrugging.

Hunter grinned and nodded in thanks.

Orion scanned the slowly dispersing crowd for the people he needed. Soon enough he pointed to a group of scraggly teenagers.


"Uh.. Look. Not to burst your uh, ever present bubble of.. Well of optimism but.. I'm pretty sure those guys are freshmen.." Hunter said.

Orion winced with a laugh, "Nah I'm tellin you man. They the ones you need." at Hunter's growing incredulity, he sighed and called out, "Willy, aye Willy!"

One of the more gangly looking boys out of the group turned to look for the person calling him until his eye landed on Orion.

"Hey, Orion. What's up?" Willy said as he made his way to them. He had apparently yet to notice Hunter's presence.

But he didn't blame him, Hunter had put his head back down on his arm watching the boy approach from a comfortable position through the hair over his eyes.

"Um! Hey! You called me? Did you need something?" The boy asked with a strong undertone of nervousness. He wasn't big on talking.

"Well. My buddy Hunter here-" Orion grabbed Hunter's shoulder and pulled him up ignoring the glare, "Would like you and your friends, to guide him to his psych class!"

Hunter shrugged off Orion's hand and smirked at Willy, "Hunter." he said, extending his hand to the stunned boy.

"W-William Dork- Ah I mean Dick- Oh my god I mean-! Sorry i-its William Dirk! William Dirk.." The boy stumbled all over his words as he shook Hunter's hand.

Unsurprisingly his face was bright red.

Orion watched their exchange through his fingers. Then he got a carrot stick off Hunters tray and walked away saluting from behind.

Hunter grinned at Orion's retreating figure, then snorted at the boys obvious embarrassment, "Dude calm the fuck down. I'm not going to snap your bones. Relax"

The boy laughed nervously, "Right sorry.. Um, So are you in Psychology too?"

He simply nodded. And then gathering his stuff got up, taking his tray and making his way to the tray stand. Willy trailing behind.

"So introduce me to your friends? Or shall I do it myself?" He asked William.

"Oh r-right sorry!" - to his friends - "Guys! Come over here! S-Sorry Hunter, they'll be here in a sec" He replied shakily.

"Don't sweat it."

After a few moments the other scrawny looking kids got to the pair. For a moment they just stared at Hunter in fear, but his sigh broke their trance.

"Sorry guys, um this is Hunter" William said facing his friends, then to Hunter, "And going clockwise, this is Larry, Oliver, Peggy, Hank and Ada.."

Hunter nodded at them all kindly in response to all of their hi hellos.

Then he dropped it and sighed, "Okay can we fucking go now?"

They all scrambled forward in shameless fear talking in hushed whispers, not trying to hide that they were talking about him.

Shaking his head scornfully he ignored their babbling.

Willy must have noticed him lagging behind because he fell into step with Hunter, "Hey.. Uhm s-sorry about my friends. They can be a little.. Much"

Hunter nodded lightly, "Yeah I get it. I don't blame you guys, Orion just shoved this onto you all anyways, So don't worry about it."

William made a scratchy noise in his throat but made no move to say anything. They walked in silence till they reached the door.

"Thanks." Hunter said breaking the silence.

Willy mumbled something that sounded vaguely like 'don't worry about it' then scurried into his seat accompanied by his friends.

He tilted his head in confusion then shook it.

Who cares.. It's not like we're best mates or whatever who gives a shit what they think. They probably just don't want anything to do with me and trouble..

"Excuse me.. How can I help you dear?" A wary voice jolted Hunter out of his thoughts.

"AH, I'm Hunter Sen, and this is my psychology class.. I'm new if that helps." He replied offhandedly but not disrespectfully.

He scanned the room and made eye contact with a couple of girls. No suspects in this class. He winked at a cute nerd in the front but turned his attention back to the teacher.

She was watching him closely with a slight frown. He raised his brow, "So can I just sit anywhere? Or like do I need a pass for that"

The teacher's slight frown turned to a full faced scowl but she nodded.

"Thanks" He said sarcastically as he made his way to the back of the room. There weren't any unoccupied seats.

He groaned mentally. He didn't want to sit anywhere but at the back.

So he zeroed in on a bored looking boy in the third last seat and made his way to him, "Hey. Can you move? I want to sit there."

The boy reared back in surprise, and he seemed about to reply but at Hunter's easy smile and expectant gaze he shut his mouth.

Hunter watched as he grabbed his stuff and left the seat. 

Then with a satisfied smirk sat down.

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