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15th November, 1990

"Hey Perce," Oliver greeted Percy as Percy reached their dorm the next morning, all freshly showered. "Where were you? Didn't see you everywhere, even after Erik and Luis came back from their games."

"I don't need to answer to you, you're not my mother," Percy barked, rubbing his face whilst yawning.

"Someone's cranky this morning."

"I wrote my essay." Percy rolled his eyes.

"The potions essay?!" Oliver shrieked, his eyes probably wider than saucers.

"Yeah, am halfway through." Percy nods.

"Ah, shit." Oliver groaned. "Due tomorrow, right?"

"Yep," Percy popped the 'p'.

"It's due tomorrow so you can NOT stay up late, you know?"

"I know-" Percy nods. "But I just want to. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I haven't finished it. Of course I haven't, I like the head start."

"Why am I roommates with a super diligent nerd?"

"Why am I roommates with a super built-up jock?" Percy shot back.

"Whatever. Let's have breakfast."

When would Percy NOT comply when breakfast's at stake? He may be studious, but he's still got the Weasley appetite.

"Meet me at the lake after lessons?" Percy nearly jumped as Maureena whispered in his ear, her right arm wrapped around his shoulders.

"Of course, sweetheart." Percy smiled as Maureena waved her hand and leave, holding Audrey's, another Hufflepuff's hand.

"Ooh, you got a date with Templeton?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah, she's my girlfriend now." Percy smiled wistfully.

"Damn, when did this happen?" Oliver asked.

"Last night," Percy answered. "She asked me to help her with the essay, and we ended up spooning."

"Weasley!" Oliver gasped. "Spooning? What has the world come into? I never thought of you as anything but a nerd." Percy lets out a small grin.

"Cover your willy, eh?" Percy slapped Oliver's chest lightly.

"We're not animals!" Percy gasped as Oliver laughs freely.

"Sex is a human activity."

"Well, then I'm not human."

"Your priorities will change."

"As will yours." Percy and Oliver sat down and began to fill their plates.

"Can I copy your essay?" Oliver asked, and only meeting with a sigh.

"I only did two pages now, I'll continue later."

"I haven't even started! Two feet is a lot compared to null!" Oliver begged.

"I suppose so." Percy shrugged. "But we're having breakfast."

"After breakfast?" Percy rolled his eyes.

"Do you not have a brain?"

"I do!"

"Then use it for this essay and write your own." Percy blew a raspberry. Oliver playfully nudged him.


"You know I am." Percy feeds himself some porridge before he drinks the pumpkin juice next to him. Percy realised how fragrant his pumpkin juice is, but he doesn't care. After all, it's not too fragrant that alarms Percy, maybe it's just the heat.

"Well, I'm going to my first class now," Percy declared.

"Well duh we have the same first class, nerd." Oliver glared.

"I'm not a nerd!"

"He says, as he wrote two-page length essay due still tomorrow." Oliver rolled his eyes.

"It's supposed to be three!"

"Two is longer than null!"

"You're being ridiculous." Percy rolled his eyes as he draped his bag full of books to his shoulders. Oliver soon joins.

"Yeah no, you are," Oliver retorted as they both sat on the seats of their next class, which is Charms.

"I just don't get how learning how to charm a piece of wood to fly is crucial for flying on a broomstick and keep the posts from any Quaffles."

"Shut it, Wood." Percy glared as he tried to focus more on the lesson taught by the quarter elf professor.

"What's 'it'? Define 'it'."

"Your mouth! You'll get us in trouble!"

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