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15th November, 1990

"I knew you wouldn't be late."

"For you, why would I?"

Percy sat with Maureena on the grass of the Great Lake at exactly 7 o'clock, when lessons would end.

"I brought us a drink." Maureena took two cups from her bag and filled them both with water from her flask.

"Really?" Percy blushed. "You don't have to, you know."

"But I love you and I know you'd be thirsty, no girlfriend wants that for their boyfriends."

"Thank you." Percy takes a swig on the clear water. The smell it radiates somehow reminds him of freshly mown grass.

"You know, if you want, we can do something... naughty... in an abandoned classroom."

"Reena!" Percy cried out in horror. Maureena smirked and lifted her right eyebrow. "Offering to do something dirty?"

"Why shouldn't we? You do love me, don't you?" Maureena dawned on her drink. "Finish your drink, I don't want you dehydrated."

"Of course, honey," Percy smirked as he finished his drink. "But I'm not really comfortable with us doing anything more."

"Well, the abandoned classroom would truly be abandoned at 10 o'clock later, and it's fine. I'll take it slow, won't do much."

"We have curfew at 9," Percy reminded her. "It's 7.30. We can finish the essay now, it's only one page left. Then we can sneak there."

"Smart move," Maureena rubbed her legs with his. "But it killed the mood."

"The mood will come back there," Percy waved off. "We won't do much, ok? Just kissing."

"I don't bring the essay with me or anything-"

"I brought mine with me, along with a quill, ink, potions notes, and spare parchment," Percy declared as he got them out from his sling bag. "I can write mine first, then with the spare parchment, you can use my quill and write yours."

"The ever studious Percy Weasley," Maureena giggled. Percy lets out a smile before he starts writing his essay.

"Tempus," Maureena cast, ten minutes have passed already. She checked out how far along Percy was doing. Half a page already, that was fast.

"Can I just copy yours?"

"Aren't you a Hufflepuff?"

"Hufflepuffs are hard-working, they're not the same as intelligent," Maureena reminded him. "Besides, you're already half a page now!"

"Three quarters a page," Percy corrected.

"Exactly! You work so fast!"

"You have the source material," Percy reminded, pointing at the potions notes. "That source material is the source material I also use."

"I know," Maureena whined. "But you're such a genius and you did it perfectly."

"I can check it for you-"

"That'll be time-consuming."

Percy cocked her head. True, Maureena IS hard-working, but she's not a fast writer.

"Alright then, Reena-" Percy shrugged. "You can copy mine."

"Thank you so much, darling!" Maureena attacked him with a bear-hug, one similar to his mother's. Percy hates it when it's from his mother, but not from Reena.

"You're welcome, sweetheart." Percy kissed her cheeks before furrowing his brows and worked on his essay again.

"There, I finished it."

"Let me see!" Maureena took it and quickly wrote the one-page continuation of the essay. Percy waits for Maureena to be finished.

"Ok! I'm done!" Maureena declared. Percy sighed gladly and put the things back in his bag, Maureena puts the parchment in her pocket.

"Right, it is 9!" Maureena checked the time. "We better hide, your brother Charlie is prefect, after all."

"I forgot about that." Percy laughed as both he and Maureena went away, careful to avoid prefects/head persons.

"Next year, I'll be a prefect." Maureena kissed his lips.

"Don't forget me." Maureena twirled his curly red hair.


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