Chapter 19 - Anonymous perspective

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Standing over him, they watched as he placed the human boy and girl under a trance, despite the fact that he was completely unaware of what he was doing.

Dancing slowly around him they watched him cast the chant. Flowing closer towards his face they looked inside.

That disgusting creature was still inside the boy although it was pushed into the corner of his mind for the time being.

How, they did not understand. But relief washed over them nonetheless.

"He is learning.." they crooned to each other gladly, but within their joy was a feeling of trepidation..

They sensed the rage and evil pulsing through his soul.. They knew that if they didn't do something, soon, it was only a matter of time before he fell into chaos.

Drifting back quickly when the boy snapped out of it, they cocked their heads skeptically. When nothing happened they flowed back.

As they twirled around they caught his power and basked in it.

"Soon.. We shall meet soon" they hummed into his heart but reared back with a choked warble when their words hit a barrier.


Before they could do anything another human boy approached him and so they glided back to a safer distance.

The language of humans was far too complicated and intricately woven into speech that the meaning was un-registrable to those who spoke gently and in simple words..

After a while they watched as the other human boy scrambled away from him in what they figured would have to be fear.

Then they flowed back into their place But came to a sudden halt at the sense of pain and sadness that wafted through his blood.

"He is hurting.." They trilled in despair.. "We must help.." but they knew that their wish would prove to be fruitless..

After a moment of scattered fluttering they settled back into place. They watched as he exchanged conversation with the two humans he was perched with.

After a while the human boy in front of him said something apparently displeasing by the way the human girl attacked him on the arm.

Although he seemed unaffected by the entire ordeal, apparently being attacked is normal to the humans..

After a moment the human girl attacked the human boy in the back of the head. And by human boys reaction, it must have been hard.

Humming in confusion they ignored the humans, focusing instead on him. He didn't seem bothered by what had happened at all.

Then the human boy appeared to be startled as he faced him with remorse. The human boy said something and the conversation commenced.

Chortling in joy when a soft aura of ease emanated from him, they turned to human boy.. Whispering happy words around his head.

Scattering in surprise when he let out a strong wave of unease.

They flowed around him shrouded in despair, he was hopeful for something they couldn't see.. Something that he wanted but feared.

After a beat they fluttered to a place near him, basking in the gentle sense of understanding and ease that wafted around him.

When he made eye contact with the two humans in front of him the scent of laughter that blossomed out of his blood sent them into a frenzy.

After a moment they heard the tell tale sound of his laughter and they warbled and sang in pleasure.

Floating around contentedly as he bantered with the humans they sank into a happy slumber.. Yet before they knew it a sound pierced them.

The clang like ringing noise sounded dreadfully similar to their death toll.

Wailing softly and fluttering haphazardly in an attempt at trying to descry the cause of the distressing sound. 

But before they could look around they checked him.

He was unaffected. Of course he was. So regretfully oblivious to his reality was he to believe that he was one of them.

That he was human.

They warbled and wailed in both regret and fear.

But the toll like noise was breaking their form.. They could stay no longer, as, if they wished to return, they'd have to regenerate the parts that had disintegrated.

"Farewell %^&*$ pray tell that we shall meet again.." and with that they dissolved into the air and the world was once again bereaved of their existence.

Leaving only the sound of their soft wails in their wake, they will wait for him endlessly. Breaking and reforming until..

And so they wait. Changelessly for the day.. Effortlessly for the hour. Patiently for the minute. Timelessly for the second. Hopefully for the moment.

It is like this that they wait for his awakening. Always waiting.

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